` .. ' '�
<br /> ,� . .
<br /> .mwo+ � ..
<br /> �^•n• , , �. ��'' .
<br /> . c?�:ia%uil., ' _ .. .. , ��. . . ..w... � "r...r,;ia.. .�F'1GI'1 . .
<br /> r' .,
<br /> ...., _� . .. � .. .. _ . . . . _
<br /> . . . _. .. . .. . . . .... . . ... . . .
<br /> .. ... .... ... .._ -.. _.... � n -
<br /> - �«�':`�•_.—_
<br /> . g�_���5 ��.:;�L�;._
<br /> BorrowK's �In+�+w ascount unMK t�0 �al Rwl E�tat� SottNn»ni Proc�urK Act ol 1074 as �tmmd�d kan ttrM ta ttne, 12 US.C. ti:�
<br /> 26pt �t i�,('TvJ�St'A°),unha�anuthe�r f�w thnt tppliu to th�Funde �N�N Mtissr amoun4. II so,LmtiK rr�y�ot any tYr►p,ool�ct u�d
<br /> ' hold Funda b Rn arnnunt na1 t�er%asti lho Wascr amount. L.Qr�det noy eaitn�ato t�o amount of tund9 d;io on tha trnsl;� of currant data
<br /> and reatonnAlo aati»Rtos o} a�tY."�dkurs7 0}futu�v Etorow Itom�Cr olh�rwli�In i�oordanC�r+YM �pplfCabM yw.
<br /> Th� Fund� ahaN b� ht�71 W �n hstRutbn whota cMpotks sn ht�rad by � irdKal �p�noy, hstrum�ntelity, or �ntiry (Innl��dhp
<br /> 1.ondw,Y G_twid�a► b �uoli a� InASiiutbn)or Yt uty F�d�ral HorM Lain Bank. L�ndir dhtR tppy Ihs Fundt to pay lh� Et�row it�ms. ';,
<br /> � l�nds�mfly not ohn�p�Ba�ax�v for holdin��nd �py1t�th� Funds,annutly an�ys�p th�acrow waount, qr vorlylnp th�E�crow ( ��
<br /> � Items, unh�ns Londer�oyc B�nmt��r k►t�net on th�Funda�nd appMcaba rw pKmk�L�ndn to m�k�tuoh �Chup�. Knwwtr,L�ndr i
<br /> � mty r��lr�Bc�owK M p�y �3�ttkn�oh�rq�tor m ind�nd�nt�wl�state t�c wpori�ip c�vwo uzcd by l.��G:r L� conr._cttnn etl?h
<br /> thb io�n,unbss�pplh:abi� tew�i»vldes othNwit�. Uniats�n�pro�nfmt is mtd�a�ppHc�bM kw nqul+a htorost to bs p�b,L�ntNr .>.�
<br /> �`� shi4 not bn rmqulnd tn pny Bozr�w�r�ny ht�nnt or wnln�s nn th�Funde.Borrow�r an�L�nder may ipn�h writ„4� ho�r�r�that ,
<br /> ""`��� Intlr�st nhn�bs pekl an thn Ftrnds. UndK �hall ptw to Bortow�r, wRhout clwp�, an �nnual occounthp of tha Funds, thowhp
<br /> .,�
<br /> � credka unr� dW�ks to tha Fundn r.�nd ths purpos�far whlah�ach d�bk ta th�Funds wts rtud�. lhs Fund�u� p6�dp�d�s�ddRbnal ?y
<br /> socuriry(n��Y aums s�cumA b��t4�h S�curity initrum�n� :�
<br /> +; Ii tihra FunAm hnkl by L�ciar raco�d ttie amounte�rmRtW to be heki by rpp4cabi�i�w,6andor eha!account So Bortower tor the .�;
<br /> � excesa Fund� in �ccoMrnt:a wAb Ihe rsqulrwnente of�pplfaabM Yw. If th��mount ot Qh�Fund� hNd by I.mdM�t any t� b not V� :�.:;>.�_.
<br /> suMick�t tm p�y thn Esomw ItnTr�when due,Lendar may�o notYy Borrow�r N wlitinp,�nd,h au�h caa�F3orrowa�haN piy to L�nd�r �'
<br /> , :..,
<br /> . tha amount nec�saxsy to mflS:e eip the�leficlency. Borrow�r shak mak�up tM daffscfency h no rtean th�n tw�tw rtwmhN PiY�����
<br /> Landera sob discretit�n. --
<br /> - . . _.._ upOn pYynNnt i�u h��Gi ��l 4um� wc.-uic;i @y fhl3 S�CUrky InitrUmint,I..�nd�r shaM prompty ntun�Y to Borro+qrK any�unAe twld by __ ., .i =
<br /> „;:��, Lander. If, under pemproph 2t, LenW�►�haN ecquri or s�N tha Prop�iy, Landw,prior to tM soqukkbn or uls of th�Propury, ehaN [ �-, r°','°5',
<br /> �� eppt�� mny FunAa hnkl by LsTdirr at tlt�tMS ot acqubRion or wU as a cndk pahn tM suma socurW by thh S�curtcy In�trum��
<br /> r
<br /> ?';.'� . �./1�7pllCatt�rn mf PYyv�t�4a1. unte:s�pp�IcabN kw p��vid�s olhNwita, aN payrtNnts nc�k�d by t.�ndK under ptrnpnPhs 'K
<br /> t anc�2 sfiat be flppt�ed: ftrut Qo eny pr�peY�ar.0 �AU9ss due undsr ths Nots; secand, fo amounts ptyabf�undK panpnph 2;thtd .
<br /> � to hMr�et dw; Murth,to prinoi�sal dw;�nd i�st,t�a�iy lets eharp�s dw undK th�Not�. ;-��
<br /> �i.CiW�Ci; L.IQtt�tl. C•torto�sheA pay oN Wzas, asssssmwits, ch�rpss, Hnis and impaskions attrbuLbM to th� Propwty '�=• ��-
<br /> •� �'� w�h:s� may tttRtn pHAefty owir thk S�curky instiummt, ond I�umsa'��ld payrtNnts or pround �ri, R u►y. BoROwK shaN p�y th�
<br /> . Aft��{p, .
<br /> � *�� obll�^}ans in tltin mRr►nflr prm�Vled h pvapr'�ph 2, or M not pah4 ka 81�at mu�nK, Borrow�shtN pay them on time dfncty to ths puson ' ; �.?:�
<br /> ., „�
<br /> h If Borrow�r m�k�s , ",��;�
<br /> owud payment. Bo►mwr�r shna prompty fumish to lsncNr tN nflt�ea ot amounts to b�pakf und�r this panpnp . !`�:'=�""
<br /> �i):�'�.t;��
<br /> theao psyawnts dPectry,BorrtrNo��haN promptN��h to Under reCNpts wkle�alnp M�pay�n�nW. ,'I.-•,_�,_.
<br /> � 8orrowx sheA�rampth drtchu�Y�ny Man which has prbrtry owr tha S�c�rnyr Inatrum�nt anMss BarrowK: (a)�pnw h w►RYW to ;ti _
<br /> thn�aymant of the obtkyr,Hur�HCUnd by tM Nm h�m�nn�r�cc�pLbN to Und�r; (b)cont�sb h Qood hNh th�!Mn by� 0�dNMiL43 ��vn� -.
<br /> .�_r .., i`"�n>i�:
<br /> �yQtast�ntaro�rnent at t�m wrn n.b�a1 procMUnys wn�an n tn�unads ophion opwat�to pr.v.ni in.w;����¢��u•••w:,;�,�3 _--_
<br /> sscurde Mom ti�a t��J:er of ths Fi�n an�pr�n�nt s�ti�faatory to LendK subo�dhaitnp th�Ym to this S�curUy Inttrumin4 uf O.widw -
<br /> � datnrmkws tht�t a���+ nP.rt of ti�s Prop�ty ia auD�cl!o a tNn whbh may attetn �priorky owr thb Sscurit�r Instrum�nt, L�ndK rrwy y1v+ �
<br />'„�,,; , £�rm+r�er a nottCe Edonti►�p rhe N�n. Barcw�r shatl aatitty tha Ym or take on�or moro o(ths sctbns sat forth �bow wkhH 10 d�ye �.' _
<br /> _ � ::`,i Attlsfl p.LB�ep ot notVae. —
<br /> [��:�,;�.` -
<br /> • 6.W�A1'd mf' Ffit{S�tty 111�1lP�itCO. Qonowar ehaN keop ths hfprov�xnmts now aclstinp or h�RK �ec1s� on U» _
<br /> '""''' PrdQURy hSU�Ad�p�thAt k�tSe by fff1, hWrds IrtCtuded wkhin ttN M�m'�DI�MIdYd COYKaQ�'Qld�1y 01NK 11�3rdi�YICIUdM1Q 1i00d�0� �
<br /> ibodinp, tor whhh LenAur zqqufros hsun,nce. 7'hb Insuruics sh�N be maht��ned h the amounta �nd for tM p�ioda th�t I.w�d�r --
<br /> , ro�ulrsa. The h�urrmoe oanwr providY�p the hsurance sh�d Da ohosen by Barrowor eubJrct to Und�s approw�whbh ahtN not b� �
<br />- . unnueonaby wkhhflkl. If El+�ROw�r faNn to mahtah covKap� dsscrb�d �bow,L�ndK may, at Und�a opNon,obtah cow��to =
<br />`ti . tt+ot Lenda"s r hto h thb Pro in acCOrd�nc�wkh h 7. —
<br />��,,...•._- Vro �L P�f� D+��P
<br /> -�� - M hsurnno�pofh:lke Fnd nn�waN�haN b�acGpt�bM to L�ndK md sMN inalud�a stand�rd mortg�p�cMw��. 1.�ndK�ha1 hav� —
<br />- .,. tho �Ipht to holcl tNn p0�i.:�►e an�nMV+als. It L�ndK rpuhs,Borrow�r 6Aa11 prompty 91w to I.�nd�r aN ncapts of pdd pnmixnt -
<br />�"�•! �•� � and renow�l noti;as. In ti�r Nr�nt of bas, Borrowor shaN plw prompt notk�to ih� hsurmcs cartMr�nd Lend�r• L�ndsr mtY m�ce —
<br />`.��;�• :.�'•'; proot cf bas N no4 mede prompty by Barow�r.
<br />`;,:;,.; ' . Un1�ss L�nder anA 8o�row�r otMrwbe ipra� In writinp,insur�nnce procNda shaM b�app�d to Astoratfon or nptV of Me PropMty �
<br />-�`�=:;"" ' dema,p�d. R tl�e mc2arntlr.n or roipUr le�conomicauy iasbw and Lenders aecuritp b not Nssened. It th�rostontion or nptr is not _—�
<br />_��;;,, ;: ,;'y. '• �conomlcaly teub�� or L�ndws s�curity woutd be wssened, th� haunna proce�da shaN be �ppli�d to the suma acund by thN
<br />� a-� � : �. Sacuriry Inttrum�nt, W^�sthsr or nat thm dus, wllh u�y e�xssa paid to Borrawsr. If BarowK�bondons th� Proparty, ar dMS not _
<br />=y,r�N�ia:•~: � �ncvirer wkhh 30 days a not�s trom UndK that th� hturanCa cartkr hu ofter�d to settb a aiatm, thm Lender mty coMsCt tM �.v
<br />',•,' ' Msuranc� proc�ods. L�nd�r rtwy us� th� procNde to ropaP or nston th� PropKty or to p�y sumt ��curod by thb Securily !`� "-
<br /> .:1���:;��' , � �
<br />�,`. '�:. InetrumK►t,whn2hnr or nnt thon due. The 30�dsy prbd wIN baph whm ths notka b pM�n. -
<br />=n �' Unt��Lsyidsr and iTo�rowar oth�wla�ipr�e dn wriUr►p,�ny appMcation o!procMda to prfnc�pal shaM not aoctond or po=tpon�th� -___
<br /> duo d�h ol pte mnnN�y p�ym�nts rN«r�d to h �uapr�phs 1 �nd 2 or chanpe th�utiwunt of tM payrtwnts. If undK pu�pnph 21 __� ---
<br />' �� the Property ia acput�9d by Undw.�arowws ripht to �ny insurmcs poRcies end proasds nsukNp kom dart�to th�Prop�rty prbr ��`- s_
<br /> to th� �cquF�k�n �s�nfl pass t�o ��x++drr ro tM �ocbnt of th� suma s�cund by this S�curicy IntWmM�t frtxrNd�tNy prbr to th� —
<br /> �cquittbn. =-*�,�-
<br /> 8. OacuKa�cy� PteservaZlon� Ma9�t�nance crtd Protec�on of the Property; �orrower'� Loan . .;�
<br /> ApPUaa410tl; Lk�8�190ldR Borrowar sh�l oasupy. ostabl8sh, and use tha �raperty ee eorto►Yer's pMnclpal roskknCS wNhin sbcty . ='`- '
<br /> • O�ya �fl�r pio �omcuUon of thb S�curky Inatrumsn!�nd shaN continus to occupy tA�Pro�rty as �arrow�ta prY�cip�l rKfd�c�for at
<br /> ,t„:�:�.:
<br /> �� le�st one ye� aIlor tho date ot occupar�oy, uRMas Lend�r othe�wisa apror3 in wrktnp, which conse�t shal not be �n�oasoaabfy =+�z�'
<br /> . ,i': .:..�_';�;�s,�f,.
<br /> • wNhhdd, or un1�x��octenuetfrp clrcumat�nc�s�cist whbh e»bsyond Bo��rowws controt. Bonawsr shaN not deatroy, dunapo or�rnpaP �,:_,:.•
<br /> - the Property,�►iuw thn PropeAy to doteriorate,or commk waste on the Property. Borrqwer shnM be(n defauR H Rny foAeUum action or
<br /> " �,�.:�se.�>.mhflr c►�9 or crlmYuL b beoun that In Lenders 000d takh 1udOment could rosuk In tortekure ot 4ha Property or othcrwfse � �_.,',_ � _
<br /> � ,,,sh_Yt_Nj tn»err thn non cre4tsd by this SQCUrity Instrummt ar L�ndars s�cu►Ry ht�nat. Borrow�r may cun such a dWauk and �
<br /> rahsLto, aa provlded h paroQragh te,by cauahp ths �atlon or proCe�diny to bs dbmfssed wkh� nilhp that, In Le�der's qaod faRh
<br /> I dotermNt4t;N, precludse forl�turo of tha Borrow�'a t►twsst In the Property or other rt�teri�l Ynpahnent of the Nen Croetted by this
<br /> SeQUrRy INtUurnent or La�dws s�curiry intoros� Bortower shtY atso he in dM�uk If Borrow�r, duriny th� ben applicaticn proc�ss,
<br />- pav� maAixlUy telse or haccurete hfamatbn or afat�ts 4A Lander (or tailed to provld� Lender wkh any rtutertal hfortnetbn) In
<br /> connectlon wkh the ban evtdmcod by th� Nots, Incl�dirip,but not I1mRvd to, repnomtatbna conceminy Borrowers occupanoy of tho ,
<br /> Prcr�ty a o pnc�tpai rosWmc�, If th� Sacurity Instrummt la on a Nasahoid,Borrorwr ahaq compy wkh all tAe provisbna of the
<br /> le�se. If Borrower acqulna ta� tkls to tha Property, !hs Maseholdl and t�s lee tRM shaN not merfle unless the lender�9reea to the
<br />- mDrQOr h wtitktQ. Form ao2e o/00
<br /> . F�OFQLMa(1IQ6) Pap��of 6
<br /> , �;
<br /> , �,
<br /> _ _
<br /> ___� ___ __ __ _ _____
<br />