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,'?i=' r,�:..., , r � �� ��4=` ;;� , . ,_ . <br /> _r ��r "• , . t.;L` :zt...e��iF� fl i , . ..:,� -- _ _. <br /> .— :�.�.t"..l.``..l�'''s��N�.aea�mi[�r..�urFn.n:s�wivaasw.�wu <br /> � ���a.c����9 <br /> peymcnla,whlch�re rcferced fo in Pxngnp��2,or clinnge tiw xmounl of such paymenls. Any exass prorxcds ovcr an <br /> mnountra�u<�t<a p�Y>>I ouulancling IndeMedness andu the Nato end�his Secwlty lrstrumem shall lb pald ta�ho emfty <br /> icgnlly cntltleddxrcio. ° <br /> 8� Pns. Lsndermny wlla�fus and ehurgas�mhariud by thc 3ccremry. � <br /> 9. lirwndifor AcCtiernllon ot Dcb6 � <br /> (a)Ikfault. LenAet mny,oxcept ns limhed by rcgul�0ons Issucd by tho 3ec�mnry in the cnso ot paymem dofnuha, �t.,;.; <br /> requiroimmullato pnymrntinftdlo(ailsumssecurcdby�hisSecurirytnstnnnen�if: <br /> (I)Dormwcr dcfouhs by fniling to pny in PoII any mon�hly paymcnl ru�ulnxl bY this Sccari�y Ins�mmcnt prlot �;�„-.__-_ <br /> tooronthoduodnrooftLonex�monthlypaynxr.6or - -�-�� ��� <br /> (iq ponowcr dcfaulis Uy falling,for a pedod of U�Iny days,m pedorm any aher obligntioas comaincd in ttds r _.J <br /> Sccurtty Instmmcm. <br /> (b)SpioWlthcaaCrnlStAy�roratE.emlershallJtpcmifued6yappltcabiclawandwiih�hep�br�p�xo�n,iafd�e +{s'„� �` <br /> Saretary requimimmtdiatepaya:entinfultafallthosumssecurcdby�hisSecud�ylnswmemif: -`s GS�,,,���%_� <br /> (q All apazt of the Pcopen�r.a a D�ccCa.�Lal incer.�t N a tms�ownfng nll or pan of�he sobl or ...�.._�;�;�,��,.�_..-: <br /> c@[erwtv:iransfimd(cttcr ttwi by Q.vist o:d:scarty by tl�c Dottowcr,nnd T,}, .- ._. <br /> (ii)TT..e ftctxtty is r.ot occup:od by tha�nrch�ser oc gautee as his or her principal n;sidenca or ttx Qutthoiser .._. <br /> or grantoa does w oecupy tbe Pkopeny bm hCs er per credii has no1 Ixen approved in xcent.mce �`y�ttU_�=;-: <br /> withtbero�lzimmemsoftReS:cmtary, ti:.�-�'f'`����`- <br /> (e)No{iAh�ea. FFctrcumstaeces occnr thal wouid pemdt l.endtr to rt�aire tmmrAfalo payment En fufk,2c�a Ler�r �.s..j,,_�;,_;�,:�_ <br /> docs notre�uire suchW �ents,6endcr docs not waivc its ri hts with rc. u ta subse ucnt crents 4r`* y <br /> m e vn e f �:1�,[�.,'�.-:-. <br /> (a])Regul�llons ol7IUp Szsre2nry. ]n many etrcumstances reguiations issucd by tM Secrt:tary witF irai�Lendrr§ ,;�{}�' -� <br /> rigA�s, iA thc case of paymrnt Aztmits, to requirc immedixro paymem In full am� fardoss �f nw paid. 1'nt> >�ti��t�,,�,-tiy <br />- 5ecurity InslmnxN dces noi nuetr.x3ze acec)cm�ion or tomct�vuro if not pertnflled by ngulationsof the Secrctnry�. � ��<s��... <br /> � � _ <br /> (t)htort6�ge NM InsurM. Borrower ap..�c�hnt should thls Security Ins�mment and the no�e secun«i�hereby no� � �;; ---� <br /> tk cligibtafor insuranccundcr �heNa�iuval Xo:uingAclwitidn 0 m0 th8 from�hc ��i; : <br /> d�tc hereof,Lendcr may,e�i�s option en�run�i��t�aaJ,i�my�hing In Paragrap��9,require Immediate paymrn�io F;{�Y��'-.-_ <br /> �<dl of all sums securcd by this Securiry Ins�mmrN. A ariuen s�atemem of any au�hodzed agem of�he Secrc �+"'t"��'-'� <br /> �l' �s.�:i'"t.. <br /> dsted subsu�ucnt to 8 mo ths from ihc dam hcrcot.dcclining to Insure this Scenruy ;-�i��y-�«--.-_ <br /> ;`1 �Ci <br /> Ins�mment and the no�e secure�thercby,shn!1 te dcemcd oonclusive proof of such ineltg@Iliiy. Noiwi�hstandinS - F :- <br /> the(orcgoing, ehu op�lon may nol be exucised hy I.ender whcn the unavaflability of insurance Is solcly duc�o �,�¢� �� <br /> Lender§falh::e w�emh n mottgage insnn+noc premfum ro the Saretary. Y��� <br /> 10. 8elnslatemep�. �cm�wer t�:u a right m be rcins�a�ed if I.ender has nquired immediate paymcN In full bccause r'sr - <br /> of GoRaweh hlluro to pny ;m nrcttv�i dne undet Ihe�Note or his Secumy Instrument. This ngI�t applles even efler .=r,.�, fir� ;-. <br /> foreclay+;, proecedings ;ue Insilui.��f. To roinstax �f:e Secm:'rry lnstmment. 6onower shx11 tender in a Inmp sum all r'M1 - <br /> amountc rcquired to bdn@ Oovower2 aaount wrca^t 1^eluJing•to the ex�em�hoy arc obltgatinzc of Rorc�wtr unACr this ��:��� _ <br /> Stcurity 7nsuument,(orcctosum covs and m.�so�ut+�a-d c���omary nttomcys'kes antl expcnses proper'ry�>cciaicu wlth � ,.� __ <br /> ft�e(eroclosure procecding. Upon rcins�atemem 6y Ra^na�r,thts Securi�y Insuumznt and U�e obiigatirat fi+a il scenrcs <4;° � <br /> shql}-nczaa?n In etfect as If Lendcr had noIrcc�ulrcc?lncnrdiate�aymem fn full. Nowever,Lender is not reqr.iv�Inperml� -��2�s:K�_�. <br /> -seinv:a.emer.t (C (p LenAer has accepted rcinsiatemcnt n£�ti th:mmmencemeni of fon:closurc procceilinga wllhin twn ;�ti;�s���..Z�;-.__. <br /> years immedl�tely pn;eeding ihe commencemem of tii cu:cent fo:eclosurc proceedfng. Op reinstatemerte mll prcdvle -,;�;�;,��:_�_,--. <br /> forcclosurc on diffcren�erounds in�he Powm,or(iiil reins�a:emem w•III advcrsely afRcl thc pdorrty of�he iirn crcated by -u}�.i'ra•����--- <br /> thisSccurity Instrum:m. 53tt�1� c �' �_-- <br /> 11. Bnrrowcr �+W Released; Porbcaronce by Lender Not a Nefver. Eatension o( �he tin;e �s p�ymcnt or �'i'{'<�i 'rti .-- <br />- maditicaden of amn�llu�lon of the sums securcA 6y�hi.s SecuritY Instrumem granted by I.ender tn any snect�sor In m�ercs� i��,f��,;�,a}s:;- --� <br /> of Dorra«ra shail no�oper�tc�o rcicr:a ihc lin6illiy of the orip�nal Uottower or porcowert s�scesacr In Inttrcs�. Lender :: <br />- shall na he srqufrcd to eommence�xdings ngains�any suceessor in intercs�or rcPose«.eaien<I dme for paymem or 't�3��V�(��sfr, :�_� <br /> ahawisc modify amonizailon of thc sums aecca:�!by �his Sccurity Instrumem bY rcuon of any-drmar.A made by ihe 1 �, F" . <br /> odginal Rorrower or 6ortowcr]succcxsors In ir.�xcra. An fodxarnncc b Lcndcr m cxcrcising any tigFS.w rcmcdy shall �a�C� -: <br /> not be a waiverof or preclude�he exercise of nn��itme or rcmedy. Y -��`�s'�rr��'"31�t�"F: <br /> � r�<3:,>;,:,�_;� <br /> �2. Succcssors and Assigns Bound;JofM:�a�.a Se�eral Llablll�y:Co•Signcrs. 71�c covcnams o:u.� �A<amm�s of f�;.����,-..___ ___ <br /> this S:a�riry Ins�mmem shail btnd and Ixnefit�he succet on:m:!ueignc of LenJer nnA 6oiraacr,subJcc�n C.:e provic�+^� '�C�y<{,�.`.-%p1�,'r_'.- <br /> tt' '`i..E::i;b'_'. <br /> of Parag�aph 9.6. DottowerS covenams and agrcemenu sfi:+ll b:jolm and scrernl. Any Oorto�ver�rho co-signs ihi. �,�;t�,�;rns:��,�� <br /> Saudry Ins�mmenl but docs no�execute ihe Nott: (N is cdxiginp�his Securiiy Insttumem only�o m.:t�agt,gram and �'e(i�r�.fe4;,��f!-_. <br /> convcy that Dorro���ccz En;cresl in Ihe Ptopnty mr.!cr+hr�crms of�his Scauriq•IncvumeN:(b)is not pe�s.naS(}oblfgalcd lo �j,•;� �;�`�4 _ <br /> pny ihe sums setureA h. this Sauriiy Inswmenr,an:l(c7 ugrcex iha�Lender s<ui anY o�her 6ortnuer nGay aure�o extend, '�$�.,�:.,,�i.��f,.t�-._ <br /> modify,forbc.r or makt nny accommcdaions a•irh r_garJ m�hc tcnns af�hn�,unty Instrumem or thr^:.xr without that ,t� _-: hL' ,- <br /> Dorto�vcrtconscnt. •;} v-'{-•»' ,:- <br /> �_ �s t�:: <br /> 13, tioliees. An no�ice m Rorro���cr rorideJ(or in Ihi>Securit�InswmeN shall tk;:ven by delirering it or by 'e.7r4rrr;s;r_� _;�°: <br /> mailing ii by fiat dasi mail unless appIicable lan rtquires uu of nnoiher me�hod. The nwice shall 6e dirccted �o�he FS<4::%"e;4�?=;�� <br /> Propcny Addrcu or ahy oihcr addrcss Uorto��•er dcsigna�es by noiicc�o Lendcr. Any no�icc tu Lendrr sha116c Eiven by - i ' a �h <br />� firsl class mail to l..n<t:r1 addrcss clated hercin or nny xddmss Lendrr designales by nntice lo Uurto•aer. Any na�ice S?�,� r3 - <br />-- (�rovidcd for In Ihix Srcuril Inilrumcnl>hall 6c dccm.J to havc Uarn n�cn In flortu�vcr nr Lcndcr when¢ providcd �;;�;.,��'t±rcv,;•.- <br /> 7 E � -'r l t'-' <br />' m ihi��xiagrnph. ^ ��a - <br />= d?. t:mrrning Lno;SecereLllity. "Il�is Securily In.lrur,�cl ehall Ik govemeJ hr Pedrral lax�and�he laa ri am , . <br />� Jurisdiction in whi.h�he Propeny is Ixa�eJ. In ihe c��em�*..; :�. prm i.inn ar rlau+e o1 tt i-Securily InclrumrN�,r�hr �-F�;,��_;:�(��_.�: <br /> r Nolc conllicts wi�h npslicablc law,wch con(lii:.Sn�!l no�a:l,..nhcr proci.imm�f�hn Sr.nm� Inqrtr:cm n� Ihr tirr: ff,r� , . <br />_ which c:m Ue gi��en e.f.•::wit6nW the conll�curc r:��:��nn. To�hi.end�hr pmcnion.r!�hi.S.airiq und Ihc t- s,� ` <br />= Note arc dcclucd tn tY�.r�cra6lc. YJI'� ��i .- <br />= 15. Borroner'sCop�'. 6urto�rcr�h.+llhc �-•_ .xxcnnfonr.rdu.�)ufihi.Sctunnlmtnim.nL f�l$(�a ��r <br /> I5. Asslgnment of I2enls. 2i. r�...c;nxr.:�mmail;.a.,g�:.:nJ vamfcn m Lcnd.i .�tl d:r rcmc and rrscnuc.of�hc `•,_�rf_.,.;.' .. <br />- I'ro�n�-. Ilorrox�rr anlhnriic.I.•..:. Lcr.drr�.�ga:h�n co;:,nhr rrnh and rc�rnnr�and hareby Jirtu�each Icnant of <br />.c Ihe Yrojt�ly lo pa��thr rcr.l�lo LenJcr or Lrn�er+a�cnl� II.•+�c�er.pnur��.L.nJer:m�u.c to Oortm�cr of Dorto��cri �t.�' ��� <br /> brcach of an��cmcnar.t r:agrermcm m�hc Sau :. !.iammrn6 Il�,rtnwrr.hall aollcU:mJ re�a�c all nnN ar•J rt�Cnua nf _ _ <br /> 3 thc F'rop.rt��aa In:�t.r�ar�h.Mnefi�n!Lcndcr..c, ..rrto+cr llu.a..fgnman ai nnn aon.nw� af�.,lutt a..ignmcnt - ., <br />. and not aa aa��gnnxrt lor adJmom.J.ctuny unh � �' <br /> It (mdcr cires nulue of b:[aJ�Io Rnm+���•t Icu.ul rcar,c.ccncJ M Bnrta��t��h.dl ti hld ly ISnrtax�•r.n lm.tcc ���. . <br />. !or h�xfi�of Lender nnly,m Ir apphed tn ihr.un:..nurcJ h.ih. S�t'unh Im�rtnncne �D�Ltnucr.n�u ir enmicu w - - - - <br /> = colicei and reunc ail nf�h.rcm.of ihr Rn�xn..�nJ�o ea.h tcnam�d ih:14o{+em .h�ll p�)all rcm,dua and uupaiJ lo �'-�: <br /> Lcndv nt LcnCcr:.�.cN on I_enJct�anurn Jrmind cu�hc tcna:n- ' , <br /> ' ISortuu'c� auy pnut a���gm.ntni of Ihc h.i,m.t.irvl ..df n.��{artcm�ma acl ihal xnulJ <br /> = preacnl LrnJer Gom cacrci�ing i�.righi.unJc��in.Pd:J�la���l I6. . <br /> _ Lcndcr.hali tw� bc�tywrcd u.cnlcr upw�.�.Ar�.r.vof.d ur mmNam�Iu 1}..C�rtt hrAKr.�r alldr g��mg noiim o{ <br /> = hrcr.h to I)onnxer. tio'w<�t�.Lemlrr uf a�uJi.ialls a�a�in[.d aaener ��u. d..�•n+nc time Ihcrc„.�hrtarh. .1m' <br /> a�L•.acun of tent++hall m��cua.r u�i�r any sr.fluli ur mufiJ�:c m•.xhe�nghl uf tcmcdy�d I.cndce Iln.a..�gnmcm <br /> - n(rrn[.nf ttr.Ftr�tny�IIdII ICONI101f NII@II IM1C�ICFf 4YUfCYI M1�IFt S.:.ur�r. Innmmcnt n pa�J m full. �'. <br /> �_ <br /> i <br />- .N�r�.i(N[rv ' - <br /> • �}..�_, . � . <br />