<br /> r
<br /> � ...r. :
<br /> 97-- 1U�i9 � ' �
<br /> (d)Qrantor hu tho rlpM�nd I�duty wthoil:ed to�xacuto and p�rtaim iteObUpatione under thle Daed af Truet end these actiono do not and sh�ll� � �'
<br /> not conillCt with lhe provielone of any atalut0,{edyl�tlon,ordinmce,iule ol law,eontrnct or other er�reament whlch may be bindlnp on Grsntor et �
<br /> nny limo: ,
<br /> (e) No ectlon er pronedlnp le or ehall bo Wendlnp or threatonad whlch mlpht meterlally ef}ect tho Property:end � _
<br /> (f) Ornntor hao not vlolwt�d and ahell not vlolate any et�tute,repuletlon, oidlnnnce,rule of law,contrnct or othor apreement whlch mlqht mato�inlly f
<br /> �Hkt tP,�propem�pnclutllnp,bul not IlmiUd to,Ihos�yawminp Huwrdoue MetedAle)or Lsnder's rlpMa or Int�re�t in ttiu Preperty purou�n4 tu � �
<br /> thla 0e�d o1 Tn�tt.
<br /> 3. PRIOR 0�lQ8�F TRU9T. Ormtor npraNnte�nd warr�nt�th�t tntt� �r1 no prior d��da of tru91 aft�ctinp sny part of th�Prop�rty�xc�p►aa n�t '
<br /> ' lorth on Sclt�dul�B�tS�ch�d lo thb D��d of Truit whlch Orantor�rN�to pry and p�Aorm in�tlmNy mxnn�t. I}th�r��rv�ny ptlor dNda of trutt •
<br /> Ih�n Onntor�pra�s to p�y all�mflunte ow�d,tnd perlotm dl obl;pttfnne requlred,under euch dosda o}tru�t and the indebtedneso aecured thereby.
<br /> 4. YRAf19FE'H8 OP YNP PROP�:Ht"lf OH BENEFICiAI INieF1e8Y3 IN E'afiAliiOHS OH 80RAOWeRS. In th�avsnt ot a nl�,conv�yanc�,loow,
<br /> • contr�q tor d�td or tr�m1H to any p�non o1�II or�ny p�rt of ths r111 ptop�rty d��cribsd In Sch�dul�A.or�ny Int�reit th�nln,or o1 dl ot�ny �
<br /> + bmsfld�l Int�nst In Borrow�r ar Onntot(if Borrqwtr or Onntor i�not� mlura(pason or ptreom but la�corporatlan,Ilmiud lI�blliry company,
<br /> partn�uhip,tru�t.or othor lepil�ntlty�,Undar may,u It�optlon,declar�nM out�ttndinp princlpal bdoncs of th�Obllgatlon�plus�ccrwd Int�nit
<br /> " . i th�rson Imm�dlatNy dw and payabl�. At Ls�nder'n nquesL(3rantor c�Bo►�o+nr,e�th�c�w may W,ah�ll furni:h s compt�t��tat�m�r,t Nttinp�orth
<br /> I tll of in ttockhpid�ro,m�mb�ro or partnen,��t�s�ra�rfeta,�nd the wxt�nt ol�nsfr nep�etiv�ownsnhip Intenats. , .
<br /> i 6. A38I(iWMENT OF RENTS, In wna'derAtian of thn Obupatienf whlch�n NcurW by thb D��d ot Truet.0«ntor absolut�ly aaslpns to Und�r all
<br /> (irentor'e eet�te,ripht,tiile,lnt�r�et r.l�lm nnd demnnd now o�ned or heredler•o�utred in RII extstin�and tuture leasea o1 the Property pnaiudinD
<br /> • �xMn�;ona.rone•xa�a and�ubtiara�i),all Apraamentta for usa and ocevpsney o}tha Property(ail such leneta nnd apreement�Hm�ther wrinen or orel,
<br /> I u�h�naft�r rsl�rrW to aa th�'Ut►ea'►,and nll puennti��of I�f��'p�Aormana und�r lh�Leas�s,top�th�r witti ths Imm�dJaH�nd condnulnp
<br /> I dpht to coltact and r�lw all of thn roTtn,inr,�me,�ecctpri,r�+nnu�a,I��u��,prof�n and oth�r Incom�oi any n�tun now or h�n�ft�r du�pnr,l,�dtnp
<br /> 1 uny tncom�ot�ny nature comtnp duo AudnD nny ndemptlon p�tloap und�r th�L�ae�o ar irom ar arlalnp out of the Prop�rty,Inctudtnp minlrrwm _, .__
<br /> � rents,�ddiUonW ronU.pe tetnteQe ronte,parklnp or Common ana mdnt�nmc�cantributions, tex and in:urance c�ntribuiona, d�HcUncy rrr*��, --___
<br /> � tsquidated dtm�gea followtnp default in any Lsass,ail proceWa p�y�bta unde any policy of Ineur�na� covadng loee ot rmte nsu�in9 fia�m C . '~`�i%+
<br /> . . - _'S Ut11EfIN�lllhl Ci11SK�Qu(�lf(UR1k111 4t l��!�ro�!^l�lQ QfQ�lN.!��^rUC�r!d5 p!o�ht�a�R r�s�lt o1 a l••••w�•e•�rcl!�of!R Q�NO.^.M�LMh!S�fh� �---- ..----- ---
<br /> Propeny,�II procar�9 deri�tid hom tne urmin�don or nJfctlon of ariy Uas�in a bankn,ptcp or oth�r Irtsotwncy p:oca�dinp,and WI procsed�from l -
<br /> � ury riDhb�nd claims o1 any kind whlch f3rantor moy haw�Ddnst anyltsaM und�r th�Utus or cny occupanta o1 th�Proparty(all o}ths�bov�u� ( _� ,—.�_
<br /> hereafHr coll�cHvety roMrrod to an Ms'Rente'►. Thts�ssignmont ie sub�eet ta the dpht,pawer and authoriry qlven to Me Lender to collect and eppiy ' _
<br /> the Fi�nts. Thla auipnmeM ii rlcard�d In tccordena with�ppliraibN staU law;th�Il�n aeatW by tfiis auipnmsnt fa Int�nded to bn sp�ciflc, ;�" w���
<br /> , p�rEecNd,and choat�u{ton th�ncotdinp of this DeW of Trutt,tll as provldM by appliCabl�stat�law eo am�ndad from tima to Ume. Ati long as �.�y:•._
<br /> At . _
<br /> th�ro b no Mfauit under ths ObiiptUons or this Deed of Trua�Lender pranb Grantor e revocable Iicense to colluct all Rents from ths Leasea wh�n �' -
<br /> • das and to use euch proceeds In(irantar'e bustness opemUans. Howevar,Lender may at sny Ume roqulre(3rantor to deposft ell Rents Into en '='� ''::
<br /> ' , aco�unt rr�untalnsd by Granmr er lender at Under'e Institution. Upon dsf�ult in the paym�nt of,w In the peAormancs of,any of the OblipsUona, a ' -�
<br /> L��nA�r may�t ib option taks pos3tsslon of M�Prop�rty�nd have,hold,mmage,leass and opente tha Rroptrty on Urme and t�r t psriod af tlme �` _
<br /> ' that Lender deams proper. lendar may proceed to couect and rec�rive nll Fknts,from the Property.arid Londer eh�ll have tull poXer to periodtealiy '�. ,,,
<br /> maks�tt�ntions,renovaUona,repaira or replacsmsnm to ths Propsriy a3 Undar may dssm propar. Lend�r may appIy afl Rrnts In l.�nd�r's soio
<br /> � discntlon,to paymsnt of th�Obug�Uon or ta th�paymsnt ot th�coatof such atnnUona,ronovaUone,npaln and nptacor�nta and any�xp�nsa '
<br /> ,� � Inddent to taklnp�nd rotaining possession of the Propeny and tha mtnay�ment end operaUon of tl�e Property. Lender may ke�p the R�operty ,�
<br /> � i properiy Insurod end mny discharpe any tnxea,charp�e,clalms,assaumenb and other llens which mty axrus. Ths expenss and cost oi th�t�
<br /> actiom may bs pald hom ths Renta realvsd,md any unpald unouna shall be addsd to ths princ{pai of the ObUgaUona. 7Ms�amounta,top�th�r
<br /> with athsr cosb.2h�ll become part of the Obli�aUons sacured by this Oesd ot Trust.
<br /> � 8. I.EASES AND QTHER AGREEMEMTS. Grantor shail not mke or fa.il to take any action which may causs or psrmit the tertninatlon or th�
<br /> w3th�otdiny o}�ny payment In connection�vith any Letss pertaininp to fhe Prone�ry. In addiUon.Grantor,without Le�der's prfor writNn consent,shall
<br />_- � . -- i�ui. (ij i�ultii.i if�y iitur�ivs�riyi`uii ui�u'ii wi�y ur4io Tivie u�ii"vir��Tiw�ui i�iar��uo; lv%ti'vuis'j�i�j Li�bo: �j w�M L°�..^.'��lL.�ti.'�":S!1`i ' —
<br /> , Intenst or oth�r encumbrance to he placed upon Grmtor'e�Iphts,tiU�and Interest In and to eny Uas�or ths amounb p�yabls tMnunder,or(d) �,��It
<br /> terminnts or cancei any l.ASee mxapt t�r the nanpayment of�ny sum or othu mtMriel bnach by the other puty theroto. I!Caar►tor neNw�at�ny
<br /> • Um�my wriri�n communicaUon asseriin •detauR by(3rantor undsr�Leas�or purporttny to tertnlnat�or cancel any Laass.C3nr►tor shall promptly „� �
<br /> forwud a copy of euch communication�and any subssquent cammuNCations relaUng thsroto)to Lender. All such Leassa�nd the amounta dus to ., •
<br /> � � Grar�or th�nund�r aro hereby�sslynad to Lender aa add�Uonal s�curiry}or the Oblgatlons. ;
<br /> � 7. COLLECT101�I Of IMR�BT�DDtEBS FROHI 41iSRD PAATY. Lender ehall be en4tled to notily or require Grantor to notity any Mird party pndudi�,
<br /> but not Itmited to,lesseea.Ifoenr�ea,paw�mmentAl nuth�riNea nnd Insurenoe r.omponlna)to pay Lender eny indebtednesa or obllyatlan owlrtg W �
<br /> m
<br /> Grantor wlth respect w Yno Propem�Scumulath�efy'Indebtednosa7 whetltar w n�t d dafnult exfsts under thla Deed of Trust. Grantor shall dillqsntry
<br /> �� ooll�ctths k�d�bt�dneu owlnfl to Gruntor from theae third pn�ies until lho 9hjnD ot such nottNCa�Uon. In ths swnt that Cx�ntor poss�ssrs a noNv�f
<br /> �i- poseestlon of�ny Instrum�nb or other remittenoes with nspect to the Indebledneas followln�the�Ivinp oi sucti noUflcaUon or it th�InaW mMts or
<br /> „. other nmittances constitute the prepsyment of eny Irtdebtedness Ar Ne piymeM of any insuranoe or condemnatlon proceWe, Cirmtot Bh�II ho1A •,��
<br /> such Inttrumsnta�nd othsr r�mlttences In trun tor Lender aput from Ils other property,endorse the Instruments u!d otfi�r romttLnas to L�nWr, �
<br /> • `% and Immsdltbly pm�vtde l.ender with posseaalon of ths Instrumsnts and other romfttances. Len��r shall be entitled,but not rsqutnd,to colNat(bY y• �
<br /> ,;���,:
<br /> .,:.� Ispd procesdlnys or ethenvlss),extend the t3me for paymertt,compromlae,exchmge ur rele�sE any obllgor or colteteral,or m�ervrla�a�ttle any of
<br /> tha kid�bUdn�as wh�tler or not m Ewnt of O�fault exlsb undor th1�Dcyd ot Trust. Lendor anaG not be qut{o to Grantor tor any acUon,�rror� ���-"`
<br /> . �, mistake,omlttlon or dslay pNUlnlnp to the ac�ona daalWd In thls puapnph or any dams9ea reauiHnp therabvm. Notw(thstandlnp th�fonp�lnp, �—
<br /> f';",•' ; nalhlnp hsreln shall causs Lender to be deemed n mortpapee-in�posseulon, ,; ���
<br /> ,r;,:.;; , !. U3H AND MAlNT[NANCE OP PAOPERTY. Grantor ahall taks UI action�and make any ropnlrs needed ta mslnWn the R�operty In pood _��=;:_
<br /> � condilbn. Grantor shall not commlt or p�rmtt an wasts to W commlmed with rospect to the Pmperty. Grnntor shall us�th� Propsrty wl�ty In '�!��=- �
<br />-�`t`•ii,,;. . i p --
<br /> ' 4 compI�np wttfi�ppllc�ble Itw and insuranco pol clea. (irantor ehall not m�ke any elt6raUons,addfdons or Improvemenb ta the Pro �rty wtthout ,;:;=M`=
<br /> ';:�,,f��;w;; Lende'e prior written conaent. Without Ilmiting the forspoUy,nll altsraHom,nddidons and improvement�made to the Fhopsrly shW be subJ�ct to -�_---
<br /> ' .,�,.�•_•,• ths bensfidd Intorest belonyina to Lender,shell not be removed wlthout Lender's prior wrltten consant,and shNl be mads at OrantoPe sote sxpense. �.�----°__
<br /> .{:a;��,.� .
<br /> "`;,-,f;�t,r< 9. LOSS OA DAM*GE Grentor shalt bear tfie entire dsk of any Ioss,theft.destruction or damaae(a�mulaUvely'Lou ur Damage')tu the Proporty or �
<br /> _ • ,,,.;�� any portlon thsroof from an�r cause whatsoever. In the event of any Loss or laemage.Grantor sha�l,at ths opUon of Lender,ropffir the attect�d "•�,�T.';='"""==-�
<br /> - '�:�� Prapeity to Its prwloua cond�tion or pay or cause to be pald to Lsndsr the deaoas�In ths falr market valus of ths affeetsd Property. "��,-�
<br /> - ��• �. � 10. IMSUflANCE. The Property will be kept Insured for!ts tull Inaunble value(roplacement cost)n8ninst all ha:ards(nctuding loas or demnfle .�`;�=,�_
<br /> ���%����� cauaed b flood,aarthquake,tomado and firo,thoR or othar casu tothe extent requlred b Lender. Grantor may obtaln Insurance on ths Property
<br /> t�• Y �Y Y �r�:�r:
<br /> . ;,}`.�r from sucN companles g�s�era acoeptable to lender In lts sole discreUOn. ihe Insurance pallcles shall raqutre the Insuranco com�any to provlde ••,,,�,,.,iE3��
<br /> Londa wHh at least days'vrtitton notice beforo suchpoIlclea aro dtered or cancellsd In ony manner. The Insurance pol ctea ehall name � ;;.! .
<br />-,•.�..; .�''�•�i�� Lenda na a loas payee and provlda thet no act or omfsslon of Grnntnr or any other pereon shall atteet the right ot Lender to be oald the lnaurance , •�:'�� : •
<br />- prooeeda pertalninfl to the loss or dama90 ot the Property. In the event G�ranror hdls to acqutre or mainteln Insurance,Lender(ahti.vovldtnp noUce . .
<br />��'`i1 as may be requtred by Inw)may tn iU diacretlon procure appropriate Insur�nce coverege upon ths Property and the Insurance cos<<'�dl be an -
<br />�� advence pay�tbte end bearing intoroet aa doscribed In Parayraph 23 end securod horoby. Grantor shnll turnlsh Lender with evldenoe a Insurar►ce
<br />- IndlGUnp the roq�Irod coverege. Lereder mny net as nttomoydndnet for Grantor ln maklnp end nettlinp clalnis undor Insurance pollcles,cancelllnp
<br /> �' any pollcy or andorslnp Grantor's name on any clratt or negoUable Insvument�r�rvn�y eny Inouror. Atl such Insurnnce pollcles shall be I nmadlniaty
<br /> _ nsstDn�d,pleaged and dellverod ta Lendor as further security for the ObligaUona.tn tho event of Ioas,Grentor shnll Immediately give Lei dorweo'ttitn .•
<br /> notlom and Lendor Is autliori:ed to make proof af lass. Each Insurance cornpany la directed to make paymenta dlrocUy to Lender Instead ot to Lors?er
<br /> - and Grantor. Lendor shall havo�he rlght. at tte aale opUon,to appy such monles toward tfie ObtlgaHons or toKard the cost af rebullding and ;�'•.;,•
<br /> - restoring tho Proporty. My amounro may at Lender's opUon bo applied fn the Inverse ordor of tho due dates thereof. �' '
<br /> 11. ZOHIHG AHD PRIVATE COVENANTS. Grantor shall not Initlete aconsent to eny change In the zoning provlslona or privato ca•renunto uNocting '�'�"" •
<br /> tho ute of the PropoRy without Lendor's prlor�vrittun consent. H Ornntor's use of tho Proparty is or becomes a nonoonformin8 use under nny aoning
<br /> ' provielon, Grantor sh�Jl not cause or porm!t such u;A to bo discontinued or abandonod wlthout tho prior writton Conr.ent of Londer. (irantor wlll
<br /> _ tmmodlttely provido Lendor with writton notioe ot any proposcd changes to the zoninp provisionu or privato oovonants alloctinp tho Proporty.
<br /> � 1R CONQEMNATIOH. Grantor ohNl Immodlately provido Lendor with written notice of nrty actual or throatono�ccndomnuUbn or eminont darnaln
<br /> • ptqceedinD pertNning to the Propony. All monits ppyable to Grentortrom such condemnation or taklng nre horoby asslgned to Lender and shelt bo '� .
<br /> _ annit.e tircr tn tne caumnnt of Lnndnr'n attmm�vs' fees. IeoN ezponses and other coM� (including appralsal fees) in connoCtion wfth the
<br /> condemnaUon or emfnent domain proaedingo and then,at the opGon of L,ender,to tho payment ot tho Obllgatlona or tho roatorattcn or repmr ot tne --—�—�� �
<br />— � Prop��ty.
<br /> " , 13. LENDER'S RIGHT YO COMMENCB OR DCFIEND LEC�tALAC1'IONS. (irantor shall imrnedfately provido Ltndor wi4h writton notico of any actual
<br /> I or threatened actSon,sult,or other proceeding eNecting the Property.6rantor hereby appolnta Londer as its attomey-In•fact to commonce,Intervene
<br /> in,end detend such actlons,suits,or other legal proceedings and to campromise or selUe any clalm or convoversy pertafning theroto. Lender ahNl �
<br /> > not be liabla to Grantor tor any ection,ertor,misteke,omfs�lon or delay pertalning to the ecUons described in;nis paragraph or any damages •
<br /> � rosulting therotrom. Nothlnp contalned herofn wllt prevent Lender from takinp the eCtions described In thls para9raph In its own name.
<br /> 1K. INDEMNIFICATIOH. Lendcr shall not essume or be responslbte for the performance ot any ot Grantor's obllgatlons wlth respect to the Property
<br /> - unCU any clrcumstances. Gr3ntor shall Immedfately provl�e Lender with written notics of and Indemnity and hold Lender and Ita shnreholders. I
<br /> diredore,oNicore.employeee end egenh harmlesa trom all deims,damages.IlebitiUes fncluding nttorneys'foos end legal axpenses►,causes of
<br /> acNon,actions,sults and other legal praceedings (cumulativaly'Clalms")pertalning to the Properry (including,but not Ilmlted ta,those Involvir.g
<br /> Haxudoua Materlals�. Grantor,upon the roquest of lender,ahall hire legal eounr�l,accepteble to Lender, to dehnd Lendor hom auch Clalms.end
<br /> ' pay tho ettomeys'fees,lepal exp�nsas end other cv�sts fncurrod In connection therawith. In the altornative.Lender shall be entitled!o omploy Its own ,
<br /> � le0al counsel to defend such Gefms et(irantor'a cost. Grnntor's oblipation to Indemnily Lendor under thta paragrnph shall survive the terminatlon, `
<br /> nlias�or tonclosuro ot 4hls Doetl of Truet. f
<br /> ' .� I
<br /> ��= s .
<br /> � lFKE6�tD �Fo•mNron'ecnno�ocmr.tnc I>>:?.861 IEOOiBJi.3767 Pqqe2ot5�.�_�--... -.
<br />