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<br /> � � 16.I���rro�ti�er's Copy.l�orrov�er shell be given one confor�n�ed copy�of thif�l�r any t a�rt�f the I'ropc ty ortnny
<br /> 17. 'I'ranzU:r of the Property or e Bcneficesl.intcrest in liorrower. P
<br /> intr,rest in ir.ia s�>ld or transferred(or if u benCticial mterest in }3orrawer is sold or trunsferrrd end Horro�ver is noc a
<br /> netural pr.rson?��ithout Lender's prior�vrieten uons�nt,I,�:nder mal•,at its�pti�n,rryuire immediate pa��m�nt in full of
<br /> ` all sumn sz:eum�i by thiA Security Instrument_ tio�vevCr, this option ehall not b� ex�rcised by l.end�r if ezercise �s
<br /> prohibited bg fcderal law us oP th�date of thisSrcurity Instrumrnt.
<br /> �-�"'""� IP l.�:ndor e;tereises�his option,Y.ender ahiill gi've 13orrower notice of accelerntion."l�he notice shall �rovide a Pcriod
<br /> ���� '"'� of ne�t less thnn 30 days 4rom the dute the notice is deli��ered�r mailed within�vhich $orruwer must pnp all sums securcd
<br /> � by thia Sr.curir.y Instrurnent.lR 13orrower fails ta pay the.sC s��ms priar to thc rxpiration uf this period, I.ender rna�� i m�c�kr
<br /> uny remedies permitted by this Seeurity Insaument�vichout f ur[her notice�r demand c�n liurro«�er. _:
<br /> IS. I3nrra���er's Right to Roinstate. lt 13�rro�eer meets certain conditicros, 13urrower shall ha�'e thn right tu h.i�c:
<br /> enforcemenr�f this Security[nstrument discontinued at any time priur to the earliCr uf:(a)5 day's(ur such c�cher�riu� _f.,
<br /> as ap�licable laiw mey specity for reinstutement)bCfore sale of the YropCrt}•�ursuant to any power of sale cuncainrd in = ..
<br /> this :ecuritv Instrument; or (b) entry of a judgment enforcing this Secunty Instrument. 1 hose condicions arc chat :�r�.
<br /> a s Lender ull sums which then�vould be due under this Security Instrument and the Notr as if no , „�__
<br /> Borro���er: (aT p y
<br /> .;,;__.
<br /> acceleration hnd occurred: (b)cures any default of any other covenants oc agreements; (c)puys all expenses incurred m
<br /> .Y enforcina thi:�Security Instrument,including,but not limited to, reasonable attorne s fees;and(d) takessuch action as _
<br /> Lendc:r mny�°�sonably requir e sums secured'oy thisS�urhty Instrument shall c nti�e unch nged.Uponrein tatem nt - _
<br /> � $orro�v�r's oh.,li�ation to pa}th �,,
<br /> � by�Bc�rrn�rer, +th�s Security Instrumentand the obligationssecured hereby shall remain fully efYer.tive as�f no acceleration ;`t_,
<br /> had ocourr,ed. Wo�vever,this right to reinstateshall not apply in tne case of acceleration under paragraph 3'1. ,.r
<br /> 19,Sr�tc� 04 Note;Change of Loa�Serv icer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (to�ether�vith this Security -�
<br /> • ' Instrument)rnay be sdld oneor more timeswithoutpriarmen�5 du B nder the Noteand thi Se.curity I sut ment There =
<br /> ,� (Itna�vn as the"I oan Ser�•icer°)that collects rnonthly p y
<br /> alsa may bt�one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.lf there is a change oE the Loan
<br /> Servicar,Eci�rro�ver�vill be given written notice of the change in accordance with paragmph 14 above and applicable law.
<br /> The notice+ti�ill state the name und address of the ne�Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made.
<br /> ' 'The natice��.�ill also contain any other information required by applicable law.
<br /> 20. t1��-�ardoua Subst�nces. Rorrower shall not cuuse or permit the presence,use,disposal,storage, or release of .
<br /> ., any Hsu.�r�?��us Substancea on or in the Praperty.Borrower shall not do, nor allovr anyone else to do,anythtng affecting e-_
<br /> *t,..prnre�cp tihat ia in viQlation of any Env�ronmental Law.The precedin two sentences shall not appl y to the presence, -
<br /> use, or st,;sage on tha Property of small quantities of I Ia�eid�:� Su��-acer *..tig*. Qr" gPnerallv recoenized to be
<br /> � appro�priat;r t�normal residential uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> B<�rn:�Ner shall promptly give I.hnder written notice af any im�estigation,claim,demand,lawsuit or o�her action by
<br /> ' I.
<br /> any gova;rnmemal or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property� and an)' Hazardous Substance or
<br /> •'�� ' Environm.�ntal Law of which Borro�ver has actual knowledge.If Borrower learns,or ir>noti�Pied by any governmental or
<br /> � regulutnry authc►rity, that any remo�•al or other remediation ot any Hazardous Substance affecting thtl Property is �,
<br /> - necrssary,Borrocver shall promptl�take all necessary�remedial actions in accordsnce H•ith Environmental Lan�.
<br /> '��,e� .� Aa iti�edl in this paragraph 7A, Hazardous Substances" are those substann:�s defined as toxic or he�ardoussubstanccs
<br /> ' . .--Y by Envir:�nr�ental Law and the following substances:gasoline, kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum products,
<br /> -:.: . • toxic �o�sricides end herbicides, volatile�so ironmental Law� means federalla vs and laws of th jurisd t on wheretthe
<br />- " matcr��lti.As used in this paragraph?A, �
<br /> Property is located that relata to health,safety or environmental protection.
<br />`{.1'�;;�:; ": N O PI-UNIPORM COVENANIS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree es followe:
<br /> _��'g�•-;;��:- . 2A. .�ar.eleretion; Rome dies. Len der e ha l l g i v e n o t i c e t o B o r r o w e r p r i o r t o a c c o l e r ation followin g
<br /> """aF-=�=��� Borro�y�sr s �reach ot any cuv�nanY or agreernent in t his Securi t y I n s t r v m e nt(but not prior to acceleretion
<br />. �'rtil!--_._i��
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