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r . 1 <br /> - . .� ,. � .. . .:�''• . �. .. .. � rx,[ip '`t.�:.-_ <br /> ' . ': f. :c��l ... :."� <br /> J\ Ir• � ._..��.C..�__._._:.r <br /> Y. .` <br /> .. il.(;��� . ,�,) (y({b71 , ' •) I. 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Lender may. st its optiun, requirc immrdiate a ment in fuU ut'ull sums scrurcd b this � <br /> ., Sccw ity In,trumcnt.tlot�•evrr,thiti opti�,n�t,all nui 6c cxcrci+c�i by l.c�idcr if cxcrcisc is prohihitcd by fcdcrul law as af thc dutc �, <br /> - :�r�� of thiy Sccurity InStrumcnt. _- <br /> If I,ender exereitieti this uption.L.cndcr shall �i�e Bonowernocice uf arreieratian. The nutice shull provide a{kriod of nrn <br /> - � . les>�thnn :�0 dayti from thc du[� thc nuticc �tl cy'•sun s�rior to the extp rai n of Bhisrp�������'���Iay imoke a y remeJhcs _ <br />_,,.�yy,�,;: , ,� Security Intitrumcut. It'Borrowcr fails to pay P <br /> Q;� ,. � permittcd by this Security ln+tmmcnt without fuctl�•zr nntirc ur demand on Borruwcr. —_ <br /> . i � 1$. Bnrro�r�er's Rlkht to Reinsti�te. Lf P.,��rrower meets cenain cc+nditions. Bottrnver shall huve the right ta huve <br /> . ;,, S.: enturccmcm uf this Sc,:urity [nsmnnent di�cm,�.icu�Yl at uny� timc priur to thc csrlicr ot: (a) 5 duys(or such othcr period as T_- <br /> • . upplicuble law muy specify fo� reinstutemenq befare sale of the Property pur�uunt to any power of' sale contained in this <br />- ' Security Instrumenr,or(b)cntry of a judgment en4orcing this Seeurity Instrument.Those condit'sons�re that Horrower.(a)pays <br />• �, I..cnder all sums whirh thcn would bc duc under this Sccurity Inst�m�x�nsesthncurredin�e forc nglthis Security lastr�ument) �- <br /> .ti• ¢ures any dcfhult of a�ry other covenants ur•r�rechients; (c1 pay: P <br /> ,.. . <br /> including, but not litnitcd to,reasonable attorneys� �Fccs: and (dl takcs such action us Lender may reasonab y reyu�re to assure <br /> � •� '' ' thnt the lien of N�is Security lnstrumenue unclrulkcdhtUpon rc nsPatenie td hy� Borrowerb'his Secu ty Instrument�and he <br /> ,ti, ..� �,� ,� tltih Sr.curiry Instrument shall ci ntt .. <br />•',�• , . , abli�ation5 secur��l Itu�eby shaU remain fully eEftrtive a� if no acceleration had occurred. However,this right to reinstate shall <br /> • nol sipply in thc case of arreleration under par�� 17. <br /> 19. Snle of Naf�; Chan�e of Lonn SeQO�it�r. The Note a+�a partial interest in the Note (together with this Sec:urity _ <br /> 1', Insirument)may be sold oneCO�lectsemonthlµ�ta}ntcnt�due unde�the Note and di s Securi y In�rumentn Th re al.o tmay�be ne <br /> �' � as the"Loan Servicer")that Y P <br /> � or more changes uf the Loan Sen�icer unrelatai w a sale of the N��ze.If there is u change af the l.oan Servicer, Borrower will be <br /> .� given�vriuen notice uf the change in uccordance v�ith paragraph 1�1 ubove and upplicable law. The notice will state thc name and <br /> address of thc new Loan Servicer and the addre�s to�vhich pa��ments should be made. The nntice will also coneain any other <br /> � •.�!�' informuti�n required by applicable I.iw. — <br /> � 20. Hw.ardoe�s Substanees. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal. storage, or release of uny <br /> `'',� i•laxardous Substances on or in thc Property. [�b.�n•u�ver shall not do, nor ullow unyone elsc [o do. xnvthing afTccting the <br />�'`�,�'��' Pnope�ty that is in�•ivlation of any Environmene�' Law. The prv��ding two sen[enccs shaU not apply to the presence. use. or <br />-,'+';,:' storagr c�n the Pruperty of smull qu`ni�tieo of Fi:�z:irdous Substnnces that are generally recocnized to be appropriate to normal <br />-�����'��•�1.•'j ;� CCStdi•ttltul ltSCti JIIU ta Waiuicii.iPiC�v. .��. ....r�.v• _ <br />=;•. ' ; '�J { 6��rcower shal( prompdy give Lender writce� notice of any investigation, elaim, demand,iuwauii u� uti�c�acuo:��y ar� <br /> s;�''�'' �`'�. IIuvernmentul or re�iQutory agency or privatc�arey involving the Property und�nY H�vernmcntalyornr�gul unry`authority, that <br />�::,,,:�;� �. _ <br /> ,. uf wbich gorrower has actual Icnowledge. If @orrower Ieams,or is notifi Y a�Y S <br /> J;�;., _., . <br /> Fy�,;,.;,�;t;;. ', any remov;il or othcr remediation of any Hazardo�s Substance affecting the Property is necesssry, Borrower shall promptly take <br /> :,,-,�. <br />�, all neces:�lry remedial actions in accordance with Environmenta W• <br /> n�''� 'i�:%�> �' As uscd in this paragraph 20, "[-lazurdous Substanccs° arc those substsnces Jefined us toxic or hazardous substunces by <br />�?7y�'�, e��,�r. . <br />-�.�.�t Envin�nmental L;iw and the foUowing substan��;s: gasoline. kerosenc, oth�r flammable ��r toxic petrolcum products, mxu <br />�,�a! `'���� pesticides and herbirides, volntile solvents,mat��nls containing asbestos or fornialdehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in <br />�'7«��°��'.� this paragraph 20, "Cnvironmeutal Luw" means l�deral laws and laws of thc jurisdiction whcre the Propeny is located that <br />��z.,., — relate w hcalth,safety or cnviromnentnl protectio�. <br />_�M�=� i NON-UNiFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and L.ender funher covenant and ugme as follows: <br />=_s���� Zl. Accelernt[on;Remedies. l.ender ste�nCO�ive notice tu Borrower prior to acceleration following Sorrower's breseh <br /> - of uny covenunt or agreement In this Secr�esty Instrum�ent (but not prior t�b) the a tio�n required ta ure he default <br />-""'""�'g'�'��� npplicabte luw pmvid��s uther�tiise).The��tEc.�shall specify: (a) the default; <br />"���-� (c) u dute,nut less t6an 30 duys from thc eP�Ee thc nutice Is given to Borrawer,by �tihich the default must be cured; and <br />�..��} <br />;-�„��;i�� (d) tliat failure to cum the de[uult on or 4�Cmre the dute snecified in the notice muy resu{t in ucceleratton o t e sums <br /> _,.;��F3���, secura�l Uy this Security Instrument a�zd sut4 of the l�roperty.'!'he nutice shall further inform Borrower of the rlght to <br />_=iii.�s'},-�i:-1��' <br /> refcesRaH�ufter ucceleretfun and the rigQ�t em br[ng a court r�ction to assert the non-ex�stence of a default or uny other <br />-�:��;��a��� deFes±se uf Sorro�ver to uccelerution ae�d s�[r. [f the defs�ul¢ is not cured on or befone ihe date specii'ied in the not ce, <br /> `�" ' ���'� luiuder, at iL�aptimi, may reyuire irtnmedEalc payment +n fu11 of nll sams secured by thts Security lnstrument without <br />'-��`' fhrtfier demand und may in�•oke the g�►wcr oY sale[►nd anv other remeclies permitted by appllcabla law.L.ender shull be <br />'—,-m •�A'c. <br /> ===--v�� enCicled to collect ull exEtenses Incurred in�ursuing the remedtes pruvided in tli(s puragraph 21,inciud(ng,but not limit <br />-., — to,rerasonnble attorneys'fees und wsts u8 tttle evidence. <br /> a <br /> - .,,4�,,�, If the Power of sale is invoked. '�'rustee shull recoe�d n notfce of defuult in each caunty in whtch any pnrt of t e <br />=;�';� Property[s locnted und shs�ll mutZ cu�ies of such notice in t�e manner prescrl�be1�mPA�iccustee shnll glve publ�canc►tfce <br />;�,�,+�� tltc otlter persans�raceiUed by uPp1[cuble It�w.After tlie time requfred bd app <br />�i�+��' of sale to the perseus and in the �npnner prescribed by appltcnble la�v.�'rustee, without demnnd on Borrower, shnll sell <br />-��a�:>�';�� the Froperty at publfc uuctton to the highest bidder at the Nme and place und under the terms designated in the not[ce of <br />,;;=��:'�:;:� ,. snle iu one or mom parcels und in uny order Trustee de8ertnines.Trustce may postpone sale of all nr eny parcel of the <br /> - " '`?",': Propex'ry by public annuuncement nt thc time ai�d pla��o'f uny previously scheduled sule. Lender or its des3gnee muy <br />_ ������ ��• pucchnse the Fruperty ut nny sule. <br /> r: <br /> �` <br /> . 1;;; Form 3028 9190 <br />- �� -'. . D��n 6 0�G <br />� '� - t:'� <br />_ _ ,;ii,�l. . . <br />�-: :.��, .��� <br /> , . , <br /> . .�Y,. �.� . <br /> �. � ���'Y��'•,�!'�r�eh�`s»�"...�M°�.'•.�, — — ---- - � �- --- � <br /> , � . „ * , <br /> h - � ' . � - s � .. - .. .� ,. , .. <br /> . . , 1 <br /> . �. � <br /> t ' - _ _. _ _. . � -- <br />