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20110974� <br />Township Elevan (11) North, Rangc Eleven (11) Weat of tLe 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, aud more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter (NEl/a); thence running southerly, along <br />and upon the east line of said Nortbeast Quartcr (NEl/A), a distance of Ztvo Thousand Six Hu.ndred <br />Fifty One and Siac Hundredths (2,651.OG� feet to the southeast corner of said Northsast Quarter (NEl/4); <br />khence deflecting right 9Q° 15' S4" and running westerly, along and upon the south line of said Northeast <br />Quarter (NEl/4), a d.istance of T`wo Thousand Six Hundred Thirty Six aud Seventy Four Hundredths <br />(2,636.74) feet to the southwest corner of said Nortberast Quarter (NEl/4); thence deflecting right 89° <br />al' S2" and running uortherly, along attd upon the west line of said Northeast Quarter (NEl/4), a <br />distance of Zlvo Thousand Six Hundred Forty aad Four Hundredths (2,640.04) feet to the northwest <br />corner of said Northeast Quarter (NEl/4); thence deflecting right 90° 03' 46" and running easterly, aloug <br />and upon tha nortb line of said Nortbeast Quartcr (NEl/4), a distance of T�vo Thousand Siac Hundred <br />Thlrty Eight and Forty Thres Hundredths (2,638.43) feet to the point of beginning. <br />PARCEL 3: A tract of land comprising a part of the Soutliwast Quarter (SWl/4) aad a part of the <br />Northwest Quarter (NWl/4) of Section Oue (1), Township Eleven (11) Narth, Range Eleven (11) West <br />of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the soukheast corner oF said Southwest Quartcr (SWl/4); theuce running westerly, along <br />and upon the south line of said Southwest Quarter (SW1/A) a distauce of Oue Thousand Four Hundred <br />Thirty Eig,ht and Fifty Nine Hundredths (1,43859) "feet; thence detlecting right 89° 51' SO" and running <br />northerly, a dlstance of Two Thousand Three Hundred Sixty Six and Ninety Three Hundredths (2,36693) <br />feet to a point of curvature; thence running northeasterly, along and upon the arc of curve to the right <br />whose radius is 363.82 feet, the initial tangent of said curvc coinciding with the previously described <br />course, a distance of Four Hundred Thirty Four and Twenty Three Hundredths (43a.23) feet (long chord <br />distance = 408.91' -- long chord deflectiug right 34° 11' 30" from the previously descrlbed course) to a <br />point; thence deflecting right 17° 43' 44" from tbe chord of the previously described curve and run.ning <br />northeasterly, a distance of Onc Hundred Forty FIve and Fifteeu Hundredths (145.15) feet; thence <br />deflecting right 07° lA' 29" and running northeasterly, a distance of T\vo Hundred Fifty Z�vo and FiPty <br />Five Hundredths (25255) feet; thence detlecting let� 68° 10' S8" and running norkherly, a distance of Two <br />Hundred Eighty Six and T�wenty Nine Huudredths (286.29) feet; thence deflecting right 61° 08' 26° and <br />running nortbeasterly, a distancc of One Hundred Fourteen and Fifty Eight Hundredths (11458) feet; <br />thence detlecting right 33° 03' 49" and runniug easterly, a distance af T�vo Hundred Sixty Nine and <br />Seveuty Eight Hundredths (269.78) feet; thence detlectIng left 06° 3T 50" and running northeasterly, a <br />distance of lrvo Hundred Ten and Seveuty Oue Hundredths (210.71) fcet; thence deAecting right 39° 32' <br />33° and running southeasterly, a distance of T�vo Hundred Fifteen and Fifty Six Hundredths (2155� <br />feet; thence detlecting left 35° 33' 33° and runntug easterly, a distance of Oue Hundred Fifty Four and <br />1lventy Eight Hundredths (154.28) feet to a point on the east line of said Northwest Quarter (NW1/4); <br />thence deAecting right 97° 12' 36° and running southerly, along and upon the east line of said Northwest <br />Quarter (NWl/A) and along and upon the east line of said Southwest Quarker (SWl/4), a distance of <br />Three Thousand T�ro Hundred Sixty Three and Thirty Four Hundredtlis (3,�633A) feet to the point of <br />beginning. <br />P.4RCEL 4: A tract of land comprising all of the Southeast Quarter (SEl/4) of Section One (1), <br />Township Eleven (il) North, Range Eleveu (11) West of thc 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska and more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter (S�1/4); thence running westerly, along <br />and upon the south line of said Southeast Quarter (SEl/4), a distancc af Two Thousand Six Hundred <br />Thirty Three and Six Tenths (2,633.60) feet to tt►e southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter (SEl/4); <br />thence deflecting right 89° 37' 43° and running northerly, along and upon the west liae of said Southeast <br />Quarter (SE1/A), a distance of Two thousand Sitx Hundred Forty Six and Sixty Nine Hundredths <br />(2,646.69) feet to the northwest corner of said Southeast Quarter (SE1 jA); thence deAecting 90° 18' OS° <br />and running easterly, along and upon the north line of said Southeast Quarter (SEl/4), a distance of <br />�vo Thousand Siac Hundred Tlairty Siu and Seventy Four Hunciredths (2,636.74) feet to the northeast <br />corner of said Southeast Quarter (SEl/4); tbence detlecting right $9° 45' A9" and running southerly, <br />along and upon the east line of said Southcast Quarter (SEl/4), a distance oF 1�vo Thousand Six <br />Hundred Fifty and 1�venty Eight Hundredths (2650.28) feet to tlie point af beginning. <br />Pago 4 . Tlpe SoTtwaro Dy Autvmated ReW Eetate Sorvlaoe, lna. 1-boo-7�0-1285 0o-�ti79 <br />