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<br /> � 'fQ<iF.THElt WITI'I uU tl�c improvcmcnts now on c�r�nftcr crected an thc properry. nnd ull casemcnts,appurtenanccs, .md �
<br /> fixturc� n��w on c�rcufi�,r ii pure ��f thc property. All repluccments and udditions tihnll i�lsc� hc covcred by this Sccu�iry �
<br /> ' . � lnstrunrant. All of tlic ti�rr,gninp i:,r..terrcd�o in this Sccurity In4utimcnt u� thc"Pro�xrty." �..
<br /> I�p[dIZOWGtt CUV�31+1,�.NT:i th�st Borrowcr is lawfully scised of thc estatc herchy cunveycd und has thc right to grant und
<br /> convey thc Pn�pc��ty an�l il►ut �hu Pra�crty i� uncncumbcrcd, cxccpt for cnrumhr.incc� ��f�•caird. Borra�vcr wiirrants und �vill �
<br /> ,°'"�'��� defenrJ.generully thr.titlu u�thr,fT:operty�igainst ull claims and demands,subject to any encumbrunces of rernrd.
<br /> THIS SECU121TY INSTRIJiviFNT combines wiiform covenants for nutionul use and non-uniform cisvenunts with limited
<br /> �''��, vsriutiom by juresdicticin tu cnn.�titute a uniform security instrument coverinb reul property. --.
<br /> . qutM+� �
<br /> - 5 UNIFORM COV�N�t1�ITS. Borrowcr and Lcnder covenant nnd usree as follows: —_
<br /> � 1. P.►yment of Ft�in�:i����! and interest; Prepnyment und Lute Churges. Borrowcr shall promptly pay when duc thc --
<br /> � principal o(:+nd intcie:.t un tlie d•.bt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and lute charges due under th� No[e. �
<br /> � . Z. H'unds for Tnnes nnd Insurance. Subject to applicuble law ar to a written waiver by Lender. Borro�ver shall pay to
<br /> !; L.cnc3er on the d.�y mondily pnytc,ents are due undcr the Nate,until thc Note is paid in fuU,a sum("Funds")for:(a)ycarly taxes —
<br /> �• an�J nssess�icnts which may atuii.n priuriry over this Securiry[nstrumcnt as a lien on the Property; (b)ycarly leaschold paymcnts —
<br /> or ground rents on d�e Pro�erty, if:my;(c)�rarly hazard or property insurance pmmiums:(d)yearly tlood insu�ance premiums,
<br /> .• �� if any; (c)yearly mori�raBe insu.rance premiums, if any; and (fl any sums payable by Bono�r•er to l.ender, in accordance with
<br /> the�pravisions of pa�ragra�li 8. �n lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums. These items are c:illed "Escrow Items." _
<br />- L.ender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceal the maximuen amount a ler.der for u Fedcrally �_
<br />_ �: relatecl ma�n�age loun may n.qmire for Borrower's escmw accouns under the federal Real Estate Settlement �rocedures Act of =
<br /> 1974 a:; nmended from timc tr,r.imc, 12 U.S.C. Sectiai 2601 er s�g. ("RESPA"), unless another law that upplics to the Funds
<br /> - ••. sets a Iesser amou.nt. If so, Lender may, at any time. collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser amaunt.
<br /> I..ender may cstimatc the amnunt of Funds due on the basis uf current data and reasonat�le estimates of expenditures of future
<br />_�: . Escro�v ltems or otl�erwase in ar.cordanre with applicuble luw.
<br /> _ ,� The Funds shnll be helr.'� in an institution WIIOSC deposits are insured by s fcderal ugency, instrumentality, or entity
<br />'� (includin�Lcnder,if Lendcr is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. l.ender shall apply thc Funds to pay the
<br /> f;:};� `' Fscro�v Items. Lender may n�t char�e Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing the�scrow nccount,or
<br /> " �`" '":y verifying the Escrow It�mr�, unless i.ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits I..ender to make such _
<br /> �'�;•�''` �-. x chargc. However. C.endcr n�ny require Borrower to puy n one-time charge for an independent real estatc tax rcporting service
<br />�h�__ pP � �_ a • r �..�., o�PP_n .
<br /> :�-`••�;%; used by [.endtr 111 COI1qCl'UGII Wt[h [IltS l03I1, UIIlCSS it iic�u�c �u�i "iOvia�CS vi���t'.;•:s:.. Lr.:°` �S2 3 ..._i'?_!2� !S n?2.�'nr
<br />=��': ••�%�".'� applicabie luw rcquires interest to bc paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrowcr any interest or eamings on the Funds.
<br /> ;TS.._;;';'. � Borro�vcr and Lender mny agrce in writing, however, that intcrest shall be paid on thc Funds. Lender shall givc to Borrower,
<br />=_: •:;''r'' withou4 c'hiirge, an annuEil ar.coontinn of the Funds, showing cr..dits and debits to the Funds and the p��rpose for which each
<br />- __-��:��.�' debit m the Funds wny mude.The Funds are pledged as additional security for all sums secureci by this Security Instrument.
<br />�-=.'"-+w`'.. If the Funds held U•y Li:nder exceecl the a�nounts permitted to be held by applicable Inw. Lender shall account to Borrower
<br /> ��^���
<br /> - ` =`— for the excess Funds in accardance with the requirements of applicable law. If the aniount of the Funds held by Lender at uny
<br />;T°r—�ji�� time iy not suffciont tu puy che F.sceo�� Items when due. L.ender r�iay so notify Borrower in writing.and.in such ease Borrower
<br /> ----- shnll pay to Lender the amar�nr necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no mone than
<br /> --�=��� twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> �y� Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refimcl to Burrower any
<br /> Funds held by L,ender.If, m�der paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Property,I.�nder,prior to the stcquisition or sale
<br /> -�__"'�� of the Prupt:rty, shull apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by
<br /> —"""`""'�r�'_ tliis Securiry Insuvmunt.
<br /> �`�;T�� 3.Appllcs�tfm�of P43tinents.Unless applicabie law pruvides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under par:+graphs
<br /> — • 1 and Z shnll be appli��,i: fecst, to any prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to amounts payable under paragraph 2;
<br /> � ��� third,to inte�st due; faurth,,to principal due;and last,to any late charges duc under the Note.
<br /> - --- = 4. E:hurgcs;Lien��. E',nrrower shall pay all t�vices, assessments, char�;es, �ncs and impositions nttributable ta the Property
<br /> --"s� which may attuin priority �ivcr this 5ecurity Instrument. and le�.sehold payments or ground rents, if any. �arrower shall pay
<br /> ---� thcse obligntiuns in the mnnner provided in parngraph 2.or if not paid in that manncr, Bonower shall pay themon time dircctly
<br /> :�:��� to the person��ved pc�yment.Borrowcr shall promptly fumish to Q,ender all notic�s of amounts to be paid under this paragraph.
<br />�"}� If Bonower m«kes thase poyments dircctly, Borro�vEr shall promptly fumish to Les►der receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> -����� � Borrower snnll promptly discharge any lien which has prior�Zy over this Securiry Instniment unless Borrower: (a)agrees in
<br /> �-t�='��� writing to tl�e peyn►ent of the obligation secured by the lien in n manner acceptable to L.ender;(b)contests in good faith the lien
<br />=_ `.;;W.:; by, or defends agninst enCorcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the L�ender's opinion operste to prevent the
<br /> � enforcement of tlie li.en; cr(c) secures from the holder of die lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to
<br /> tl�is Security Insnvmen�. if Lender determines that any part of the Propert}� �s subject to a licn w hich may attain priority over
<br />`- . .����;�,: ,� this Security Insnvmem, Lender mag give Borrower a notice identifying th:iien. Bormwer shall satisfy the lien ar take one or
<br /> — ���y��.:-�;::, morr of tl�c actiont�sct f��rth a6ove���ithin 10 days of thc giving of noticc.
<br />—: , ,•
<br />-: �:f;�� Form 3028 9190
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