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<br /> U�xn� recelpl uf�ayment ot the price bid. Trustee shull dellver to the purchnscr 'Trustc�'s dc�d co��veyink the _ --
<br /> 1'rn{xrty. 'fhe recltals lii the 7'n�stee'H d��cd shall be prlmu facle cvldence oP thc truth of the stutement� made lhercln. c_
<br /> TruStec hhull�ppiy the prae��tiv oP the e;ale In the Po11o�v1uR order: (ul tn all costs and expenses of exercisi��g the pmser�
<br /> sule.�n�l the snle.bwclnding the payment of tl�c'1'rust��e'y fe�w uctually Incurred,nnt to excced
<br /> ot thc princl�rui umount uP t��c i�uqe ut i��c tliitic of thc dldnrnN�tn oP defa�ult,nnd reasonable uttorncyy'Cees ns{►cr+nitted c
<br /> ny iuw:lb)to WII sums tic�cured�by thiy Security I��strument;and(c)any exc�s to the persan i�r persons Ie�Alty entitlsd to
<br /> It. —
<br /> 22, Rcconvcya�xe. Upan payment of all tums scrured by this Sccuriry Instrument, L.ender shall request rustce to
<br /> reconvey the Pa�perty nnd shall surrcr.der this Sccurity Instrument and all notes evidencinII debt secured by this Securfty
<br /> Instrument t��Trustce.Trtasiee shall rccomey the Property without wurranty .md without charge to the person or persons le��lly
<br /> cntiUcd to it.�uci�person or persons shull pay any recordanon costs.
<br /> 23. Sut�stitute Tiustee. l.ender, ut its option, may from timc to time remove Trustec und nppoint a successor rrustee to ___
<br /> any Truscee appninted hereunder by an instruenent recurded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded.V+tiehout
<br /> conveyunce of the Property,the successur trustee shall succeed to nll the title, power and duties conferred upan Trustee herein
<br /> iind by applicablc law.
<br /> 24. Reqnest f�r Nodces.Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default a��d sale be sent to Borrotiver's a mss
<br /> which is tl�o Property Adciress.
<br /> Z5.Rtders to thlv Security Instrument.If one or morc riders are executed by Borrower und recorded togethcr with th s
<br /> Security Insln�ment, the covenants and agrecments uf each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and supplement
<br /> the covenunis and agreements of this Security Instrume�st as if the rider(s)were u part of this Security F.citn!ment.
<br /> [Check applieuble box(es)]
<br /> 0 Adjustable Rate Rider
<br /> ❑Conduminiurn Rider 0 1-4 Family Rider
<br /> ❑ Planned Unit Devc:lopment Rider �8iweekly PaYment Rider
<br /> �Graduated Fayment Rider Q Second Hame Rider
<br /> [�Balloon Rider ❑Rate Improvemcnt Rider
<br /> ❑V.A.Rider ❑Other(s)[specify]
<br /> dY�iuiviNG BEi.vw,oviiiiwcP a:.C�is ar.�a^,r'=s t^'•!!c�e'T'�c and covenants contained in this Security Instrument and
<br /> - in any rider(s)executed by Bormwer and recorded with it.
<br /> _ Witnesses: �� ����
<br /> ROB T L SCHRODE�E -[sorrower
<br /> Q ������Seal)
<br /> � SHIRLEY SCH OABR -��w�r
<br /> (Seal) (Scal)
<br /> -Borcowcr
<br /> .Bottnwer
<br /> STATE OF 1'+IEBiEBASI{A, HALL County ss:
<br /> The foregoing instNment was acknowledged befQne me this 10'�Di dny of APRI L 199� ;
<br /> by��9ltt 6 SCI�OOEI��D 66ItLEY A SCHtODBR� IOSBA6D AAD�12{ EBAASRA in said County, the�lata aforesaid.
<br /> Witness my hand and not.�riul seal at GRANID '�SLAND, ,
<br /> My Conunission Expires; �gg�NOIARY 5tste ol Nebr�sk�
<br /> Notary Public
<br /> - � 1ERRI l.NIEMOYH
<br /> Mp Com�n.E�p.l�►y 15.2Q00
<br /> � Peoo e or e Form 3028 9t90
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