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20110984� <br />4. To Compound. Submit to Arbitration or Otherwise Settle <br />or Adjust Differences. To compound with or make allowances to any <br />person for or in respect to any debt or demand whatsoever which now <br />is or shall at any time hereafter become due and payable to me, or <br />by me, or upon my account, and to take and receive, or to pay and <br />discharge (as the case may be), any composition or dividend thereof <br />or thereupon, and to give or receive releases or other discharges <br />for the whole of such debts or demands, or to settle, compromise, <br />or submit to arbitration every such debt or demand and every other <br />right, matter, and thing due to or concerning me as my attorney <br />shall think best, and for that purpose to enter into and execute <br />and deliver such bonds of arbitration or other instruments as my <br />attorney may deem advisable in the premises. <br />5. To Prosecute and Defend. To commence, �rosecute, <br />discontinue, or defend all actions or other legal proceedings <br />touching my estate or any part thereof, or touching any matter in <br />which I or my estate may be in any way concerned. <br />6. To Manage Real Estate. To enter into and upon all and <br />singular my real estate, and to let, manage, and improve the same <br />or any part thereof, and to repair or otherwise improve, alter, or <br />reconstruct, and to insure, any buildings or structures thereon, <br />and further to contract with others for the management of such real <br />estate, and to grant to such others all the powers with respect to <br />such real estate usual in real estate management contracts, and <br />granted to my said attorney herein. <br />7. To Grant Leases. Receive Rents. and Otherwise Deal With <br />Tenanta and Leased PropertX. To contract with any person for <br />leasing for such periods, including periods longer than my life, <br />and without regard to the termination of this power of attorney, at <br />such rents and subject to such conditions as my attorney shall see <br />fit, all or any of my said real estate, and to let any such person <br />into possession thereof, and to execute all such leases and <br />contracts as shall be necessary or proper in that behalf, and to <br />�iv� notice to c�:it te any tenant or occu.pier thereof, and to <br />receive and recover from all tenants and occupiers thereof or of <br />any part thereof all rents, arrears of rent, and sums of money <br />which now are or shall hereafter become due and payable in respect <br />thereof, and also on non-payment thereof or of any part thereof to <br />take all necessary or proper means and proceedings for terminating <br />the tenancy or occupation of such tenants or occupiers, and for <br />ejecting the tenants or occupiers and recovering the possession <br />thereof . <br />8. To Sell or Exchange Real or Personal Estate. To sell, <br />either at public or private sale, or exchange any part or parts of <br />2 <br />