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.. � <br /> �_,.w: <br /> �., ,. _ <br /> 04-10-�1t�7 DEEC�O� TRIJST ��"�1��;�9 Pa�e 3 ; . . <br /> (CoMinued) ; • <br /> ._-�. ----- _= --=--------_=.—= ----- — I ' "=_ <br /> �rkHDncs o!P�rymenf. 7rustor sha11 u�on damend Iurnlsh to Lender saU�tectory svldence of paymnnt of Iho lpxes or essessments and shali i ' �,� <br /> sulhalne the�ppropdate pavernmentd otficlal lo deliver to Lender at eny time e wdlten stetement ot the taxes nnd nssessments apalnsl Ihe T� <br /> � PrOpeity . _ <br /> � Not{a of Con�teu�tlon. Trusta sMll notiry Lender et leasl fifteen(t6)6ays tsolao�ny wak Is commonced, �ny seMces ero lurnlshed,or any <br /> I matKllUs are suppNed to lhs Property� II any msGnanlo'a Ilen,matsrialmon's IMn, a other Ikn coutd be�urtad on account of th�work, j <br /> servlce9,or m�te�le, Trusta wlll upon raquest of Lender turnish to Lende+advence�5suranfx+�eatistactay to Lender ihat T�uStor ctan�nd wlll <br /> � p�y tha cost ot such fmprovement�. - <br /> PitOPERTY DAMAaE INSIDRANCH. The tdlowirp pro+Aslons ret4tin�fo In�urinp th�Property ere�parf ot Ihb Daad of Tru51. <br /> • MRlnlen�nc�of IMUsence. Trustor shali procure and maintaln pd�les of firA Insurance vAth startderd oxtended coverapo endasaments on e , <br /> replaartMnt bas+s tar 11N fuil Insurable veiva coverinp all Improvertwnb on ihe Fi�al Properfy In�n amounl suttlClent lo�vdd�ppticatlon ot any <br /> � colmur�nCe Ckuss,and w!Ih a atandud mortflepee clause In favor of Lender,lcpether wilh such niher h�urd end Iabllity Insurtnce�s LencMr <br /> may reuonabry requlre. Pdlcles shetll be wtitlan In torm,amounb,cavenpe�and has�s re�soru�bty e�ceptpbte b l.onder end Issual by e .,. <br /> campany a compnnles reasorubry acceplable b Lender. Trustor,upon requast of Lenqer,wld dativor to Lender hom time to Nms ths palclds <br /> or cerllNCates ot Irtsurpnce In fam eatisfactory la Lender,Inciudlnp stipulatians that covrxape�wNl not be cenr�elkd or diminlshed wilhout at �. " v <br /> t^.ast ten(10)days'prlor wrltten noHCe to Londer. Each Irtsuranco po8cy eiso sh1�N Indude sn endorsement providinp thet coveraye�n favor�f _ <br /> Lb�iubr w�ii nai be Irrpatr�d In any�:�ay by a�y act,omtsslon ar detauH at Trustor or sny othar pe►san. Should the Reai Property a�any tlin� • • <br /> become located in an erea deslflnated by tha Qireclor ot the Federal Emarponcy M�napemonl Agenoy es a spe�iat fload hazard area,i n►stcx _.,,��,,;�,,,,� <br /> • egrees to oEtaln and malntain FederQl Flood Insurance tor lhe tull unpald principal bnlance ol the loan,up lo the maximum poiicy limlts set _.' <br /> under the NeUonai Flood InsuranCe Program,a ss othonvfso requkpd by Lender,nnd to ml�intUn suCh insurance iw the term of the latn. 1•��r�'•= �h-s=�,� <br /> :Y)L'Yr:._._�_. <br /> AppllCatWt�pf procNdR Trustor shaN promptly notiry Lender of nny loss or dtmape b thu PropeRy. Lendar mty make proot of loss If Tnntor � M:••_:=z--_ <br /> laus to do so within f+ftaen(16)daya o!the casuaity.Whether w not Lendar's securtty is impnketi,4.ander m�y,el its efaceon,recelve and rotnln __ _ __ <br /> � -- � tt►�prBCoad'of iny IrrurCn�And eRFry the ptQCeeds to Iht+rsduCUOn ot the Inde4lednoss.DaYR►ani t�f any rqn a��ociinB t��u Fr�,:�fi.�fhi+ � , ,, -=----- - - � <br /> ; rastontlon and ropalr of the Property. If Lender elects to appry the procesds to restor4tton end repelr, TruStor shall repa(r or repimoe lhe ^��. <br /> � dartuqed or destroyed Improvemenl,in a manner satlsiactory to Lender. Lender shall,upon satistaciory proof of such e�ond�ture,p�y or � <br /> relm6urso Trusta(rom tho pra.�eed3 for the reasaneble cost of repaU or rastaaHon M Tnrstor is not In detauA under this Deed of Trusf. My -� <br /> proc0eds wh�h have nut been disbursed withln 180 days etter thelr receipt and whkh Lander has not commiHed to lho repalr a rostaati0n ot , �', <br /> " ` the Property shall be used flrst to pay any emount owinp to Lender under ihis Deed of Trust,then to pay�x►ued�n�erest,and the rertwlnc4or,H :, �.-�-u <br /> �� any,shNl be appiled to the principal balance of the Indebtedness. It Lender hdds any proCeeds after paymont In tull of the IndebtldMSS�suct� . <br /> '��' proceods shall6e paid to Trustor as Trusta'a Interests maY appear• � � <br /> �'`� � Unex�ired tnwr�nce N SNo.Any unexpired Insurance shail Inure i�9Ae benelft ot,and pass to,tho purchaser�f the Property coverad by th�t <br /> � : Daed W Trust at any trustoe's s�te or other sale held under the provlsions ot lhls Daad ot Trus1,a at any laectosure stb o}such Proparty. J I <br /> : DtPEl1pITUiES BV LENDER. I!Trusta fails f�compty with any provislon of this Deed ot Trust,a It any acfbn a proceeding is commenoed it►tt <br /> ? would materlairy atfact Lender's interests Ir�the Property,Lender on Trustors 6ahaN may,but shali not bo requlrad to,take tny acUOn lhtt I.ont�r » <br /> -(� •y deems apPropriate. Any amount that Lender expends In so ddnp will 6ear Intmrest tt the rato providod for in tha Nole trom the date Incurtsd or pAkl ���;:,� � <br /> _: � by lencfoe to the dato of repayment by Tru�la. AII suah expenses,at Lender's opUon,wW (a)be peyable on domand. (b)bx added to th�b�kni� <br />---_ ."' � Of ttiB N019 8�d b9 BppOruOned emory 6��u'Gn y'ajnub�ittt sz'��r»!"�!lsr.�:!�;3S�s'•�4^�+!'!'�^'►a d�»durino oithor (p tho l9fttl O}any tppUCable� ' - <br /> � Insur4nce poUCy or pq the remain:np term of the Note,a (c)be treated es a halloon peymont whlch wPo bo duo ttnd peyable at the Nots'a matt�'��. . <br /> remedtes to wh4�Ch Lo der'�mav�be en Hed on'ncch ou t of the detau t�Any such actlon by Londo shnN n t b constnad as udrp t def�iYt 5 as tn '� ' <br />_�� bur Lendar irom I�ny ramedy lhnt it otherwlse would have had. .� ''� <br /> � � W�RRANTV;DEFE7iSB OF TiTLE.The tollowing proWrslons retaNnp to o�vnarship ot tho Proporly ero a pnrt ot th{s Deed of Trust. �`�+ ..:; <br />� '..�,J;�tit` Tftle. Tntstor wartants thar (a)TruStor holds goad and marketabls title of�eCOrd to the Prqx�ty In f6e clmpte,Ree and cieer ot n�OQrts and �i <br /> •!,,'� encumbrances other than those set forth In the Real Property descriptlon a in any Htb InSUrance poNcY.title reDat.or flnel titte opinlon Lssu6d En <br /> � favor ot,and accepted by,Lendtx In connecUon with thts Deed of Trtnt,and (b)Trustor has tha fuN right,parer.snd�uthority to execufe an� <br /> deliver this Deed of Trust t0 Undet. ' • <br /> .�� <br /> DefaNS of Titb. SubJect to the exceptlon in the par$grnph above,Trusta warrunts nnd wHl laever delend Ihe titb ta the Piropary�yldntl l��+ <br /> ��,�;�;� lawful cl�ims of ell persons. In the event any aciion or proceeding is commencE�d that questlorts Trustor's Ifli�or the Interest ot Tntshw or - <br /> �.;;;;�q�, Lendet under this Daed of Trust,Trustor shall dafe�id the acflon at Trustor's expense. Trustor may bo the nominN party In such proceedlnq,bt�l —'�"�v <br /> • � .z Lender sh�A be entitled to perticipate In the proceedinp nnd to ba representad in thu praceodinp by counsM of Lenders own chofc�,and :y � <br /> '�• Trustor wlll deliNer,or cause to be deltvered,to Lender such inshuments as Lendor msy requosl hom Ume to time to pormH such psrtfdpetbn. - <br /> i <br /> ��• Compil�ncs With Trustar wartants that the Property and Trustor's use of the Prox►rty complfas with all e�dslinp appNcabb �n:�, _ _ <br /> ��S k ordinances,and repuiatlons of governmertel authaiti�s. _R�- <br /> � ;�,:�".•���, COND�MNA710N. The tollowing provisions relaUnp to condemnatlun pracoedings aro a pnrt of this Deed nt Trust. �_ <br /> :.;.4::,�" � Appticatbn of Nef Procaed�. It ell a any pad of the Properbj is condemned by eminonl domaln praceedinps or by any pro:�eed�r+8 nr �� <br /> purohuse In Ileu ot cont4smnatlon,Lender may e�t Ib etecifon requlre Ihst ait a any portlon of tha not pro�eds ot the aweud ba appY�d 1a Ih�+ ��. <br /> � Indebtedness or the repair or restora8on ot the Property. The net proceeds of thd award shell mean the award uttar payment of aH reasone.bt2� .:�:�.-�:_-�_- -- <br /> �, cosb,expenses.and attomeys'fees Incurced by Trustse a Lendor h�connecllon wtth tho condomnaBOn. �`_�`"v <br /> . ' � Proceedinp�. If any proceedinp In condemnatton Is Bted,Trustor sliall prompdy notiy Londor In wriHnp,and Trustot shnll promptry tako susfi ':�� __,�____ <br /> steps as may be necessary to detend tha action and obtaln the award. Trusta mey be the nominal paily in cuch proceedirp,but lencler shi'! `� ,��_.�.�. <br /> ' 6e entitlad to parHclpate In the proceedlnp end to be represented In the pr000ediny by counsef of its own cholca,and Trustor w1li de�v►sr or ;.�.��,;;� <br /> ' cause to be delivered to Lender such instruments as may be requested by It Nom�mo ta Ilmo lo permit euch pertiGpatlon. y � �'�''''`°� <br /> t• �. �,.. •�" <br /> ' t IMPOSITION OF TAXES,FEES AHD CHARtiES BV GOVERNIYIENTAL�EUTHORITIS6. The forowin0 provlstons raintirtg to 9overnmentreJ 1r�a�a. � ��i}�:.�';% <br /> � fees and chargos aro a part of thls Deed of Trust: � '' ' <br /> '_,� . <br /> Current Texsa,Feee md Cherpel. Upon requast by Lender,Trustor sha:l exocute such daCUments ln additlon to thls Deed of Tn�st�nc14�'u3 ''�+�''r?:r�;•, '" <br /> , whntover oltxx acUOn Is requosted by Lender to pertect and conllnuo Lendors Ilen on iho Renl Property. Yrustor shall relmbur�.,o L�ndFx fc�r a9 '.•��:;E. <br /> � taxes,ea doscrlbed betow,togother with all expenses Incurted in rocording,perlecting or conAnuinp tMS Deed of Trust,Inclt�cJtn� withoul `•`''�'�`��;�d` <br /> � umflatlon all texetti,toes,doeumontary stamps,and other chargos tor reCading or repistoring thfs Dood of Trust. ���-`;�'' <br /> ' Taxea The tdlotivinfl ehall consHtuto texos to which thls secUon applles: (a)a spoCtflo tax upon 1hM typa ol Deod o7 Trust or upon sU or c►ny , <br /> part Of tha Incbbtodness secured by ihls Dood a1 Trust; (b)a speciNC tex on T►ustor whbh Trustor 15 authaizad oT requlrod to dedw.l ttem � .. <br /> payrnens on the Indebtedness secured by this type of Deed of TrusM, (o)a tax on this typo ot Deed at Tru51 cherqeeble ayalnst th0 L�Dnt1Er or , <br /> � the hadEir of the Note;and (d)n speciflc tax on ail w t+ny porHon of tF►o Indobledness or on puyments ot pdnclpal and In2r�est mtdo by <br /> , `" Trustor. <br /> �.::�r' �,��t. <br /> Sub�equent Tsxae. If uny tn�c to wh�h this secnon epplles Is enacted subsequent to the dete of thls Doed of Trust,thls evant sh�ll Mvo the <br />- � same atfect as an Event of Dotauft(as doflned bolow),and Lendar may exercl�any or ell ot its avafiabla remedlos for an Ewnt oi Detnult as <br /> �_ _ _.____ proNded below unless Trustor either (a)pays the tax befwe It becomes detinquont,or (b)cantests tho tax as proNded abow In tt►a Tt�xos a+nd <br /> -- --- - -�-�—� •--�-- <br /> � Liens SeCtlon and depOSils with Londer Casn Or e euftlaent Corporate surery oond ar omer secu�iiy nai:3�dcia,���'v�o���.a.. - <br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT;FINANGING STATEFIENTS. The toilov+inp provislons relatinp to this Deed of Trust as a security agroerren"•mso a pHrt of <br /> thls Doed ct Trust. <br /> ti Secudty Apreement. Thls Inshument shell constituto a security agreement to tho oxtent uny of tho Property constitutos tbdww� or other •� <br /> porsonal propery,and Lerder shall have ap of the rights ot n secured party undor 4ho Uniform Commetclal Code as nmonded hom flme to <br /> time. <br /> SeCUrlty►Interoet. Upon request by Lend6r,Trustor shall execute flnancing statemonts and takm whatever olher ection Is roquESted by Lender " <br /> to perieot and conrinue Lender's securlly inlerost In the Rents and Personal Property. In addition to roCOtding thls Deed o1 Trust In the roal <br /> property records,Lender mey,et any tlme er.d wilhout turther authoriratlon lrom Trustor,flta oxaculod counlerparts,Coplos or roproduations oi . <br /> thl3 Deed of Trust as a tinancing statement. Trustor sha�i relmburse Lendor tor ail expon�cts Incurcod In palecting or contlnuing lhis security <br /> Interest. 'Jpon detault,Trustor shnll assem6te tho Personal Property In a mannor nnd al n placo ressonabty convenfent to Trustor end Londer , <br /> and make ii avafiabts to Lender withln Ihree(3)days atter recelpt ot wdtten demand trom Landor. <br /> Addresaes. The mailinp addresses of Trustor(debtor)and Lender(secured parly),hom whlch Informatlon concorning tho security Interest <br /> , granted by lhis Oeed of Trust may be obtatned(each as roquired by lhe Unitam Commercial Codo),are as slated on the first page of this Deed <br /> . � .. � <br /> � <br /> � ! — - <br />