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<br /> � At the option of Bem��ir,inry, al! or any part of thc n�rced fr.ca �nd char�cs, accrued intemnt nnd prin.ipal shnil becomc
<br /> immediately duo and�ayablr.,aRcr giving noticc if requircd Uy Inw, upon tl�c occurcence of a default or nnytime thereafter. „
<br /> .. In additlon,Beneficinry ehnl�hc entitled to all d�e rcmcdics provldr.d by Inw,Aie Gvidcnce of fJebt,other evldences of debt,
<br /> this Deed of Trust aorl nny�luced documente includin��vid�out limitatlon, tl�e po�ver to sell tl�r.Ptoperty.
<br /> . i If there ie a defautt:,Tntr,tce shnll, in¢ddition eo sny other pern�itted remedy,nt thc request of ttie Benefictary,advertise nnd -
<br /> sell the Proper�y an a wl�ole or in separate pnrcels at Nublic nur.tlon to tl�e hlQliest bidder for cash and convey absolute title
<br /> rfree and clear of�f 0 riQht,title attd Interest nf Tntetor at such dme And place as Tcustee desi�nn►r.s.'1'rustee shall�ive notice •
<br /> � of sala includin��fta time,terms and place of s�le and a descriptlon of the propeny to be sold s�required by the applicable
<br /> . • la�v in effect at tDa tim:�of the proposed sale. •
<br /> .,.
<br /> Upon s�ls of v�tr prroperty and to Gbe extent not prohibited by law, Tntstoe suull x�aeke and deliver a deed[o the Property sold
<br /> which convuyo abr.c�lute title to the purchaser. and after fir�t payin�all fees,charges nnd cosrn, shall pay to I3eneficlory all -
<br /> moneys ad�ronced fi�r mpairs, taxes, insurunce, lieu�. assessments aud prior encumbruttces enr] interest therec�n, and the • - �
<br /> priucipal a�rd inten�at on the Secured Debt,pAyIng the surplue, if nny,to Tnustor.Heneficiary cnay purchase tt�e Property. ' .;
<br /> ne
<br /> � Tha recitalu in any dced of conveyance shnU be pdma facie evIdencc of t�e facu�set forth therein. �; �r'���'
<br /> -
<br /> " ' All remed'er.s an:diatinct,cumulative and not exclusive, and dta f3enehcisry is entitled to all remedies provided at law or ,.��=g'',:�=_
<br /> equity, wliet3ter experssly set forth or not. 'fhe acceptance by BeneRciary of eny sum in payme�:or partial payment on the ' 'fi"'��----
<br /> Secum�t Debt aRer t�e b�lance is due or is accelerated or after f4rccloaure proceadinga ure filed shall not constitute a waiver -
<br /> : of�:naGr.i�iry's ri�ht to requfr fu!!acd carr.pletc curr of any er.istin�default. By Aot exercimn�any remedy on Trustor's -
<br /> • defaulc,�eneficinry dcrees not waive Beneficiary's right to later consider the event a default if it cor�tinues or h�p��ns again. _
<br /> , ..;..�.;A;,.—
<br /> 18.EXlF�PIaF�So ADVA.�I�ES ON COVEIVANTS;A'lTORN�YFi'1�1�'I;S;COLLECI ION CaS'II'S.Except�vhen prohib�tecl
<br /> hy luw,Tra�tnr agmes to pay all of Beneficiary's expenses if Tnietor breaches any covenant in r�is Deed of Trust.TYustor � '�'�"_
<br /> _r,�:.� �
<br /> 4 wllt a1�o gny an dcsmnnd t�l of Beneficiary's expenses incurred in collectinB.insurin6,pmservin�or protecting the Property '-:�;�#�^-- —
<br /> �,". or in any iuveuwcies, audits, inspectione or othar examination by Deneficiary i�u respect to the Property. Tn►siar ugrees to � ��i y�
<br /> ,,,,.
<br /> ' pay alt cotitn and expenses incurred by Beneficiary in enforclaa or protecting Heseficiary s ri�l�cs and remedIes under tbis . ;�` �
<br /> , }�,.>:
<br /> � DeeQ of Trust,iucluding,but not limital to,attomeys fees,COIIIt CASI¢,and other le�al exp�n�s.Oece the Secured Debt is �,,.��,.� ,
<br /> fl�ll1 and finAlly gald, Beneficiary agrees to release this Deed of Ti�ast and Tcustor agrees to pa�for any recordation costs.
<br /> � All sucu smounte a�due on deznaad and will bear interest f'rom s]ie time of the advaace at the L.ighest rate in effect,from
<br /> . �ime w tune.an nimvided in ttte Evidence of Debt and as pemvtted by law, i�. �
<br /> T 19.�P1M1�I80N1ViENTA►L LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SIJHSTA.t�1�.S. As used in thie sectlon, (1) "Enviaotunental Law" �
<br /> ,, menna, without limitation, the Comprehensive Envlronmental kt�esp�nse, Compeasation aad Lianility Act (C�RCLA. A2
<br /> � �J.S.�C.5601 et seq.),all other federal,state and local laws. resg�tkatians,ordinences, court orderR,attnraey general opiaions �;?��
<br /> f� ar int�r,az�tive letters conceming the public Le.alih. safety, �wplfa3e, environment or u hazarclou� substance; and (2)
<br /> "kIa�airlaua Subotr�uce" means any toxic, radioactive or htixardoLS material. �v�ste, pollutant or contaminaat wl�ch has , �
<br /> , � cLuract�riotdce whicli render the substance ciangerou� or poteazia3ly dangemus to the publlc uealth, snfety, welfare or
<br /> � euvin�nvient. Tfie term includes, without limitation, any substu�ces deflned as 'haznrdous mates[al." "toxic substances." �°
<br /> °ll�au�weatr" or "hnzardous substance" under any Bnvironr�ental Law. Trustor represents>`warraats and agtties Wet, �,
<br /> � except ao g�viaualy disclosed and ucknowledged in writin�: — — -__
<br /> A. riro H:aza�dcrua Stibstance hus been, is, or will be located. transported,manufactured, ueated,refined.or handled by =•--- �
<br /> •� aay�rerson on, under or nbout the Properry,excEpt in tue ordinary course of business enct in strict wmplience with �
<br /> �' �f�
<br /> , ; al!agplEcntrtr Enviromuental Law.
<br /> � � 13. Truator hnn not and will not cause,wntrlbute to,or pemtic ti�e release of any Hazardoua Substance on the Property.
<br /> � • �� C. 'Crustor wi11 iuunediately notify BeaeFciary If(1)a releaee or thmatened release of Ha7ai�i�us S�bstance occurs on,
<br /> , under or altout the Property or migrates or threatens to migrate from aearby property;or('l)there is a violatton og
<br /> � any Environmentall I.aw conceming the Pcoperty.In such an event, TnteLOr will take all nerxssary remecliel action in !--
<br /> '.'� accordunce wlth Environaiental Law. — -
<br /> ��;:� D. Truatur hao no knowledge of or rcason to believe them is�nny'"(�4Sling or dueatened investigation. claim, or �'."�_�
<br /> proceeding of any kind relating to(1) any Hazurdous Subsrz�ce located an,under or ubauc the Property; or(2)an� —
<br />