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<br /> 5. Hirr�rd �r 1'rolx=rty� Insuruncc. Uurrawcr sliull kccp tlic impruvcmcntti �xo��• cxititin�a ur I�crcattcr crrrtcJ ��n tlic =
<br /> ,.;.. . Nropcny in,wrJ :�gaiti}t losti hy iirc. huiiird, inrludcd .vidii+i thc tcrm °cxtcndcd covcra�c" and :uiy othcr h.inud�. mrluding
<br /> � flunds��r tluodin�, fnr whirh lxndcr rcc{uires in�urancc. This insuranc�shall hc muintai�t��J in thc umuunt�und fur thc p�riads
<br /> • ' Qtat l.endcr rcquires. 1'hc iu,u�anr� .a���ici� pru�idingthc:iitisurancr�Irdl hr rhakn hy Burr��wcr ,uhjcrt tu Lc»dus'',,ip�r��val @-�,�-,,.?
<br /> ;;,,,,;., �.; w6ich +hull not be unre�sonably withhrld. If Burruwer failz to maintuin cover,�Fe descnbcJ ahove. Lendcr mi�y, :+t l.e�t<I��r'ti =
<br /> � c�ptiun.obtain covcr,igc io protert Londcr's rigli�ti i�i thc Property in,�rrurdamcc with para�;r�ph 7. _
<br /> All insurunce policies and rencwals +hull bc aarpta6lc tn l.endcr anJ shull inrludc a staindurd mortUagc cli►uc�c. Lcndc�r
<br /> • '� ��� �hall have the rig�t to hntc�tfu{xilirie�i►nd rene�vals.If L.ender rcquir�s.Uurrower shull promntly give t��[.endce ull receipt}�of' _�-
<br /> � paid prcmiums and renewul nuticcs. In thc evcnt��f lass, Borra�wer shull give pram�t notic�to thc insurunce rarner aiiJ Lcndc�r. �;
<br /> ' -�'" l.endcr may make prn�(of lu„if not nf:tdc prumptly by Borrower. �`�'
<br /> A��� �_
<br /> , , Unless L�endcr and Borrowcr othenvisc agree in writing, insurancc proceeds shall be applied iu�c�toration or r:pair fl t iu —
<br /> Propr,rty damaged,if tBc restoration or repair is cconomitnlly fcasiblc and Lender's security is not lessened. If the restoration or _
<br /> ; repair is not economically fe.�.sible or L.ender's security would be Iessened, the insueance prckceds shnll be uppliai to ihc�sums -•
<br /> :-:��� secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess puid to 6orrower. If Bona��er abnndans clt� �,:
<br />:��;.�2. ,;: Properiy, or does not answer within 30 days n rwtice from Ixnder that the insurance carrier has offered to setde a claim.tl�on -
<br />:-�.�?;•; -� Lender may collect the ia�surance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or tc�pay sums
<br />-�••`~`�' L` secured by ti�is Sc:curiry[rastrument, whether or nat then due. The 30�day periud wiU begin when the notice is given. �-_
<br />-.�1.��''•:;�+ Unless Lender nnd I3orrower cthenvise agnee in writing, any agplication of procads to principal shall not extend or Y
<br /> ,, ,,�,:, _
<br /> �-. _ •,. postQone the due datc of ¢he monthly puyments referceci to in paragcaphs 1 and � or change the amount of the paymcnte. I� --
<br />=r�',�'°:-g under paragraph ZI the Property is acquired by Lender. Borcower's right to any imsi�rance policies and proceeds resulting from _
<br /> ��-:;�
<br /> ,....,, damage ta e�e Property prior to the acquisitiun shall pass to L.ender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security nativment _
<br /> :� d_'M:.
<br /> ��,,��; immediately pri�r to the acquisition. _
<br /> w='�- 6.O�cupancy,Preservation,Maintenunce aied Protectton of the Property;�iorroxer's Il��n Appl[c�tion; Leae�ha�du.
<br />�;�`"�`;� �arro�ver shall occupy,esqablish,and use the Propem•:as Borrower's principat residence withi��aer.ty days after the execution of
<br />.-1a,:� ehis Securiry Instrument and shall cont�nue to occupy e�x Property us Borrowcr's p�rihr.ipal residence for at It;ast one year after -
<br /> ='~��� the date of occupar.cy,unless Lender otherwise agmes in writing. which consent shall not F.e unreasonably withhefd,or unless
<br /> r,
<br /> exte�uating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Bonower shall n�t des�troy,�df�mlt�'f anv for&ritu�r�z
<br /> .�;�j� Property, allow the Property ta detenorate, or commia w;wic un ttic F�a�:ri;'. P.c�rr'::'e:�..�!! .._ .r± __... .
<br /> °"'��'�'�"1iO� actiun or proceeding.��•Fae.4h.r civil or criminal, is begn�n that in Lender's good��:�+ail judgment could result in for�'eitu�+e of the `
<br />°��'����A.� Propeny or otherwise n�.ZYeri�sfy impair the lien createc5 by this Security Instrwr►�ene or I.ender's security interest.Borrower may
<br /> -��H��� cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action or procceding to be dismissed widi a rulins
<br /> "`^";"`'�,�,� that, in Lender's good faith determination, precludes fodeiture of the Borrower's interesi in the Property or othcr material
<br /> --„[,.�31'�:]�,
<br /> ---= impairment of uhe lien crc��tcd by this Security Insuu�nent or Lender's security interest.�rr.o�o�.�r shall alsa be in dafault if
<br /> — BoYrower,during the loan application process,gave r�-iaerially false or inaccurate infotmation or statements to Lendcr(or f�ted
<br />--_ to provide Lender with any material information) in ca�zun.ction with the loan evidanced by the Note,including,but not limited
<br /> -=_= to, represenefl�ions conoerning Borcower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence.If this Security Instrument is on u
<br />----- --- leasehold, Borrower shull wmply with nll the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquices fce tidc to tho I'roperty. cil�
<br /> leasehold and the fee title shall not cnerge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> 7.ProteMion of Lendcr's Rights in the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the mvcnants and agrcement�oontained in
<br /> — "� this 5ecurity Instrument. or there is a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in tho Property(stxch es a
<br /> — procceding in bankruptcy,probate.for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or re�ulations), then Lender mny do and
<br /> ;.,,�, pay for whatever is nccessary to protect the value of the I'ropcny and Lender's rights in the Property. Lendor's actions may
<br /> — _ include paying any sums secured by n lien which has priority cr.�er this Security Instrumant, appearin� in court. p�ying
<br /> reaconuble attorneys'fees ar+d entering on the Propeny to make Tepnirs.Although Lender may tnke action undor thls paragr.�ph
<br /> � 7,Lender dces not have to do so.
<br /> ---- , Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this �;uagraph 7 shall become additional debt of Bonro�v�r secured by this
<br /> Security 3nstavrnent. Unless Borrower nnd lxnder agrec to other terms of paymrnt,these amounts shnll hear interest from !hc
<br /> -------�°---- date of disbursement at the Note ratc and shall be payable, with interest, upon notice fram Lendor to Bortower ree�ues�ing
<br /> —�- payment.
<br /> - --:= 8.Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condieion of making the loan securecl by this Security
<br /> �� instrument. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mongage insumnce in effect. If, for urry renson, the
<br /> - -- mort�age insurence coverage required by [.ender laps�s or ceases to be in effect, F3orrou•er shall pay the pmmiums required to
<br />--�-��T3=w�. obtain coverage substantially eyuivalent to the mortgage insurnnee previously in effect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the
<br /> - °°-�_sc�,,is�
<br /> =-:,r.:;��.�.;ti cost to Borrower of the mortgnge insurance previously in effect. fmm an altemate mortgage insurcr approved by Lender. If
<br />--��'.•-,�;.� substantially equivalent monguge insurance coverage is noi available. Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a wm a�ual ro
<br /> ���"'''�'•'� one-twelfth of the ywrly mortguge insurance premium beinII paid by Borrower whan the iresurance coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> ,%•r:; .
<br /> �`�`�'-�: ` be in eft:ci.L�.nder wil0 uccept,u�e and retain tPocse payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reservc
<br /> " "'''� Form3m^a8 9190
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