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1 '{ 1 � >!�3 4}J{� 75 S� 1t� .- -� _ 1�C -a" .. <br /> . � �.� <br /> _ '.tJ ' ' r -c°� .f� ri�SktL �ir i . ...- - � <br /> � � �f r � . J _ <br /> �i-:.. ti.FrI.G..N �f� Niitlus��2�ir.v��ci.s..w��,,:....r.r......r.:..s'ia:.,:: . �.:--.: . . .- � <br /> ��� a <br /> 92�.�ta�s�� <br /> 2. T�ynstnt of Prindywi,inlemt�nd Gwle CAnr�. Horcower stinll pay when duc�tw pdneipal ot,and Inlereet on, <br /> ' �heckMCV[Aencadby�hcNo:eamttaiecharge:dueunskriheriae. ,______ _ <br />= ;t. Monlhly pwymcnts ot7Yxts,fnsurones and Olher Ch�r�e�. Bonnwer shnll indudo in cnch momhly paymcnt, � <br /> tognhu wiih tiw princip�l nnd(n�ercs�as sn fonh In the Nae and any in�o charges,nn im�nllmom of any ta)tazes and =,,, <br /> � specl�I asussmcros levied or w bo Ievied ag�inst tha Ropeny,N1�euNmld payments or ground rcnts on the P�o{rcny,a�d �r,} <br /> (c)pnemlums toNnsuranco rcquired by Parognpb A. 6k}.x'Rt,a'B`�`—_�-.. <br /> }iach mont6ly inst�liment for lums p),(b)and(c)sh�ll ap�al one•twelftb of the+nnu�l nmoums, ns rcnson�bly <br /> ° cs�imntcd 6y I.cnder, plus an amoum sufflcient to malnloin nn nddhionnl 6alance of not morc thnn onasix�h ot�ho ,f :, <br /> estimeled emounls. 7tw full annual amamt for exh i�em shell bo ncemmiloial Ly I.enJer wOLin n p:dal endiny one F�, r �ty'�� ,�v-- <br /> moNh bcfnro en hcm woutd bccome delinqurnt Lendcr shnll hold t6o amoums collated in trusl lo pny ilems(a).(b)aid �, 1 „;.i�, v« � <br /> - -� (c)br.tarolheybxomedelinqucnt. , } i� ° <br /> 'j (t at nny tfmo �ho mtal of�hc paymcros hclJ 6 I.cndcr Por itcmc(a).@)und(c),�ogcihcr wI16�ho fuWte momtdy ��� t _'r�;=,� n" <br /> Y <br /> �; �ynxNS for such itcros payabic ro I.cnder prlor m tho duc datcs of such t�ems,cxcceds by moad than o+r.-six�.4 4hc �f� >t ,>��F � ._ <br /> u�imated amonm of paymems rcquirc4 to pay such Items wlren dno,ud if pz mems on�he Note arc eurrera.tFen £ +< <. _� �.t t = <br /> Qsi sha11 d�hcr retur.d iho cxccss ovcr orsaslx¢te c£t�`.�estimated paynxnts o:c�t t�eaczss over e:a-sixch a3 tM .,.4 _ .. <br /> paymenis lo subseqcr•at Qayment%by$vrtower,at tCc cp:k�ct of IIwrower. If u`�::ctat c[ttc Faym�ees xvY:by Berrox�er �_ .- -��` '._.. <br /> .;Y`��,y for Item(a).(b).ar(e)is insuf£ucient io pay tY�imm wtr_n d:e,tt:ert Bcrrov+et u*ail pay eo Leee.'er a�y ame»::nt n:cess�ry w ?ti i 1 a�z�, ' <br /> so- ve� meko up�ko dcFirYUxy w�ce befae ti:e d�te rhe item Gccorxs d��e. � �� <br /> �.?;� As iur,�(n r'ara SecnritY lnstn�ment,'Sarziary"mcans�M Secreiuy eFtr,xising nnd Urban De�r�o,�eent w his ev M1^r s�� r`.+a ,� <br /> ��?� desigrtee. ia zny}�ear In whicR tiw Lena:r must pay a mertgage insur.�r.ce p;��ium m�he Sarctary,e•r.a1 monthly pa)mm �i a,.-���if.Y'ov«i;.' <br /> � ,�� s[�tt .ilso i�cled: either. (i)an instaltment of�he annuxl mortgngx ixsursnce prcminm lo be pahl by I.cnd.r aa ihe µ - -_�, cr,.r.rsr����--� <br /> 9urc�ary,w(i9 n monthly cbarge ins�ead of a moaga�e inmrance prcmium if�his Seeud�y ins�mmem is Sr34 by i�e r ` 't7n}'. �r„�,: <br /> f - Secroiary. L'aoh mauhly instx!RmeN of the mongege Insmm�:e pttmium shall be in an amownt snfOdem m e:cvuinlnr.aY.2 Jy�,i '�a �= <br /> ' full annunl mxtgyze Intueuxx prcmium x'e.S I.endcr unc month pd��� �o tM1e da�e thc full ar.m�v?�:ngs^r e.^.suc:aa: �"'O1 ir' . _ . <br /> .y,�� prcmium is duc ro c:he Secrc��y:or if ihis Sco..+iri Instrument is held Lq�?�e Secrcl.vy,each momhiq ch�rge s�a)1 M in an .� ��`rkb _ <br /> -; r�� emountequal�owx•twel(Ihofone•hai( ccemofdieoinetandln rinci dWlancedneont6eNot.. r9 �Sn;:,`'-_. <br />.y-�,� f`z 8P P� f�:•,.:., <br /> If Dorrower tenders to Lccdtr�he PoII p3yment of a{E mms securcd by this Srcurity Instrumem. Bortoweri account ;iv��t£�w;w;,.-• <br /> shall bo ctedit.d wi�h tlie L•alan:e rcmaining for all invatl�nents Por Items(a). (b) anQ(c)and any mortgage inwronce Y�y1't��;��t��rt�, <br /> premium ins�ellment tha�Ler.der has no�6ecome obliga�ed to pay m�he Secrc�ary,and l.ender shall promp�iy refmid any ������ <br /> �� excess funds to 6ortower. Immediately pdor to n forcdosure sale ot tlie Ropehy or i�s acqulsition by Lender,Qorcowert ��tW �Ji �� -- <br /> � accounl shall beercditrd wI�L any baianee remalning for all inslal�menis for itcros W).(b)and(c). �'� - �:t zx <br /> z <br /> ��-'� 3. Applioatlon of Pwyntenls. AII paymcros undcr Par�graphs I nnd 2 shall bc applied by Lendcr as ol ows: ,� �- .;,�,. �'�� <br /> �:,,i{k� T[B$T.�a�he mortgege insunnce prcmium to b�:paid 6y Lender io die Secrclary or to the momhly chargo by�he t �,-�3 _- <br /> ; -.-� Sce�n:�lar�ins�cadofllicmonthlymongageinsuroncepremmm; ' �'�"w Ezi++�'_ <br /> b >ii� ;412C{p,to nny lucs,spcclal azsessmems,IeaseLolA paymems or ground rems,nnd fife.(looJ and mher hazan3 f, Y% ' <br /> b�� � l3�t;'i�;. "ar.' _. <br /> qF,�� nsumnce preminms,as requlrcd; � � _ _ <br /> . T171z?.w-a:�:tstd�ei:r.c�.:fl1.L:`!'JlC: s_r— n n <br /> =r���: [Q I�1RTy,io nn;oni'u�ticn of thc principal oi�he Notc: �r`rnvt ;}sY�t <br /> t i�l. J�j��.�ola[�udacundcrlheNotc. }�� �'``��`� <br />�.-3�`�t�cf��� 4. Firs,Tfo«I anC Q�thcr 47azard Insurance. Dortower s6all insure all improvcmems on�he Propeny,whciher now F�.+f��f�%,. �N = <br />�`�!A�%[S�} in exisleneC o!SubRtquen:I emcrzJ,agalnsl an ha�ards,casuaities,nnd eontin encies,includin firc,for which Lender �' 3 �.,-�,��,- <br /> �;.`�� s Y g g tff ft'�t..%�7,?;,���^, <br /> �r.� rcruirts Insurar.ce. 7'h1s inxur.�acc s6a11 bc maimainM in thc mnouNs and for ihc periuds�hat Lcndcr rcqulres. Dotto�vcr t� <br /> shell also Insureall im.provemems on�he Property,whert�:r now in ezistence or subsequumty emcted,agalnst loss by(loods p, ��. �i �;��. <br /> ;--� lo Ilw exlem r�tuired by ihe Secretary. All insur.lna shall be canied with comp:m�es approved by Lender. 'fhe insunnce , �t s }��,� � <br /> t�`sx{` policles nnd any renewaiF shall be held by Lender nnd shall includo loss payab:c clauses in favor oL and in n fomi ��,.+�`?a;a�„t x <br />. V��'�`-f. acceptablelo,Lender. s.,� �irtau� t__ -' <br /> �?•`-� In the event of loss, portowcr shall give Lend.r iiamcdiatc no�ice by mail. Lender mny makc proof of lucc il not ,�1;• � -: <br /> - ;g.� F •r nt€r�i:.�. <br />, ;,,;.�;� mado promPtly by Oorcower. Cnch(nsumnce company concemtd is hercby amhorized and dfrccted w make paymem for , ;, s; . <br /> �t-�' � suc6 loss dircc�ly to Lender,ins�ead of�0 6orcower anA m LenJer Jofndy. All or.ny pan of the insur;mee proceeds may 6e 7�i�r�����F <br /> - 'af•`{ ep lied b Lender,nl hs o �lon,e(iher(N�o�he redvciion of�he indeb�edness under�he Now and ihis Securiiy Insvument, ��4� -" <br /> �f-�� fint to any dclinyucm an,oums npplicd in �he ordcr in Paragraph 3,xnd�hcn to pmQayment of piacipal,or(b) lo�he �� "y�F.�++ _: <br /> � '--� n.sloretlon or rcpatr of thc damagcd pmpchy. Any appliraiton of�hc procccds�o thc pnncipal shaSl out extcnd or pos�ponc i7tr�� �i; t, „ <br /> ��; Nti due date otihe momhl�pnynxms whicli arc rofened�o in Pam m h 2.or change ihe amr.nn:oT such paymen�s. Any � 1�i• j <br /> ��1._, ercezss Insumnce pracedx ovu an art:ouni required tn �uy all ou�csianJing mJebicdr,ra�undu fhe Nme and this Security f$ ;y�y�1�#�a�i�r+ <br /> ��r,�_ lrommiem vhall M paid to Uie emity Icgally eNi�lcd�hcrc�n. i��`Yf�#�`r „ " <br /> )_.� In tlu evcm of forcclosure of�his Stcurity Instrumem or mher�ranzfer o(iitle io the Proye:ty� thz�ex�inguishu�he ,, t�4 -- <br /> l�s'� indtbtednecc,a':(righ6 ti�le nnd imeres�o!itnrro��rr in anA io insurancr pnlicies in force shall pass�u ihr purchaser. r �y%�t �iCl �'`<i ;- <br /> ��.� 5. Occupancy, Preservntlan, Mninlennnoe and Protectlon of Ihe Properly; Qorro�rer's Loan Applicalion; ,. L 1- ,y� � . <br /> >r Weosthuldv. Borrower shnll cecupy,esmblish, and�ue �hr flopny as Oorto�verk principal rcsidence wi�hin six�Y days :t�'i ri+>,t ' <br /> ,.w�, nf�er�Tr.exeee�ion of this Security Insuumrm nnd shall coa�inue m a:cupy�he Propeny az Qorta�verh princip�l rcs�Jrnce � . .� �..-�� <br /> -_ 1.i?4; fnr a�I�a��one year afler�he d,te of acupnncy.unirss�he Secrc�an d.�emiine.this reymrcmem will cause unAue hxrdchip � -�: ��� , �_ <br /> !or portuwrr, or unless ex�enuatin circuni.eir.cec rxixi uhlch riu hey�nnd Uortower's comrol i3ortower xhall notify �-'+ + �c :. <br /> ���° Lenden o!r.ny ulenualing cfrcumiances. Donouer shali r.ol con:mit ��asle or deslroy,J:una�r.�:.ebslanliallq change 4 5�> -;� �"}2r�Y. <br /> e--�� the Pfo}eny m al!ow�he Propeny w detedorare,rra.nnahle«rar nnd�aar exccp�cd. Ler.Ca m�y�.->puuhc Proyerry ihhc yyf,�}� `} ��ti: <br /> :_;;�T,' �opcny is verem�v aLu��Jor.eJ ur Ihc luan i. fn JefaclL Lcr.d:t m.�c IaAc rcasor.�`�!:.s��:nn tn pmt.a�nd prcrerve such ��- � r�,:,,:. . <br /> = i,r. : rn:anl Or eb..". L :� ; <br /> ; r� d�ncd Prngc�c�. Dorro�ccr shall alco be in�i:fauh if 6ortmcce during �hc loan applieaiion Fc<•..��s,ga�•c �s;>, ..;�kli:�.��>,:.,.�> <br /> �- ma�eriall�� faL<e in im.etvr.i.: informalion or �Ialru:en[. In lor failtd m prm�ide I.ender wi11i nn) ma:mal 7��?:j.�/ ; . <br /> _{1��� intnrmnlinr, in znrt.ttlion ui�L Ihc loan.eidrnccd M iL•r\n� nd limilyd lo.rcprcscr.ta7:on�rnnc.minp. � - _ • <br /> - ,:� Itorrower's a.a.,^ar<y o(Ihe Rnperly a.a Fr.r.cipai tt±idrne II lni.S;:mrv 6n�mmem n on a Ir:o-eSn?d,t3onnwer sh_i)1 <br /> . _ " ecmply wilh i`r procisions of Ihe Iease. II I3ortumer:�cywcea frr iifir�n iE.Propem•,ihc leaarho:d arA(te fi�le�ha'.1 nrn . <br /> �'�!S°;� t.mcrgcJ un!rss Lcnder agrccs W�he mergcr in�rrnie�. - <br /> �.';S 6. Charqes to Borro�rer and Proleclion af l.endzr+Nigh�x in Ihe Pro�xr1?. 12orrm�er.hall pay all g:�..::-cnta: <br /> �`,-i:.�'�. .�r municipal rhargcc.fincx anJ impi+itin:�s�hat arc nnl ir..I.dcJ in Patagrafdi?. F!.r.rvcr.�,�n��.�mr.�or:.;.�:�„r.�,� <br /> � <br /> �"'_�G' Iime dirccllr Ir,the entity �chich i.oxr�'. i4 �a)mr.n. If G+ilurr 1n pa• �.�n:l,l ad.rcelr a(fec:�!crti in;.rn� in Ihe . <br /> V, Ihopeny.u�'r.Lender i rcyuni Bortc.�r'; :::prumpll��fumi.h�n L�•i:r:rcet��;+r�ider.ung i-:.•'.nnem.. <br /> - I( 6oncu�r faih tu maAc Ihc.e p+.:-:al.or thc pn��mcnn reyuu:d A. }7a�F�a;`. :.o::.i�� t. perfomi any mhcr . <br /> 'ti;�.';��Se <ovenanis and agreemcnn enntained m thn Sccimq�ImwinenL or ihere r a Iega.rr,t'rcC:ag�}ai ma��+ignifieanlly affcel . _- . - <br /> � � <br /> .t�� L.h-min�nr.-c Lrt a'nnlem^�•.r^ •�la P�I��RCC I]\C\O!fRC11IJ11U0]L �. . . <br /> e : • t_la.__.r..i.....1.... �............IF�.. . <br /> _r.ti-r�.=° i:tu:i:n Ln ....�....: ............�-...,,,.....�. ..'__...._• " r <br />'.;.y, {�- ttan Lcnd:r�my do anJ pa} uhalercr���.proia�rt:e��Ice of�hc Vr.qYr; aaJ Lender:ngh�>in ihe 1'nqeny. <br /> im.ludinR paYrtr.nt of lucti.hvarJ imur,ncc anJ othcr�tcm.mrn�n.rsd m Nrtagraph_. <br /> - Any xmounts disbuncJ 6y�LcnCcr undcr thi�Parag�aph.hall Fcaomc an aJJmm�:d Jcbt of Borto��cr anJ Ix u.ureJ <br /> i;.,_`' by this S^cur.lp Inswnxnl. 'Ihex amam�..hall hcar micresl frtnn ihe Jale o(Ji4.unemen6 al ihe Nme rate.and�i Ihe � <br /> eFtiun ef Lcndrr,shall be immcJinlcl.Jcc anA sa+�ble . <br /> r � T. tondcmnnllun. Thc pnxc<C,af aay a•+a:d�c claim for Jamagc..Jircct or run.n�urntial,m cmmc.u��n wi�li an�� { <br /> '� :��or olhcr laking uf any paR��!ctr Pa,(cn)',ar 4ir aom< ancc in plau•u(conJcmnation.dre hc�rl+c a«igncd � . <br />.`'-r..;�';!: a:A sh:It�'r,c�aid ro Lcndcr to ihc cxccnr a(thc fnll mnoum of�hc inA.��trJnr..�hai rcmaim unpaiJ unJcr�h.Nme:mJ ihi. , <br /> �r:':k`'.%7{ Sccunry Irt�vument. LcnJcr tihall apply,��ch prunYJ.w ihc mJuc�inn of ihc indcLinlnc.+unJcr�hc�uic and�hi.Sccurilc � <br /> �..��;��i� Inslrumcm, fim �o any dclinyucN amoum� applinf in ihr urdcr pro�-iJ.J m {nragnph i. and Ihcn In prcp:q'mcm uf • <br />-;-tit�:' principal. An)' aPPlication uf �he prm�cedc lu �hc principal .hall not .ucnJ nr�x�.l�xnic Oir duc Jaic of�hc momhl� <br />_;j.�ti+?.s�. <br /> .�::� <br /> :-J. 'v,. ,�.,c.:d�p,:..i <br />. -+:'- <br /> ,j <br /> . <br /> .._.-_ ; <br />