� .-:(%�. � � -.
<br /> s
<br /> __ _.. . ����,,�, �.t3��9 ..
<br /> '• �16. TIUlE9 AND A88ESSMENTB. C�rantor ehall pay all tnxea and nnsasaments rel�tlnfl to tho PrnpoRy w>ron duo and ImmedlAtely prnvfdn l.ender
<br /> wldsna of p�ym�nt of nems. Upon th�requ�et ol Lender,Grnntor ehall depoalt with Londnr ot�cfi manth ono•tweHth 11/12)�t thn or>tlmnted nnnual
<br /> Ineurence premlum,taxea ond ensessmenta pertalninp to tlim Prqporty. 60 lonp ne thore lo no dntnuft�th00D 11IYIOUf1t8 OhRll b0 Onpllfld t0 t110(l11yflPlilllt
<br /> � ot tnxoo,n�eecomanM nnd Ineurance ae requlred on the Prnporty. In tho event ot dele�ult,l.ondor chnll lrova tho rl{�ilt,nt Itn�SOIn optlnn,t�npp►y tho �,
<br /> tunde eo held to p�y nnY teucon or ag�inst tho Obllgatlonn. My tundo opp�lod moy,at Londor'c,optic,n,ho nppllod In rmnrnn�rdnr�f tho duo clnte __
<br /> Ithereot. �
<br /> � 1H, INSRECTPON OF P�iOPERTY, 9AQK3,RLC�RQS AIYID REPORT3. Orantor ahAll nilow l.enQnr�r Itn npnnio to nx�minn and Innpaot tho
<br /> Proparty snd eramine,Innpect�nd m�ka cople�ot GreMar'e booko nnd rocortls pertelnlnp to tho Pronorty from pmo tc►tlmo. �rnntor at�nll pmvlde �
<br /> � any xselstana r�qulnd by la�dsr for theee purposos. All of the slpnaturos ond Informatlon contninnd In Ornntar'o bnolto ond rncordn ohfill b9
<br /> p�nuln�,tru�, tCCUr�t��nd compist� In dl reap�oto. Grentor ahall nots th� exlctence o1 l.ondor'a Gonoflolal Intoront In Itn boohn �nd rnoorrlo
<br /> � GrnAtor's�ttnancleP nd��nAoathenPrope�rtyntThehnSor ntoo ahulaba for�isuch perlode�Eheil rotlorrt(3rnn m�onrncordn ni�nur�tlmo nndn�npolhp� ;
<br /> ' ron�f�rod wlth euch lnqwncy u I.�ndrr mAy d�tlgnate. NI Intormnuon tumiahod by G�antor lc+Londnr ohall po truo, nccutntn nnd campinto In nil I
<br /> � reapecte,nnd elymd by Onntor it Lend�r requ�ste.
<br /> 17. ESTOPPHL CERTIFICATEB. Withln t�n(10)dnye aiter any requost by Lo�der, arsntar ot�nn clni�vnr t��.ondor,ar nny Intandnd trnnMnren of
<br /> i Lender'e rtp�te with resp�ot to th�Obllgntlons,a slDnod nnd ncknowlodped statoment e�flcity4nn(n1 thp outntnntlln(�bnlnnce on thn Obll(�ntleno;nnQ
<br /> � det�ns6i�Qas�-0Ns or co oterc aims carantor�iU ba conclunl oly bound by any o�presoEntat on thnt l.nn�do�r�mny mnlcofto tho Intondnd trnnotoron witlt
<br /> irespect to thess mattere in ths event thnt Grnntor tafln to provido tho requested statemont in�timoly mnnnor. �-
<br /> � tg, �eY'ENT'3 OF OEF/IULT. iLl Evant of LWnu{i shall or.cur undor thlo Oeetl ot Trust and tho Truslnn'n p�wor ahall bncomn opnrntivo In tt�n nvnnt thnt
<br /> � Grantor,Borrower or nny guarnntor of any Obllpntton: . ..
<br /> I (a) commita frnud or mekes a mAterfai misroProsentatlon nt nny tlmA in connectlon with tha Ohli�ntlunn or thla Dnnd o1 Truat; `s—}y�;;
<br /> (b) falls to meet the repuyment terms ot thfl Oblipnriano tor any outstanding balAnco;or ,�����
<br /> (u) by any acUon or inaction,adversely attama tho Froporty,or any ric�ht of Londor in suah prnpnrty,includinD,but not Ilmitod tn,trnnMnr o1 tltlo ,��
<br /> ' � to or sale of the Property without the permiusian of La�idnr,faiturc to malr.tan roquirod Inuumna�or to pny tnxon on tt�n Propnrty,Atlowinn tlia __�
<br /> fi!tng of a l3�n eeNot to that held by Lendor,doath of tho solo Borcowet obllpRteA undor thn CJallgndano,nllowln�Nm tnldnp ot titn Ptopnrty ��:�.:xr.,
<br /> throuah eminent domain,or aliowinp iha Proporry to be toreolosed by a uennofdor ofiiror ilii�n l�ndnr. In addftion,nn F.vent ot Dstn��ft nimll
<br /> I occur If,ao a rosuR of any of the foflnwing,tha proporry,or any right ot the Lendar In tho Rrn�nrty,ia ndvernuly nifoctod: tlio t3flrmwor,(3rnntar , i=•-=
<br /> or any guarentor of any Obtigatlon cnmmito wn�to or othenndse destracth�ely use�or failo to mnlntain tha Prn�orty,uoou thn propurty in nn Ilin(�nl �
<br /> manner which ma��y sub)eot the Rtoparty m��izuro.or movee hom tha Proporty; a judpmnnt ia fllod npalnot the Borrownr,Ornntor or nny �Y _
<br /> � gunrantot of any Qhligatlon;or ana ot nva Eorrownrc o6ligated under the abllgallons dina. � �' ,�''"` n_
<br /> � tg, q�(3HTS QF LENDHR�N EVFN4 OF QH(�AUI.L Upon the occurrence oi an Event M DrAAU1t�mdar thio Dsed of TrutR,l.ondor ohnll t>n ontfliod ta .,.��;��,�
<br /> exorclse one or more of the tollowing romndlos wiihput notice or demand(oxcept ae raqu;rod by inwl: '"��
<br /> i (a) to declere the pbl�gatlons ImmndlMOty duo and p�ynhlo In tull,such accelorntlon shnil bn e�utomntlo nnd Immodlnto li tho Fvnnt ot I3slnult la
<br /> '� 'f'�',"--
<br /> afiiing underthe Bankruptcy Codu; '��' �r -
<br /> �O) to collect ttie outstanding ObllUt�tianfl wHh or without rosorting to judiclal procass; ' ;''�2�_"
<br /> ) to requlre Grantor to dellver and mo�c�ovniln6lo to Lendor any personal proporty or Chnttaln aonedtutlnp ttio Propnrty nt n plttct+ronssonnbly '
<br /> convenient to Grnntor nnd L.andor;
<br /> �; (d) to enter upon vd take pos�asslan of tho Property without applyinD tor or obtelnlnp ttia�pAalnlmant of a rocolvor nnd,nt l.ondor'n optlon,to
<br /> . appaint a recefver wlthout bond,wfthout flrct b�lnptnp suit on the Obllgations and withaut otnarniu+meednp any cRUtutory condltione roptuding
<br /> receivaro,it b�ing Intsnded thst Londflr shull huva thia contractual�i9ht to appoint s rocefvnr;
<br /> ' (e) to emptoy e menaging agnnt of tho Proporty and lot tha samm,efthar In Trustoo'9 o•rvn nnmo,In tho nnmo of l.ondor or in tho n�uno of
<br /> arantor,and roceive tha rente,incomes,fosues and proflta of the Propery and appty ths samo,attor pnymont of till nocaa�tuy Cliflrpon und �' �.
<br /> expsnsea,an account of ths ObUgtitians: '�
<br /> _ = m to Qay any suma In eny form or mAnner dnemod expedient by Lender to protoct tfio sorniirty a1 thin Dsod of Trunt or to curo sn�+cio(auit ottior
<br /> thnn payment oi Interest 6r prinoipal on tho Oblipatlona; , h�
<br /> „ (g) to toreciose this Doed of Tniet judlalNly or nonludiclally end to dlrect the saSa o1 tha Proparty through oxordso of tho power of enlo ao �AY�
<br /> " � rstsrenad in parag%ph 20 heroin,in acaordanoe witfi applicable law; '�
<br /> ' (h)to s�t�off Grantor's Obligatlonp against any nmounto owed GraM�r by Lender Inciuding,but n�t Iimited to,monlon,instrumontti,nnd dopoatt ,,;:;c'�,tuf,ht. �
<br /> ' , accounts mdntsined with Lendor or any currontly existing or tuhire effl!Iiate o1 Landor,und r�.�,F,c;••� ? :i
<br /> '' p)to szerds�tli othsr dghto availnbio to Lendor under any other evrt2an agroement ot EipA»o��p�a�'�• f15�`' :�
<br /> ' Lender's riyhts are cumulaUve and may be exarclsed tagether,separately,and in any ordor, In tho m�nt ah�t Londer inalttutos an aolion saoking tha '� �'"%�
<br /> a.
<br /> recov�ry o}any of ths Propsrty by wny of a preJudtiment nmsdy in an actton agelnst Qrantdr,(irMtor walvos ths ��Ing of any bnnd wldah mlpht �
<br /> ��.. otherwise be roqulrod. lander or Lender'e deslpnee muy purchase the Property at�ny sala. Ptaoeeds of any�ruticoe'a enlo horoundor el�ull ba �
<br /> .��: appiied flrat,to the costo snd expentes of exarcl5ing tha power of s310 and ot the sals,includinp the psyment of the Prusiee's foea potualty Inourrod �
<br /> - and not to exceed the amount which may 6e provided tor fn thla DeacD o`Trust,second,to payment ot tiho Obtipatlnns soourad heraba�,third,to the ` M;t •
<br /> " payment ot)unior trust deedf,mortanges,or other Iienholdera,end tha balunse,If any,to tfie psrcon or pareons Ispaliy ontltled tiierotc�. Yne Propariy
<br /> ' or nny part theroof may be soid in ono parCSl,or In auch parcels,m:�nnor or ordar as Wndor in fiC eo:e dlsorotlon may oieat,and ane ot moro `� '��-
<br /> '.'�•''��'�' i exerdses of the power horein grantod shall not extingulsh or exhaust the powar unlerru�tha o�Nro Pro�9rty fn eofd or the Ob!Igntionn aro pald In tull.
<br /> ���r� �" • 20. TRUSTEE'S EXfiRCISE OF POWLR QF SALE ON DEFAULT. Upon detault by[�aac.var in p�ymont of any Obllpadons aeaurod heroby,l.ondor ,��`% �
<br /> ':�''(r..�;' ., • � �_�:..:-
<br /> ;;+,r. , mny dsclus all sums sscurod huoby immediAtely duo and payable and shall causo to be Hiad ot roDOrd A written notic�ot d�feuR and olocNpn to cell y„__,;
<br /> �;.�;::?:'i; , the Property. After the lapse ot such time ae then mey be roquirod by law lollowing reoordation o1 suoh noUoe of defauR,and notloe of eala Naving -��;.
<br /> ' '�"` �' been givan ns then required by la�v,Trustee,without demend on Grentor,shall sell euch prop�rty,otlt�sr ae a wholo or In eopsunto parcefa,and in sucfi �
<br /> '`�}�' order as R or Lender may determine,at pubila auoUon ta the highest b1c.�:er. Trustae may postponv tha o�le ot all or nny pordon of ihs Proparty by k>,;;���•�-�
<br /> , ; publio announcem�nt at tha timo and pinc�of s�le,and from time to ti�nm t�ereafter may postp��o 4hu�sle by publlo announoomont a1 chq Umo and �•,.J.;,;._ -,
<br /> � plao�ifxed by the precediny postponemenR Trustee ahall daliver to such purchaser its deed oonvay�ng the proparty,or parHon theroan,so eo1d,but :!t�i�,.,,:-
<br />, � w�thout any covenant or werrenty,expross or ImplleA. The rockats In sueh deed ot any mariors of fAOt or othanvlso ehnfl Ga oonolusl•re proal ot the s.,:=�-°°
<br /> , mrthtuin�ss thsrsof. My p�rcon,Includln8 Granror,Trustae or Lender,may purchese at suoh sate. �'u'�� .,�
<br /> �.:},,,i •,'.
<br />- � 21. REQUEST FOR NO'ftCE9. GrnMOr roquesto that a copy of eny nottce of detautt and a oopy af uny notico oi stilo horoundar by mailed to oaoh .. ;�;�;� ':�
<br />_ person who Is a party hereto at the addroas of such percon set forth hmrain at tAe sama Uma an�in'1he oame mannor roqulrod fls thnugft a oeparat� '�,.;�+,{f;.�;�' "`''��^
<br /> i request thcreof had been filed by eaoh such percon. � �` '� '
<br /> : .<i ��::al•::�,.
<br /> � 7L SECURtTY INTERE�ST UNR�R T41Ef UNIFORM COMAAERCIAL��3DE Thls DoeQ o!Trust sh�il ba conafdsrod n tinnn�inn a2a`�ment end e �. '�,��;��''r;;!•
<br /> � ' fixture fllinp pureuent to the pravislons ot the Uniform Commercial Cods(as adoptfld in tfia statc�Ynero the proFrstty la looatod)c�varing fixturoa ..�<S;��c:��FY1 �,J:.',
<br /> chattels,and articlss of porwnai property now ownod or hereafter attnched to or to Em uaed in oo�nsoilon with thv Praasrty to�sthst wffh any and ell '��'fG�r;t��'..
<br />' replaammts thereot end addixans theroto(the'Chattels'�,and Gnntor heroby grents lwndsr a se�urity intorost in such Chuttala. Tha dalrtor la the �:
<br /> '.•'i;. : �f�.,
<br /> Grantor d�scribed ahove. The sxmmd pnrty fs the Lender described above. Upon domsnd,Grcntar shall m�ko,oxoaul0 und dalNOr such escu�ity � '%ti';, , .
<br /> - eyreements(a�sueh term Is definod In s�!d Uniform Commerdal Code)as Londer at any tlma muy claom n000ssAry or propar or roquito to prnnt to !i:��;'';���.
<br /> - Lender a perfected security Interost in tho Cht�ttols,and upon Grantor's fatiure to do so,Lendar ia suthor�:od to etgn nny such tigrcomant as the agent ���;,,::'�
<br /> of Grantor. Grentor hereby authorizas Lendor to tito flnancfng statements(es cuch term fs daflned in tald Unfiortn CotnmarclW Co�o)nvith respea4 to � ,
<br />— tfie Chattels,at any tlme.without the s►�naturo of Grnntor. Grantor witi.however,at any Uma upon roquest of t,on�ar,sf n suoh finanainp statemenb.
<br /> 4 Grantor wlll pay nll filing tbes for ths fitinp of such financing stetements end for the tofiiing Meroot at tha timas roqu)ro�(n tha op:n:on of Lender,by ,
<br /> said Uniform CommerGal Cade. If the lien of thi>Qeed ot Trust is subJect to any sE+CUrity agreemeM covoring thn U`i2ttols,then In 4he event of any
<br />-� defauit under this Oeed of Trust,all the right.tltie and Interen of Grantor In and to nny and all of tha Qhattets Is haroby assignDd to Londer,togothor
<br /> � with the benefit of nny deposits or p��Ynontu now or heroefter matle theroof by(ircntor or the proclaoossors ar succossoes in tdia of Grantor In the ;:�,
<br /> _ • Propsrty. '� '�
<br /> 23. HE761BURSEMEHT OF AMCU�lTfi E)IPENDHD BY LENDER. Ler.dm7,at Lcndsr'e opilon,mny uxporv.!lunds Qn�u�:n7 atta:n9y�'fses nnd IaQal '%:��``
<br /> • expenseel to pertorm�ny act requirod to bs tak9n by Grentor or to ex�rdse nr*./r SM or remsdy o1 LorrJ�r unyar thts Q2ed o7 7rust. Upon demand, � ��:�..;•
<br /> Grentor shall tmmrditRely rolmburse Londer for ell cuch nmounts expended by lerM.hr topethar with Interest th2rc�o�td ths Iarror of the highsst rate �.
<br /> I desaibed In any Obltq�fion or tha htghest rnte nllowed by law from the dnto of�a rnont unLl the date vt rofrnb��cement. These sums shall be
<br /> Indutloct in the deflnttion of Oblig�ttonr htroln and shall be secured by tno boraf�dd in;erast gmn:ed harein. M tha W�igaUons are pald sfter tfie
<br /> b�gmning ot publica4lon of notfco of sai0,as heroin provided,or in tho event LCndar 6ha11,at its so�e optlon,parm�t Grantor to pay any part ot tha
<br /> f Oblige2lons atter the beginning of p�blt�adon of noNCS of sale,as honfn providod,thon,Grantor Etu1�pay on tlamand elf expanses incurrod by the
<br /> _�� � � I T�UStla Nttl LEfIf1Q118 COf10QCt1011 W1:T1 S81C1 pUDOCdtl00.IOqUO108(0330R3DI0 di[ORIC�ID T4l9 i0 iOe+ai]aTn7y6 ror m�i�wiw ow ivi ii�b i.onuoi.ow d -��-------_. .--
<br /> D r
<br /> rea,onable tee to the Trustee,and thi3 Oeed ot Truat shatl bA securiiy tor all s�eh exp¢nses end feos. !
<br /> ' 20. ARPUCAYIOH OF PAIRAHN7'S. AIt paymcnSS mado by or on bohNf of Gren;or may be appl�ed apalnst tha ormunts paid by Lender pncludtng f
<br /> � attom�ys'fees and IogaJ expenses)in connrctlan vr�th the sxorclse of Ib rin�hts or remedlss dascrlbed In thls Dc�ed o9 Trust and then to the payment �
<br /> of the romaJning Ob�ignUons In whatever order Lender chooses.
<br /> 25. PBVYER OF ATTORNEY. Grantor haroGy cip�polnts Lendor as im attomoydmfact to eodor�e Grantor's n3ma on eIl fnsVUments and ottur
<br /> � documents pertalning to the ObI1gAYona or Indebtedness. In addiUon.Lendor ehnll bo entltlod,but rtot roqulred,to partorm eny acllon or execut�eny �
<br /> document roqulred to be taken or vxacutrd by Crnntor under 1hlo Doea of Trust. Lender's pertormance ot aurh ncUon or executlon ot such �
<br /> — dacumants shall not relleva Grantor trom any Obtig�tlon or cure any dotault under thls Deed of Trust. The powere of attomey descrlbed In th:s Deed � '
<br /> of Trust us eoupted with en interest and aro irrevocable. I
<br /> 28. SUBROGATION OF LHNOER. Lentler shall be suorogeted to tho riQhta of tho holder q1 any prevlous Ilon.seCUrity Interen or encumbrenCe
<br /> — discharg6d with tunds advanced by Londar rogerdless ot whethor those lie�o,security Intereste or oi�er en�umbrancos have been released of recprd. `
<br /> � 27. CdLLECTtON COSTS. To the oxtent parmittetl by law.Grnntor agraes to pay Lendor's reasonablo tEes end costs.Induding,but not Ilmft�d t0. I
<br /> fees and costs ot nttorneys and oth�t agents pnNuding without Ilmdation paralepals,clerks end consuftnnt��.whet�sr or not¢uch attorney or ap�nt IS
<br /> an employes of Lendor,whlch are Incurred by Lsnder in coilectlnp nny amount dw o� enfordng eny riph4 or romedy under thfs Deed of Trust.
<br /> ' whether or not suit fs broupht,fncludiny,hut not limited to.alI fees nnd rn�ts Incurred on nppeal,In bankruptcy.end for post-judgment colleotlon� , I
<br /> scUons. �/ .� `Y .
<br /> � , IPNEg1GC �-FOrmAhanTacnna�og�o7.lnc �>>-2oG) (6001DJ�J�co Pngo7dl�� '._
<br /> _
<br /> }. ...��---_ ._. ._ — —
<br />