�;�,:� . , .. :�;_
<br /> ,_y„• - .
<br /> . .
<br /> .. ,
<br /> - ..�n�r, . ' ....._.::... ..._. . ., •
<br /> . • .� '�rhw9iOkl�+'�. .� _ _. � . .. . . . -' 7.:��.
<br /> ,i �7� ����1 � .,- .,�="_
<br /> _�j � opafnat futuro moathy hataNmenta nl Fund�.1!th��mount ol ths Funda hUd by Bsnefkirry ahaB not be ruHkknl b pry t1)fol,A9l17i111N1[� ' __
<br /> Inatxance prcmtum�end Qround rente aa fhey fa1►dus,Dusror ah�ll pay to E3enttklary eny amounf neces�sry fo miks up th�dN�Mnr.y wlthln(hkry i
<br /> qx/�lrom Iho dnto noflr.o Is mniled by Bonafielury fo iFusto�roquostlnp pnyment fhorcoL Upon paymont In lull oJ o0lndebtadnnl� Unncficlaiy ehnN
<br /> �� , �usiw err Funds hold Ly Boncfidnry.fJ Iho hu9f Proparry Is told unda►iho po:vc�01 oato or tho Duai Propc�ty le o1�"�la hakt :��.
<br /> � promply re�lund to T / ������Q�Ifa(o »!ar ro tho snlo of tho T1ust Propo�ry a 1ts ecqulaluon by fJcnc Ic ry, ny �
<br /> Acqulrod by Ronofklary,Bonoflclaiy ahnll npPN. N� :�' _
<br /> t�y Oonefklary at fho Nu�e of app��antlon ns a crodd a�ninst Iho lndobtodnosa�f Uonofrr,lory oxecuto�a wrltlon�vvn�vr d Yiuslor's obl��/e�bn oun�17 I .,�
<br /> ;� i thb paraDmph�, irustar covonants and afl�oea fo pay.Gofnro fho aerou bocome del,'nquenR a0 fexes,�ssossmail�,fnswance p�amlum►,p ,
<br /> � �erN;1�nd�N ofho�charpos►vha1sa^vo�lav/ad upan or ossoasod,p�acud ar rnade npal�nt fh�T1us1 PrvlwrtµDuata lwtlia��rHa t�{wn w��I1�rY
<br /> �• i rcqiwsf by Bensl/clery;to prompty deQve�to Benedclary all racalpte lu�the paymanl ol cucfi charQ�a T11�9I01IiACWli11�O�eo�to pey •;
<br /> �� � eueaamente dnd other charpes bvkd upon o►esseesad,placed a made epalnet a mosuind by,ihl�Oe�A ol flust o�Ih�recordatian hereW
<br /> � �Applkpflon W Puymonls.AU paynents rcceh•�d by Bcncflclary e!�n orry tiobl,Na6diry or ohlfpullon ati•cH ro Ocncficlary by Tiustos mny De apAKVt1 tN ,/"
<br /> .�• I BenelkNry to the pirymenl ol 1he Indebtodnoea or to nny auch orhei doDf,NabI11ty or oG!lpntlou,in nny orp�+r w mtnner M oj+��M:wtbn wh�.A
<br /> Boneflclary,In ifs abaohda drscretbn,daome opproprlato. Unloss dherrwiso ekcta+l ty Uo�ee�kla�K erry euch pr+yaronf ahnN be eJatn►cd qopKM�Nt� ,
<br /> �'..t� � to the paymenf of any deW,liabildy a o6l�palbn othor thnn tho Nole. r'
<br /> 6t Char�es;Llens Ttusta w(U keep the Aust Praperty 6ce from aH liens and encumbrarncea wh1cA In nny way may,ln the�udgmant d QenNkla�t hmw
<br /> '` pdorlty w�er,a lmpalr the securlty o/,thla Deed o►ltust bur 1Tusta need rtW Wscharps ary auch Gen ao IonD as iFusta ahiuY egre�►n wrMx•�D,to
<br /> � peyr fh�obNpatJon sEtcured by s�wh Uen/n a manner accoptab/o fo Br.naficlary and shaNln Qood With canteel auch Non Dy apprep+i�te bpal
<br /> ' ,' pnocccdings ottective fo pre+vnt tha enforcemont ol the lien and tha lnss d ary Inferest!n a part d the I/ust Pioperly. .
<br /> ��' 7. Harard Msuranca Tlustor sha0 keop tho buildings and other Imprwomanr�now exlstinp w horeelter orected on tha Aust Propa�ty In::ureci ty `�;'. �s
<br /> Msursxo cenlsrs satlsfacrory to Beneflclary agalnsf bss Dy fire,harards lncfuded In the te�m't�xtended cave�ape"and such otha hete:rita , , •,� �,~^. ,
<br /> ., cesuNtios end confingencles as may be requlred by Benellciary.In such ameunta and for auch pr���s ea m8y De requlred Dy Be�n+fidipr lAe •�'� ,�„��_
<br /> . :��; pol;cy o/lnsurance shaN be In lorm accr�pfable to Ba�j��s�f�uw d and lorm c epfabla W B��'ry AM p em�rkrm,�on(„n•mn�ro,� r.;i' ".��.;., -,�
<br /> � ;'? w�lden notke to Beneficlary,artd shaN have bss pey ^ ^`�' `" -
<br /> � ,.� po4'clea ahaN 6e patd in the manner pra�Jded under parac,�reph�hered a,H not pald!n such mannar,by TFueto►mrking paymenl al IeAS!fihnen(15)
<br /> �;�'«���
<br /> ,,� days prJw to the due date,direccy lo tha lnsurance carrier.Benelkla�y shaN have the r�jhf to M1d the poMcle�.nd reRewnrs i►ro.�eor nna nusa►an�a �'� •��
<br /> prompty fumiah to Barte!lclery all renewe�not►css artd sll pa�d premlum mcelpts ror.ehred by fe Fn no eu�ent ahAN Benefklary a 17uttea Dn hrtld r t
<br /> � ;.� � tesponsible Ibr fafkue fo/xry lnsurance Premfuna ct for sa�l�ss or demape arisinp out d a dclect M any polk.y�r erfsNr9 ou�d anY Oait+m o1 enY ,
<br /> �nsuranq axnpary to pay la ary bss a damage lnsured agalnat or Ibr failuro by Tiusla to elfect the insurv�reyu�ad tAmu..d� fn rtr:,v.�,�t� ��'• - -
<br /> ;� bss�Ttusfa s/+aM ghe prompt notice bY maN to the insuranc.�+canie►and Benofklary.6enNidary may maks p►oo�of bss il nof mpda pompl7y o+h
<br /> � r Ibrm 7rusror.Alf pollcios d insurance and any and aU refunds ol uneamed premlums a��by�el�treEn,o►�n���W � ,,'� , �.
<br /> � ;:;) PfO� bY i'i�c:
<br /> :;�. �, securlry Ior the payrt►ent M the Indebtedness.ln the�ent ol Bonellctnrys exerCise d the payor s
<br /> � . farcclosur0.efl rJght,tille andlnterest d Trusta!n and ro any fnsur�nce policy dran in fwce shaU pass to the pixch�se►at fhe truslaMb aate a ���,.
<br /> loroclosuro sala!h case ol ary loss,the hrsurancn proceeds may,at the optlon of Benefklary,lw aPP1�ed h;y 6enElic:ary upon U+n k�doDfadooss.w ,f�� �
<br /> �.;;!•.�%: �.;`if r ary part thereaC,and Jn such ader and 8mount es Btt�(a6y w tUai�dast�royed fo a,condiflon etl t�ory fo 8 herKt�ery:a�ald„rr anpe eflAa►
<br /> l,"�: ,i:. � :. be usod in rep:�ung a restoring the Trust ProFBrtY P h' -
<br /> � �• proceeJs�a ary portlon thereof,mey be rebased ro Trusroi Unless Beneflc►ary end Trustor ofhe�wlso agree!n wfiUng,ary tuch ut�lite[ion o/ ' . •
<br /> .;��h� ' 1ns�ran�;e prc�ceeds shafl not extend apostpone the due dafe oI�he Note,or any lnstaHmenfs caHud lor theretn,a ehange Ihe artnunl M such
<br />_ � ,`:` � AuthYaie�NS B the flust Propert!'!s acquked by Benefh:f�Y Purst.��t Io the exercJse d IM power d saA a Wher/nreclowr4 efl nyyl►t�IiUm and ';�:;`-.; '
<br /> � ,,,, ia ro Ihe sala a acqu�ilti:�thal pass l�a
<br /> � interost p�7ra�rsta!n and to eny h►surer►ce P�vicecds PaYabla es m r�ssk d dam,age to the Trust Properry p� -
<br /> �� �
<br /> � Bene�icin�y erea'shaH be appiled Orst to the costs and expense�a^cluding ottomey Sees fncurred In collectir�g sucA procaals,thuz in IhA memar =
<br /> ',i, -__�'-_-= tufdhL'IeoralU/�roVldedherem. ; —
<br /> ,:.,• Trusta w!N keep the 6ufidlrtgs�7�other lmprov�ernenb now w Iwre�Ner era.'[�edcm IM Tiusl
<br /> ����+� �' ,s,�;; 8 Prsservst:on�nC�.tielntenancs d liust Properry• _
<br /> >>:�,_ : �.< • •,f., Prvperry in�cod repalr and wr:diNon and wiY not commlf w�hout Ii e w,N�ritten eonsont d Benel�ry,wil!not do ury t+��a����� i . ._-
<br /> crav a!►aeafter erected ort and consNfu�hg tho 7rust Proepttp P+� �:,
<br /> °�`'r ��' � ►�a depreciafe[he vsfue a the lYust Pmperty and w1N not abandon the ltust Property.1}us!a will not rertrove s�ny lawres
<br />�',��, :)�i. ,����i:ir c,vuAduRdtAiYknp�
<br />:S• ' i, i,'Ij:�,,; crosUtudng Bh�Aust Property unless the seme ere lmmedlate W�epfacod se/nt and fut�remo►dw►u ancoA regu aUon�and jra��it e i'r 1h�od d
<br /> ''��'` Th►st and d at roast e9ua�vafue end utiliry.Tn.cstar wlll compry W'B
<br /> '� , � �c:li'';� gerv�emrt�eM31 Dody whlch are appNcable to t`m 7rost PropenY erM to Iha oc�'and use therool.N thla Ooed d Dust h on a untt ii a
<br /> 8�1e �iystw ahaH perkrm aN d Iiustors abligatlons urrder ths dociamtbns a covrn�rMr r.roNlnp a
<br />� ' ��{ti.° condbm(n(um a s planned urJt dereroPr+�►+4
<br /> / 7'�' pprorning N►s candornNiNxn a the P►annetf uNt dewebPme►�¢.he bylaws snd reOWafbns d the condort�fnhxn M M��unft dWn'foPmer�4 and fM�
<br /> w• conatituent docurn�nts
<br /> g� M�pect/,p�,�lenellc(ary w its agereta may;at aN reasonable dme;enter upon!h�hust Pmparry lo►the purpose d Intpscthn.BenMkJwy ahW!�H '_
<br /> no dufy b r�n�ce suoh lnspectlo►►and ahaN rat be Ilable eo TYusta w to ery pessen Mi Possesslon N It makea a tN/s fo make�►s�sexh�+�pecdon.
<br /> • :,5 0/tl�e u�vertaM�and egmenants contakied M►thls Doed af Tlust,w H u�y actta�a Pmceerd'��p ��'r�
<br /> tpt p�olectkn cYr Sacudty.H Jiusta falls to pa��tho lhrut Propo►ry or the inferesf of husta a Beneficlary IMrafn a the fifle d T/uslbr IheretA
<br /> , ,��` !a comnarncur7 tivhkh does a muy edversely �
<br />_ , ��g�r�Ciary e�(�g uptlon,ar.ayr ppdorm such covenants artd agreemonts,makt►such appearances,de:ffend agalnst and invesi4gak such oc�z� r_.
<br /> c��� + ` or proceadirg�r►d take su�c?�other acUon as Beneficfary dee�rs c�acessary ro protect!ts Interest fncJtid�'r+g.b+�t not lirtdh3d�����ia L;::_- _
<br />����� � the Trust P�operty to make repalrs Any amounts dlstruned by Benefk�a+'Y P�
<br /> - reasonabkr ettaney lees anrJ�nUY upon C�:'.-
<br /> � ,!�,�. wlfh lnterest[heroon,shatl ecr+sfitule BrdeDt�dr.ess d T uslor secuiod b/thls Deed o!nust.Un7oss 7tusla and BeneCrcnry agreu�u dhar ferms d `.:_
<br /> "�" meM,sucA amoaita shan be PBYab��°n oia1�Irom Beneficlary to Tiusta requesting payment�itereof,and shnR boar inlarest Irom fMi dafa s.
<br /> i'� „ ���' �d�sbursement at the defauft rate,H eM•��lorih In�te�aGbn hero�der.T sta�krflvocebly euthalrea M,d omaowers 8emfklM'fo ontP�lX�(� �,_ --
<br /> `f ahat!►eQukei 8or►ellclary ro k�cur eiH e� -°�_ �-�-----
<br /> ' �i ths Trust Praperry es flusfors agent and,eU Tef ltsroption,be sab+o9ated t o�cumb►�tuic�Nen.cIalm or de.mand and tn�r�rl�nt��octniUua ��;;,__��r
<br /> ,• � �s�a�����.Be�j� Bernfk;lery under fhe provlslons hereof and ary aucN subro�e�lon dgMs shaN Lo t�cldtfanal end -`.:. - --
<br /> fa fhe peymont tleeneol pald a diseharged by �,:" '�..
<br /> ' cumulactis sacc+rfh fa Ihla Deed d TrusL �I�°�!"'Q'`..�--._.�
<br /> 1f. Conder.ss�t:br fie Procee�/�°�an1'°W�ar efakn lar damaga�d'reec:!a consM�81,in coru+ecNon wHh ay condarndbn a dMr tatd�g of Wu ��=�-.�-__ ���_
<br /> b and sliaA be ro —
<br /> ' �at Pr�1}�a anv ne►t fhere°+•or Ibr camy��e n i'e„o�a a antk�Oatbn a corKlermallon.ere ncreay ass+gned e� �-
<br /> Beriafic(ary� �uslor wiN Fde ondpmseW�1�9��fai(h artd wiN due W�(�onoq ils ctaim Mr ony bud�awrud or paymmt and wiNCwso fho aamo 0�C�! ���'c.�° :
<br /> �T� i::�xifiiz� ts.
<br /> coMetygd and pald!o Berhikiury,snd,ahould it faii to do sq Tlusta Ar�rocably aut/wtlzes und en�xHO�s BonM'�clery,!n Up narrd d iustor or ��::::�.N:"ri.'�'-�-�:'"
<br /> soitb ar comPromise anY sucl►clain end lo coMed.moe�O!la end cetaln Uw pnoceeds If tAe kusl Propah is Mur�donrrd �„ v
<br /> atlre►Wisd to fi►e�Prosccut� ;5.:.��+.;''�'
<br /> � ��►�,�3°�ay�s�srre�it e a�aretsu na��is a t�d e e r��rarr rs�u n�ed io S�e�a ea�►v u�ew�e w�"�i me nnme�'nd ca . .�1=__�_�..•�
<br /> °C kast whlch mrry huu� '':•'. `••.
<br /> lndicated hHreh.7Ae Proceeds d aH a+vard a Gakn may,efrer dedYrcthp ea reasorrnble costs nnd exPensost IncA�dKKJ��attomeYta�tlai d Trvst(�icp4tty, . . .�. � ..
<br /> ����g���y,H�/w CoNetxbrf U�ereof,at tho soi9 disaetion d Benc�fic(a►Y,be mleased to liusta,qp(�d . .
<br />' a a�/�ed b thm P�d tha/ndebtedi�ess.Unless 6e»eHci2ry and Tnrsta Whsrwfse agreo in wrifing.unY auch applicetlon d pr�ocretJa ro
<br />- ���xy y���ot exfend p�posfpone the due dato d fT+o Nofa a tho paymcnt d nry lnst�►knanfs call�od kx tl�eraxxh� .
<br /> • �p Contank�antg,Tlusror wanartts and rep►esents that thoro are rot nav,nor,to tho bost of Dustor's knowkdgo ettar reasonabfe Im�estlpafbn,ha�v
<br /> � there oNar�cen and,without the liustor obtaintng Beneficlary's con Wn�a�u���"��°��up,mav�aother mmedia��on urndor a� ,
<br />- � Contamfn�nts atored,handled,w disposod of on the Trust Properry 4
<br /> ' envktmmentallaw�Caitaminants sha�l m¢an matedalg substancos and compounds prohibltad a regu7aled under eny env/ronmen(al IawR Fn:ulUr
<br />'- wiNlmmedlately►wtify tho Benefidnr}:In writf�g,�a�1;7(j����ts�on t��usf Prop�trty►vhlch�buld mpu onclonnupl�movalor oelxer remocfla!
<br />+-" — ---. . _ . �.-----
<br /> . _ ___°---- .,,
<br /> :__-_ ...._. .____ ____� n/UR a� _.._-. ..___ ___.__.
<br /> - oga�tsr a►B uusmr my �y ��•�-.......�.._ rov�oa Qmxonmenrar essvsss.�cros u�....�,�.�.��.o i
<br />_ action�rrder ary environmental laws.Upon the BeneC�cfary's mquest,Tiusla►wlll per7odicA�►y e eeneficiary o�tts e�ents,af Me Tius�or's ox�wnstr. �i�
<br /> . audits;and agreos to pe�mlt envlronmentallnspecNons and testing d tha Tiust Pr�cpo�BSe�� uso,or arorage on tha TYusr Propo�fy of arnulf
<br /> fl fAe husf PrOparry ls usod lo►rtisfdantisl purpoSes,fhe We�cedin�Shnl1 nuf epply P
<br /> ne�� heJ to be spproprtate to normaf res1dent�af usos anJ co maintanartco ot tAa Ttust PrcFan'! �
<br /> ° quantlUes ot ContamMants that are ge N��8�'
<br /> Ja ttustor Not Releasod.FxtensWn d the dme f�e o ekasct 1�,IMmn no tlro(r'nbil rt j zd T u�or and Trustois succossore In�nton�da/Bo ol�ory ` 1 ,.
<br /> a u c c e s s o r!n l n l n r o s t d husta shatl not ope nY �'
<br /> shaA nW bo requfrad to eommenca p��ee��9s 8fJarnst si�c��succossor a rofusu to o�tend hrrw!ur paynran 1 w o 1 h a n v f s o n w d i f p am orlltatWn of i 4
<br /> the fidoDtedaess by mason ol8►ry demand made Dy iiustor anJ Tiustvr's succossas!n lnrorost.
<br /> f1. Nnanclai lnformadon.Upon mquest of Beneliclary,Tiustor will EvovfJO ta Bonelicla�y;withln nlnery(90)driyn of the close of cach liscal�cnt uf i
<br /> T}ustor,lhe consokdated balance sheet and ctate�nont ul eamings d liustor end arry end a0 gua�antnrs o/fho/rtdabtodness aecUrod hureDS:���K
<br /> arpd N.ppro,�lde end dolnro►ro BonefiGary such othor financ(allnformatlon and In such manno�as Bonoticlnry mey roasonabfy ropustllrom fYno ro�kne� I
<br /> � I �' I
<br /> l
<br /> _ .. _ .
<br /> I .... _..1 _ _
<br />