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. , � ,`. � ��-'' . .;./i.�'_.y::_ - <br /> . i .{: <br /> . . . � . .r,:,y,�,� �_ <br /> .,... . <br /> . _ .._.......i.�. _. . . ... _ . ` . . . . ' - �=-- _...._ <br /> 1 97-�0 . <br /> Oa-t0-1997 O�ED OF 1�'RU�T ��9 Pe�2 <br /> (Cor�tt��ued) . : <br /> roplacarrents of,nnd nll Qub9lihrtiono for, nny o7 cu:i�prpperry; and topethar wllh aA proceecls (Inctuding without Ilmltellon e�insurenCe - - <br /> prxeede ond retunds of premlum�)Irom eny un�•a o�'�Yf dlsposlUon of the Propsrty. �~ <br /> v n' <br /> PropHry. The wad"Properly'maans collactively th3 He�t1 Property and tha Personnl Property. p.3 <br /> ROM PtOpOrty. 7he words"Reil Proporty'rt�tn th�prc�F�iy,Inferesis end daht�desedbed ebove In Rie"ConveyanCe end OnnY'6eCtlon. <br /> � R�1±!_M Dost!manta. The wotds 'RNeted Dor!rrea�"mf+�n and Inctude wllhou! Iimitation nil promissory nates, credlt tyreimenb,Iwn `_ <br /> aqreertwnb,environmentai eflroements,quucnhls,s�auriry aproemeMs,mortpayes,deeds o}trusf,flnd au other Instruments,iqre�rtfenb and <br /> dxumsnts,wholher now a here�attor ex�slhv�,aYOr:u'r,rd tn connectlon w:th Ihe Indobtedness. , <br /> I R�ntf. The word"Rents"meana all prosent an�1 tu�ire runts,revenues,Income,Issues,royaities,profits,and otner benefits derlved hom the <br /> Property. <br /> Truita�. The word"Yrustae"manns CENTf�AL BAWK ond�ny substitute or successw trusteos. _ <br /> Truttor. The word'Trustq�'mpans nny pn�a9��a�rb and enli'.les execuling this Daed of Trust,including wiihout IIr�lteHon ell frusto►s nAmed <br /> ebove. - <br /> j� THIA DEED OF TRUST, INCLU�INQ THE:A8fi1RHlfQNT OF REHT9 APID TF� S�CIlRITY IMTEREST IN TFiE RENTS AND PER60idAL <br /> PROPERYY,IS ti1bCM'PO 8ECUCik (1)Pi1YIV18NS Qf 11H�IHQEB'�FOHH69 ANa (2)PiERFOR�IANCE OF AHY AHD 1111 OBLIQATiBN&OF - <br /> � TRU9TOR UNDER THE HOTE,TFfF RELATED QOCIf ifHfi"r u,AI`0 TNI&qEED OF TRUST. THi8 DEED OF TRUST IS GIVEN AHD ACGEPTEO - <br /> fki SiiE FOi.LOWIN�Yr�nF�S: <br /> PAYAAENT AND PE1iFORMAMCC. Ex t as otthmri�o pmv:cied in Ihts Ueed ot Trusl,Trustor shall a to Lender all amounts soctued b thls DBed -=`�'`�'��# <br /> " � of Truaf as lhey became duo,and shQll slprlctty nn;t in�Urtmty manner pertam all af Trustors obligatlons under the Nate,this Dead ot Tn st.end the "��� `�?*`' <br /> Related Documents. � - <br /> POSSESSION J1ttD MAlNTENSl.1�QF THH PROAER7Y.. Yrustor agrees that Tnostors possesslon and use of the Propsrtyr shall ba�overnecf bY --. ----_-- - -- <br /> the tdlowlnp provfslons: [ - - --- <br /> PosNSNon end Uae. Unti�tho.>ccurtonco ot sn IE�vmt of DatauR,Trustar may (a)remaln In possesslon and cantrol of Ihe Prop�ry, @)use, }-,��'��� <br /> operate or mtnape the Propmity,and (o)cNJn�t�a�y4tan15 kqm the Proporty. � <br /> Outy to IiA�intatn. Trustor r,hNl malnUiln th�Pro;a��In tensntebb condition and prompUy periorm all repeirs,replacoments,end meintenance �',��'�-- <br /> , . necessary to preserve Ils v41ue. =�•h- <br /> FIs3�rdoua Subatar�ces. Yha term�'h3ffirdou wtv�o;"hazardous substance,"'disposal,"'Yedease,"and"threatened reiease'�s used In this � �`��~ <br /> � Deed of Trust,shail have iho samo mo�anr+�s as sr�t farth In tho Comprehenslve Environmentel Response,Compensatlon, antl[usbitity Act of <br /> 1980,as amended,42 U.$.C.Sncuon 9&01,et r�y.('CERCLA�, fho Supertund Amendmenb nnd Reaulhorizatlan Act of 19Bt�,Pub.L No. , . <br /> 99-�t99("SJ1FiA'�,the Hes.udous Mstori�ts TmnrEarnlati�n Act,a9 U.S.C.Section 1601,et seq.,the Resouroe ConservaHon and Aecovery 11ct, . ,� _ <br /> �.• 42 U.S.C.Sectlon 6901,Ft soq.,o►oth�rr eppur„r�1n stnte or Federat laws,rules,or regutaHons adopted purs;�ant to sny of the torepoing. The , � <br /> terms�rdot�s weste"and'hezardout subet&n�e"ShaB atso Inctude,without Ilmitation,petroteum and pehoieum by-producb or�ny hection , <br /> thereof and asGnesios. Tru�tor reprossn`s and warnanlr ta Lender tha� (a)Dtrting the pExtod of Trustors owner�hlp of the Property,there hus , <br /> ��� been no use,gone�aUan,mnnufacturo,stor�ge,tr�elm�nt,disposal,release or threatened retease ot any harardous waste or subs4nce by any ; <br /> person on,under,about or from tho Pmperq, (b)7rus3or has no knowledpe of,or reason to believe that there has been,excep!a�preNousry . . <br /> _ — a"rsdasud io and�eicnmr�aa�ted'oy uirrs,�a ii�miai+�Q� i�j:r�y usv,liiniroidu0i�,�TwiUidGiiJ�n�otinayo�t'�iti'�oRi,C�ap�3i�t'o�v:�o. .;�ti::�o:R3d �`i -.-�� <br /> refease of any hnzardouy waste or subatan,e on,a�ndor.about or tram the Properry by any p�ior owners or occupants ot the Propedy or(B)any <br /> actwl a threRtaned litlgption or claims of any h�irod hy any person rolatinp to such matters;and (c)Excep!ms prevlousty�sclosed to and `� <br /> acknowiedged by Lendor In wriHny, (q n�it`�ttr's,�us!or nor any tenflnt, contractor,egent tx other authori:ed as�r ot the Ropedy stuN uae, �; ; �'. <br /> penerate,mtnufacture,store,traat,daposo af,vr rotease any herardous waste a substance on,under,aboui or fr0m the Propertylnd pq any '� g <br /> • such ectivity shaN be conducted in corn�Yun�a wvtt�a8 applkx6le federal,sfate,and local laws, �� <br /> regulatlons and ordinances.Incluanp wHhout :< <i ;;, <br /> w Iimitatlon those laws,regutaNans,and ordfnnn;�s dc�crf6ed above. Trustor authori�es Lendar and its egents to enter upon the Pn�perty fo ,r:6.Y� � <br /> make such Irr,.poctlons and tests,at Tnutpr's crsy�ente,cs Lender mny deem sppropiiate to determino compilance of ihe Ra�ty wflh thb j ; • <br /> '� SeCtlon of QhB Oeed of Trust. Any Inspoctioraa oT ffists made by Lender shaY be tor Lender's purposes only and shell not be oastrtad to creab <br /> , � any responslbfiiiy a IlabiHty on the p�rt ot Londrrr to Trusta or to any other person. The representatlons and wvrenUes conWned hereln�+e s <br /> based on Trustar`s due ditlpence In Imntkstipe.8na+.?tie Property tor hazardous waste and hezerdous substances. Tnista hereby(d)ttlsases�nd <br /> ' ��� waiva9 any futura claimE agalnst lsnder fcrr Inclpmna�cr conMbutlon In the event Trustor becomes Ik�bte fa cleanup or olher cvsb untNr any _ ` <br /> 'i : such laws,and (b)egreBS to Ircdem�'ty snd hokl harmlass Lender agelnst any and all ctelms,Iosses,Ifab(IiNas, dtmagel,pen�ttle�,and °'°'- <br /> ,� „ e�enses wh�Ch I.endor may dtu�ctry or tr+s!i+n.lfij susteln or suHer resulHng hom a breach of this secdon of the Dded of Trust a as a L s � <br /> �•: consequence of eny urs,ganar.��en,rt►�n1+trf�c�rce,slompe,dfsposal,relsase a threate+ied release occur�rsp pdor to Trusta's owrser6hip or __•--�-=� <br /> „ , Interest In tho Proporty,whett�er or not Sha�umn was or should have been know.i to Trustor. The provisions o4 thls secUon of tha Oeed of Tnnf, "�" <br /> `��' �� Inciudinp the oblipaBon to indemn;fy,sh�7 ssr+iv9 Iho payment of the indebtedness and the setlsfacflan and raconveyance of ttie Iien ot thls .�= <br /> - • Dead ot Trust and shoA not bo aHeciod by Lmnr�aPS acquhllion of eny Interest fn the Property,whethar by faectosure or olhanMsa. •�s^;: <br /> � - --_ <br /> � Hubance�Waste. Trostor sh311 not cauto,cor.duct or permit uny nulsance nc�commit,permit,or suNer any str�pin8 0l or weste on or to the Y:�=� ------ <br /> Properly or any portion of tho Proxrerfy. Wit?�oul 11rri5ng the gonarality of the toregdng,Trustot will not remove,a grant to am/other puly the i:�_= <br /> rlpht to remave,�ny Hmbor,minorals(ICr.ludiry oil and gas),soli,gravel or rock producb wlthout the prla wriiten consent of Lender. �;,,,,,. <br /> .� ,y*.;;�• <br /> Remov�l of Im�rovements. Trustcn sttiU1 not domoNSl�or remove eny Improvemen4s from the Rbal Pro�erty v�ilhout the pria wdlbr�Consent �;L1��4�"'- <br /> � • �� of Lendor. As a ConAftlon to ttq romrnml oi any Improvemenls,Lender may requ�re Trustor to make artengemen4s satlstactay lo Lender to ���.R�.,=—'--==- <br />- st, replace suoh Imprpyementu with Improvorr�n4t�af alteastequai value. . _ - <br />� ' Lendet's Ripht!o Enter. Len�e+ansl Ns e�onts nnd representatives may enter upon the Real Property at e0 reasonabla fimes b ettend to •"s==" "' `"' <br /> - '1•`,<<• �' � , Lenders Interests and to Ins�rES't 2he Proutr�ty kv purposes of Trustors compilance wlth the terms and condiAons nf thls Deed ofTrusL '':����.:,;:; <br /> , ty <br />° ���''` Compitance with Govemmenln9�AequJrommfin. TNStor shall promptly comply wuh alI laws,ordinances,and regutatlons, nav a heredfter In � ;,;,,' ��{�r'�.br�° <br /> ' • eHect,of all go;rernmonWl authorltlas qvpec�.rak� to Ihe usa or occupar►cy of the Property. Trusta may contest in good fieilh an/such law, ��,`�..: �,-. ': <br />� ordlnanco,a regutatlon and wlthhc►d compNU:nae dwlne any praceeding,Inctudin�approprlate appeals,so tonp as Trusta hos no�le�Lender '"-�� , .. <br /> , • in writlny prfa to ddng so and so lort;�a?,tn L�ndo�s sole opinlon,Lender's(nterests In the Property are not Jeopardized. Lendar may requlre �`� � <br /> Trustor to post adequuto security or a sud�y bcn�,ron:,anab►y s�tistactory to�ender,to protect lender's Interest. . � <br /> Duty to ProleCt. Trustar nprAes n�IlhFv to abtndon nor lettva unn2londed 1he Property. Trusta shail do all other acts,in a�diYOn lo those ac�s <br /> v <br /> . set torth above In thls secdon,whtch h¢�n ttiF.c'nr:rnctor and use of the Prope�ly are roasonabty necessary to protect and pre•-„erva the Proparty. „ <br /> - � DIIE ON SALE-CANSEHT BY LElIUER. lran�ltt mr,y,at fts optlon,deClare Immediately due and payable all sums secured by thls Oeed ol Trust <br /> upon the sai9 or fransier,without tho L6n;1Fds�do�wrH!en consent,oi all or any part ot the Raal Property,or any inte�eSt In ihe Resl Property. A <br /> "calo or tmnsfor"moans tho Convoynnca ot bi�1��roporly or any right,Hflo or Intarest theroln;whAthor lepnt,benoecial or oqultabia;whother vGuntary <br /> or invduntary;whether by oulrtght a�le,deed,�rn1;,�;trn�nl ca}e contract,land condact,contract for deed,leasehdd Intorest with a lerrn yresater than <br /> ��• � three(3)years,lease-optlon contr�r�".,or by sat�,,assfgnmeN,or henster of eny beneflclal Interest in or to any land trust halding titie to the Real �; <br /> ;+;: Rraperty,or by any other methnd,u!��rvoynrr.�M Roel Property Interest If eny Trustor Is a corparatlon,partnershlp or Iimited tiabiliry company, <br /> • � fransier aiso includes any�change In owr�r�.�t�u7 more ihan hve�ty-Hvo percent(2b96)of Ihe voUn4 stodc,pertnership interests a tlMted Ilabiilry <br /> , company Interesls,as tho caso may bc,of 7rut�n�. Hrn�ever,lhis option shall not be exexctsed by lendor If sx�exerclse Is proNbited by tederel <br /> _. lew or by Nebreska law. <br /> -- - -J _ _ _ __ <br /> - - -� TAlIE9 AMD LIENS. Tho totlowing prov[slUmt rarYa��a me texos antl nena on the Property are a part ot thfs Deed o1 Trust. -- <br /> � Payment. Trustor shsll puy whr�n d�(E�ncl in uli eronts prior to ddinquenay)aU tpxes,spec�al texes,asse.csmonts,charges(Induding water � ^ T <br /> -. I and sewer),Bnoa and Impo5lUOns k3viYd n��!rzft or on eccnunt of the Properly,and chall pay whon due all ctalms fa wak done on or fa <br /> servicos rondared w matertal t�ml�l�td to t1u Propvty. Trustor shen matntain the Proporty iree ot all Ilens having priority over or equal to tho <br /> Interest of Londer undor thi�Oeed o9'Crusf,oxwpt for the�en ot tnxes nnd assessments not due and except as otharwise proNded In this Desd � <br /> , I of Trust. I <br /> - I Rl�ft To Contest. Trustor may wV.h:tCltl p3ynY�n10l any tax,assessment,or clalm fn connection with a good fsilh dispute over ihe obligatlon <br /> � to pay,so long as Londers inh��ast in tt:�Prqhrty a nol Jeopardized. If e Ilen arises or Is fi!ed es a result ot nonpayment, Trustashell withln <br /> I fiROen(16)days aftur tho tltin n�istr3 or,ff:�Bun:s�JeO, wllhfn fiNeen(16)days aRer Trustor has notice ot tha fiiing,secure tho discharge oi the <br /> Ilen,or if requostod by Londpr,dapc¢1t vrSlh L�rtdu cash or a suflicl�nt corporate surety bond or other security satis�aCtory to lender in an <br /> nmount suHiclent to dischargo tRO ilm�p'US arr��cosls and ettorneys'feos a other charges that coutd accrue as a result ol a toreelosure a sate <br /> , under the ilon. In nny contest,Tru3tr�•slta(1 tl�*,��nd flself nnd Lender and shali Saflsty any adverse Judgment before snlorcem9d agalnst tho <br /> , Property. Trustor shall nemo LBndEr ss an pO�UOnal obligee under any surety bond furnlshed In the eontest proceedings. <br /> ' - <br /> .._ .. <br />