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..;�� .. ;;�+;;;;f; ; u : -::' <br /> . . 'd�• , .��'�:'_ <br /> ��`� ' „ .� . _ ,. .. ..M;v�w::��' � . . ' •. ..,c�s�J-. <br /> , . <br /> '' - - <br /> - .a' .r�14»�. .� ,. 9qll�rf�.K.:+wq,�.n•,,,..,�wwr/{ .� ..,, . -...,, -. <br /> . <br /> •- � . — -- <br /> .. . . ..... . <br /> .. ,i,, :p. �,,..,.. . ... •,J,�. . . . . . . . ��` �-��•.._�. <br /> .......`...,.�.....�.....�-•_....�� .. <br /> " i "'S[ — <br /> ',�;ti <br /> :,.,,4��'���t - � •� ``�� <br /> . � . �' � '��... �,(��� -= <br /> t � <br /> . . �.� . <br /> � ex�rclt�d by Bir�ticlary It exercis� Is prohl0ited by federal Ivw ee ot the data of thle 3ai�:uril/ IiTntNment II Dnnnfirinry oxarcisoa thle optlon, ; <br /> ; B�n�fl„I�ry sh�N ptw Trwtor not4ce of ocewNntWn. Ytw nofla thrll provlds�p�dod of nnt lua3 thn�30 dnye trom thn clAt(�tho notica b dalluen+d or <br /> mtlNd�Hhln whlch Ih�Tm�tur mud p�y�11 wme wcured by thlo S�curiry In�trument If Ya�tnhir L•+Atti M pay tnase sume prlor to Ihe ex�lrstlan oT t�19 �" <br /> " p�r{pd,B�n�flcl�ry m�y InvoM.e eny rcmedkt p�rmftt�d by lhls Securily In�trurn�M wflhaut tUdlinr nntf�:e or damand on TruCl�r. �;. <br /> ' � 92. EVENTS OF QEFAULT. /1ny of tM tolfowinp�wnb th�N b�de�m�d�n awnt o!d�►inidt hrtrounder: !�.'.�. <br /> �. Trustor ehdl haYe folkd to m�ke payment of my Inat�ltment of Interest,Riinr.7�tnl,ec Rdnr.iRnl and Intamtd o1 nny otliar eum secured <br /> h�nby wMn dw,a' � <br /> �.fi� b. Th�n ha occurnd � bnach ot or d�tault under my brtn, covonant, �mmm�nt, condllfnn, providnn,rnrranameUon or wuranry �-. <br /> . contelned In�ny of the Lo��InttrurtNntr. <br /> - 13. ACCHL�RATION; REME�i�S. 8��flclary�h�ll Qive notico of dafouft to Tr�atar rriar to occelsntton fallowln�Tnistore breach of any � <br /> - , coven�nt or ayreement!n thia Trust DNd. TM natke shtN apecNy(a)the dnfnuR;(7,`tltrt or.lfpn required to curo the datAidt;(o)e date,not lesa than __ <br /> ��" 30 d�ys from the sfate the notice b phren to Tru�tor,by whl�h lhe detauR must be cunM;and(�t)that faiiuro to curo tha dntault on or betoro th�d�te _- <br /> � •.�.. sp��tfied In tta noNCe may roaul!In accekratl�n oi lhe eums aecueeQ Dy thy S�teurit;�In�tiuittRnt and enle ot the Pro,f�rry.Ti►o notip sh�ll fuAher � <br /> , � tntarm Trostor o!tt�o�At to roln�tate sRer axeleretlon end the rk�ht to brfng a ceuR,nctfan to a4seA thn non�exlatnnop oi n ds(euft o��ny othbr � <br /> � detenie otTruttoe to�ccekratbn and eeie. I�ths clehuR fs not cured on or Mtors ths dnht apeafliad in the ndice,Beneilrtery et Ita opdon m�y re�quin _— <br /> b����;b;a R:ymant In h��l CJ:A�u�rr.�.:.ara�wy!hM�_curi11+Instru�rrnt e:Ethout funliler ditrrtnnA�nd mAy lnwcike tlw pmvar of eels�nd�ny otMr <br /> � rem�d{n p�rtnNt�d by�pplVcsDie law. Truftor eA�ll bs snGtbd to coMect sN sxpenaesi Insumtd H�p+tntulnfl th�e remediea ptov�dai fn Ihls pangnph 13, �= <br /> • '� � IndudMp,but�ot IbnM�to,ro�wnabta�ttomsys fsM�nd cosb of titia avklencs.If po�vec af eato In invaked,Trustee sl►nll mcob a notia of hfauft In ��. <br /> e�ch counry In whkA eny part of the Propertyr Is bcated�nd shAil msil coplaa of euail natfcd in thn rt�nnar pr�scribed by upTlfk�ble lew to Trustor�r�d ,- <br /> ,; ,. to the ather peraons proscribod by applicabb law. ARar the time requfred by epplicoplii ImN,Truatuo shnll flivo pubilc notico 01 ealo ro tno porsons nnd = <br />---- - ��{��manMr gro�sr�ihad by spplicabb law. Trustee,wkhout demand an Trustor,elinll sell thn Property at pubtir,euction tp tho highest bldder at the _ <br /> - tkrM�nd plaae and urtder tha tarm9 deai�nated in the notice oi a�b In one ar mctm pmr,eiu ortab �n cny orcter 7ruptao dv�orminos. T�uat'c'a ���ay _ <br /> .-y: �{ �' postpona e�ts of�11 or ony paroe�of tM PropeRy by publ��nnouncemeni�t Q�e umn ond Fl�cco of any�revtausty sdwduS�1 eaSs. 6snciidary or fM _, <br /> ..?;�,�, , cls�ipr►M may�rchase ths Property�t�ny nale. Upan recetpt ot pvyrrwnt of the p�ir.e hfd, TruotQe ehatl dnlNer to Ihe purdiaser Trostee'e daad <br /> �• •:` �S, conyey(n�the Propeity. The rocihh tn ttse Trustee'�deed ehall be prkna tacW evitt�mce of lhe huth of tt►A statements mgde theroin. Truetee sh�ll _ <br /> ' ,,,;��- apply tM proceeds of Me aQb In the iollowing order. (a)to a�l er.penses oi tbn sat��,tncladLip,hut not limited to,Trnn4oe'e foes es permYted by = <br />,v±�'• �pp�S�N law�nd ro�aon�te�ttomey�teas;(D}to�II auma aeeured by thb Security Innt�u�nont and(c)any excesa to lbv pers�n or peraons byalry _ <br /> _•r;� — <br /> entklsd to k. ° <br /> ��•��: 14. BENEFICUIRY IN P(1SS�SSION. Upon accebraUon under pnm�m�ii 13 or eGandanment o}trie Pro�erty.f3enefldary(in person,by nQent _ <br />'•':`%; 'y �yy judida{y�,�ppinted rsoeiver)thaN be entRbd to entar upon,taks pm�nnosinn af ond monttgo tlio Property and to call�M ths ronts of d�Proptrly = <br /> �:•� k�dudkq thoss psst du�. Any roMS coNecied�y Beneticiary or lha rM;siiwr�shnll Ire ppplled R�at to paymeM ot lho Go�1te of rr�naysrt�+t of Hfs =- <br /> ��� PropsRy and cdlectVin of ronts,in�tudiny,6ut not IkNted fo,rncefver'�hro9.pmmhima en ixceidere bones�nd oeoiot►�G1a aftomey'e tass.end then to �.' <br />- �s tM wm��.und by H�N Se�vrky Instniment. <br />�'�'i:��:•��� � 1b. REMEDIES NOT EXCWSIVE. Trustee�nd Benefici�ry,and each of tham,shall 6e entitled to enfan:e peymont md pe�fortnanca of any -- <br />,�r��°°;, . <br />;,,,,_.,�•. indebtedness or ablgatbns secured heroby and to exerdse oll rfghto ond powaro undur this Oeed ot Trust or undor eny I.00n Inatrument or o er <br />==-t=''�=�• nnrnwment ur anv I�ws now on c�reatter in toroe,not withstending soma ar oll M thR euoli fndebtndnoss and obflgetiunn c�curod hereby en4y now or <br /> heroaRer t�e othervvbe secured,whether hy mortgage,deed oi truat,pfaage,Ben,annlpnmAnt or otnervvise. iYOitiror ifio sc.cepienca vi u�ie Lioa±�� <br />.;��'i.��,�Aa..� <br /> �..;,,,v,_..• Truu nor iti anfarcament whether by couR�dion or purou�nt ta the prtwRr of eulu ar uther pnwem heroln contalned,shell proJudice or in any manner <br /> ����z ��� �ffect Tnnl�ee'e or Benofx�zTya right Fo roalize upon or eniorGe niq+othor eacurity nn�v ur here3tter hetd by Trustoe or ElonaTfdery,ft heing apreed th�t <br /> � Tmstee�nd Benafid�ry,or�d each oi them,shell be eMittad tn•enfn�r thh Deed o4 Trunt nn�i ony otrier security now or hprQaRer hekl by Bene��daryl or <br />-.,`��--- TNStee in such order�nd manner�s they or efltwr oi thsm map h�.thHir ahuakUa diaamHon detarm►ne. No romedy tl►oraln confarrnd upon or ressrvad <br /> -1,,,.,ry� to Trustee or Benefk�ry Is Intended to be mx�tusMe of any ottier rort�ady ht�mtn or b��aw providad or Fertn�ad,but ouch nhaM be cwnuletive�nd�h�ll <br /> - Ce in add�dhn 4o swry othe�romedy yiven e�eraunder or now or her�aattar�aut�tinp ot Imv ar in equHy or by st�'ht,t. Etiary pnyver or romedy yfven by any <br /> — o!the Lan instn�msnta to Trustee or 6eneflciary or to whi�h aiqinr af Ui�m mny Be otherwiae e�titted, mny t►a exnrcia�d, concu,�yntty or <br /> indepertdently,kam tkne to t�ne and as oRen Ys m�y be deremed erpnQlHm by Trtintee or Beneficfery end either of pbm may purow inconsfibnt <br /> __ „�, rsrt�edbs. Nothing hero�n shaN be conatrued�s prohibiting Rttneflciary iram saekinp a deBcienay Judyment agYlnst tM'nuitor to lh��xtant suth adfon <br /> .�,,,�- is permitted by law. <br /> �---- 16, C�OV�RNINC3 U1W. Thls Deed at'Trust sh�il ba govemed bp the W�vs uf the Stato of Nebresko. In the event thut any pmviston or clause of <br /> -_—_-- <br />