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.� <br />� <br />,� <br />201200044 <br />umder the Note and this Seciuiiy Instrument and perrfforms other mortgage ]oan seivicing obligaQions under the <br />Nate, this See��' + Ins�nt, and Applicable Law There also might be one or mare ci�anges of the L.oaq <br />Ser�ic�er zmr to a sale of the Note. Iftliere �s ac3�amge aft�e L�an Seivicar, Bcnrower will be givea writtan <br />notice of the chauge which will state ths name and address of the new L�n Servicer, the address to which <br />payme�rts should be a�de and any oth�r info,cmatioa RESPA m connec:tion with a notice of tr�nsfer of <br />serv�cxng. Tf the Nate is soId aad thersafter ihe Y:ti�ri is serviced�p a Lo�n Servicer othea� tha�n the pitt�chaser of <br />�e Note, the mortgage laau senricing �bl�g�ations to B+�rower will remam witb �tha Loan Seavtcer or be <br />transferred to a successor Loan Servicer aud are not assumed bythe Notie purchaserimless othervvise provided by <br />the Nots purehase�r. <br />Nerthar Barrower nt�r Lendex may comm�uce, join, or be join�d to any judicial a�c6an (as eit}►er an <br />individuai iitigant or the �nber of a class) that anses from the other party's actions pursuant w this Secwity <br />Inshument or tl�at alleges tbat the other party has breached any pzovision of or aq�+ �ny owed by reasonof, this <br />Security Insrivment, unhl such Borrower or Lender has ndhfied the other party (with such notice�sv� m <br />compg8nt�e with the requirements of Sectio�l •1 S? �€ suCh alleged breach ar�d afforded the other �rl.y hereto a <br />reasonablep� od a�4er ifie giving of such nodce to take c�orr�ctive act'son. If A�plicable Law provid� a ti� <br />period which must elapse hefore certaia action c� be tak�, that time period will be deeined to bereas�able for <br />gurposes of this pmagraph. The n�tiee of se�eleration and opportunity to cure given to Borrowe�r puisuant to <br />Sectioa 22 �d the notice pf accelesation giv�a to �orr�wer puss�ant to �ecbian 18 shall be dee�ed to satisfy the <br />notic� and op�rtunrty to take cbrrecxive action provisiohs of this Se�tion 24. <br />Z1. Hazardou� �nbstances. As vsed in ihis Section 2I: (a) `�dous Subsiances" are those <br />substances defined as toxic ar harardous subs�ta�tces, poll►rtants, or wastes by Env�m�unental Law and the <br />fQllor�ving �bstances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable ai� taxic petroleum gmducts, Wxic gesticides and <br />hexbicides, volat�e solvent4, m�terials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive r�tenals; (f�) <br />"F�viionmeatal La�' means federel laws �d lavrs of the jnrisdictit�n where tha Ptoperiy is lacated that relate to <br />health, safety or envirnnment�l grate�tion; (c) "FJavimnmenxal Cleauup" includes any resgonse acEion, remedial <br />aci�on, or removal ac�tion, as de�ned in Envit'oamental; and �d) an "Faivironmm�ntal Condition" m�xas a <br />condition that can causs, contribtite to, or o�erwise trigger an Env�ron�ntal Cieanug. <br />Borrower shai] not cause or permit the presence,. use, disposal, storaga, or release of a�ry Hazardous <br />Substances, or threaten ta release any Hazardous Substances, on or in the Prope�,}r. Borrower shall no't do, naa� <br />allow anyone else to do, anythit�g aff�ing the Prbperiy (a} that is in vidIation of any Environmerital Law, <br />f b) w+hiclz ereates an Envacmmental Condition, or (c) which, due tv the presence, use, or release of a Hazardous <br />Substa�x�, creates a cnnditian tbat adversely affe,ets tha �+alw� of the Property. The precQding twro sentenc�s shall <br />not apply to the presence, use, or storage on tha l�roperiy of smaIl es af Hazardpus St�bstances that ara <br />generally r to be approprIate to normal residential uses an�maintenance of the ProPerty' ('uiclnding, <br />but �ot '' tc� hazardous substances in conswner products� <br />Borrower s�all piomptly give Le�nder written notice af(a) aby investigation claim, demand, larwsuit or <br />oit►er action lty any gavernn�n#ai arreguiat4rY agenCY orPnvate party involvSng the Propeaty aad any Ha�rdu�s <br />Subshdnce or Envizonmental l.�vv of which �orrower has actua2 know}edge, (b) any Envaona�entaI Candition. <br />iaciuding but not limited to, any spilling, l�g, discharge, release or threat of release of any Hazazdaus <br />Subst�nce, and (c any condit3on caus� by the presencx, use or ret�se of a T�azaztloiis Substance wlvch <br />s <br />adversel� affeds e value af the Progerty• If Borrower learns, or is noti�ed�governmental �r regularory <br />authority, or any private garty, that a�ny reu�val or other remediation of aay ous Su'bstance affearng th� <br />Property �s necessary, Borrower shail gmmptl� iake all necessary remeclial actions in accordance xnth <br />Eavironmental Law. NoChir.� herein sha}1 creat�e any obtigation on I,.ender for am Environ�►tal Cleanup. <br />NON-UI�TFORi�I COVENANTS. Bairo�ver and i.,ender furti�ei covenant and agree as fo[Iows: <br />22. Acceleration; Remedies. Leader sbalE give aotice to Bnrrower priorto aeceleration folkwing <br />Borraower's breash �f �ny cvvanant or agr.�euc$nt:3n �eee�,?i�' l[iq �aeaaenB �'u�tnai prior to �CCefleratinn <br />under Section 18 untess AgpFfcab�c Law prov°ides n�hee�vise� 1'he notice ahall specf�: (a} the defaal� <br />(b) the ac�on requfred ta cure the defaul� (¢) a dai�„ n� I� thsn 30 days from the date t3te notice is glven <br />ta Borrower, by wh9ch the defa Wt mnst be cnred; a�td (d) that fail� to eure the dePault on or before the <br />da#e spec3tietl iu the noi3ce may resalt in acceferation afthe snms secetre,d by this Secm�iiy Instrun►ent �d <br />sale of f,be Prop�rty. Tlye qqtice shall fu�th�r imfarm Borrower of the right to reinstafe after accel�ratioa <br />and �thhe rig6t to bring a court aetion to assert l�e noa-e�istence of � default or aoy other defense of <br />Sorrower to acceleration and sale. Ifthe defaalt �S n� cnred on or before the date sp�fiS�i iu tbe notice, <br />Y:ender at i� optian may reqaire imlmediate payment in foIl of a11 sem�s 5ecured by this Secnritg Instraraent <br />without further d�manci anii may imoke the power of sale �nd any at}ier remedies permitted bY APPlicable <br />L$w I.ender shaII be entfkled to callect all expens�es �cnrred in pnrsuiag the remedies prnvtded in this <br />Sect'ron �Z, fnclpding, bat not lim"rted ta, r�sona6le attorneys' fees and costc nf title evidenc� <br />If the power of safe is invoked, Trus�tee shall recard a no4ice ofdefanit in each county in whfelt any <br />part of the Yroperty is located and s6ai1 mail capies of sach no�ce �n the manner prescribed by Applisable <br /> to �orrower and to the other persons pr,escrlbed by Law. After the time reguired by <br />Applicable Ilaw, Trustee sha�l gfve pnblic notice of sale to the persons and in the ueanaer prescribed by <br />Appficable Law. Trustee, withont demand on BorrowEr, shall sell the Prttpetty at pnblie ane{ion to tha <br />highest bidder gt the time and place an�Il a�dei Che terms desfgnated in the notice of sala in one ar more <br />pancels and in anp orde�r Trastee determines. Trastee may postpone sale of ail or any parcel oT t6e <br />�'roperty try public anaonacement at �he 61me and place of any previously sclieduled sate. Lender or its <br />designee may pnrchas�e the Propertp at any sale. <br />Upoa receipt of payment .of the price bid, Trastee shall deliver Efl the purcLaser Trps�tee's d�ecl <br />conveying the Property. 1'be recitaLc �n t6e Trastee's deetl shall be prima facie evidence of the lrath af the <br />statements made tberein. Trustee shall ap�ly the proceeds of the sale iuo the foAowing order.�a) ta all costs <br />and eapense� oi exercising the power ot sale, aatl tEee sale, inelad� the payraent qf tite rustee's fees <br />actnalEy incnrred and reasonaWe af#nrrreys' fees a4 permitlsd by Applicable; (b) to al] snms secared <br />by this Security Ynstramen� aBd (c) aoy ex�ss to tite gerson or persons legally entitled to it. <br />23. 13econv�yanc�. Up�n payment of s.�ll .sr�ns ��cured by tbis Security Instruu�ent, Lender shal] <br />request Tn�stee to re-cflnvey the Property �nd sha71 sarren� this Secwrty Instrume� and a11 notes evidencmg <br />debt se�ured by this Secur�.y Tnstrument to Tru.s�. Trustee shall reconuey the Properiy tivithout wananiy to the <br />psrson or pe�sons legaly entitled ta it Such petsot► or }�rsons shall pay any recordatton c,�sis. Lender rnay <br />charga such persan or persons a fee �'or reconve}nn�the Propeaty, but on1� if the fee �s to a third patty (such <br />as the Trustee} for �ces rendered and the chazgtng of �hE fee is pern�utted under Agpl�cable Law. <br />1VE$RASICA—Siagle Famdy—FamAe MaelFredde MSC i]NIF'ORM 7NSTRUMENP {ME�1 Form 30281/1i1 (pnge 8 41�9P�1 <br />�L2439.CV (9111) RLIQ684 Cteative Thirtldng, Inc. <br />. ,�J[h qi.e�_ .,�}� <br />' �\ <br />� � ,�� <br />� � <br />