<br />Borcower 'ra this Secwrty Instrument, but, if necessar�+ to compIy wi�h law or custom, MERS (as nomine� for
<br />Lender and I,ender's suecessors and assigns) &as the r�gh� to exercue any or alI af those interesls, including, but
<br />not limit�to; the righi to foreclos�e and se11 tbe i'rop�rts ; and to take anyac:tion r�uirec3 of Lender �clr�ding, ixrt
<br />not limited to, releasing and c�ncelir�g this SECUrity Inshvment
<br />BORRO�VER �OVEI+TANT'S that Bs�rrower is lawfully seised ofthe esqte hereby coAVeye�cl and has the
<br />right eo grant and convey t�e Property a�d thatthe Property is�encumhered, except forencumbrances ofrecoz�d.
<br />Bonrower wazzants and w�l defend g�erally the 1i7Je ta the Property agamst aU ciaims and demands, snbjeet to
<br />any en.cum'brances of record .
<br />T'HIS SECURi"i'Y ll+iSTRUIV�NT combines uniform eovenants for national use �rd nor�-imiform
<br />cbvenanis with limited variatinns by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform sec�rity frz�ument covering real
<br />Pra1�eI'tY• .
<br />UNIFORM Ct�VENANTS. BQrrower and Len+der covenant and a�re� as follows:
<br />1. Payment of Frincip�, Inter�t, Escrow Ibems, Prepayment Ch�rges, and Late ChatgeS.
<br />Boaower shall pay �uvhen due the prtncipa� o� aad in�rest an, the debt evidenced by 't�►e Note and any
<br />prepa�ent char,ges and late ch�ges dae undex the Note. Borrower shall alsb pay fimds for Es,crow Pt�ms
<br />pursuant to Section 3. Payme�s due under the Note and this Securi#}+ J.nstnm�ent sh�ll be u�ade ui U.S. currenc�.
<br />Hawever, if aay check or ot}►er ixtstrument �ceived by Lender as payment under the Note or �is Sec¢rity
<br />Instrumeat is �etvraed to Lender impaid, Lender may require that any or all subseqtient pa.y�nenYS due under the
<br />Note and ffiis Seewity Inst�vmentbe mada in �e ar more ofthe foIIovvi�g for�, as selected by Lender: (a) cash;
<br />(b) mon�y order, {c) certi�ied cheCk, bank checlS lreas�er's check or �er's check, provided any suctc
<br />Ghe�k is dmwn upon an insti2vtfon whose dapos�ts ar� insu�+ed by afedetal ag�n;cy, insttumentality, or entity; or
<br />f d1 Electronic Fumds Trans€er.
<br />Payments are d�med received lry Lender when c'eceived at the location tiesignate� in the Nate oi such
<br />other location as may be designated by I.endez in accordaace wi#h the notice prov�sions m Section I5. Lender
<br />may retur�s any payment ar partial payment if�y�nt or gartial payments are insufficient ko hr'rag the Loan
<br />oucrent Lender may acxept an}+paymentor payanent msufficientin bnngthe Loan Gurnn� witlroutwaiver
<br />of any righ#s hereuuder or prejudice to its rights to rafuse such payment or partial payments in, the fut�e, but
<br />I ensier is notobligatedto app1y such payme� atthe#ime such pa�ments are acc�pted ifeach Periodic Payment
<br />is applied as of its schedul�d due date, then Lender neeci nat pay interest on unapplied funds. Lender may hold
<br />such unap lied fi.mcls until �rrowermakes pa3Fmentto bring �he Loan cuirent� ItBurrower does not do sawrth�
<br />a reason�le perial of time, Lender shatl either apply suc� funds or retum them to Borrower. If aot applied
<br />earlier, such fwids will be applied to the otrtstandmg pruncipal balance under the Note immediatelypr� r to
<br />foreclosiu�e. l�to Qffset �r ctaim wbich Borrower might have now or in the future against Lendcr shall relieve
<br />Boaower from maldng gaytnents due under the Npte and this Security Instrument or p�rFotxning ihe covenants
<br />and agreemeuts seaued by this Secwrity Ins�umant
<br />Z. Applicalion of Payments or Proceeds. Except as otherwise d�scribed im this Section 2, all
<br />gayments accepted and applied by Lenc�r shall be applied � the foflowing order ofpriority+: (a) mtertst due under
<br />the 1+Iote; (b) pri�cipal due under the Note; (c} aznounts due uader Seetion 3. Such payments sha�l be applied to
<br />eachPeriodic Payment m the order�w}v,ch it became due. Anyremammgamounts shall be applied firstso late
<br />claarges, sacond to any other amozwts dne underthis Sec�uity Inslr�unent, and then to r�c:e the pruici�l balance
<br />of the Note.
<br />If Lender receives a payment frOm Borrower for a deli�quent Periodic Paymen�t whi�h iQCludes a
<br />sufficient amount to pay any l�te chaxge due,;he payment �nay be ag�lliied to the delinquentpayment and the late
<br />clt�e. If morE than ona Pesi�dic :°ayment �s �utstand3ng Len� ���pply any t r�ceived from
<br />Borrower to the regaymentof the Penadic Paymen�s if, and to the exte� t� each t can be paid in fail.
<br />To the extent that any exc�ss exists afterth�,payment �s a plied to the full payment f oae or more 1'ertadic
<br />a er
<br />Paysneuts, sueh excess may �e applied to any late charges ue. VoluntaiY 1nePayn►en shall be applied fffst to
<br />�Y P�P�ent charges and then as descn'bed in t�e Note.
<br />�Y aPPlication of pa3anen,ts, insurane� Pra�ds, ar Miscellaneons Proceeds principal due undarthe
<br />Note shali nat extend ar pastpone the due dat�, or change the amount, of the Periodic ayments.
<br />3. F�nds far Escruw Items. Borrowsr shall pay to Lender on the day Peiiodi� Payments are due
<br />under the Note� unhl the Note'is paid in fi�ll, a sum{the "Fvnds") to provide for pay�ent of amountg due for. (a)
<br />taxes and assessments and other rtems wh�ch can altaia �iority over thu Sacurity rnst�ument as a lien or
<br />encumbrance om the Property; (b) leasehold payrr�nts or ground re� on tha Property, if auy; (c) premiums for
<br />any and a11 insnranca re,qa�red by Lender under Secrion 5; and (d) MarCgage �nswaace premiums, if any, or any
<br />sums payablet�y Borrewerto Leuderin lieuofthepaymenxofl4loregffge lnsurauce �remiums u►accardancewith
<br />the provision,s af S�ction 10. These items are caUed "Escaow Items " At origiaation or at arny time during the
<br />term �f the Loan, Lender may ae thet CoAmat�niiy Assaciation Dues, Fees, and Assessments, cf any, be
<br />eserawed by Borrower, and suc�, fees and assessments shall be an Escrow Iiem: Boaawer shall promptly
<br />furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be �aid under this Section Boirower sha]I pay Lender the Funds for
<br />Escro�uv Items unless Leader wa�ves Barrow�r s obligatioa #opay the Funds for anq or ap Escrow Itetns. Lender
<br />aiay waive Borxower's obligation to pay to Lender Funds for any or a11 Escrow Items at any'time. Any such
<br />waiver may oniy be in writing. in the event of snch waiver, Borrower sha11 �y directly, when and where
<br />gayable, tha amaunts due fora�y F�serow Iterns for which paymern �f Funds has been waived by Lender and, if
<br />I.enderrequires, shall fumish t� Lender receipts evidencing such paymentwithum such time p�rriod as Lender may
<br />require. Borrawer's obligaHon to make such payments and to provide receipts shall for all purposes be deemed to
<br />be a cuvenant and contained in thi� Security Insfnunent, as the ptuase "covens�nt and agrament" is
<br />wsed in Sectian 9. Tf�arro�ves is ohli payFscrow Items du'ectly pursnant to a waiver, �d Sormwer fails
<br />to pay 1�� amount due far an Escrow Ixem, Leuder may exer�ise its rights under Section 9 and pay such amount
<br />and Borrower shalt thea ba obligated under SecEian 9 to �epa�+ to Lender eny sueh anio�u►t Lender may revoke
<br />the waiver as to any or all Escrow Items at aay tim8 by a notlr,e givea� in aeeordance vt+ith Section 15 and, upon
<br />such revocatian, Borrower sFtall pay #p Lendsr aI�'Fuads, and in such amaunts, fhat are then requur�d uud� t�i�t�
<br />S�ion 3. .
<br />I.endermay, at any time, colleet andhotd Fuadc in an �uiount {a) sufficie�tto petAart �.endsr to apply the
<br />Funds at thetune spe�c�ified under RESPA, aad {b} not ta exceedt�iema�cur►t�a amount a lender c�nrequue ugder
<br />RESPA. Lender shall esrimate tiie araount of F�ads due on the basis of curren# data and reasonable egG'unaGes of
<br />expendiw� of fuhue �scrow Items or otherwise m accardance with Appticable Law.
<br />NEBRAS7CA—S�ng1e Pamdy—Fannie MaeJF]�eddie Mac IJNIFOAM INSTRUIVI�Al1' �R3) Form 30281HI1 (Fage 3 oj9 poges) �
<br />12439_CV (9111� RL10689 CreaLive Thinking, lnc.
<br />GOT�fU0042ce�'
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