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<br /> �,. • at the option of I.ender, if mortgegc insuram:a cover�ge (in th� i►mn�im and (or the period that Lend.er reyuires)
<br /> ; provid�d by nn insurer npproved hy I.endnr aQoin h�comrs flvailehln und is ohtaineci. I3orro�ver shall pay the pr�m�um9
<br /> � � , reyuired to maintain mortga�e insurunc� in nf�ect, or to prc�vid� u lo�:v res�rv�, until the reyuir�ment Por mortgaga
<br /> '. insurunce e:nJs in accordnnce with ony�vritten agreomnnt twnveen Horr�m•r�r�md I.und�r�r applicahle In�v.
<br /> 9. Inspection.I.ender or its agerit may'fTlii�CC 1'tA&CDTIAbIc:�I1Lf1rS llr0il ATId IRS(x:C[lOOS (lI L{1C Pf0(fCt't}•.I_.encier shall
<br /> , ' give}lorrower notice at the time of or prior�.�.>an inspc;ctiuu spc�ifying rc:easunabl��ause tar the inspcct�on.
<br /> , r' � 10. Condemnation.Thd proceede uf an;�r�wnrd nr claim for damn�;a+.�,direct ur cansequantial,in connection with �
<br /> - any condemnution or other taking of any pairt of the Yro��rt�•,or Pnr��om'eyance in lieu o(condemnation, ere hereby
<br /> •.�� � assigned and shall be paicl to Lender.
<br /> -,•� "�'� In the event of a towl taking of the Pr�rerty, the procceds shall tw applied m tho sums secured by this Security
<br /> � I Instrument,whether or not thnn dua,with an�excess paid to 13orro�ver.In tt��event oF. a partiel tnking of the Property in .�:
<br /> - which the fair market value of the Property icnmediut�ly befor�tha tcakin�iA eyual tr�or greater than the amount of the
<br /> ' sums secured by this Security Inatrumant ii�nm�diately before tha tnking, unless�3orrower end I.ender otherwise agree _
<br /> � in writing,thc sums�ecured by thiA Securir.�1ti�Atrumant shall he reduc:c:d hy thr�amr�uut..'�h.:procccds multiplied by _
<br /> • the following fraction:(u) the total nmount of the sum.�secured immedi�t�ly beforc the taking,divided by (b) tha fair _
<br /> " market value of the Property immediately tiefore thP taking. dny hfllencc�shall he 1�aid to Borrocver. In the event of tt _-
<br /> partial�tnking of the Property in which tha fair market value of the I'rope:rt�•immed�sieis oeFore the taking is le�.s than ,� -
<br /> the amaunt of the sums secured imrt►ediatei;hefora the[aking, unlcss Ilorm«�er ani: Lender��therwise agrec in «�riting -`_'=
<br /> �'• `=-
<br /> or unless applicahle lew otherwiFe provic3es, the prc�ceeds shall ha� a�plicd to thc surns se��ured hy this S�curit��
<br /> .. �� Instrument�vhetrier or not the sums are th�n dua. r'-
<br /> � If the Property is abandoned by Borro�vnr, or if,after notice by' I.ender to I3arrower that the condemnor offers to =-'�
<br /> .. mlke an award or settic:a claim for damngos, Barrow�r fails to resp�nsi to 1_ender within 30 days after the date the ��.
<br /> notic�is�iven,Lender is authorized to coll�r�t and apply�the proceeds,at ita option,rither torestoration or cepair of 3he �n
<br /> Property or to the sums secured by this Secirc.icy Instrument,whether or nc�t then du�:. �
<br /> Unless I�nder and Borrowar otharwise:igr•ee in writing,Any applicxtinn of proceeds to prnnc7pal shall not extend or �''_
<br /> � postpome the due date of the monthly paymente referred to in paragtaphs 1 an�� 2 or cha�ge tha amount of such _
<br /> _. ,, payments. _
<br />� . _, !1. Borro�ver Not Released; Forbeoramr,o �y Londor Not a 1Vai��cr. E�,:ension oP the time for payment or
<br /> ,• modification of amortization of the suma sc�cured by this Securit�� Instrument�r.�nted by Lender to any successor in
<br /> . interes2 of BorroNer shall not operete to r•slr.ase the liobility of the o.riginal Bsrnower or Borrower's successors in
<br /> ii:.:.:'�..�T.'��: wtia:! :a: �' :�:21PC� •.0�^J!•.mnnr�. nrnrPr•�inoc Awflin.� flnc successor in interest or refuse to r�xtend
<br /> r'-----...
<br />- r � . time for payment or othertivise modify amurte�,�tion�f tha sums secur�d b�•thi��curity Instrument by r$ason of any
<br /> - ' demand made by the original Borrower or 3�c�rrowsr's successors in inte�rest. Anr: Forbesrance by I.ender in exercising
<br />;'�'•� . � eny right or remedy shall not be a waiver of�r pnclud� the exercisa of�ny right or rcomedy.
<br />=:';;yl� .,• ��;, ° l2. 5uccesaors and Assigns Bound;��irat as►d Several LieblUty; Co-siRners.Thocavenants and agreemente _
<br /> , ,� ; of this Security �nstrument shall bind and hen�fit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borcower,subject to the
<br />_-_ provisiona of paragraph 17.Borro�ver's covennnto and a�reemente ahr�ll b�joint and several.Asiy Bonower who co-signs
<br /> '"`;';.R. :�:. this Security Inetrument but does not executrs the Not�:(a) is co-si�ning this Sv.urity Instrument only to mortgage,
<br />°=`_�--.�=q;:' grant and convey that Boreotiver's interest iii thn Yroperty under the cerms of this Security Instrumenr (b) is nut
<br /> ''""`=�i�--�� personally obligated to pay the sums secureci by this 5ecurity Inatrumenr and ic) agrees that L.�nder and any ather
<br /> °�°��'''"''' ` Bonower may agree to extand,modify,forbe�r or moltr anS• accommi�3etions�vi=.h r�gard to the terms of this Security
<br /> �"f.ti,'�� +
<br /> Instrument or the Note without thet$orro�ver's cons�nt.
<br /> :_;.;u.���.� 13. Loan Cherges. If the loan secured hy this Sre;urity Instrum�nt is subject to a I��v�vhich sets maYimum lo�n
<br />__,:-�=tn_�z:+�-�r_a charges, and that law is finally interpreted sco thnt thc:interest or othar loan charges collec:ted or to br collected in
<br /> _:�=�'�s�:�t'.�] eoEmection with the loan exceed the �ermittc:d limit�, then: (a) any such loan ch�rge shall be reduced by th�amount
<br /> —_—`•��'�.� necessary to reduce the cherge to the permi*.aed limit;and (b) any sums alrcady collected from Borrow�r which
<br />_-��'°�a exceeded permitted limits wiU be refunded tm Barrower. Lender may choosc ta rziake this refund by reducing the
<br /> - _- __-�� principal oNed undor the Notc or by making fl direct�rayment to Borror1or.It a;efund reduces principal,the reduction
<br /> ?'"��"` �' tivill be treated as a partial prepuymant�vithout eny pre{sayment chargv undor the'.Jote.
<br /> :---`!?��?� 14. Noticcs.Any notice to Borrower prc�vidod for in this Security Instrumant ahall be gi ven bq delivering it or by
<br /> �-���?�i� maiiing st by first clas9 mail unless applicabl� luw requires use of anothvr mett�od.The notice ehall be directed to the -
<br /> __- .=■ Property Address or any other address Borrou�ar drsignates by notico to Lender.Any notice to I.enclar shall be given by
<br />--°����°="s first ctass mail ta L.ender's address state:d hc�mJin c�r an}�other addm:�Londer designates by notice to Bono�ver. Any
<br /> ��`�. no;ice provided for in this Security Instrume►►t shall br deemeci to ha�•e been given to Uorro�ver or Lender when given
<br /> _ �;:.c,�:y;., as provided in this paragraph. -
<br /> ''`�"`'•�' �-: I5. Governing Lew;Severabiliry.Thi:i Security lnstrument shall be gcrvc.rned by federal law and the law of the _
<br /> � jurisdiction in which the Property is located.In the ev�nt that nny pro�•isiun or clause ot this Security Instrument or the �
<br /> � ,' Note confticts with applicable law,such conflict sh�ll not affect oth�r provisions of this Security Instrurnei�t or the Note E_^-
<br /> -- � �vhich can be given effect�vithout the conflictin�prnvision. To this er.d the provisions uf this Security Instrument and �_
<br /> �' the Note are declared to be severnble.
<br /> .t�-
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