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<br /> 16.8arrawer'e Copy. Donower shall bc givcn ano contormcd co�y of'thc Nnto cmd c�f this Sccuriry lnsuumcnt. ���
<br /> 17.Tr�tnefer of the Propxrty mr A Benetkl�l Interest In Borrawer. If�ll or unY Part of thc Property or ciny intcress in ft is ,
<br /> sold or vansfcrrec! (nr if a bc�cflci�! intcrest in Dorrowce is sold at tran�fcrrcd ttnd maROwcr�s nat a natumlperson) withaut
<br /> L.ender's prior writtcn cunscnt,Lcnder may.at fts opUun,rcquiro imm�ii�:�: {�aynicnl in Eull of all:,ums s:,�urc�ey this Security
<br /> InstrumcnG Howcvcr,this opdon shsll nat bo cxcrciscd by Lcndcr it excrciso is prohibitcd by fcdcra!law as of thC dtilC 4f BII9
<br /> ��„j,.�� Security InsirumcnG , •
<br /> � If Lender exe�clses this option,Lender shall give Dorrower notice of accele,�edon.The nodco shall provido aperlod of not less
<br /> • Ihan 30 dt►ys Cram the date the notice is delivcrcd ar mailed within which Bo�rowu must puy ull,sums secured by this Sccuriry .
<br /> ►
<br /> InstrumcnG If Bormwer f a i ls to pay t hesc su m s p r i o r t o the ea piration ot U�is period,I.endcr may �nvokc any remedies pcemittat
<br /> by this Stxurity Instrument without further nodce or demand on Bonower, Borro�ycr stu�ll havo thc right to havc � :`•�
<br /> 18.Borrower's Right to Reinsb�te. lf BoaQwer meet� cerieln co�ndidons, :.F;�,,,,�._
<br /> enforcement of this Security Ijutrument discontinued at any time prior to the eurller of: wacr of sa e eon Siained'u►ih'3cxun't}' ' ��
<br /> epplicablo taw may specify for reinstatement)befo�e sale o€tt►e P:apVrty pu...uuEnt W any pc� '..,��_�-_
<br /> e -
<br /> lnswmen�or(b)entry of a judgment enfoacing th�s Sc;curity Instrumen�'[hose candiaons are that Borrowcr:(a)pays I.cnder aU ,'�;;-__`
<br /> sums which then woulcl be due under this Securlty Instrumrnt end thc Note as if no acceleradon had occurred: (b) curos any ' '
<br /> . •,.,�:.-
<br /> def'ault of any other covenents or t�greements:(c)Pays all espenses incurred in enforcing this Security Insuument,indading,but ,•.,'';:'^—
<br /> not limited to,reasonab�auorneys'fees;and(d)tekes such acdon ag I.ender maY reasonably require to assure that the llen of this .:,,,�_;
<br /> Sesuri.�y ►nsi,�rtieni, :.euu�i's r.ghU i.'s L':e Pto�'*ty end Anrmwer's obligatton UD paY the sums secuted by this Security �,;-:,�,`-
<br /> instrum^nt shall continue nnchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower,tnis Securiry Inswm���d�zE°bLg�`��e�of ' ��`
<br /> ;.:,��.
<br /> ucreby,,.1ll remain fully effecdve as J no acceleradon hed occwred.I-Iowaver,this nght to rei�nstate s�tall not app y� ,, _;��;-
<br /> ' uccelerauon w►der paragraph 17.
<br /> 19.Ss�le of Note;Chaugs of Laan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with this Security _;�'�,•
<br /> , Inswment)msy be sold one or more times without prior notice w Borrower.A sale may result in a change in ihe enaty(known _�•..,y.:
<br /> .�, �. as the"Loan Servtcea")that collects monthly ayments due under the l�Tote and this St;cunty Instrurrtent'Riere aLSa may be one or ��°;a°�:.��,
<br /> more changes of the Loan Servicer unrela�eo a sale of thc Note.If thae is a change oi the Loan Sen►icer.Bonower will be ,.,;t_�_,•.
<br /> given wrieten nodce of the cbange in occordance with pare�raPh 14 above and applicable law.The nodce wUl state the name and =�—
<br /> � address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payrtients ahould be made. The noace will aLso contain anY other .••,V=2n--
<br /> ' ed b llcttb1e law. f �,_
<br /> � informauon reqwr Y aPP � �po�
<br /> 20.Hs��rdous Substances. Bonower s h a l l not cause or p e r m i t I h e p re s e n c e, , . s l o r a g e. o r r e l e a s e o a n y �_
<br /> �R Hazardous Substances on or in d�e Prupeity Bo�rowu s h a ll no t do,n o r e l l o w a n y o n e e l s e t o d o.a n ythin g effecun g the Pco}terty ___
<br /> , that is in violation of any Envimnmental L.aw.The preceding�o senoenxs shall not apply to m�P A��iwr�mal�residendal uses -__
<br /> ` �� ' ?t pcogcriY of small quantities of tA�zardous �ubstances mai aia oZ�""�•:lyrc:.:,�tti:ed tc�aFF-�---- • ---
<br /> '.':r;;�' �' and to mnmtenance of the Propem�. ___ -
<br /> "'`' Bor•rower shall pro;npdy give Lender written nodce of any iuvesdgatlon. claim,demand, lawsat or other aciian bp any �
<br /> , governmental or regulatory agency or privata pa�ty involving the Prope►ry and nny flau�rdous Substance or Bnvjmnmental Law
<br /> � of which Bocrower has actual lmowledge.If Borrower learns.or is noti6ed by eny govemmental or regulawry authorlty,thnt any
<br /> removal or other remediation of any Ha�ardous Substance affecting the Proparty ls necessary,Boaoa�ea�shall prompfly talce all _
<br /> " neces,sazy remedial acdons in accordance with Environmental Lsw.
<br /> � ps osed in th�s para�graph 2Q, "Ha7ardous Substances" t�re those substances defined es toaic or hazardous substances by ___
<br /> ������'A`r gnviroamentnl Law and ihe foAowing substances: gasoline, kemsene, other flammable or toxic peiroleum �roducts. wxic
<br /> � : pesdcides and h�rbicides�volatlle solvents. materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,end radioacdve matenals.As�sed in
<br /> , �his paragraph Z0,"Environmcntal Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdicdan whese the Prope.rty is located that relate
<br /> . w hr,alth.safety or environmental protecdon.
<br /> �•�.:i`�... .
<br />- ''�_�` � N�N•UNIFORM COVHNANfS.Borrower and L.ender further covenant and agree as follows: -
<br />��r,,�,"...��•
<br /> - - •« Zi.Accckration;Remedies.Y.ender shaU give notice 40�orrower prior to accelecAtbn tollowing Borrower's bressch ot �__
<br />-.•��r•�•�� s�ny covenxnt or agreement ia this Secur3ty Instrument (but nat prtor to acceleratton under paragraph 17 unks9
<br />_�' ' spplicabk law proa�3des otherwise).The nodce shall specUy:(a)the defaulh(b)the AMion reqNirtd to cure the default;(c)
<br />-� " a dAte�not less tl�fln 30 dsys 11i'om the date the�otke is given to Bor�wer�by w6kh the deft�uR must be cured;And(d)
<br />_:r'':,:-
<br /> thxt tailure ta cure the default on or betont the dak specif'�ed in tbe no2lce may result in Kcceler�tk►n of the eums secured
<br /> 1; �, _� �. by thfe Security Iastresment and sak o!tho Property.T6e not{ce s6a1!turther intorm Borrowa ot the rig6t to re[nstate ___.
<br /> '��"''`' Aner acakration and the right to bring o court action to Assert the non-extstence ot A sletault or any ot�er defense ot �__..
<br />_ri;;�',;. ,...� Borrower to acceleration and suk.If t6e defoult t�not cured on or b�tore the date specif9ed ie t6e notice,Lsnder,at its ___
<br />= optloe,mAy require immedixte payment in tuU ut a0 sums secured b�t6is Securtty Instrument without f1�rt6er dewand �,_�
<br /> --•`.�'i.,��.' �nd�aay invoke the power of sak and any ather remedies permftted by appticAbk law.Lenderehall be entitkd to cailect �`_,.n,.
<br /> `�� al]�xpenses incurrM in pm's�ing t!►e remedks provided in Wb para�ph 21�includieg, but not limited to,ceasonable
<br /> �r'4�-
<br /> �,�,�� �y�,'.. attoreeys'fees aad rnsts of title evklencc. __ --
<br /> ''' . ;S, . It the power ui sak L� invoked,Trustee shull record a aatice of detault in cac6 rnunty in whish any pRrt ot t6e
<br /> 1'roperty is located and shpll mail c�pks ot such notice in the manner prescribed by app�able�ari to Borrower and to the �rT y._
<br /> � other persons prescribed by applicable law.At�er the time required by ppp[ia�ble taw.Trustee shall give publi�notioe of .:.�°°.
<br /> ,tr,.:;c..�.:.
<br /> sale to the persoirs and in the monner prescribed Dy uppl3cabk law.Trustee,withr�ut demand an Borrower,s6aU seq the :�:••:,;.
<br /> Property at publBc auctba to the hfghest bidder at th�e time pnd place and under the terms designated in t6e notice of sak ��.;=�:'_
<br /> ..� ;�.
<br /> ��-, -.
<br /> Fo►m 5018 �/90
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