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20��Q99�� � <br />my name, and to withdraw any of such money or any other money to which I am entitled which <br />now is or shall be so deposited., and either employ such money as my attorney shall think fit in <br />the payment of any debts, or interest, payable by me, or ta�ces, assessments, insurance, and <br />expenses due and payable or to become due and payable on account of my real and personal <br />estate, or in or about any of the purposes herein mentioned, or otherwise for my use and benefit, <br />or to invest such money in my name in any stocks, shazes, bonds, securities or other property, <br />real or personal, as my attomey may think proper, and to receive and give receipts for any <br />income or dividend arising from such investments, and to vary or dispose of all and any such <br />investments or other inveshnents for my use and benefit as my attomey may think fit. <br />11. To vote at stockholders' meetings, execute proxies, and otherwise substitute for <br />owner. To vote at the meetings of stockholders or other meetings of any corporation or <br />company, or otherwise to act as my attorney or proxy, with power of substitution, in respect of <br />any stocks, shares, bonds, debentures, or other evidences of ownership, or securities, now or <br />hereafter held by me and issued by or on account of said corporation or company and for that <br />purpose to execute any proxies, limited or general, or other instruments. <br />12. To execute deeds, bills, notes, and similar instruments. For all or any of the <br />purposes herein stated. to enter into and sign, seal, execute, acknowledge, and deliver any con- <br />tracts, deeds, or other instivments whatsoever, and to draw, accept, make, endorse, discount, or <br />otherwise deal with any bills of exchange, checks, promissory notes, or other commercial or <br />mercantile instruments. <br />13. To draw and endorse checks. To draw checks against my account in any bank, to <br />endorse notes, checks, drafts or bills of exchange which may require my endorsement for deposit <br />as cash or collection in any ba,nk, to accept all drafts or bills of exchange which may be drawn <br />upon me in the usual course of my business. To receive, endorse and cash, redeem or deposit <br />United Sta.tes savings bonds and any other securities, and any checks received from the United <br />States Treasury Department made payable to me for any reason including income tax refunds, <br />social security benefits, supplemental security income, or any other benefits. <br />14. To participate in farm pro�. To enter into any anangements or contracts with <br />the United Sta.tes Department of Agriculture or any of its committees to participate in any agri- <br />cultural programs and to sign the papers in connection therewith for me in my name and to <br />acknowledge and deliver said papers and contracts and to receive payments thereunder and to <br />endorse any checks or drafts for said payments and deposit them on my behalf. <br />15. To applv for and receive benefits. To apply for and receive for me a.ny benefits <br />whatsoever of any federal or state government or other agency, including, but not limited to, <br />social security, medicare, veterans or welfare benefits, medicaid, etc. <br />16. To deal with the Internal Revenue Service. My attorney sha11 have authority to <br />represent my interest in any dealing with the Internal Revenue Service and to have authority to <br />receive confidential information, to deliver confidential information to the Internal Revenue <br />Service, and to enter into any compromise or settlement agreernent with the Internal Revenue <br />3 <br />