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�a��Fi • . � . r.. ,�q, �.�' .� ,. , .��i.:_ <br /> �ir ,. _. <br /> +M•MI - .. ' �. . i.t,'.S .... <br /> �rt� � � . i,- , .`.'S:'r ., . ' <br /> ' �:�; ..�t`.,..+�n <br /> . i � - �}r - . . , <br /> y'�� ' . (.' ._r�K'f�!`!�!�'Qtt . .,�"�-T^r'• _ <br /> .,. , ., • , <br /> ..{��p:.,. _. . .. _ - , ' <br /> . - , ..' � . _ ,�"ys,v+t'*.ra. <br /> , _ _��.r....,. ._ . .. _.... . <br /> .. . _. , ��•�.u.`C.;.�dra.r�.� <br /> �"�..rr.::AKi�.d�.. �- <br /> � . . .�':w.` .r_. <br /> , , . .. , ; ��a �aa�s� :. <br /> { L�. NonvithetnndinQ nny of tlie langun�e contutned ln this Deed of Trust ro the contrary,t e terms of tliis section shull - <br /> � � survive nny i�reclosurc or nutisfnction of this Deed of Trust regardlcss of any p�ssagc of tide to Beneficiery or any „ _ _ <br /> � disposiHan by fieneficisuy of nny or nll of the Prap�ny. Any claims and defeases to the contrsiry era hereby waived• - <br /> 1� dvate or public ,. <br /> I Z�.CONDEIVQVATIOP�. Trustor wilt Qive Deneficiary pmmpt notice of any acdon,real or tbreatened,by p <br /> � entides to purclmcc�r tt�l�c any or ali of�iie Feopeety�including anY e�seme�in�s i sag tuted for�thei estabiis4uneat°f a�ny �, <br /> or any other meane. TninWr fiutJier aIIrc�►to notify Dcncficinry of�Y 4� B or�y p�og��, <br /> sewer,wat�r, consnrvntion, ditcL. drninage, or other dlstrtct relating to or binding upon the PropertY , <br /> � , Tn►sror c�uthorizea fieneFciary to interveae in Trust�� Tn��oA�gi��o BeaeSciery�p ct��s of a�ny aw d or cli� <br /> �' � end receive s�ll sumn tesulUn�fmm tUe nction nr cl �of the PmpertY• Such proceeds She1 <br /> � for damagcs cottnc.ctcd wi� a condcmnatlon or other taklnS of all or any p <br /> j considered paymr.nta nnd wi11 Ue applfed as pmvid�d ln this Aeed of Trust.This assignmeac of proceeds is subject to the <br /> ! terms of any prlar scc��riry n�reement. '• �= <br /> L':.' <br /> � �.::.: � <br /> 21.1NSt1ItANCG.Tn�stor aarees to mxintnfn iusnrance as foUows: �, <br /> q. 'Tn�stc►r Ahnll kcep t�c PmPerty insw�d a6�°St loss by fire,theft and other hazards afd dsks reasonably�s siated ��. '"�'`.�_�}��= <br /> Wssl ducpo Aa�laucsr fl od g. Ti;ds�ins �ureuce ehall Uesmaintained in thelu�nounts aadt'or the penods thst ----- <br /> lo �� <br /> •.,�:__. <br /> :� BcnefiaiAry�re.clulrea. 'llie instuanoa carrler providing �w thheld c IfsTcustox fails o maintain�the�coerage :{'�.���T.~. <br /> B e n e fi�i s r y s a p rroval, wtuch rhatl not be unreasonablY . , _ <br /> _ " '" uperihed ubnve. Beneficisuy mAy, as Dced of T�rust pt ion,o U t a i n c o v e r a g e t o p r o t e c t Beneflci a ry's dghts in We �.���"'�_- -- ___ <br /> � Property According to the terms of ttil ;`;':` � <br /> ! <br /> All ins��rauce policies ead renewr.•�s shall be acreptable to �rneficiary and shall�Include a standard "a�ortgage ,�..;�,�;'t;:� <br /> � ; clause" And, where applicable, "b�,'neficiary loss payee cluuse." Trustor shall imn�ediately notify Beneficiary of .',. <br /> n <br /> cancellattan or nenninadon of the inst�rance. Beneficiary shall have the righe to hold the�ollcies and tenewals. If � ,l���- <br /> Benefir.ieu�y requlres, 'Crustor sluilil immediately �Q������u��t�er and Benefic ary B�n�iarY'm�Y , <br /> ~ � lu <br /> Trustor sliall give im�nediate �.`�:�" <br /> noticca. Upon loss, �• '?' <br /> �.� me1;e proof of loas if aot made,i►�iately by Trustor. � . .. <br /> suall be ap�lied to reswrarioa or .;'.�,,�A '� ;•:�. <br /> � Unlese }3ene6ciary and Trustor orherwise agree in writing� insuraz►ce PI°cceds is not '"' <br /> '� ���" <br /> , repair of tlte Pm�erty dama8ed i£the restoratlon or repair is economically feasible and Becnefi��'s�tsecvrinty�'.�e <br /> ' lessenrd. If the restoradon or m�air is not economicaAY feasible or Beneficiruy's securlty � _ <br /> ------- -- ins�u�ance procceus shatl bc ap�ili:�ta itt���r�rt, whether or not then due,with any excess paid [o Trnstor. ,� <br /> ' If Tnist�r abaadons the Property,or cloes not answer withtn 30 days a notice from Benen�fi���y�� - <br /> 4 carriac tn�s offered to settle a clar.m,then Be te�fipay��Secu3�d Il7ebt whe he or no���ue. 'Ihe 30-daY Pe��1 • .':- <br /> , p r o c e e ds to r e pair or reswrc the iProperty <br /> � '•;: �,• will be�in when the nodce is blv.n. '�i �;�` <br /> :'•.i • .r <br /> • � Unlese Beneficiary and Trustnr utherwise agree in wdting,anY aPPlicadoa of proceeds to prinMpal sb�l��t extead <br /> or pnatpoae the due dete of sch�:duled payments ot chaege the aBwunt of.the p�ymcnts:If the'Propercy is bei�t� ,;_; <br /> � ' by l3eneficiery.Tcustor's rl�ht t�o any insurance Policies and proceeds resultln�from dam��e�° the PropenY <br /> ,�� � the acquisiUoa s6a11 pass to He�eficiary to the extent of the Sezured Debt immediately before the acquisition. <br /> g, qy.uator e�c�es to maintain comprehensive general liability insurance namin8 Be�eficiary as en additional insured in <br /> . en amount acceptable to�eueticiary. insuring against claims arising froml�mY a�dent or occurreace in or on the �� � <br /> Property. <br /> � '�� C. Trustos agras to maintain rental loss or busiaess Intem�pdon�insurance, as required�bY Beneficiary,�an�ly <br /> 'y . equni w at least oovernge of ane year's debt service.and rec�uired escmw accAUnt d site(if agreed seP <br /> • In wrr.Eiurg)�under a form of Policy ecceptable to Beneficiary. — <br /> 22.N�ESCItt�W FOR TIlZ�1�S ANID INSURANCE.Untess othenvise pmvided in a separatc agreement,Tiustar wlll not <br /> !Z� <br /> _ be required to pay to Benegciary fuuda for taaes and insurance in escrow. - - <br /> Z3.FINpNCIAI,, g�ppR�('S AND A,IDDITIONAL DOCU1ViENTS. Tmstor will provide ta Be��flciary upon roquest, anY =-------- <br /> finaacial stau.`meut or information Beueficiary may deem necessary. Tcustor werrants thaa n11 financlal stait�eats aad <br /> ' information Truswr provides to Beneficiary are. or witl be. s�ccurate. corre�t, aad co�l�e. T�tor agrees to si8n+ �-� <br /> � deliver, and file as Beneficiary mny rea.�on�bly request any additional dazumeats ar certifications that Benefictary may ��� <br /> ' , �' consider uecoseary to perfect,continue,aad preserve Trustor's obligations e�nder tlus Deed of Trust and Beneficiary's lien �:;=� <br /> ° � status on thu Property.If T►ustor fails to do so, Beueficiary may sign. dcliver. and rnle sach dceuments or certificatcs in _ __�� <br /> ' t Trustor's nwne and Tcustor hereby inevocably appoints Beneficiary or Benefieiary's agent as attomey in fact to do the � ,,? <br /> :�•b t1�ings neccseary to comply with this section. ��� <br /> S •- ..:, �„•�_.�.:. <br />_ ' x � .. _ -�ic::. : . <br /> . .; 24.daIIV'T AND INDYVIDUAL LIABiI.ITX; CO-SIGtVERS; SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS BQITND. All aluties under w. "�, `�.. <br />'. y this Deed of Tiust are joint and individual. If'Itustor sibms this Deecl of Trust a ut d�f�e���p�t�d�bor `` "'���."�}�'� � <br />_ • Tcustor dQes 90 only.ta moctgube Tcustor's interese in th�PropertY to securet������y p��to thls Dee$of . . .. . <br /> � dces not n(���•co be pecsonaily 9table on the Secumd Debt.Tmswr agrets ` , ' <br /> � �_ Trust may exteud, modify or make t�ny chnnge in the t�rms of thls Deed of Trust or the TEvidence of Debt witho�at . <br /> Trustor's consent.Such a chauae will noc release'I'rustor ftom the tem�s of this�d of Trust. 'Ihe duties and benetits of , `. . <br /> � d�is Deed of'Tnisc shell Uind aad benefit the sua^,c�sars and essigns of Trustor a�c��eneficiary. ;�.�• : . <br />- If this Deed of Tn►st sccures a guurauty between Beneficiary and Trustor and dces not diracdy secure the obligadon which • ' � ;,��,,•;: <br />� � � • - <br /> _ ie auarantied, Tnistor u�rees eo waive any rights that maY Pr�event Benefic�iary from�e�env or one-ction law�s. ��t <br /> r ---.�._. .___._.--_ _ <br /> � Tmstor or any ptuty iudebted under Cae oDii�suan inc►uuu,�, �����•_�.��-----.-•- - . - - _- - - <br /> 2S.APPLICABL� L1�W; S�VERABILiTY; INTERPR�'�'ATION. This 1Deed of Trust is govemed by the laws of the <br /> � jurisdiction in which Beuefclaty !s located.except to the eatent otherwise requjred by Lhe la��vs of the jurisdiction where <br />_ die Property is located. 'll�is Deed of Trust is�complete and fully integrated.This Deed of Trust may not be amendvd or <br /> modifled by oral agreemeat. Any section or clause in this Deetl of Ttust, attachments,p r any ag�ent y lat�e��e <br /> Secured Debt that canfli�crs with applicable lawr will not be effective, unless that law ex ressl or i liedl pe <br />- � '� variations by wdtten n�tti�ement. If any section or clause of this Deed of Tcust cannot be enforced according to its tern�s, <br /> that section or clause will be �sevcTed aud wi11 nat affect the enforceability of the remainder of this Deed of Trust. <br /> Wt►enever us��d,the siu�;ular shall includc the pluml and thc plural the sing�ar.'lh�ptio��odi t�his Dced of�Trusts <br /> � of this Deed of'Pru�t are for convenicece onlY and are not to be used to inte ret or <br /> Time is of U�e essence in this Decd of Trust. nago�o�� <br /> � I m t 38�Oenten lt�C00397•2341�FOrm A61C�,n�OT•N�9117HE <br /> •I I • � <br /> � <br /> I _ . . . - . ._ . ._ . _... _ -.. --'--_�.... <br /> _-.--'.. ... .-'_.�_.'_ . _ ._ . - <br />