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<br /> . DEE�OF�'RUST .:�:
<br /> .�:-.'
<br /> , d�y of _,�,rch _ . 1BSL, dy cnd amonp �`-
<br /> rnir, DEEO OF TRUST, Is mado as ofr1,7� o ��d ax�.�. w���P -,('Tnutcr"),whoss n.�Ninp od<Irn�t I� �':°
<br /> (w7ann P Artz an�Bat�er`- - �-
<br /> ` �R.�cin�t nr.. nnni •..•S•r�f �fnC�ll1 Nabts�o BB�+�nd Ai18nt.E�Y�iSelltdfLLN1� !""....
<br /> �.� Alitmt F�Ioyaes Cradd UnMn Truatee'l,whose m�iling�ddross ia 152Q :t;,a
<br /> � ('BmnoflClary�,whose rrnallinp addrese Is 1620'h!'Stuat Llncoln Nnbreake BHR+!�!.
<br /> � FOR VALUAB4E CONSIDERATION,Trustor trrevocabty transfars,coveys and auigns to Trustee.IN TRUST,WITH POWER OF SAL�,tc�r U�e ` G
<br /> '�� � ___� benafit and security of BoneRdary, under and FubJact to lhe terms end conditiona of thie Deed oi Trust, the real property located In thn Cil�of \ G-
<br /> �
<br /> _ ' �c XXXlf3(]T�_�,Couniy ai Hnl�_ ,S�to 8f P�-�.aska.�nd Mf�elly rtesa(bad aa followa(tAe'Pmpertyr'$ c-
<br /> �,j TOGETNFR WfTH,oll roMe, ea�emenb, appudertancestnher�y�ob,��AftQ t�n��jo�i n 1 tegMl paA o!such buiW ng andn�ipro�a�no��a,
<br /> '-° buildin9s of�ny kind eftu�ted thereon�nd all pa�tonal PropeRy
<br />= f efl arops rabad thbreon. ond o!I w�ter�fphis.
<br />_i�,� u � The property and tM entiro est�ts md intercst conveyad to the�'��•ustee aro roferted to colbctivay as the"Tnist Estate.'
<br /> l�' � � "'��',I a. Peyment oi indebtness U the rotal principol emount ot S �� -��0.00 , wlth tnterost theraon, as evldenced by thnt ca�datn
<br /> � r �.{� �nna ,exocutod by Ttuator,
<br /> ;,�?;,,, � pramissory note of eve�d�te phe 'Note')with a matudty dete of�g
<br />:,j;;:rr,�=��;�;.;�� •— wnlen nas ueen deirvernci ri.ai� yaj3bi3 2C!�Y 0.'d!.!fl!L?SlwN�lary,qnd whlch by thts referonca ia hereby m2de e part hareof, and any and all
<br /> � Q0 nine & oae-h�lf
<br /> • �.�� modiBc�tbns,extensbna ond rone►�als theroot,and
<br /> �;,,:;••+.' .
<br />_.;��- • � ��•<,,,. b. P�yment of sY�um�advanced by Beneficiary to protect tho TNSt Estate, with interast thereon at the rate o pe�oen
<br /> 3�_ L 4.5�9L)parannum,and
<br /> ,��_ .. „ Q Ths performwnoe of Tmstofa covenants nnd tgreemenW.
<br />�w,,,;;:,,,;•:� Thta Deed of TrusR,the Nole,and any other lnstrume�ph►en to evWence orfuHher securo the piymeM ar�d parfortnence ot any oblfyntian ascurod
<br /> >;.;r,� hereDy atro n�Mmed to eolbctivety as 1he'Loan InsUumente.' .
<br /> --'�--_�;;;;�: YQ pROTECTTHE SECURITY OF THIS QEED dF 7diUST:
<br />�sF:�L�S'-. •..,
<br /> '°'��• 1. AAYMENT OF INDEBTEpN�SS. Ttustor shall pay wtien due the pdncipal of,and the interest on,the Inde6tedness evidenced by U»NMe,
<br />�"°`-`'"° chsrpes.tees nid�II otMr aume as provided in the Loan Inswments.
<br /> -°''''"i!`-'{�' 2. TAXES AND ASSESSM�NTS. Trustor ahall pay elt taxes end speclvi esse�smants ot every klnd,now or heroaRor levied agnirmt the trust
<br /> =�'''`if'•�`•• eatate cr any paA tMnsof of fouows:
<br />��'=``�•"' � Trustor sh�11 directty pay such taxea, wfNout notfcn or demand os e�ch instollnxsnt camas duo end shall provide tho bon�flr,tary wKh
<br />�.�'"Y��'� svidence ot tM paymer►t of the tame.
<br />�,•+t}w�?'_,�.�'r43t7�
<br />�.��-.-� 3. INSURANCE AND REPAIRS. Trustor shatl m9intaln firo and e�Aendad coverege insurd�co tnsuring the Improvemenln anA buNdinps
<br /> ° oonstkuHnp p�ft of the Trust Eslato for an�mount no{�sa Ihan the emount ot tAe unpald prtncipai batance of the Note(catnsurance not exceedtnp 8096
<br /> ��=1==s� pertnftted). Such Insur�nce poticy�hell contain a standa�d mortgage ctause in hvor ot SeneflGary nnd shatl not De Cancelabb,tertninebb or mc�difleNe
<br /> -_;;�� wNhout ten(10)day�pdonv►itten notice to Beneflclary. Truator ahall promptly Rpalr,malnbin and roplace the Trust Estate or any part tlinrooP 9a khat,
<br />__�a�'�- exeept for ordin�ry wear�nd tatt,.the Trust Ett�te nhail nW detedorate.I n no event shall the Trustor commit waste on or to the Tmst Esh�tu.
<br /> '�=.-'�'�-:,;:.�.•.,s�c� 4. ACTIONS AFFHCTING 1RUST ESTATE. Trustor shal7�ppear in ond contest eny Action or pror.eediny pwporting m aHnct tho seeurity
<br />�"- - �• hareof or the dght�or powers ol�ansticiary or Truatee,and sh911 pay ell coste end expensea,including cast of evidence of titb end ettomoy'a Yees,In
<br /> -��' ' any such�ction or proceadin9 In wh�h Beneficlary or TNStee may oppear. ShouW Tnistor tail ro make any payment ot to do eny act ea anc5�ln the
<br />-_ ��?_.��; rrwnner provMed In any of the loan Instruments,6eneticiary anNor Trustee,each In Ns own discrotion,without obligatbn so to do end wNhuut notice to
<br /> `�"='.,�='� or dem�nd u�+un Trustor�nd wdfiout roleasing Truator from eny obtigatbn,may make or do the aame in such rrunner ond to such extant aa ekher m�y
<br /> -�---��� dnem neceaaary to protect the sflcurily horeot Trustor shali,fmmedietely upon demand therotor Dy 8eneficlary,pay oll costs and expennee Incurted by
<br />-:�-,���;j�� genet�ciary In connection with tAe exercise by Beneficiary of the torogoing dghta,including witAOUt IImiNUon costs of evidence of titia,court coats,
<br />�W��r r;.�, app�siaata,surveys ond�ttomeYs taes. Any euCh cosb end expenses not�takl withln tan(10)days of written demand shall drew fntnrost at the defauR
<br /> --��;,rs_„�
<br />_=-`"-w;-+�.��.��',,�;` ►ato proyided In th�Note.
<br />_ - - " ':!Y�'?' 1` 6. EMIHIENf DOMI►IN. Shoutd 0 e Truat Estote, or eny part thereoi or Intcrest Nereln, be taken or damaged by roaaon �f arty Fu61�
<br /> - �' �••.'�.=' improvement or condemn�tion prooeeding,or In eny other manner Including Ceeca Jn lieu of Condemnation('Condemnetlon�,or shoukl T�uuto+•n��eive
<br /> ._M°' �ny notice or qther Info►matlon re�arding such proceeding,Tnistor shall give prompt wriiten notice thereof to BenafiGory.BanoSciary shnll bo entilled to
<br />-- s�fl compensalbn,cward�and other payments or rolbt theretor,and shall be entitted at it�optien to corr�merce, eppear In ea2l pro5ecutu In its own
<br /> name any�ctio+►or pc�oceedinps. Baneflclary shall etso bo entitksd to make ony compromiae or seribment in connect{on wRh such taklop cr damaps.
<br /> '•'��,�:-�.Sq All eu�h compenlaibn,awatds,dampges,rights ot actton and proceeds eMrsbed to Trustor(iha'Pror,eods'are hetaby assi�nod to EonoHclary and -"
<br /> . ��..t.'::1;`4
<br /> - , �,,,L,;_ Trustor agress to oxacute such further nasignrt:onts of the Proceeds as @eneficiary and Truator agrees to ox�cute cuch further assip�manta oi the
<br />- ' i•,1��:� pnxeeds ae Benoficiary or Tmstoo mny requiro.
<br /> 'Y . 6. FUTURE AOYANCES. Upon request of Tru3tor, Benoficlary,at Banuficiary's option,prior to recom•�yanco oi tho Proporry�to Trustor may .-
<br /> ; � make Nture advances to Tncsror. Such Nture advences,with fnterest theoeon,shali bo aecueacl ay thi�Oeed of Trust when evidonced by promfssory R
<br /> ... . � flOt 6 6tiU that wfd naes aro secu��sd horeby. _
<br /> , „ e "� __�
<br /> -•- � .t�r F �• APPO�NTMENT QF SUCCES50R TRUSTEE. Benofictary may,trom t(mo to Gme,by e written(nsWment exocuted and acknowledped by __
<br /> BenoONa maihd to Trustor ond Recarded in the Counry in whieh the Tnesl EstatQ is locoted end by otharvrisa eomplytng v�fth thn pmvlsion�oi tAe �:
<br /> ��'�'��,,-3 ---�ry....,..�..c�.�...�u�,.n�a wlutaute s sucassor or successo�to l�a Trustee namad hereln or aeting herounder.
<br /> ;�,�,:;,,�.,.o.........��_..._-�-- -
<br /> ,,, r,� p. SUCCESSORS AND e�SSIGNS. Thls Dxd of Trust appiies to, inures to tho�enefit of a�d binds en partfes neroto,tnoir nuiro, tagateea. �
<br /> dav!;�.s,p°ronel rc�resentataes,auccessore and essigns. TAo term'Boneficlary'shall mtsan the owner and hotder of the Noto,whadior ar not named �,
<br /> ' ., . aa Beneflctary heroln.
<br /> " • 9. INSPECTION. BeneTciary or its agent may make reasonable enUies upon and[nspnctians of tho Property.Bemoficlary shnfl giva Tiustor
<br /> notice 0t the Ume ot or ptlor to a�inspectbn specifying reasonabie cause for tha inspe��tion.
<br /> - 1q. TRUSTOR h0T RELFJISEO;FORB�i4RANC@ BY BENEFICIARY NOT A WAIVER. Exfens{on oi tho Uma for paymant or modificaUon of
<br /> emorti�ation ot the sum�soared by thls Sscuriry Instrument granted by Benefidary to any sucoessar I�Inteicst of Trustor shall not oporate to release
<br /> . t�e Iiebliity of the orlginai Tr�stor or Trustor's euccessor�m tnterost. Benefid�ry shall not be requtred to carmvsnco proceedings egalnnt any successor
<br />- in Intorost or refuse to extend tirtw tor payment or othanxise modily emo�taatlon o}the sums secuned by lhin Security Instrumont by reasan ot ony
<br /> demand made by the original Tru�tor or Trustor's sucxiessors in interest. Any torbearance by Benoflciary in exercising any right or romody ahall not be
<br /> e w�aieer of or pretclude the exer�clsa of any NgAt or rcmedy.
<br /> r
<br /> 11, TRANSFER OF TriE PROPERTY OR A BENEFtCtAL INTEREST IN Z'RUSTOR. I}ell or uny par4 04 tRe Property or any Intornst in It is aoW
<br /> or Uansterted(or ft a benefldal interest in T�u3tor is sold or trsnsferced and Tmstor ts not v natural peroon)without Be�eficisry's pHor wriflen consent,
<br /> Benet'iciary may,�l iM option, requlro kncr�ediate payment in full ot yll sums secured by thla Sncurity Instromont,howover,Nis aptlon shall not be
<br /> -�
<br /> �
<br /> " ! -•---- ------°.. �. . . - - . - - ----�----- ,_... ...
<br /> .. . . _ .,r'...�.
<br /> i . .. .. . ._ . .., .. __ .,. .. . .. .
<br />