<br />(I� "Commnnity Associatian Dnes, Fees, und Assessmen�sfl means �11 dues, f�es, assessmexrts and other
<br />aharges that are unpased on Barrower ar the Pro� by a eondomi�iitun a�ociation, hom�ers associ.azion or
<br />similar organizaticm.
<br />(L) KLlecrironic Fands Transfer" meaas any transfer of funds, other tha� a transaction originated by check,
<br />draft, or s�ilar gaper inst�ument, which is imitia#ed thraugh an electronic terminal, teIephonia instrtunent,
<br />computer, or magnet3c tape so as to order, instruet, or autharize a fmancial institution to dBbit or cxedit an
<br />a�aQUnt Such term includes, but is not limifed to, pomt-of-sale transfers, auto� teller machnne transactions,
<br />traa�fers uuriated by telaphone, wire traosfeis, �nd automated e�e.aringf�ouse taansfers.
<br />(M} "Escrow Items" means thase items �hat aze descnbed in Section 3.
<br />(N} "NfisceDaneuus Froceeas" meaus any corppen�ian, settlement, award of damages, or proeeeds paid by any
<br />third party (other tttan instcrance prnceeds paid underttie covemges descnbed in Sedion � for: (i} d�nage to, or
<br />destruction o� the'Properiy; �ii) condemnation or other takmg of all ar a�+ part of the Property; �i� conveyance
<br />in Iieu of condemnation; ar {iv) misrepreseniations of, or oraissions as to, the value andlor condition of tbe
<br />prope�ty. � �
<br />(O} "Mortgage Insura3nee" means insurance psotectu,g Lende� against the nc�ngayment of, or defanit on, the
<br />I.oan.
<br />(� �Aeriodic Paymenf" means the reg�ilarly scheduled amount due for (i� principal snd interest u:cder the Note,
<br />plus (ii' ariy amoun�s �tider Section 3 of ihis Security Inshument�
<br />(Q} "RESPA" means the Real Estate Settlemettt Procedur+es Act.(12 U.S.C. §2b01 et seq.) 6ind its implemenriug
<br />regulation, Regulatioai X{?4 C.F.R pact 3500}, as they mightbe a�nended firo�n time to t�e, orany additional or
<br />successor legislatifln or regulation that govems the same subj+ect matter. As used in this Sec�uity �n�
<br />`�RESPA" refers to siI requirements and resirictic+ns that are unposed 'm regard to a"fsderaIIy related mortgage
<br />loan" even if the Loan does not qnalify as a"federally related mvstgage loa�s" under RESPA.
<br />(R) "Successor in Ynterest of Barrowei" me,ans any party that has taken tide to the 1'roperty, whdher ar not
<br />that pariy has assumed Borrower's obligations und� the Note aad/or this Security Instiva�ent.
<br />Tl�e beneficiary afthis Security Instrument is MERS tsolely as nominee for Lend�r and Lende�s successors azid
<br />assigas) aitd xhe su�sors and assigns of IvIER�. This Seaurity ins�vment secures to Lender: (i} the repayment
<br />oftlie Loan, and all renewals, exteasions and modificatic�ns ofthe Not.�; and (ii) the perfrnmance o'f Borrower's
<br />covenants and agresnaents und�r this Security Tnstrumer►t and the Note. For tl�is purpose, Borrfl�ver
<br />irrevocably g�ants and conveys #o Trustee, in trust, with pawer of sale, the following described property
<br />Focated inthe County of�
<br />�I'ype of Reeording Jurisd'tctiQn] (Name of Recort3in� Jur�sdiction]
<br />which cuirent]yhas the address of�� +Centre Street
<br />[Sh�eet]
<br />G1tAND IS�,AIY� , l�lebraska b88Q3 ("Properiy Address"): .
<br />C� �'•ode]
<br />TOGE'THER WIT[� aA the iraproveme»ts now or b Rer erecte� on the ProPertY� and a1i easement5,
<br />appnrtenances, and fixfurss now or hereafter a part �f the properiy, All reglacements and addrtians shall also be
<br />covereri by this Secnrfty Inshru�nt All of the foregamg is referred to in. th�s Sec� Instrument as the
<br />"Proper(.y." Borrower imderstands and agr�ees that MERS holds only legal tit�e tp the mter�ts giattted�by
<br />NEBRASKA—Siagle F�miiy—Faneie MaetF�die Mac L'NIFORM lNSI7tvME1V7' (MERS� Form 30� 1101 (page 2 of 9 pages)
<br />12439.CV (9fi 1) Ri..l0689 CreatWe Thinking, In�
<br />Gfl70(00042ceb}
<br />. �s\ �
<br />� W L
<br />�
<br />