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<br /> � pnymcnis mny no longor tx+rcquircd.at th�opiion of l.crtdce,if mongago insuruncc covcrage(in Ihc amc�a��t un�l far tlin p�r:ind
<br /> that Lcndce rcquirc9)provlctcd by an tnsut�cr uppmved by Lcr.dcr agnin bccomcs Availnbla ond is obutinc�l.��ana�wcr sin�ll pn;r Ihe
<br /> �. prcmlums rcquircd to mnl�tain mortgugc insuranco in cficct, or ta provido e los�rescrvo, untal tho rcq�r.+ROmcm fur mnrr,�uge
<br /> ,*,;� insurancc ends in accordnncc wlih uny writt�n ogrccmcnt bc;twccn Bonawcr und l..cndcr or appllctiblc luw.
<br /> ':"'"`",,,� 9.lnspectic►n. Lcndcr or its agcnt may mako rcasonablo cntdcs upon and ins�wctions of thc PraQ�rty. l.andcsr sl�nll �ivc ,
<br /> , Borrotivcr notfcc et thc umc of or prior ro an inspccdon spcc)fying rcasonablo causc tor tha inspcction.
<br /> 10.Condemnatlon. 'Ria proceeds of uny nwurd or claim for damages, dlrect or con.sequentIal. i� conncedon with any -
<br /> "�# cond�mnadon or othcr taking of eny part o�tho Property.or for canvcyance in licu of cond�emnotion,ara hcrcUy A�iB�cd and `
<br /> shall be paid w Lender. . `�
<br /> „ In the event of a total taking ol'the Property,the proceeds shall be opplied to tha sums secured by ilus SecurEty inntiurnant, •� '�
<br /> whether or not then due.with any excess paid to Borrower.In the event of a partial t�cing of the Property in which d��fnir mnrket
<br /> value of the Propestiy immedIately befar the taking is equal w or greatcr than tha amount of the sum.z sccured by thit�Seaurity
<br /> 1 � Instrument lmmaii.ately before thc tal�ing, unless Botrowcr and x.cnder otherwise agrce in wdting, e,'�c sums secured by thi4 ,
<br />— Securiry Instnunent shall be redur,ed by thc a.muunt�f ihe prr.�ee�.s m!�dgllc4 b;�!�te!towin�frert�_!�a•tc�)�ha�ntsl amoamc of -.-
<br /> the sums secured immediately before the taking, divided by (b) thc fair macket valuo of the Proper�y immedlfltr.ly bofars:. the '�
<br /> . taking.Any balance shall be paid to Borrower.In the event of a partial taking of ilie Property in which t��r falr m�rket vAlua of Ihe r. ;
<br /> P¢npe�ty immediaLely before the taking is less thzJ► the amount of the sums secured immediately brfore tha tt�Scina, unless
<br /> Bo�rower and Lendu otherwise agree in writing or unless applicable!aw otherwise pmvtdes,the proceeda shall bo appfIed ta tile _
<br /> " sums secured by this Security Iastrument whether or nat the sums are then due. �
<br /> If the Pro�sert}� is abandoned by Borrower.or if,after notice by Lender w Bomower tttut the coc���annor ofEer3 ta m�ke an s
<br /> award ar seple a claim for demoges,Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the daLe�rhe noflce is glven,L�ndcr
<br /> � is a�thorized to collect and apply the proceeds,at its option,either w restoradom or repnir of the Prapr:rty or tc�t�e suma s:,cured
<br /> ,.
<br /> by this Security Instrument,whether ar not then due. e��
<br /> • . Uales.s I.ender and Bormwer otherwise a�r�e in writing,eny appHcadon of proceeds to principal:;h�ll not eaccend or pa�inone �._-
<br /> _-. _ '� ': ihe,�ine rtau;of the monthly nayments referred w in Uatsltraphs 1 and 2 at change tha amount of such paysnents. —_
<br /> � il.Borrower Not Rekased;Forbearance By Lcnder Not A W�iver. Extension of the time fcv psyment or modifxaaon _
<br /> � . af t►n►ortl�atiQn of the sums�ecumd by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor u�interest of B•o�ro�ver sh�ll �
<br /> not operate to relea5e the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in intcrosG I.endr„a shall nat be requfred to —
<br /> . � � commeace procce�3ings against any successor in interest or refuse to extencl time for payment or othenv�se madify amarrJ.s�tion of
<br /> � `�°'�'{�„�� the siuns secur�ca'by thi.s Security Instcument by reason of eny demand made by the originW Borrowea ar Bomaaor's sn�ecessors _
<br /> :�.,
<br /> ` '�' in intemst My forbeazance by I.ender in exercising any right or remedy aball notbe a waiver of or��clude tho esercir�c af any _
<br /> - � .:; • right or remedy.
<br />= �� ` a �`� 1Z.Successors and Aasigns Bound;Joint and Sever�!Liabflity; Ca9lgners,The covenants �d agneea�enGn af this
<br /> `��"" �`�'' -�r Security Insuument shall bind and benefit ihs successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, snb,ject to thn �rovi��ions of
<br /> :. . ..!�;� . _
<br /> ' �� :,��.. ..,r' paragraph 17. Boirower's covenants end agreements shall be joint end several. Any Borrowcr who casigns d�ls 5ecurity _
<br />=`s`�'• �"��' �` Instrument but does not execute the Notes: (a) is co-signing this Security Insdrument only to mortgage,grant and convey thut �—
<br /> ,,,w.,;.... -.:��� .
<br /> :;;Q:���•� . Boirower's intenst in the Pcoperty under the teams of this Security Insuument; @) Is not personally ot�9igau:d ur pay dtq sums
<br /> "��;."'': � secure�i by this Sec:urity Instrumen�and(cj agrces that Lender and any othe�Bortower mny agree to cxtend,modify,fontiear or ,;•_:,
<br /> �p��k�'h� •: ��• make any acceminodatlons with regard to the te.rms�f this Securlty Instrument or the Note withaut thAt Hurrawer's cone�ent ��'"
<br /> �"rt'-�r",;yT:t. : .4 ='
<br /> 13.Lo�n Charges. If the]oan secused by this Security tnstrumeat is subjoct[o u law which sets maximum lo.�n charges,
<br /> _�� ���" and that law is Gnelly inteipreted so that the intc�est or o�her loan charges collected or to be collected in conne.,uon wlth Uiu loan -_
<br /> -�-�{�_'�� � exceed the permittcd limits,then:(a)any such loan chazgc shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the cl�ru�e to Ihe �
<br /> -�'�:'=' • pemdtted limit;end @)any sums almady collected from Bomower which exceedod pem►iued limits will Ue refunded ta Hurmwer. _-
<br />�-=v�;M�:^' -.
<br />�. --- � �• Lcnder may choose to mako this refund by reducing the principal oweci under thu Nota or by meldng a d'uect pflymant W --
<br /> '::a�:,-�.;:..• �-=:-
<br /> _�....z,-__.,�,,,t, Borrower. If a refund reduces principa�, the reducaon will bo treated a� a partinl prepayment wlthout any prepaymant chnrge �:,
<br /> .-r�:;:.+��� � unc3ertheNote. ��,
<br />_r.�_ .:.,:: ,..--
<br /> _:�:r�sn,•� !4.Notkes. Any nodce to Borrower provided for in this Security InsUument shall be given by deti-vering it or by u�niling it s��
<br /> y`"�-�*�•= •• • by first class mail unles.g applicable law requires use of flnother method.Tho notice shall bc dirocted tc�the F�tnperty Address or
<br /> = any other address Borrower designates by natice to Lender.Any nodce to Lender shall be givcn 6y first class rtuW w Lender's
<br /> ��' address stated her�ein or nny other addres,c Lender desigaates by nobice to Bonrower.My notico provided far in thia Security -
<br /> Instrument shall be deemed to have boen given to Borrower or Lender when given a�provided in this paragrciph.
<br /> 15.Governing Law;SeverabWty. This Security Instrument shell ba governed by federal lnw and the luw of the •
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that any pmvision or clause of this Security Instn�ment ar the Note
<br /> � conflicts with applica�le law,such conflict shall not nffect other provisions of this Securiry Instrument or the Note which cen be '
<br /> ' given effect without ihe conElicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Nate are doclemd to �
<br /> be severable.
<br /> , � Form 804� 0/00
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