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<br /> ' Tt�:�and Q�d af Truat(lhfts 'SeGOnd 9wd of Tn�et"),h rrwd��w o��rll 9lh _. , 16 7 ,by and�manp . -
<br /> .. � , i�i ne W. GI�ri��l�i1sl.Ln.�4.� ��rusco�^�, ,:
<br /> whoss m�wnp�adne�ts l�Q,�-�!&�4�Wrend 1 �nd NNN«Mc�A�eD3 �..r -- —� '.��
<br /> �,p�n ,�'�����i��! 8::��t� A Fc ^'7,! ,�..��q�„n4*� C�"'nk `�._ _..__ 1'Trusc.e•)�wnoa�m��unp
<br /> „ •:.:� .ddn•• k Oa60'M'Str1��,�m•�••. NE 6�1�7 � _, t�.bruk�; 1-`;
<br /> ��_
<br /> �� and NihntkM Inwstm�r�t Finant�Aulhority("BM��fiCyry'),whosa mnNinp addr�se ts 200 Commerce Couh, 1230 O Filreot,Llncoln.Nebnyk� -
<br /> '�y,��.+�� Gfi50fi't�lU�. :-
<br /> `�;.�
<br /> FOR VALWBLE CONSID�RAYIDN,Tn�stor kra�vxnht��t%nsters,conveya antl aaslpns ro Trusts�,IN'IRUST,W1TH POVYER OF SALE,tor __
<br /> thn dsnsM�nd s�curky ol B�nNbkry�under and sub,bot to ths te�ma �nd condRbns of thM S�cond Owd of Tn��t,the aai proqwty. NptNY _-
<br /> .:.- � C�:,�r:�an Eh!+t!A et�!^hed h+fr�No end IncorPanled henh bY nkronco ttha°ProP�Y�)�anU , =
<br /> C-.
<br /> �• T p(3 E T H E R L V R H,a M r M M,p rc�fAa. ro yaRbs, tncome md othw benN�ita dKM�d trom tha Pn�yvarty (colipcBwy,th� "�ts'j,aY Nasea or �,.
<br /> '� subMt� covKinO IhR Prvpsrty o► �n% pan'nn ttulreof now oc h�rbRe� �xlsthp or ent�nd Into, ond n0 ripht, tkk nnd Int�rest o}Tn�ata �;:
<br /> Lh�.mtNr,a1�ripht,tiiu artd hter�st oi TrostOr In and to ar►y grNt�lr sstat�h t�tA i'ropertY owMd or h�nattK�cquirwd�4N inl�nsle,aslatA
<br /> • or othar Ckims, bath in f�w �nd 6n equkY. which Tmstor now has or may ha.roeRK acquire h tho Proparty, aM Ms�rtNr►t�, riphls-of-way, �'�
<br />_���` . .'. t�nert»nte,hM�dkamw►ts and �ppu�ilnu►aes th�of md th�eto, �M Kr�t�r rif7hts,�M rfyht,tkb md ht�nst ot Trusta. �ow own�d hM'a4K -
<br /> ' �Cq�irW, In �nd to �ny lend. gi� wRhh tha t�Rt•a!•:tay of eny ettr!t o► hMhwey �djotning tM Pro�s�rty,and any�nd lN albya �nd str�pe
<br /> • md po�a of iond adJ�c�nt to a us�d in conn�ctbn wRh lh�Propwty,and any and�M buidhge,fbcturss antf Ynprowrtwnta now a h�n�far __
<br /> � erectsd thenon(tha'Improvar►wnts'���nd I�N the �smte, ht�rast,�ipht,tkN�x my cytn or dsrtMrtd which Trustor aow h�s a rt�ay Pwn�thr
<br /> � �cquir� In th�Prop«ty. �nd any and dl nw�rds rtude for the nkinp by wninent dom�ln, or by �ny pracsedhy ar purchasf in Nw ther�of,of �;
<br />`'" '���.'�'' tNS whok ot�ny PaR of tM Trust EStaN,includinq wkhout Mmkttion vty�wuds rssukhp kom�Chanpo of qrasl�01 stnets md awluds(or =�
<br /> • •' -4i
<br /> . �:`' S6519f�I1C��f1�Q�s� _
<br /> _i.,�,
<br />�3�;'� �� � � The Prop�ty and the entiro sstate and htKSSt convey�d to th�Tniate�ue nlerted to coNecttiNy�s ths"Trust Estat�'.
<br /> 1,u.,,:�; •
<br />�;;��,;,.� For the Rurpoae o!Sacurin�: _
<br />=`�r• ' ;,��t A. Payment ot hJ�bt�fness evbanced by any promissory note ot Trustor h favor o16�n�ffciW:�nd
<br /> ��. . .�
<br />�4'•;; �,' e_ Payment of oH sums tdwnced by Bene►iclery to prot�ct the Trust EsUts, wNh Intersst therson at th0 nb of sb�te�n p�nc�x►t(16%)
<br />_..w;.�;r,;�r: t' ��nnum.
<br />-.;*i}.. . f
<br />"'�"'�"�a':�y i! Ths ind�btsdness d�scri4�d I� puaDnAhs A and B above Is rolernd to as ths 'Indpbudn�ss'
<br /> i��y�.,`�x. ,•• �,
<br />�'- ��-; This Sacond De�d of Trust,any promissory nole of Trustor in fsvor ot Bsneftcfery and any other insWment plwr+ to evidence or(tiAM►
<br />�.,,:y`"w���� ., seouro the payme�t md psrtarmutcos oi ony obiip�lbn socured hereby�rohrtad to colNctMy aa tho"Loan Inswments'.
<br />�'•�i'�.;s; ; Tn�stor cm�nents that (q Trusta holds titb ta the Trust �sute ond has hwtul authoricy ta ancumDar th�Ttist Eatat�, (i�ttN Tr�st
<br />�_:Y;�;�;� EsU�ts is free�nd c�Oar of aN liena �nd encumbnnc»s excePt tor s�asrrbnts�rosfi�Ctions �nd covYn�nts of ncord�nd tM Oe�d o1 Trust hor.�
<br />==�'"`-�—�°'��� T�ustor encumbor7r+q the Property dated on or about tho date heroof (the 'FYSt Daed of TnesY),and(fi�TzsCar wiN dsl�r►d th�Truat Est�N
<br /> �-�T•:a+�- patnst the ltwfui oYtms ot any person.
<br /> �_:n., �-.
<br /> =�'-���� To P�r�+4act the Securtty ot thlo Second Deed of T�ust:
<br />��� 1. Payment of Indebtednep.Trustor shaN pay when due the pnc�fpal of.and the htxest on,the hdobtadnsss and aN otMr
<br /> -----,,,,�, sums as provklsd In the Loan Instrument�.
<br /> �-- v 2. T�fIE�. Trustor sh�A pab�ch hstatlment o}all taxes end spacyl assessmenh of every knd, naw or hereeRer Mvfsd�painst tM
<br />-- ��"!���, Trus!Esttls or onY PaR thsr�ol�boforo d9�hquency,wkhout notice or dertfand. _
<br /> �'.'.r:�"+�!�;'
<br /> 3. Insur�nce and Reps3l�. Yrustor ShtN mahteln 17re and er.tended covsnpe hsuroncs fnsurhq ths improvem.ms const�ut►ng
<br /> �- __ put ot th�Trust Estate tor such amounts and on suCh tertna reason�by satbfncdnry to BenetiaYuy.So bn�n�s the F�ropaty IS smcund by a -
<br /> = - -�'j fret de�d of trust or mortqaqe�compNance wfth che hsunnce requk�e�mnts o1 4he fYSt deed ot trust or mortpc�s sAatl be sufHoient ro s�tl,sf�r
<br />-- -- the nqukerrnnts of this pare9nph 3 relathp to hsunnce.
<br /> ''"`"��`'� Truslor 6h�Il prompty replk and mpMae the Trust Estate o7 nny part thereof so that,except tor wdinuy weor cr�d tear.the T�ust Estate
<br /> r�'�'-�' shaB not dut6rlora!e.in no event sholl the Truotor commft waste on or to the Trust Hstate,or commk,sutier or parmk any act to be dorw In
<br /> y''��"�� or upon the Tnist �ssate h vblatbn of any taw, ordhence or repubtbn. Trustor shail pay end prompiy dlscharge at Truator's cost and
<br /> °'° ��� ' m�pensn aA Iiens,oncumbrances and charyos tavied,Imposed or assessed apninsi the Trust Estete or any part thereo4.
<br />-�-� NIFA 3196
<br /> `v')'��y�' � Ft�840.LM0(91i6) Pap�t ot 6
<br /> C':�.
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