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<br /> �� 5. Hnzurd or Fh•operty InsarAncc. Horro��cr shall kccp thc impn�vcmcnts nu�v cxisting or Ncrc.d'tcr crectcd un thc _
<br /> Propeny inywrJ ,�gain,t lu�, by firc. hatards includG�l within thc tcnn "cxtendcd rovcrugc" und any uthcr h�uards. inrluding ��
<br /> . ' 'I Pur which Lcndcr rcyuires iny��rancc.This insuruncc tihull bc mainu�incJ in thc amounts and fur the periuJ� �'�,^.
<br /> � ''�! fla�ds or tlat�ding, —
<br /> ��� dut l.endcr reyuires. The insw•aner carrier providin�; the insurance shall be chusen by Burnnvcr •,ulij�rrt to lander's approv,il :.
<br /> ��� which shall not bc unrca�onubly withhcld. If Borruwcr fails to maintain covcragc dcscrihr.d ahu��c. [.��ndcr muy. at L.endcr's )
<br /> , , opti��n,obta�n crncragc w protcct Lcndcr'ti rights in thc Pruperty in accurdancc with parugraph 7. , .
<br /> All insurancc policics und renewuls shall be arcc2tablc to L�:nder u►zd shall include a �4;mdi�rrl mnrt�{ugc dause. l.cnder __
<br /> ' �i Shall havc the righ�tu hold thc policics and rencti��:ils. If Lendcr rcyuirr�.Bo�TOwcr shall promptly givc tu Lendcr all reccipts of -
<br /> , ' `�' paid premiums unJ renewal notices. In the event of loss,Borrmver shall give pr�impt notice tu the on�,ur.tnce wurrier anJ Lencler• � `
<br /> �±_
<br /> �� Lender may muke pmof o f loss it not ma de pro m p tl y b y Barrower. ��•`-
<br /> � Unless L.ender und Horrower atherwise abree in writing. insurance proccuis shall be:npplicd¢��mstuntiun or mpair of the -
<br /> Propeny damaged, if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and I.end�r's securiry i��nnt i�FS.•^.ned. It the restoration or ;��I
<br /> rpair is not economically teusible or Lender's security would be Iessened. the insurance proccedsi sh►�II be applied to the sums ;_
<br /> � :� sccurcd by this Sccurity Instnimcnt, �vhether or not then due, with any cxccss paid t� Bc�rr.mvcr. [f Bnr_rower abandons the �;
<br /> ,j Property, or does not answer witfiin 30 days a natice tro�n L.znder that thc insurunce carri�r h�is c�ffi:n:d tu scttle a claim,then �`_
<br /> �R Ixader may collect the insuranee proceeds. l.ender may use the pmceeds to repair or resIIUre thc Ptvptrty ur to pay sums �_,
<br /> �:.,�,
<br /> .'i secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not thcn due.Thc 30-day period will be��n when t1�c nntir.e is givcn. __
<br /> � � Unless I.ende:r xnd Burrower otherwise agrce in writing, any applicution of proceedF� in (117111:I�11I shall not extend or �,,.
<br /> � �
<br /> � Ipostpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 or chnn�7e Ou: cartcount of the payments. If i-
<br /> � under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by ixnder,Borrower's righc to any insurance pulir.ie�and proceeds resulting from
<br /> dacnage to the Property priur to the acquisition shall pass to I.ender to the extent of the sums•.:ccured by this Security Instrument
<br /> - " � immediately prior to the acquisition. _
<br /> • � ' .' i 6.Uccupancy. Preservation,Maintenzi�ns�and Protection oP the Property; Borrm�ver's Lonn Applicu4ton+Leaseholds.
<br /> Borrower shall occupy, establish,und use the Propeny us Bonower's principal msidence within si xty days after the execution of
<br /> , this Security Instniment nnd shall continue to occupy the Propeccy as BhrrowMr�f hr311c�pT��esunreas nably w�ithheld, oerunless —
<br /> "� •y Ihe date of oceupancy, unless i.ender otnerwiac ug�cc���•wn:%�is•�•��-•�---•----� _ _
<br />;�;,„,.k„�:r,,{� ' extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower sh�11 not destroy, damage or impair the �,
<br />'_�,.f;,,:,l�� Property, allo�v t�h;Property to detcriorate, or•cammit wustc on thc Property. Borrowcr shall be in default if any farfeiture
<br /> - ���;;�,�,y,_ ' action or proceed'ang,whetlier civil or criminal, is begun thut in Lender's good faith juSgment could result in forfeituce of the
<br /> --" ' Prc�perty or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest.Borro�ver muy
<br />";,,���rH .
<br /> -==>r.,a:.,� � cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in para�raph 18,by cuusing the uction or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br />-W�''�'x��"' �hat, in Lender's good faith determination, precludcs forfeiture of the Borcower's interest in the Propetty or other material
<br /> _�°:��r�i im�.+airment of the lien created by this Secu�ity Instrument or I..ender's securiry interest. Borrower shall also be in defuult if
<br /> :'= =" Borrower,during the loan application process,gave mnterially false or inaccurate informution or st�tements to Lender (or failed
<br /> ':::�;+:n
<br />_�--. r� %provide C.ender with any material information)in connection with thc Iean evidenced by the Note. including.but nat limited
<br />-��t,�j°,•
<br />��;y,�.R_,,L� to, representations concertea�o Bonower's accuponcy of the Propeny as a principul residence.If this Security Instrument is on n
<br /> -------- leasehold. Bonower shall comply with all the provisions of thc lcase. If Borrower acquirts fee title ro the Propeny. the
<br /> — "-°T`��`� leasehold and the t'Pe tide shall not merge unless L<:ndcr agrees to the mer�cr in writing.
<br /> ---'`""'"'�' 7.Protection of Lender's Ri�hts in 3ht Property. lf Borrower f�ils to perform the covenants and agreements contained in
<br /> � this Sewrity Instrument,or them is a legal proccedina thut muy significandy affect Lender's rishts in the Property (such as a
<br /> °�L:c� �� prrceeding in bankruptcy, probute, for condemnation or forfcitu�or to enforce laws or regulutions),then Leader may do and
<br /> _ � ' p3y for whatever is necessary to rrotect the value ot the P�bperty and L.ender's rights in the Pronerty. Lender's actions mny
<br /> --�-�=-�_�__«�; include paying :iny sums securcd by a lien which hAS priority over this Sccuriry Instrument, appearing in court,paying
<br />��a�-"`z=•`�� reasonable attomeys' fees and entering on zhe Property to mnke rcpairs. Although Lendei may take actiun under this par�sruph
<br /> _;�j 7. Lender dces not have to do so.
<br /> . :����r Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragrdph 7 shall bccome additianal debt of Borrower secured by this _
<br /> -�"''�'��°"-' Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender ugree to odier tenns of paymens,¢'hese amounts shull bear interesi frorn the _
<br /> ..���,,2,��.-'::��y� date of disburscment at the Nate ratc and shaU be pnyable, with imcrest, u�on notice from Lender to Borrower requesting
<br />°- �-�.. payment. -
<br />_�'x:_:.'•��'.{; 8.Mortgage Insurance.If Lender required mortguge insurance:�s a conditiun of making thc loan secured by thisSecuri2y
<br /> - _ .:�,, ..
<br /> - • ��strument, Borrower shall pay the prcmiums rcquired to muintuin the morcgugc insurance in cffect. If, for any reason,t e
<br />- mortguge insurance coverage required by Lender IapseS or ceasw w be in effect. Burrower shall pay the premi�azns required to
<br /> =, ,. . � " • obtain coverage substantially�quivalent to the mortgage insuranue pmviously in effect,at a m�t substantially cquivalent to the
<br /> ;,=.'.:.�.„ .'' �,..
<br />_ ,� ,. "•'•��,�, cost to Borrower of the mort�age insurance previously in effect, from an alternate mort�age insurer approved by I.ender. If
<br /> -_ �'�•'�� �� substantiully cquivnlent mo�YCage insurance covcragc is not avuilublc.8orrower shull pay to I.ender cach month a sum equal to
<br /> .�;':•, .: ��' one-twelRh of the yearly mor�gage insurance pmmium being paid by Borrnwer when the insuranee coverage lapsed or censed to �
<br /> �,,,i �:
<br />- .. bc in effect. Lender will acc.,pt,use und retain thetie puyment�;as �loss reserve in lieu of morcguge insurance. [r�ss reserve
<br />___ ��.�,,�;�+�; . Form 302B 9180 -
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