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<br /> IBorrawer covenants that Borrower b lawful2y ae(sed oP the estate hereby canveyed and has t�hc rintat co grua� ond convt:y �� ,;._
<br /> � the Propeny.sad ths�t the 8roperty is un�xicumber�d,exapt for encurabranoes of rec�r�, T�arro�vr,r covennnu+th.cit IIorrow:.r �,� �
<br /> i w�u�rant�and wLl defend genemU�+t�e title to thc Pmpsrty A(Salnst nll cl�ims and demtmdt�,ricRf ect to ec�c:umCronc�s oe��e,�c�ni, �j
<br /> UNIFORM COVENf�NTS. Bonower and I.c:nd�r oovonnnt and�8�' whenQdue ct�c rUtri��n!u�t,�llitcrc�t i�debtcdne '�
<br /> 1. Paymeat ot Principal asd later,�� Borraver elutU promptly pay F� l � 't
<br /> evtdenccd by t6e Noto nnd lato ct�atgca as provided in tl� Note. '� ,, tl '
<br /> Z, F�wdy(oe'i`iuces aad Iaeuc�aa. Subject to eppllcabl�luw or a�vrittea watvur i�y L�crutcr,�aorrotisti: sh�il pny t� , -
<br /> � Landcr on the day raonthly paymenta at piinctpal ancl interest sre payable uuder tha Nata.un.tA tEr,�Note is�as►Id ta ti�U,a Eum� ;�;�_�
<br /> (herein "l�ads") equal to one-rnelfeh of the ycnrly taxes and nsssesaments (includtir� condcimlizt�zm c��td�lnnncd un1t� ,r,
<br /> devabpment a�sessrocnta�if eay)which rnciy ottain prioticy over this Deed of'iYust,en�gro►znd rentn an the Property�If nriy��� :°k_��
<br /> plus one-twclfth of yeatly premium insteUmeata far t�amrd insw�nca� plus one•twaUtta of yra�aly premlu�s�SCellmentb far�� r i
<br /> f, #=
<br /> � mortgage ln�sumnve,if any,ell es reasonubty estinaated Intttolly and from timc to tfine b.y L,emdcr on t�.c bu:.is of F�ascssmuntr�;q� �,'. .
<br /> � nnd bi11F and reasonnble estisnaces theno� Borrower ehall not ba obUgatcd u,mulcc auch guym.:nta of F�ds to Lendor taG f� .„y wr ,
<br /> � the axtent that Borrower �aakes such paym�nts to tha hokkr of a palor morb(��c or d�:ed of tru.st if such rioldar is �n `;�,�,, ;
<br /> institutional lcnder. `"��`-
<br /> I If Borrowzr pays Ft�nds ta L.eader.tde Flwds sha7lbe l�eld in an insdtution t2�e d�:rasit�or acco�nts of whlch are insum.d , ;�i�;_�•._-_
<br /> w
<br /> or gueranteed by a Federal or state agency{lacluding Lender if Y,ender is such an inEtitut;on). Lt_�r.�er shA�l nppYy the�l�nds .W..�
<br /> to pay said taxes,assessmeats,insuranoo paeaniutns ead Bnnund rents. Lendc:r muy not elu�rge tor so holdinps end applyin}�tha •�,�_�
<br /> Ftiands.an�lyrlu8 said a000unt or verifytng and compiling said ass�ssmenta and bUIE,uuless Lcnd�:r pays Borrower intcrosc on --
<br /> the Ftwds and applicable la�v permtu Lendor to mak�sech a charge. �uraowsr aud I.enxtcr may a�ree in writin8 at tho timn _v��
<br /> . of eKscLNc�n of tl�is Deed o�1Yust Wat inietest on thG Ilinds aLall bc Faid to�rnativcr,arts!ualcss such agtcemeat is meda ,"
<br /> or applkabla lnav requires such inurest tp be psid�Le�cr sqau aot trG requir�d co Fw�Born�urcr any in�ar�t o��,-�in�;c an - . . _ - -=-
<br /> :�. tho Tunds. i,��r at�all gt�na tn Bornsw�s,witlsQUt charge,sa snauat accc��rrttina of�dre FU.��shnwi�ag cr�dfu and debfts to ,•' ---�
<br /> the fi�nds and tho purp�se tbr which eaah debit to tho Fund4 was mnda. The F1eAds;ere Fledged as additionW securlry for -
<br /> ;.', "`�. tho aums secured by thts Haeed c.if'IYus� �.—
<br />- ' <<:�� IP the aYnouat of ihe��nds held by I.encler,togothor wtth the futurc mont�Iy iu,t�llment�oP Hlaadg payeble prlor to the _ ___
<br /> �;,:��` ,�.� .._�
<br /> . ns. ,
<br /> :V�.i.
<br /> - �}�, due daus of tancs,essessments,iasurence premiums ead grouad reats.eUtill crceed.the emoun.t required to pny snid taxes, -
<br /> �c�`Yi' assessmen�g,insurance preinlwns nnd growid reats es they falt due,such exceQS sttnll be,ae�troiver's opdon,either promptry -.-:_
<br /> repaid to Bc�rr�wer or credited to Tiorrawer oa montWy instaUmenta of Fuud�. I£We amnunt of the FUadg h�ld by I.onr�sr ..�;�:_-:.—
<br /> st�aal!aat be sufficient to pay taxes,assessmants. imuaance preiniums end 8miind c�aU�an tlhcy fnll due,S9rtower abpU pay ��
<br /> I
<br /> .�. to Lender any amount nec�ssary ro znake up the de8clea�cy in one or mQS+e gaymeaw en Lender muy require, f`,,�; -
<br /> m
<br /> Upon paymont in fu11 of all swms secuced by this Deed of Tnuc,Lender aUnA gn°mptty�+ef�nd to Bonowcr any Funds , '�
<br /> +� lx�ld by I.ender. If uader ParagraPh 17 hereof tihe Property i�sold or the Pccs�errf i�otheiwLse acquired tsy Lender.I.catler �� _
<br /> � �' shsll aPPty.no latcr than immediately pri+�r to tha sale of the 1'roperty ar ito acquisitfon tsy I..encter,a�y F1�a�held by Lend�r �_
<br /> _--;• at we Umc of appliixiuuu a5 a..i�.�.�ag�t t�as��:�sre�b;�?��P'i'*�.��- !��
<br /> �:�+. 3. Appllc�don o4 Pny�nsats. Unless appJk�ble Iaw provklcs otheivvh,c,all lw:l�nenw t�ceived by Leadct usa�er the Noto ,,
<br />:;��:�s� t� �P�B�Ptu 1 aud 2 h��of ghall ba applted tsy Leadcr 8ist iu paymens of smaunta puyr►b1e to Lender hsy Bommver wsdcr ��,•
<br />'•�' ' ' g�amgrnQh 2 hereof,then io iaterest payabb oa th� Note.and then w the principal of tltc Note.
<br /> �� � 4. P►�3or Mort�a�es sad Deeds ot Tnsk C6��^�e+;Lea�. Etsnawar sl�all perform all of Hc�rrawer's obligattnns uudcr
<br /> uny mortgaga,deed of m�st or oWer securlry ag[eement w[th a tlen which twa prinrity wer this Deed of Trust,ineiudi�g -
<br /> �:•. Borraver's oovenants to tnalco paymenta whea dua Borrower sLel!pay ar cause w Be puid ell mxes.assessmea�ts and oxUc� ;_�
<br />=iEi' ��ges,fiaes and impositioru atuibutabk ro the Property which may attatn a priorin�over this Dced of Trust,ru�d leaseuald _
<br /> . ;..
<br /> �ay�nonta or ground nnta.iP any. ; :
<br /> S. Hanrd Inaannoe.Bonower shall kcep the imgrovementa naw azl�titt$or he�fter erected on the Property instu�cd
<br /> egainst k�ss by firo�harards included within ttse tera�"cxtended cavemgc°.aud sualt otd:cr lu�unds as Lender mtiy requira�utt ir�„�:
<br /> in sueh amounta and tor such perloRit as I.ender may ttqutt�o.
<br />�'. Tho insuranoe carr[er providing tho insurance sbaU ba chosen by Harcvw�r subJect w aphrnvnl by Lendcr;pravidzd,tl�as ���
<br /> f.�i.tV ��.'. . . -
<br /> ��: �uch appmviil shali not be unreasonably witriheM All insuranoe policks and renetivals thercof shall be ia a form aooeptabk ��,
<br /> :;;;'st�`,. .,. 4o Lender and sl�all inelude a stendard mortgago elause in tevor of�ad{a a Carm accepu�ble to Le�der. Lec�er sba11 have _
<br /> . . � .;; the dght to hoW the policies and renswais thenof,subjeat to th�tctms a�any moi�gn�c.d�ed of trost or other securlry �-
<br /> ;,`.• . •';i �;: agrament with e lien whieh has priority over thb Dad of TruaL �"
<br />-�:�� In the cveat of loss.Honawer sball glvc prnmpt aotia to tbe ittsurnnce carsier and Lcad�:r. Lendcr�ey meko proaTof �=
<br /> t3'�:. loas!P ant madc rom b Borrowcr.
<br />