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<br /> � y�.a � _ .
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<br /> " .. . . ..�=Tl'L�4. �MM���[��`yf,: T*� Y'.w �{ .
<br /> . ��.i. 4aM7Jf�r+'..���...� . o .... ..i .wl+..`rJ.+:: . ,� .. .. . ... .e'. .._ ...swv�►�
<br /> .w !' A v . - .-�+• l� �•
<br /> - , .�'.�- -'.-' .. .. . .. . . . '1 ���.
<br /> . � • ��� '.���e ��d:;.;,.
<br /> ' �. ACtiOns Attectiap Tr��t Es4�to. Trustor BhtN �pp�rin and aontest any �ctbn or procMC}k�g p��rpe��ir�Q tn af(oct the (�t.;�•
<br /> , � cQCUr�ry hcre0f qr the r�ryhts or powera of BeneflCfRry or Trustse,tnd�h�U p�y lli costa and expenaae, Includin� caat of�c��iMnr.a of tR1f
<br /> � �nd utameys'feea,In any such aatbn Or procsed'np In wh�h B�ndicMry or Trusteo may appear. II Truetor ttlRg Ut ninf�t�onv payrrsrnl Qa to
<br /> do tny �ct na�nd h tho mana��r provkled In dny o1 the Loan Inatrurnwus. EHnefioiary andlor TniaFse, e�oh h tfteti ewrt �IU�ri�tlRrr,wItP�U:d
<br /> o4N61�tlon eo to do tnd wkhout not�e to or dan�nd upon Truator and wichout nlMSinp Truetor from �ny cbllyQilurt, mAy mf�kp er do I�a
<br /> � �rtN y� euch manne and to suCh extent ne �hhpr may dee+n nocesury to protxt tha eecurify htusol. Truat��r ahoU, �mm�dlHt�y«�an
<br /> dat�nd thiretor by BeneHc�ry. p�y r� coats and a�nsae incurted by �n�ticiuy h conr►�ctbn wkh thx er.t�minA tty Bon�Hictu.ry ot iht+ ;
<br /> ►or:.po�zp r�pht�,Inctud�p elkho�t ImHntlon cost3 ot evldence of tkb,caun casts>�ppnba��. aunrey�and Qttamn��a'�onn. �
<br /> � `4'�'� � 6. Eminent DAm�in. If lhe Tfu6t E6tats, or 11ny parl lhatsol Or Nt�rott th�tlfn, W GlicM 0� dMmiiQAd bU r�PpOOn ol aPty pr.A4fq
<br /> , ., ..., j � .
<br /> �� { Mnprovert»nt or aondemnetbn proceedhy,or Ys 4ny othx minnan c�le�d'n� deed In Nw ther�of('Condemneftan"), w N Teunter rpca���:s eny
<br /> �..,.,�„wb.; not[cs or othor hiormatbn reqardhp suCh prceeed�p,Truator shaN p!w prompt writt�n notics th�so}��Benefl:iur�.Twatar ehell be ent8bd � :�
<br /> to aN cortqe�satbn,4watds and uther peymrx�ts u reib�f thereof�nd sMl be entiltad at ks optbn to aommenuo, appa�tr Mi and Rr�rsecuio It , "
<br /> � , ks own ntme eny ectfon er pmCeadinps.Trustor ShaY also he entdied la make�ny compromis�or satiMrnent h�cnnneMlan wkh s�ch takWd
<br /> �'��V
<br /> ;,j or dunoye. E:'-•;_
<br /> S mu-..
<br /> 6. Ap�aolntrr�ent Ot Succeasor Trustee. Be�eficluy m�y, hom time to lime, by a wrhl�n Y�ntnimont exece�ted and .__._
<br /> r ecknowkdQed by Beneficlary,mailed to Trustor and re�cordod h the County h which tt�s Trust Estate ls fcca9u�Bnd Dy nth�xw�se canpty�� �^�-
<br /> ° wilh the provlsbns of the appliCabb faw o}the State of NeOraska SuDst�[ule a suCCSSSOr or 6uCCSSSOrr, tn thp Tn�Rt11e n�tmed heresl oa �r,�
<br /> �ctfny herlunder. _---
<br /> � 7. S411CC@�OPd afld AEQI�f�s. This Seconti Doed o}TNSt 1DPSies to, hur9s to ths 6vmtifl Cf and Itifldsi all Qarttas herNO, th6h
<br /> hets� tep�t�,devfsees, persond tepr�n�ritM�s,successors and a�sf�ns.fio temi'Bartef�lu�J"9hnn m�tnn tho o�vn�x�nd ho6aLet o4 any �{f.,_^
<br /> � promktsory nota qh�sn to 6enafieluY.Iwhsther or n¢t n�med as Bane�i.cWy berehJ.
<br /> . .. . ; ,,. � 8. Mer�er� Consolidati�n. S�IES O� L�33C3. Truslor eCVS�ants thpt 7,�iMar wi� npt sol, tunce er ert�mwise dispesse o! Bny jF��;�
<br /> .�: of the Trost Estate.In the event thtt Tn�stor selFS,leases or afhenvise daposss o}sny pvt of the 7rust Etitutu, 6ariAficf�y may at Ua o�ik�n
<br /> docyu� 4he hdebte�ness secured hereby Ir!�medf�tey due and peyable, whether or not any defauk en.t�t�. E�noOaiory shall ca��sent to� If:
<br /> � � � '� transier o1 ths Trust Estats to a third ptrty to the roctent ouch thtd puty meets the requlrerr�enta contafnad f��, H11d flflGUrt108 M6 Obi{�1t10(IA __
<br /> `'",� set forth In the FYst Deed af Trust.The cAVenants contaned hereh shUl run wkh the Property and shall rrimain h tult fa�e and efbct untYl =
<br /> - . � . , ttle hdibtldness�Pifd In IuN.
<br /> " •., �� 9. EYED1,f Of DQh11iL My o!the folbwhp¢v�nis shall bn de9tr»ed an event of dafsuk hurntindHr:
<br /> .
<br /> ;- . ••'i;-� ('y uoiauit oi��ii uo.T.:w:i.wo��,.M;��a�n�h�d��ir4xe nr nnq �thw sum securAd PIllrobV whOn du0;
<br /> °' or
<br /> :.n.-,•�. ; -
<br /> (b) Trustor sht�tl�urEOmi any eCt In bankruptcy;or
<br /> �Iy� ..
<br /> -�• �. � (o) n court of competent Jur}�d�tbn shall ranteT 6n order,judpment or docrna appruvfn0 n p8tkiun 8i�d epatnat Trusta sedc�'rB nnY
<br /> �"" �`�"�� rooryanizatbn, diSSOlutWn or simNar relie} �nder any Rres�nt �r lutwe tedenl, sfate or athkx stotuto, ktw er requMtbn rehthy tu
<br /> .��•
<br /> ��-Y�.:��:-�:r
<br /> ,�;�;4, �,:.• banlwptcy, hsolrency or other reliMM for debtors, and such arder, judgment or decree shuN rvxnQfn unvauatod and unstayaad for Rn
<br />°"''''"`.� �flqreQab of s6cty (&0)d�►ye (whethe► or not consaauthre) hom tAe tirst cfate of entry� themCF, ar anv tniutue, roceNer a tiquld►tw or
<br /> T`�_�
<br /> –�••� Trustor or o1 aN or eny put of the Trust EstaYm, ar of any or at o! the royaCiss, revenues, ronta, ��auoo ar protfts thaeot,QhaM b�
<br /> -- - appohtad wkhout t�fe consent or�co,ubscenCe of Tn�stor end such a�ppoinUnent bhaN romaLi.unvaontUd and unotayod toru� �optto
<br /> _''r?;-y,..
<br />_%-�;; ..��. of sbRy(60)daYs(whelher a not ccr.�cecutlue);or
<br /> -°_-2_^_.!l4;.,
<br /> ...r:.:m:f.1.�Ci: ,
<br /> ___.;;,�� (d) R writ o!sxecution or �ttachmer►t of any simfkr FrocEts�sh�A be entered �ahat ltniotnr whlCh shaQ I�ecome� l3aa on t�►v
<br /> –���r_a�� T�ust Estate or u►y patbn thersot or fnterost theretn and auch�cecutbn,�[Itaohmes�t or stmtYQ grocoas af judgrnent b no3 niaasod�
<br />---__�=�:�1 tiondHd�aatisfiod�vaCated a stsyed wkhln sbRy(60)dtys aRer ets entry or fe�vy:or
<br /> __—�
<br /> ° (e) tMxe h*i occumed a brs�ch of or defauk under any tarm,covenant, aqrs�ment,cnnditWn,pmvh�iun,roprosenl4ibn Qr warmTy
<br />_--
<br />