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. ..�;S.�i'S, bYraarN,-.: �. .._. .. _. _ . . .... <br />. _. _—. ...._-_._..__._ . _.. .. _ /y(j <br /> "__" ��o'r�Va��� <br /> • p�ynkms may no longer bo rcquln:d,m tho npilon o(I.endcr,tt nwngagc insumnco mvemgo(in�ho amoum and for thc perlod <br /> that Ir.nder requlru)provldcd by an insnrcr npprovod Uy I.cnder aysin becomu nvnilr�blo nnct is dxained. �oRnwcr stull pay <br /> _ . �lu premtums rcquirc4to mnimnin mongngo insumnco In cffon,or to prnviAO n Inss rucrva,uniil tho r�uirenknt for nwngagc <br /> insuranco ends 6i accoidanob ivl�h nny�vrittcn agrament UGt��a:n(tnrro�rer and t.cndcr at appNca6lc in�e. <br /> 9:tnspetlToq•Le+ider or! may mnko reasonaUlo eNdes u(bn nnd Ins�cllnns o!ihe Pmpc�ly. Lender shati give <br /> Aortowor noilw nt thotime of or pdor m nn Insp;ctlon snecifying rcnsannblo cmise Por tho inspcctlon. <br /> 10.CondemtMlton. The proweds of nny nwud or clxlm for dmnagcs, dircc�or mnsequcminl, in wnnallon wLh any <br /> wndemna�lon or aher taktng of any pnrt of�6o Propeny,or for conveyanw in Ilcu of condenma�lon, arc hemby ussignod and _ <br />� shnll Uo paid to l,ender. __� <br /> In tho cvrnt of a ldal laking of tho Propetly,thc prncceds shall W appllcd�o Iho sums sccurcd Uy�liis Sccuri�y lnsuunxn6 <br /> «•hether or nat Wen dec, with any exccss pald to Oorco�ver. tn Q�c evcnt o(n panial mktng of�ho Propeny in which�ho fatr _ <br /> _ market valuo of tLo Prupctty immcdlatcly bcforo�6c tnktng fs cqual ro or graitcr Wan tiia nmount of thc sums ucurcd by t61s �;_�� <br /> Secudty Ins�mmrnt immWlmcly beforo�ho�aking,unless Ilorrower and Isnder oiRcrv+Ise agrw in wrhing,the sums secured 6y . <br /> this &curfty Insinmknt shall bo reAuced by �ho enwun� of�lie proceeds muhiplied by ihe following Gaction: (a) Uie totai =- <br /> an�ount ot the vuiu secured Inimedl«efy EeForo lhe ta.4ina,divided by(b) the fair market ratue of U:c P[openy inuraodiaxe�y __ <br /> 6efora the takiny. My Wla�xs shatl be pz!d to F6orrower. In the evcr.t of a part[zl taking of U:e Pcoperty irt which tt:e fair <br /> nurkel vatuo of the Propcety imn:ediately betoce the u4i�g is[ess than the amaunt of tl�e sunts smurxf imrce;diately bcfore ti:e <br /> t�Ying.uniess IIorrox�tr and Le�rSer othen}ise ag�se in weiting or unless appiicahte!aw mhe�vise provides,ihe praecds shall ti:�'. <br /> b:appllod ro the sunu by Ihis Se�vr.ily lnsirv.cue�x ufiGher or ao�the sunn:+:r��tn Aue. <br />