<br />FILE: 00-4873
<br />EXHTBIT °A°
<br />PARCEL 1: A txact of land comprising a part of the Northwest Quarter (NWl/4) of Section One (1),
<br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., HaU County, Nebraska, and more
<br />particularly described as follows:
<br />Bc�ginning at the Northwest curner of said Northwest Quarter (NWl/4); thence running easterly, along
<br />and upon the norkh line of said Northwest Quarter (NWl/4), a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred
<br />Forty One and Seven Tenths (2,6A1.70) feet to the northeast corner of said Norkhwest Quarter (NWl/Q);
<br />thence detlecting right 89° SS' 31" and runuing southerly, along and upon the east line of said Northwest
<br />Quarter (NWl/4), a distance of One Thousand Elght Hundred 1`wenty and Eighty Seven Hundredths
<br />(1,820.87) feet; thence detlecting right 90° 35' 36° and ruaning westerly, a distance of One Thousand Five
<br />Hundred Seventy SeveA and Trvo Tenths (1,577.20) feet; thence dcAecting right 88° 37' 36" and running
<br />northerly, a distance of Seven Huradred Eighty Four and Eighty Four Hundredths (784.SA) feet; thence
<br />detlecting left 89° 00' �34" and running westerly, a distance of One Thousand Fifty lrvo and Seven
<br />Hundredths (1,052.07) feet to a point on the west line of said Northwest Quarter (NWl/4); thencc
<br />deflecting right 89° 41' 19" and running northerly, along and upon the west line oe said Northwest
<br />Quarter (NWl/4), a distance of One Thousand Nincteen and �'our Tenths (1,019.4Q) feet to the point
<br />of beginning.
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northwest Quarter (NWl/4) of Section Qne (1), Township
<br />Eleven (11) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more
<br />particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at a point on the west line of said Northwest Quarter (NW1/�), said point being Seven
<br />Hundred T�venty Five and Sixty Nine Hundredths (725.69) feet north of the southwest corner of said
<br />Northwest Quarter (NW1/4); thence running northerly, along and upon the west line of said Northwest
<br />Quarter (NWl/4), a distance of Eight Hundred Ei�hty Four and Forty Nlne Hundredths (884.A9) feet;
<br />thence detlecting right 9Q° 18' 41" and running easterly, a distance of Clne Thousand Fifty Two and Seven
<br />Hundredths (1,052.0'7) feet; thence detlecting right 89° 00' 44° and running southerly, a distance of Seven
<br />Hundred Elghty Four and Eighty Four Hundredths (784.&t) feet; thence deAecting lePt R8° 37' 36° and
<br />running easterly, a distance of One Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Seven aud Z�vo Tenths (1,577.20)
<br />feet to a point on the east line of said Northwest Quarter �rrwi/a> thence deflecting right 89° 24' 24°
<br />and running southerly, along and upon thc east line of sald Northwest Quarter (NW1/4), a dlstance of
<br />Two Hundred Two and Fifty 1�vo Hundredths (20252) feet to a polnt which is Three Thousand T�ro
<br />Hundred Sixty Three aAd Thirty Four Hundredths (3,263.34) feet nortL of the southeast corner of thc
<br />Southwest Quarter (SWl/4) of said Section One (1); thence deflecting right 82° 47' 24° and running
<br />westerly, a distance of One Hundred Fifty Four and Twenty Eight Hundredths (i5A.28) feet; thence
<br />deflecting right 35° 33' 33" and running northwesterly, a distance af Two Hundrsd fifteen and Fifty Six
<br />Hundredths (215.�6) feet; fhence detlecting left 39° 3Z° 33" and running southwesterly, a distance oFT�vo
<br />Hundred Ten and Seventy One Hundredths (210.71) feet; �thence deflecting right 06° 37' S0° and running
<br />westerly, a distancc of �o Hundred Sixty Nlne and Seventy Eight Hundredths (269.78) feet; thence
<br />deflecting left 33° 03' 49" and running southwesterly, a distance of One Hundred Fourteen and FiftyEight
<br />Hundredths (11AS8) feet; thence detlecting left 61° OS' 26° and running southerly, a dIstance of T�vo
<br />Hundred Eighty Siac and �veDty Nine Hundredths (286.29) feet; thence deflecting right 68° 10' S8° and
<br />�unning southwesterly, a distance of Zrvo Hundred Fifty '1`vo aud Fifty Five Hundredths (25255) feet;
<br />thence det]ecting right 31° 16' 07" and running westerly, a distancs of Qne Hundred Thirty and Seventeen
<br />Hundredths (130.17) feet; thence detlecting right 45° 42' 32° aud running northwesterly, a distance of
<br />Sixty and One Hundredths (60.41) feet; thence deflecting rlght 00° 33' AO° and runrung northwesterly, �.
<br />a distance of Two Hundred Forty Si�c and Fourteen Hundredtbs (246.18) feet; thence detlecting left 16°
<br />22' 24" and running northwestcrly, a distaace of One Hundred Fifty One and Thirty Five Hundredths
<br />(15135) feet; thence detlecting left 18° 47' 17° and running northwesterly a distance of One Hundred
<br />Fourteen and Ninety Three Hundredths (114.93) feet; thence dellecting left 20° 23' 18" and running
<br />westerly, a d.istance of lrvo Hundred Scventeen and Four Tenths (217.A0) teet; thence deflecting right
<br />100° 03' 4S" and running northerly, a distance of Two Hundred Sixty Five and Forty Two Hundredths
<br />(265.42) feet; thence det]ecting left 89° 33' 30" and running westerly, a distance of Seven Hundred Sixty
<br />Five and Trventy Four Hundredths (765.24) feet to the point of beginning.
<br />PARCEL 2: A tract of land comprising all of the Northeast Quarter (NEl/A) of Section One (1),
<br />PaBe 3 a TIUe Sottwnro by Autamated Aeai Estnte Servlvoe, Ino. 1-b00-370-1285 DO�AQ9
<br />