; 'i`: ;; .4��, .:. ...�
<br /> ...� ... -
<br /> .. ,.. .. ., . .,�,r�._ ••�,���.
<br /> � . � •
<br /> ...__...___..�--- -
<br /> � -
<br /> I �7—�.a2seS . .��.���.
<br /> . .;.�::�:i•.s�'-.�a.'.c� .
<br /> 7. Protsctlon of L�ender'� RIghU!tt th� Proputy. �t eorroww hw to p�norm �n� cown.nta and ��w�+ts ``'��'`�'.`�
<br /> contqh�d tn thl�3�CUrlty Intaumml, a th�b e Npal prxMdYW th�t may elpniflc�nly afHct Und�s rqhts in th�PropKty(�uah as •
<br /> • n proceedMsp h btnkrupvsy,Drob�U, lor cont�nna.itnn�r tatexun or to �nfora Yw�or repuN�b�a),than Lender may do �nd pay fa�
<br /> what�ver Is n�c���ary to prolMt th� v�W ol tS�O Rrop�4y ar►d L.w�di�4 r7phls ki lho Rrop3r4y. I.eMd�'e R�tlona may holidN payinp i
<br /> 1 �ny eumf aer,und by n iia�whbh hae prbrNy owr thln Stcutity InsWm�n9, �pp�rNO `�couA,payhp retsonablo attom�y't tNS�nd „ _
<br /> entorin�on th�Prop�Ay to maki npaY�. Aqhpuph Undx may tak�Yctbn und�r thk pa�nOraph 7. Ur►�r daf not hr,ve SO do to.
<br /> .. � My emounis dwbur��d by Lend!r unQ!r thb R=�►eAh 7 ehaN becorn� addNlonal O�bl of BorrowK acur�d by lhl� fi�curiy
<br /> � Instrum�nt. Un44o 8orrpwlr �nd L�neNr apre� to othM tertna ol paym�nt, th�t� amount� sh�N bMr Nt�rett kom tAS dato of
<br /> dlsburs�Te�nt at tha Not� r�t�end sh�N W paysbM,wRt� Inhr�st,upon notics kefm UndM to �araww nqu�othp P�ym�nt•
<br /> 8. �.:�74�ya�� Iii:3DBC7C�C. I1 l�nd'r rcauxcd rr,art�^� �aurrnce �s e conc�itbn ol makhg tho ban e�curM by thl.g _
<br /> S�curfty Inatrument, BortowK �h�q pey th� prwnlums requYbd to r�uhtaln lM mortpey�hsw�reca In MMwt. If, tor My rNton, tM ,
<br /> � , � -
<br /> mort{�p� Intunnc�cov�r��rpuirsd by L�ndK bps�s or c�asa to b� In �fl�a1, Barpw�r shtN p�y tM pr+mtums requlrsd to obtaln
<br /> cowinQ� subsUntlalry puktbnt to th� moAp�p� htunnc� prwbuty In atNct, �t • cost wbstu�tindY �+NRbnt to th� cost ta
<br /> '" 8orrower o1 th� mortp� Insunnc� prwbu�y In �M�et, kom �n �k�mato mo+tp�p� intur�r tppro+rod by LMd�r. 11 eubst�ntYly
<br /> � equkaMnt moRqap� hs�rwnc� eownp� b not awWbb, Bocr�wer sh�l pa�to Le�d�r �oc� month e sum equal to on�MnlRh o1 th� _
<br /> ypuM mortp�p� hcunnce pnmbr�b�Y►0 ptld by Bortowa whM tA�hturu�co cowrW�r�Ated or c�ased to b� In sMoa� �M�d�r wW
<br /> � �cc�pt, us�and rwh th� Mrmenu as � bss ncorve b :i�u o! mortp�p� k-+suru►ae, Loaa rc:ave P=Y�U �Y no bnQ�r b� . . • -_
<br /> nqulnd, �t tha optton of UndK,M mortpsp�Insunnc� covw�(N th� smount�nd fot th� pKiod thy.t i.�.��'wr r�4ursy p�v'�d:�by .
<br /> �n hsunr epPrav�d by LmdM Waln bworeNS �v�Y�bN u�d b obttt�W. 8orto.nr shill p�y the P��m4ms nquirod to mahtth M�1��:.:�
<br /> mortgfpi htunnc� h ofFsCt, w to provid�a bsa r���untN tiH nqulrMn�nt tor mo�tp�p�hsurancv ends h accordu�ce wqA ar►Y � ",,t�„�,�,"=�--�
<br /> wrkten prenrNnt b�twe�n Bwrovwr �nd UndK or�DPficabN law. ,��=�as?�°'-°-_-
<br /> --�-� 9.InaoeeUon. L�ndw w ks acmt may m�ko reaeanabfo ontrbs uAon md inep!ctlons ol th�Propwty. LondK thaN pM ---� .
<br /> �� � 8ortow�r not��at th�tYM OI M prior to�n hspsCtlon 3p�QltylnQ nasonable causa ta th�hsqction. _ - _--
<br /> . +;..�'
<br /> j '�0. COQd@ipY9�.1�:'�iiD. Tha prua:�a o! anY ar�erd er cM�n ta d±m�s� dhct or eenseq�+�ntinl, In connsctbn wNh my .�.,
<br /> p ,. ,..,.
<br /> ___ - -___
<br /> � condarw�ation or othw taicinp of�ny part nt the RrapKty,or tor conwyiu+ce in li�u ot condKmttinn,Rre hrnbY assqn�d�nd shaN b� '::.±
<br /> paM to L�ndM. °•'u;.
<br /> In tho�wnt ot �total tak4�p o1 th� Propsrly, lhs prwa�tds shtA b��ppaed to fhfl sums seCUnd by this :ecurity InaWnwnt, � � •� _ �
<br /> � 4 whetMr or not tMn duo. w�iA ony �ooc�st W� to Bamvnr. in th�wrnt of a ptrthl tQkYp of tM Prop�rty in vrhbh th�hM muSc�t �.:,�� `
<br /> .,� L v�lw of tM Prop�ty (m*nedintey bNorn tM takhq Is �qvi1 to or pnat�► than tbs e�raunt of tM suma s�cun� by thb S�curky •,�,�,r�
<br /> lnsWm�nt knrn�d�t�ly bo(on tM UkMp, unMss Baroww�nd L�nd�r olh�wia � h wrtl'tip. t►N tums t�curxl by thb S�cwift��
<br /> � Insbum�nt ehall be nduc�d by th� �mount of tM(NOCNds muRlplle�l t�y th� Pobwiny}raclbn: (a) th� total �r►ount of tt►! svrns �F�'-
<br /> �,�, secu r e d k n rt i a d f�t a y b N o n t M t�k h Q� dkid�d b y(b)ttw hk m�rk�t v��m oi th�Propsrty Ym»d�iNy bMon th�Wchq. My b�lrraas �,�.��:'��' -
<br /> shtll b� paid to BoROw�r.In tM w�►t af a parlW taF:inp of tM Proprty h whfch th�I�ir m�r1cM valw of tla Prepwty hrn�d�tNy .��...
<br /> , � bMon�th� Wcinp� Is Ma thu� th�amount of t1s�sums acund Ynm�dfatNy bNon t►►� Uklr*q�unt�cs Barow�r w�d landu ottwwia '
<br /> •qrM b writinp w unDss�ppYc�bM Itw otMrwls�provld�s, tM procNds shaN b� appif�d to NM Eums �scu�d by th� &�curAy 4"��
<br /> ....= __ - lit:tsssss'�:t!�!�!!C:Y ans�.�uun�e�rw Ih�n due. — ` - ;a
<br /> �f' If th�Property Is�bandontd by Horr�wex,or R,aRsr notk�by Lemior to BorrovrK thtt tf»ca+idunnar oM�a to m�ic��n�wua or + �� ,h„
<br /> �� sattb a c�Mn for d�mpos,Borrow�r ttll�co�spond to Und�r wNhln 30 da�i�s att�r th�d�t�ths notic�I� pN�n,UndK k wthorta�d „.
<br /> * k __°
<br /> • to cAlMct ond appy th� proceed�, at kss optfon, sithK to rastoratbn or npalr of th�Pr�rty a to tM sums s�cund by thk Secudly , .���;
<br />'�` A Instrumw►t,wMthar or not ttiso dea.
<br /> .�
<br /> Unbas Le�►der ond Bortow�r oth�wko�prw h wrRYy, �r►y appNca43on of proc�ts to princyxt ah�M not�abnd or pettpone tl» _-
<br /> dua dots d tha monthy p�ymmb rMrrrad to h p�r�pnRha 1 �nd 2 or atwr�Qs tM�mount d!such pa�rnnt�. 's�
<br /> � 11. eordower I�ot Released:Forbear�nce E!y Lendor P7mt� W�iver. �n.naa�� a� t� tims tor wr� m ;;_:
<br /> modMication of amorttutbn of th�suma s�cund by this S�cu�ity InsUun�nt prant�d by l.�nde�to �ny succ�s�or in Int�nst ot Bornowa�
<br /> - sh�1 not opKab to n�as�th�NabYRy ot th�oripinal Barow�a Bprtowera successora tn hC�nst• Undu shQY�ot be n4uYrd te
<br /> commertc�WocMdY►p� uq�irtst�ny iucc�ssor in Int�st or nlu�a to�oMnd tim�ior WYm�nl or oth�rvrlt�modMyr artartiaUon ol ths
<br /> up
<br /> •� sums s�cured by thk SlCUrky InsburtNnt by naaon ot nny dKn�nd unid� by lh� orlpin�l Bortow.ar e� BorrOwM� sucCSSO+e In
<br /> �c
<br /> ht�nst. /1nY�� by Und�r h wwoi�7fg anY ripht or nr�fY a?�aSI not be t wak� ot or pncLd� tM sxactsa ot�ny ripht or ��
<br />� ' �. Succaioors msl Aoslpns Bound;Jol�t�nd Ssverd Liabllity; Co-slpners. Tr+. cov«w�a snd --
<br /> s; • , �pnortNn� of fhb SeCUrity Intiturstent tshaN bind md Mn�R tM sueC�tsors �nd ns3'�ns W 6�ndK�nd BoROwN, wbj�ct t0 th� �_
<br /> ? ts'j� . provf�bns of panpraph 17.Bortow�r's ca+�en�nb md eprwnNnb ohall R�e Joht end a�v+�ral.My Borraw�►who to-stpr►s thM S«xir#y --
<br /> " ' ''��' Inabuma�t but das not pacub tM Nate: (a) k co-alpninp ihb 8ocurRy fnstrurr�nt ony to m�rtp�p�, �nnb Nd cartv� N!+nt
<br />� ' �'�� SarowK'a hbnat In th�Propwty und�th�tartns of thk Securky tnetrs�rrwnt;(b)fi not pk'�onaUY obAptLW to paY th�sums c�eut�rd
<br /> �� . �. "• ' py ihis SocuPitY InsWmsn4 �nd (c1 �0ra� that L�nd�r mnd anY oih�r BortowK mnY +i0^�ro �d, madMy. (ab�r �r m�k��ny ���.64
<br /> ��-. :. scCOmrtwdltfoas wkh rqud t0 tKms Of thk Svcur�y Inatrum�nt a ths NOt�wlthout thst BortOw�ft Cons�nG
<br />-.�,,='.;:::.:_j,� 13. I.OaD ChY'Q,al. It th�ban s�cund bY thle S�CUdty Instn�m�nt b tubj�et to �law whbh s�te rt�m ban ahatps�� -- -
<br /> t and that law la flnaNy htKp�Nd so thit th� htKaat or otNK loan aherpss col�cled or to M coAeoi�d in aonn�ctfon wRh tM Ian ���`"-
<br />�� ' '`,�;'�°''r eoocoad tM parmkbd NmRa, tMn: (a)�ny auch ban chatlp�s shaN ba r,educ�d by th� amount naoossnry to rgdua tha charp�to tM -�� -" —°
<br />�-: , •�,•� . -�---�-.��..
<br />-• ,, .` $ pwmltt�d Iiml�4nd(b)any suma at�dy colMct�d kom Borrowu whioh�ooc�d pem�ilbd qmlta wil be ntur,d�d to Baro�w�r. lan ;:;�����•t
<br /> rtyy choos� to mak�thb roNnd by reduolnp th�pnc��al o�wd und�r ths Note or �y rtWdny a dinct ptyrtMnt to Barow�r. If a ` , Iy�,,.-;.
<br /> , , .�:.,.. refund roducas P����. lhe roduction wIN be trKNd ns a P�k�PnWY��wkhout any Or�Y�t cMvps undar tM Nob. � � :i:- �--- ,_
<br /> `..'�c ;�FSj'`•�,
<br /> `��.:.;•; j 14. NOt1Cei. My notta to BortowK (xovidod tor h thl� Securky Inawm�nt aluN be p'e�+en 7�Y d�W�iny k a by miiWq k by ^ `x�:;.. �:i:'��'
<br /> �• first ciass mtN uniKi oppYCabl� faw requins use o4 �noMx m�thod. Ti�e nOtice ntul b�dbctodi 90 th�PropKty AdclrKS a eny `�har��'�?�",(��;'�'�?�'S�'
<br /> ; othar addresa Borrower drt(pnat�s by noUc� to Und�r. My notiC�to Lender a!N! b�pA+fn by fYst Class maM tc Und�t add�t . �.�:.s,��1:".�:
<br /> atatad h�nin cr�ny oth�r add�ss l�nd�r d�sipn+ba by notW to Baroww MY noi�Provlded for h thk S�curily Infwmont th�l •�=:e:"' .�
<br /> W d�n�d to hw�bMn GM�n to 8ortowM or L�nd�r wlbn plwn u P���in Mis panpnph. . .
<br /> ' 1�. Governinp Law;S61fOfibllf�. Thk ^.�CUrty Instnxnent thaY W govlrn�d by fadiral Itw �nd th� I�w of tM
<br /> Jurisdictlon In which lhs Prop�ty is bcat�d• In th��nt that�ny provision or cru� of thb S�curity InaWment w the Nots contlicta
<br /> , •:,�_;, wNh appNCabts iaw, cuch contiict shaM not �tfoct nthar provisbns of thk Sscur�tyr Insdumont or tho Note whfch can b� phrM� e(tsct
<br /> , � wkhout thv conflictinp pr�ovksbn. To lhis and ths provkbna ot thlo S�curXy Instrument �nd th�Note ara deckrod to be aev�rabb.
<br />_ .- .a n��..�...�.�� r�....., n....,........1.�Y h�nl.�n nna r.nn/[1nt1Yd GODV O}1110 N010 allO OI UtI3 S9CUfIIY I11SUU1119f1t.
<br /> ----' �v. w..v..o.v ....r.�. ......�.... _.._.__�---�- --�- --
<br /> - •• I -= ' _
<br /> •� 17. TP��C:.r ot Utc Praperty or e �eneficl�l Interest In Borro�ver. If tU or any part of lha PropMty or eny
<br /> I Interest In k b sofd or trmsle�»d (a M e bsnetickl htcKSS! h BoROirsr Is sotd or transfe�+�ed and Barow�r �S not � natuni p«son)
<br /> wkhout LenQa�e prior wrRt�n consant, Lender may,tt ks optbn,nquire trmodkt�paymer►t h fuN of aN cums c�cund by tAls Security
<br /> Instrument. HowsvK,th[s option sh�M not b��cKOlssd bY�-e��M���� Prohbtt�d by kdanl faw as Of the date Of tl�la S�CUn'ty
<br /> Inetsumen4
<br /> 11 L�r,dar eow�akos thb optbn,Lond�r ehatl plv� BarowK notta of�cc�4ntbn.TM notk� sh�N Qrovld��puiod of not less tlwi
<br /> 30 Enys Bom the dtto ih� notfC� b deNwr�d or rtwifed wKhh whlch th� BoROwer rtwEt pay aN aum� secured by thb S�curity
<br /> , InsWmsnt. li Barrovwr hib to pay thop tums prior to tM�xpYatbn of this prrbd,LondK miy Invok�any nmod�ss pamkbd by thb
<br /> Securky Instrument wahout Mnner notic�or dertwnd on Borro+rer. Form aoai o��o „
<br />� - F�0Y9.LM0(Z/P0) P�p�9 ot 6 . .. ,.,, ,
<br /> � y17 I
<br /> i _
<br />