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2011099�4 <br />RR.S. 2008, if protective proceedings are hereafter commenced. If my spouse, is unable or <br />unwilling to serve or to continue to serve in such capacity, I nominate and appoint Jenni L. <br />Erhart, as successor guardian and conservator of my estate. If Jenni L. Erhart, is unable or <br />unwilling to serve or to continue to serve in such capacity, I nominate and appoint Judi L. <br />Higgins, as successor guardian and conservator of my estate. <br />.a <br />25. Power of attornev effective disabilitv of principal; continues in <br />effect after principal's death until notice. Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 30-2664 through <br />30-2672, Nebraska R.R.S. 2008, I declare that this power of attomey shall not be affected by my <br />disability or incapacity, and that the author�ty granted herein shall continue during any period <br />while I am disabled or incapacita.ted. Further, pursuant to said sections, all such authority shall <br />continue after my death, until notice of such death shall have been received by my attomey so <br />that she has actual knowledge of the fact that I have died. Any action taken in good faith by said <br />attorney during any period whila it is uncertain whether I am alive, before she receives actua.l <br />knowledge of my death, or, in any event, taken during any period while I am disabled or incapa- <br />cita.ted, shall be as valid as if I were alive, competent, and not disabled. <br />26. Controlling law. This Power of Attorney is to be a Nebraska Power to be <br />construed under the laws of the Sta.te of Nebraska <br />27. Privacv Waiver. Regaxdless of the time of commencement of the other powers <br />granted my attomey-in-fact by this document, I authorize all physicians and psychiatrists who <br />have treated me, and all other providers of health care, including, to release to my <br />attorney-in-fact all information or photocopies of any records which my attomey-in-fa.ct may <br />request. Any medical information released will serve the purpose of allowing my attorney-in- <br />fact to fulfill the obligations set forth in this document. All persons are authorized to treat any <br />request for information by my attomey-in-fact as the request of my personal representative and <br />to honor such requests as if they were my own. I hereby waive all privileges which may be <br />applicable to such information a.nd records and to any coxnmunication pertaining to me and made <br />in the course of any confidential relationship recognized by law. My attomey-in-fact may also <br />disclose such information to such persons as my attorney-in-fact shall deem appropriate. I <br />understand that any information redisclosed by my attomey-in-fact is no longer protected by <br />federal privacy regulations covering health care providers. Furthermore, I understand that this <br />authorization for release of inedical information may be revoked in writing at any time, except to <br />the extent that the health care provider has taken action in reliance on the authorization. This <br />authorization for release of inedical information shall expire upon the earlier event of my naming <br />of a new attorney-in-fact for health care, or two (2) years following my death. This authorization <br />and request shall also be considered a consent to the release of such information under current <br />laws, rules and regulations as well as under future laws, rules and regulations and amendments to <br />such laws, rules and regulations to include but not be limited to the express grant of authority to <br />personal representatives as provided by Regulation Section 164.502(g) of Title 45 of the Code of <br />Federal Regulations and the medical information privacy law and regulations generally referred <br />to as HIPAA. <br />5 <br />