. • r�.�'`vt: . . ` ;��, T.-
<br /> � �'N . .. � 'f ;�,♦•t�� .
<br /> .,�.6;.... . 'C� . .. , ..-:S� .•11,� a.�r .
<br /> r
<br /> wA:....f/��.i1!!. .. ... . � .� . • .. ..
<br /> ... ..... ._.. . ... . . . s��'�`....irn„�._. .
<br /> {,,�/ 1a2�s1 .�� . .. . 7.�.����.=
<br /> V I c'A , ....'J.:�l-.
<br /> � �
<br /> 1� Flnutctel Cavanertta.In�ddltlon to ery othor fJnnnr.lsl r.u�+nnanta o!iFusta made in any othar agmemenf,lnstrumenf or docurtHnt,Ruata ahaN
<br /> comply wllA and Bhal!Causo erry ond all fluninntors��flnt Indubtvdnoss socurod nwsby to contpy��i�th,or b�!n comAllartce wlfh,Ihe followlnfl �
<br /> /rnonc(a!cov�nanls:(Thls pniapm�ih ehi�ll nof npply U r.o+��nants nnd royul�omonts mo nol sot lorth horG!n.) .r
<br /> � id Schcdutn ot lonsos. Wifh!n ton(10)Aoy�aft�ir clnnrand, Eiusfor shnll hunlsh to Qoacficlary a schodulo,conilind co Dy lYusro�aettMp knh eN Musos i �_
<br /> ol Uw Aus�Pr�perty,or ary porUnn Ihoranf,Inr,ludinp ln onch casat►ho narno o!the fonmNS or oCCUpants,n doscrrptlon of lhu apace occupind by
<br /> j auCh tenant or occuprrtt,lha rental pu�•t1Alfl 101311rh RpdCO,and auch other Inb�matlon end dacurrrenta wllh rosperd fo sucb base��nd tonancle9 I . �
<br /> 1 es Benolklery may roasonebry mquoaL . -
<br /> � 17. Ct�Mnsnt�d Au9ta wlfh Respecf fa tF�nr.on.KYlhriid tho p�br wNttm conasnf ol Benafklery, hu9toi ahal/nol,dlroclty o�lndlrect y,wIW tatpecf b `
<br /> j nry k¢so of apace In 1he lluaf Proporty,or r�rry pnrt/nn ihe�eof,whelher auch leeso fs ncw o�hereeftsrin�xl�tence. f
<br /> � (�lJCC�pt a p.rmlt cr.�propLymnnt,df:rnunt nr nrA�rt�Cn pnyment ol ront hereunder In excess oi ono month, � . . ,
<br /> (b) Cence!or Mrminals fhe anme,or ar,r.apt nr��annr.ollnUon,to�m6�aflor►o�surrender fhervol,or perM!ary aront ro occ4v whkh wvuld occur
<br /> 1here�x�der a torminaia or cnncol fhn aomn,otiu1r fhan terminatbn ta nonpaymertt W rent, �,
<br /> • (c) Aastifd a mod�ify the snmo aa na ta rorhlr.n thn N�m Ihareol,tha ronta/pnyablo fhereuac#+r,or to chnnpe any ronowA�provlskrta thereln -_
<br /> � contalnud, ..
<br /> (� tAt�lva�ny dclouA fhereundor or b�urtr.h tArunat, , • �
<br /> (e) ONa+ry conaAn4 wahroi w apRnrvsd►hareundar a take ery aher acNai[n connacNon therewlth,or wlfh a Mrr.toe tha�eurtda�whtah vrouJd havs : .
<br /> Ihm eNoct ol knpalriny Ih�vM�e d fhii lvnr.nr'n fn�otest thcmund:r alhs Ftop�_rty au[�Joct[hOre/q nr d lmpaJdrtp the poNtlon ol fnforu8t C/ • :�. • _
<br /> Beneikla�y tha�eln,a � }"i�,
<br /> � :::+.���, y�,
<br /> • (Q SeN,assipn,pfedpe�moiignp�a otharvilnA UlGpose d,a encumber its lnt3rusl in sny sa/d buso a any rtrtfa,fsnu¢s,pralita lseu!np or trlslap •�-�-����^ .
<br /> : �,�.;..�y��rw.�xdua.-�
<br /> U!Q!flNtdCl.
<br /> .i� r---.�.e�
<br /> 18 N4�Amr o!Statuca M UmttatFnns.Tlmn la ml Uu�ormonce/n all d AustoYS obYgatbna and duffes hereur,der,and to Uw extent pe�mfttQd try fa�v,7Tu1ta � •�.,._...,,,
<br /> w�alvez aN�senr a luwro atsfumo ol►Unitnriunn wiih respecP to any debt,demand or oblignNon sncarod hemby and any uctlon o�proceeding!a �-�-'=A`��=-
<br /> tl�purR►oao d enlbrclr+g Inl�Dend of Anr�t qr ory rfght3 w remedies contalned hereM. �;i;,_�'—'�"
<br /> tA Aaslp�menf af Oeposlts.ln fho avn�r.onstn�r.lia�r d►mprovement�!s corrtemptated by fhe ban ev►denced by fhe Note aecured herebyc as addiUorral ;•.. -
<br /> " secun.y ehereAxet Dustorhoroty drtnnfr�ro end uas�gns to Eereu(iciary,ea�lyAt t(ttu sr.�.'.-..'�r..�:o�;�:+�s!1 m�!ss dr�a!l:xi�;Qr on beh�ff ef . � -. � - - ...�---
<br /> ' 1Pwtw with�ry ctry,counqt puUlb burly w nprr��cy,senitury disnkt utiity compary,and msy dhar 6odY or e9ency:1a the lnafettatbn a to aecun �
<br /> iho lnrteNn►bn ol ary utUiry by hunfor,parGalnln�to the Tn�st Prnperty.
<br /> 2a Corp:�lon or Pa�tnershtp Fadslanaa H%niato�is e capaatlon,general partnership a tim,fied pertnersh�n it w!N do eU fhlnps necossary to�sonro ft8 :N��
<br /> corporaee a parme+shy�exlsfenc0.s�Iho cra�;r may b�end aM+39Ms e►►d WHrieges urtcbr the lavs of tMi atafe d!ts lncapwaUon or ag,v�fzn:�n. . . • ..r�
<br /> 21. Forbears�x�a by 9cneUclPry fJ�t n WGi,�.•r. •N.qi(v�boamnce by Benefkiary in er.erclsing ary rlght o�remedy hereunder,a ott�envtso aHovrled ty �;•��F,°,��.�"�
<br /> eppNcabM lau:shall rtot bo a wAhev o/rn�iaclude the ererclso ol arry such rlght nr remedy.71ie procurument o/lnst�nce or fhD payment e9 Q�xo9 �•
<br /> � a tha discharge d 11ons a chnr�t�s A��li�emt�iclary ahaJl n.i ta e walver ol Beneliciary's rk�ht to acceierato fho maturiry ol Uro lndefxadreesa =•,:.�
<br /> . �. 22 Ae+raal�ea Cumulottve.All�emediot+nnonldr+rl ln tRls Deed d T►ust are disdncf and cumWafi�*v to nny other rtght or remedy unde�thls Dood oP Ytust
<br /> • or Nler�d by law a equiry,and mrry.bri mcrx�fsed t�nnaxrentfy,lndependentty or successnrly. •�r` •
<br /> � 23 Succes:,ors and Ass!}Jna 9ound,•,k�M�nm1 Satieral Uabtlity;Ceptlona Tha covunants end ag+eementa heroln conta/ned shaY bind,and IAe dghfe �,.� �f .
<br /> q hert�rrofer aha11lnure tq tho roslx►c►hn cu�ir.�essors and esslgns of BenallclaryS Austee,end riustor.AB cwenants and agreements d Trusta sh�ll .r ° y,�ij
<br /> b�(�Int�nd saroraL 11►e capUonn end hnrn�ings d the paragroph�d thls Deed d Trust ara fa convenionce any and sre nof ro be used W lntarpnet �
<br /> —. __= a deifio uim prorir�iw,3 na�evt - - -
<br /> • 2�. Nafke Exoepf hr any notict+requlrod unrinr applicatab!av fo be gh�en 7n another mannn.(o)ary no(Ice to hu.tta prviided M+In fhis Deed o1 Trusd t,
<br /> • sAall p�ghMU�by malifip euch noflue by c�rGfied ma(1,refum rece4vt requested adahessed 10 TrosPa tt!ts mri1111ng add�ess aet forth abnus w at such =
<br /> m
<br /> other wddess u Trosf�x mny denl.jnnto 6���wflce to Bonoflciary as prw:ck.,d herofn,and(b)any notke ro 9enelklnry a Tiusteo ahaN be glvnn my «. .
<br /> certi�(ad maN,reeum recopt mqrrnslad,In P�enafJc/ary�and Tiustee's maiiireg address atated heraln or ro such other addresa as Beneficlary or � .� _
<br /> Tiutteo may desfgnePe by nAUcn to Ru�for bs prwlded hemin•Any notice p�wv►ded�or fn thts Deed M Tiust shaB ba deemod to ha►e 6een glvan ro �,-;,
<br /> � Tlutfor,Bc�cficfary or husfan whrtn phn�in Iho munnes deslgnated hereln. � `
<br /> �,:
<br /> 25 Ca�rHnD tew;Sornrm66:t?x TNn Aend d'J@usf shall De c�ovemod by the laws d the State o1 Nebrastm.fn U►e event ary prwi,�on or clause d fhis i;{,
<br /> . , . � Deed al Tnut caM�k;ts�vtf�oppfiaAbin lRnt+wch conflict shaq na efkd other provlsla+a o�Rhis Dond d 1)ust wAich can¢�o�tx�n oUect wllhwlt fhe t-'n-
<br /> � oc�fllr.thtg�arwlsbns and fr�thln ond fhu prnvlslone ol tMa Oasd d Aust aro dec/ared to be sewrsWa
<br /> . �' 26. �rnnls el(k/euR.Each o!sAo blfnwY�p oarr�nsnces aha9 consUfuta an awnt d de/auJt hereunder,(txtralnafto�ceflod an•'C-Nent d Dofae�lt): :
<br /> (�7iutla ahM fofl to pry wlwn dua orry yrinc►pal,lnterast,or pNnclpal and lnteresf on the lndebtedi�on� `
<br /> _ , (b)Any warranry d liUa mndo by Aunlor F�tro►n shalf ba unbue� �.S'�`
<br /> ' (c}Rutta ah�ll feN to obseruo a porinrm ary M ths caenents,agreernsntA a conddrttlons!n fAfs D�ed d 7rua4 �.
<br /> , (d��lry roprasontallon or w.wronry mttrhr byr TFus�a on ary fkranc�al atatamenta a reports su6mltted to Beneliclary by o►on behal►o!7ruslbr shu �..
<br /> , ,,', � pn�ve falso a materlally misfandlnp, [�,,:;_.:
<br /> �' (ey Acator shilf fNJ to po�Pnmf w nbu•an�n ery d Na covanants condifbn�a agreements con�atnedln,a bindin9 uRon Trusror una�e►sr{y¢�ufkMr►g ���.�,_
<br /> , ban�gr�ement,aecu►ity aprqmm�m,loan agrea»eM,�krancHg atatemonf,a any dher agreemeM.lnsfnxnent a doeument executod Dy Tas►e�► _.,
<br /> !n cd�nection w/lh fho loAn o►idonaed by Uw Ndq
<br />-r; �� (9 A b�teq receh�ar a f'�WOtor d Ihu Fust Propnrry a d Ttuslor shaY be a/ipdrKOd,or ery d ffie creaitas d Tiustor ahnN liJe e peflebn(n ��.� _-- -
<br /> � bankruptcy dgak►st h�R9o�a fnr thu re�orgaMsaUOn d Fustor ptrsueM to the Federal Banlat�vtcy LbdeC w ery shrd!ar Pav,wMfhe►lederal or aW4 ��__ --°�-- -- "_�
<br /> Z��� • errd if sucf�ordor or�xieitbn nhvC��►m bs d,schaiged a disrtNSSed wkMn tl�Mty(30)days efter the dafe ai which such ordo�a petklon we�liled, _..
<br /> <<:`..•.��,,: � -
<br />- . ,��.,-'.;,, � (g)7rwlor ahaR filo e potitinn prnonpni tn U7�n Federul Bankruptq Code o+eny atmNar lew,fadera/a atatq o�N husror ahaM be acfix/ped a t°'�
<br /> bankn�t,a bo daclarod In�sohevel,w sha0 meke an asslgnment lor tho bcnefrf d uediforst a shaM admlf!n writing Ns lnablliry lo pay lts dcbfs � °��
<br /> •j pg U q y bCCOme du0.w ohUO¢bnst�t t�the appoinfmont o!e tttcolwr d eN ot eny part d fhe Tmst Property; �,��,. --� -,,,,�,�
<br /> . • ,i' (h}Flnnt Judg+e�ent fo�Ihu,��•mnnt nl mnnoy shall Ga a.nncfered agslnst 1lusta and Ttustor shaM rwt discAarge the samo,a cause lf to Do �=s.�...b.�.__.��,�-
<br /> � dtschargrd,wJthfn fifrry(30)dt��s allar fAo entryr fh�eo%or shaB not appeai therefrom or Irom the arlei decree or process upon which w ,.: - �.`�'
<br /> pu�suunt ro whkh aaid Judpmant�vxa�mntvd,bnso�l a entered,and secure n stay d exec�rtion pondfng such apueaf. �; 4�'
<br /> ,;; .c,�
<br /> �; (i) TJi2(w sha11 seN ot car.Gy!hn Buat fbvporty,or any paA thomot,or any Aiterest fhoreln,a ahaN be dMestnd d!ts fltfo,a eny 4KCr�st fhereln,in ;�,,,,�",.+,'';;�,.� .,,�;`�'
<br /> � any manrtor or way,wlrothu�urn�rUnr(ly or limoluntarlty,wtthout tho w�itton consent d 8enatic! beln /ivsf had and otNalnud,a �'.:-•':h:.,U::?�-.'`:'; ;:":
<br /> A 81yr p .. -i•..:•,._.
<br /> .::.:1..a.�':.:w -
<br /> nj H Trustor Is a ccv,:omdon a pnrh�nrchfp artd more than lifty por�ent(LO%)d the sharea a►benniklal Intaresta M auch Cdpor�llon o� � ,, , y��y��r,�;:•;,.::"..
<br /> ' pa�Mo�ship as H�i,�xaS6 mery be,ithuA be trans.l�ued a eorweyied,wl�ether voluntaHly a irwotuntarily,wlfhauf Uto wrrfien consonf ol Benelklary ��.•,••�.+��•,.
<br /> be7ny Nrsf had nv�d ablalnod. .
<br /> 27. /�ccelo�nticn d DoLh Fomckauro.tljaoi Phe occurronce ol arry Evnnt o/Oolault a ary flmo fhe►ualror,Bcrtelklory rrayt at Na opUon,declare aB fho �
<br /> •• : In�'e�btedne�.t socureU httrotry tmmu�Diarol)��ue aadpayablo ertd tho snmo ahu11 bearinhtresf at Iho defautt rate,!1 ary,tot IbrtA!n fAo Noto,or ,
<br /> ,.�.;•":� �' dAerwlse et the hl,rhast ra:e pem�iri:d try.�v,end,lrrospectfvo of whethe►8enolklnry oxercisas aafd op�lon,ft may,st fla opUon and/n!ts aole ,
<br /> � discretlon,wkhoUJ 9r.y�uRhor ttoNoa a demnnd to er atpor�Ausror,do one ot rtrore oi the toflowing: ' ..
<br /> (a) Beneflclay mny crnnr upnn,faAY�posseu.�on o/,rnanagQ and opentto tho Ti usf Pra,�erty or ony part tlwrod,•mal�e t�pNm end aReratlons and do
<br /> orry ucts wh�ch Beneticnry tkrema proper to promcllho securiry fharaol,und eittrer�virA or without fahtnp pdsse�ore,fn its avn nnm4 sue lor , .
<br /> or ofho►w(so cof/ect and rocnA�w rente,lssucrs and prolits,lncluding[Aose past due and un{ruid,nnd ap�ly lho samo,ktsa cos�s and o�nses d
<br /> - - _ ____..____��.W..r �....,��.....�.,,..e,.,e dw..v.�.a,.,i��;�u.,,x rnsrs uaon the tndatr(odrtoss socumd heruby arrd!n such order ��
<br /> ------ .�,o��,..�.a.�......_�:.....,................u.....�.......,..�......_,.----•--- - -- •- �
<br /> , � as Beneliclary muy do:ermina Upun roquest d Baneficlary,Trustar shall assemd.b and shall mako evaNa6lo to Denalydary urry ol!ho TYust r ".
<br /> pru{�Urfy whkh hns b�n iomorv�J Tf�u erttednp ulwrt and takrng possesslnn of the Tn�st Prc�porty,fhv callocdon ol arry renls,Isstros nnA polit� I
<br /> t�nd thu appqcatron 1l�otaW t�s atorona�d shull no1 a�ro or wyvu a�ry Juf��J(U�oiu(ofuw u�thmuaftar occu�dn�,or u1WcY arry nodco of dafauft or �
<br />- nollce of aele hemundo+or lnm7;da�o any act done purauanf to ery suc/�notko.Notwffhstanding Boneliclnry ia conflnunneo in pOSSOUlon a �
<br /> � rocolpt end epplrcallon ol rontt fssuna a prdif�Benefic/ary ahaN bo antltkd to oxorclso o+nery right provldod fa!n thls Deed o!nusf a try law j, �
<br /> upoo cr�Itor tho occurronca d nn Ewent of Dofeulr,!ncluding fhe rlght to exe�ciso the powur W sa1o.Arry o!tho eCUone referred to Jn thts �
<br />� paragn�oA may bo fa►xn by 6unaJ;�ry af auch Umo es Banefle/ary may dotwmmo without reQuid to tho udequacy o!ary secarity la(he I
<br /> 7ndCbtoHrwsssecurodhaioby. I ,
<br />� (6) 8aioflcfnry shaD,without�ogUtd fo Ut0 eGf2qu36y ol ary seturily�fho lndeDtedness SCCUr�3d hOroby;bB Mt1f18d f0(he eppolntrnonf 0/A I
<br />. � rocekw Dy ery cvurt hai(ng�arl�.lkitbn,wltha�t noNce�fo feke possesskn N,protect,errd manage tho Tiusf Properry and opsrois the aame
<br /> ead ccllect f�►o rent�15suos and polr:a thorafrom. �
<br /> - I (cj Benoflclary may brin�nrry ectb�n d�ovy coirrt ol corr�potont Jurlsdkffon to faocloso thls Oood d ilust a enlorce any o!(l�o coronanta harod. �
<br /> I
<br /> f � I .,
<br /> { � �
<br /> ' __
<br /> � _
<br />