.wu.; . . ,.�. . ' � � .I'� �.'�.�.L'�•�:::i�_;'e'�..�_
<br /> :� . „ ., � �):(;��5��'�' ,.1�`�F;._,.
<br /> „•.t ' . . .. - .1.;.��. .. :r[..'d=:
<br /> ,� • . ,py, . . .v:. �..
<br /> �8�' n . �' . •' _'�'�� . .•....-�:
<br /> ' h.t�i��.,, . C`; 4 '..�: , .... -- ., -�_-_-_
<br /> . � .- .. . . •_. _
<br /> .. ..n++.11�lfw�w�+++"�f'-�S�!'':...� ...._. - .�. _ ' ' .�t�.1•`(�-,_.,.,.ti.
<br /> M'^ _`_ _— „
<br /> - :�h.[-- ..�
<br /> ...1.� ".�itil:.'•-
<br /> . 'i%ni-�.S_,.__
<br /> 10. Bor�tir Not[tele�bed{Forbearauce BY Lear�ka Hut p�Vatuc�. i:cu:�iqn oe the�itt►e for paymeat or modification ,
<br /> ot nmortlzt�tlan�f tho sums eecured by thL�Deed aof th9�o�nnl�b�s+��er und B I�Aw�er�'�euccessors in interes�I.ender „ �
<br /> � not operate to relettso,[u any mm��ner,tuc ltablliry !� ,
<br /> s
<br /> tlzall not bo requlred to canunr:ncc proceeding�p8a�t�t sur,h suceaac�r at r�r�sG to oxtend[ima for payment Qr otl�en�+ e
<br /> �{�r�ortbatbn o[ttzo euma secure�by thh Dcci4 mf'I1vst by r�.nrrn.�P�n�y demuvJ m.ade by che origAnal Borrawcr nnd �
<br /> gonower's suc�asois in lnterest. Any torb�ar�nvc by I.cnctcr h�.cxer�61�any rlght or remecty hereunder,or othervLte y .
<br /> s�
<br /> uU'ordcd by appllcable la-w,stss�A rsot be a eraiver of or prec�u�a thr,exer�lse �P nny such dght or rtmedy �
<br /> 11. Sseerssors aw! A�clEne Bornd.Jolnt and l�rver�l Uoblf�� ��� 1Yu eovanants nnd mgceements herein �
<br /> ' aontal�ed st�l!bind,nn� the�i�htA hercunder shaU inum to,Wn n.c�rcctt�c�sucocssors and wsigns of L.ender and Borrow�r.
<br /> eubject to the provlsioas ot p�►ragrnPh 161urcof. A11�,�ave,nnnta anc�aar�.ctr,��ts of Borrawer shall U:joint tuid several. Any � ,
<br /> l �� `
<br /> gorrower who ca�sigas thls Deed of Trust.but does nnt ex�ecute t1ar,DT�.�te,(��)is w-slgnia8��of Trust oNy to grant
<br /> . ��: I and convey that Borrower's laserest in ttu PraPenl+
<br /> u�'I1��str,�ursdcr cJac a:ta.0 of th�s Deed of Trust,(b�Ls nat personaily
<br /> llabla an tho Note or uncicr chis Decd of Tcust,end Qc)uErees thns LCndcr oPVl an}r otbGr Borrowor hereunder maY eBT�tO . „ ,
<br /> extend�mod(fj'.forbear� ar mnkc eny other a000m�,c�adnttans wit1�.regflrd tr.�tha cc�°�of'Itus tas t�o ths�Borgrower's�
<br /> wlWnut tbat Borrawtr's consent and w(thout raleani.etq thnc Earrs�wer c,r mc-�yin8 .
<br /> luterest in the Propercy. notice to ��1=__-
<br /> 12. Notloa Exoept for aay nodce rcquired ewde3 apgAcablr, lav,r a 1:n�iven in another manner. (a) any _;, :�i-�°___.
<br /> H_,.
<br /> � ,,i,:.
<br /> Borrawer prov[ded£oc i:thls Deed of Trust sl�all b�:gSven by deiiverina icor t�y mailing such notice by certiS.ed mall addr ' ':-'°--
<br /> to Borrawer at ttte Ptopetry Adciress or at auch ottti�r address as Eiarsa+ye�tnay dai�aate by notice to Lender as provlded ,r�;. ,;',,:.
<br /> hereia,and(b)any notice to I.ender sball be givea hy cestilied mnil t�Lendrla's address stated herein ox to such other au�dress � �t�:,,•;..
<br /> � . ��::;`�s�:�:_--
<br /> ss L.ende•r^m{,a,.y desf�natc by aottc:to Borrow�r aa pmvidcd heteia. Any nntke pmvidal for:in this Deecl of TYust sfi,al�,t� ��.:::;.�,u=--
<br /> {.� ' �.. '•- �. t,..�.�!��.n.� .�.n,�.
<br /> ��W il4{���r�r'n��i��Q DVl{�1 Yl uf LGli�:.�17{cval�t�•n�K J.�i�P1Y1CT�LLL�tW LW� :r`4___– '
<br /> 13. (iorerain�1xvr+Serra�:isy. Tt�st�tt,a��l lcxx�l Inas applicabh�to thig D�,ed of��s��,��ral law ta tt�s �:�':�' _
<br /> jiuisd(ction in which the PropertY ic bcated Tl��f�regoin�scntcnce sMti:not Wn[s tha app ..,:`,-_
<br /> � Decd of Trus� :n the event that assy pravLslon or clausa of t�ib Deed c�f Tr»et or zh�c Nota co��w�d�h�out�theboo w�nflictin8 ",•.,•..•`'�:=
<br /> conflt�t ahall not aH'a�c other provisions of this Dcal of Tru�t or t1��s Nnus• whIch can be gtv ' ' �
<br /> :_ �� provisbn,and to tt�end che pravisbns of tht�IAc�d of Trust arui ti�c:N�,u are dccl.�red�bb a or�li�ait herein.�� ,;���r
<br /> .�, 1 �pp�(��r�e7IQC�5�`"3pd�81I0l71C}�S�fCCS�IriCIU�8�13NIZLS t0 tI1C CJ[�r,n�na�sprohibitsd by �1p : . •. --
<br /> 14. Bori�oNei'a Copy. Hormwol sl�all be furnttit�e cor�formicA coFy uf thc Nate sud of thig Deed of Ttust st the time , .`r__�r�•-
<br /> ,�� •r-;z„z
<br /> of exeeution or after ru�otdatba hereo� " S; _
<br /> 15. Rebs6Wtatbn Lorn A�amen� Borrav,r.r st�all fW171 aU of Ea[mwer's obligatloa�under auy home rehabilitatlon, ,.���;,s�;�.-
<br /> p f�i�`�...,rsn
<br /> . (.�,t:';.
<br /> i mp r o v e m c n t,r e p a i r,o z o t b e r laan a g ramenc wi�l�h Borrotiver eau:ra b�vo aith Lendcr. I.ender,at L.eud.,r's optton,maY i5.:,.,
<br /> ' requlra Borrawer to e,x�ecuce aad delivor to Lenrica.in a form ncceptablr.to L,onder.a n a 5 s lgame n t a f a a y d g h t s,c l a i m s or - --,�','�,_�
<br /> � dsfenses which Bo:mwer may llava ag�t partfta whfl suPPly inbor,nwcesials or seivioes ia connection w[th im.provements --- —
<br /> -------.F inade to the xroPenY• of tHe Pro or iuic�t i�. °°�_
<br /> 1�. ltanskr af the Prope►ti9 or e BcnedcWl u�4cnss�m�rro�v�er.If sll or ony part P�nY aDY �,,;.�F,�
<br /> . � ��:".�
<br /> it�sa1�or uans�errcd (or if s benefjetal inter�est tn Borccnv���solcl ar ueasfarnd and Bonrrawe�of all s�'��b5' _
<br /> arithout Leader's prbr writun oonsent.I.onder�xt3y,at it�c+atina,n.quue imn�d3au PaYm�
<br /> thi�Dced of'Itust �Iowev+sr�tl�ls ortbn shall csiat be e.ecrcis�Uy L,ead�er iP exerclgo Ls prohibited by federal laa es of the _
<br /> dato of this Deed ot TrusG Borrower nntir,e oi�oeeleratbn. 'The notioe shall pravtde a periad ot —
<br /> If Lendsr c�oercBes thls option,Lendcr shal'u gtve all suma securod bY thB
<br /> uos kss tl�an 30 days from the date the aoiko Ls a�1E+ercd or�ailed w�tttJa which Borrawet�Pama t+nvoka aay remalies �::
<br /> .� Dced of'IYust If Borrower fatls to pay theso aixca�prbr to eAc expi�utbn of Wh perlpd, Y
<br /> pormittal by thLs Ikcct oi'lywt wltuout furthet n�atke or demand ort Hosrawdr. as follows:
<br /> 0
<br /> NON-UMFORM DOVHNAN'IS. B°rrov�a aod u°d�r��7 r��t����,s brwch of arry owenaat or
<br />� 17. Aocekratiou; Re�edles. F.xoept ss pmvfdlsd in paragscig . tho ond af 10 cakndar days after thry �
<br /> ' agreomcat o f S orrower i n t l il s D�e d of'IYvs�inr.lti'idyo8 Borc�rw.�r's�i�luzro to paY�bY
<br />- w notioa to Borrower es p r c ti v i d e d�n
<br /> . . en c�ue,any sums ucund bY tt�fs Dced of Trusty L,ender pnc�r to aGC�leratton shall gtve
<br />� • a:• � para�ph 12 hereotspecttytng:(1)the breach;(?)ih�actlon rwquir�:dto cure such breach;(3)a date.not lesa thaa 20 daYs
<br /> fram tlt�dau the mtioa is m�ilcx►to Borrower.t'Y wi�3ch such breacl�must be cured:end(4)thet failure t°cure such broach
<br /> � � '; on or beforc the �te apecified in We nonc�e a�u'/result ia uccel�sma�on of tha sum�secured bY thls�°f T�L to b�nB
<br /> � • of tha Properry. 'I1se notioo shall fluther infarm�onawer ot tiia r v�t to r�lntitate after scael�ratioa and th�tiBh
<br /> . `:`,`,`;-�, � a cours actLon ro asscrt the nons�(stenoc of a defa�.vtt or any othar dufense oi Borrower co acoekration and ask. It tho breach _
<br />. `.:,:.ys�� —
<br /> is aot cured on or before the date specificd m thc�tbc�.Lendor.ac I.ender's optbn,mxy declare ail oI the�and a�ayIOther ----
<br /> � • tt�Dad of'Itust to ba lmmaliately due and payrobae withaut lhrth�r demand and may im'°ke t1�����p��
<br /> . �, .,' romccl3ea pem�ittedby applkable 1aw. Lender smnll 1�cntit1cd to�oli�:ctall reasc�nabb oasta and expe
<br /> � .� Wo remed[es pravWeal In thls paraBtaPU 17,iAC3uclfug,buc not llntfted to,te�sonabb attom�ys'fas. or soaie
<br /> , �'��'% • If th�povv�r otsale b i nvo k e d,'I�r u a t e a s h s l l r c o o t d n a a t i c o o f dcfault�n each oounty ia which tha Property P� --_---
<br /> � ��::.., p a Ikabk law to Borrower and to ihs o t her -�v.;.__
<br /> r•� ther�eof is located aad shnll mail co ies of euch notice in the�u�nnur pracribed bY Pp�bY PP `°�
<br /> nnu
<br />• . persons prescrtbed by epplicablo law. After the lapse of svch tiusa es may be rcq a Ucable law,'IYustee shall Sive �__•_-
<br /> ��:.�--.
<br /> �. pubHc aotkxi of sale to the persoas nnd in the ar�►naet Prescribed by applitt�bk law. Trustee�wlWout demand aa Bormwer� ���j_�
<br /> �,�•�--
<br /> shall sell the Proparty nt public ncctton to We higtra'.�t biddor at tbe drae nnd place avd under t�e terms desi��o � �.`.,�,�,,�__
<br /> �, notice of sale in ono or more parcels and in such order es TruE2ce muy detexmine. Trustee maY P�P� �`�`;�:�=..—
<br /> � pArccl of the Propert3►bY Public annouacemenc ris the timc and place of any previous?y scheciuled sale• Lender or Lender's ,,i;fi,._.�;.
<br /> : •,�,,;< �:.
<br /> " _ . ' designee may pwrchasc the Praperty at any sal$. : '`•t�:,. -ti° .
<br /> ' } Upan receipt of payment of the price btd,'Ciustee shall d�liver to the puretsascr'dh�.stee's dexd oonveyin8 the FI°p�m' '''i�r;`,.�,';:�:�'
<br /> a
<br /> , Y . aold. 'Ibe recita�in the Tcusr�ee's deed shall bc p�ir�fada.:�i�Sarux ui�c truth of the statements made therein. Trusue ,
<br /> ' shal!aPP�Y�P�of the sale tn tho foUowtvg ordcr:(a)to all nawnab?e oosu and wcpenges of tht salartoe,reasonabk
<br /> ' }� aot iimited to.TYusteo's fees actually incumd of nr�t mon:than °h of the gross sale P ;
<br /> i SttflTtlCyS' fees affi costs ot titl�evidence�(b)to a!]s�ims secured by this Deed of TYust;aad(c)the excess, if aar�,to thc s:;:�:�,
<br /> .....,,
<br /> _ -_ ___ ,_-_ nerson or narson�legelly entltSed thcreta. •----,-.--�.,r.....,�..,,...*„�t,.,�his Deed of Tn�sb •::::
<br /> ,-- -- • - - - - - -
<br /> 18. Sorto+�ae�s Iti�ht to Retnstate. Notv�itd�ausndisig i.enaers e�e,cm.w,�,.,��,...o.....,..��-- -. - .._
<br /> due to Borrowcr'e breach,Lbarower ahnll H�ve the dght to havo nny proa�B�be8un bY Lender to enforce tl�is Deed of � -
<br /> �� ursuant to the
<br /> Ttust discantinucd at aay time prior to thc eurHer to nscur of(i)the 6fth day before sate of the Property p ,
<br />° power of st�loo contnincd in this Dced of'llvst or(ii)eptry of a judgment enforc[ng thLs Deed of'It►ut iF(a)BoTI°a'er pays
<br /> s
<br /> ' Lender ell surru whtch woald be then due undec thfs Dced of Trust and the Note had no acoelemtion occurced:(b)Borrocve�
<br />' cures nU brcAChes of uay other wvennnts or agnacments ot Borrrnver oontalned in tbis Dced of Trust;(c)Bonower pays ull
<br /> nasonable expemcs incurred by Lcnder nnd Truatce in en[orcing the c�venan►s and a8ceements of Bormwer oontained in
<br /> this Deed otTrust nnd ln enforc[ng Lender's�rst'1`rustee's remedtesns provided in parngraph 1�herco�includiag,but not
<br /> limited to,reasonable uttomeys'fees;nnd(d)33srrowcr u►kes such acdon us Lender mny reasonably re4uire to�usure tbac
<br /> the llen of tbis Deed ot Trust.Leader's[ntct�t fn the Property untl Borro�ver's obligation to pay the sums secured bY th�
<br /> NpBitASKASECOND MORTYiAdL'-1/80�[N11lAll'�1�SC UNII�ORM Q�S1R1J��r Pngc 3 of 4 E�m 3828
<br /> � :,,;,,,�... .,-I
<br /> . . . ._ .. ,
<br /> � ----. , .... ---
<br />