.. . . , ,;,;;;,
<br /> ,,. „ '+�'-
<br /> .. . ;� �, _
<br /> .. _ . - .
<br /> , .. ' 1 ... ..�..:.;
<br /> � g�.� 1(�25�3 . �
<br /> I Y6.Boe�o:�e�'s Copy. �orm�ver shall tro given one conformed copY of the Nate and of thts Security Instrument.
<br /> i ..
<br /> 1?.TrAnsRr of the Property oe A senefkiAl Interrs4 in Borrower. lf ull or any pan of tha Peuperty or any lntcrest In it is
<br /> sold or trnnstemd (or if a bcncCcial intcrest in Haaowcr is sold or vnnsferred and Borrowcr is not a nauual person) witt►out
<br /> . , 1 L.cnder's prior wdttcn�is o tion shall n tybc excrciscd byLendc,r if eaerciseaiys pmliibi cdlby fedcrnl law as ofbthe datc of thls
<br /> j Insuumen�However, p •
<br /> Saurity InswmenG '
<br /> ! If Lcnder exercises thls opdon,Lender shall give IIoaower notice of acceleradon.'I4ie notice shnll provide a riod of not less
<br /> t�iar► 30 days from Uie date the nodce is deliveced or mailed within which Barrower must pay all sums sec by this Security
<br /> Ins�umen4 If Borrower fails co pay thesc sums prior to t he ex piruqon of�his period,Lendcr may invoke any remedles permitted : �."�n�;_
<br /> by tt►is Security Instoument without f�ulher nodce or demand on Barrower. AA��t
<br /> • 18.Borrower's Rigbt to Reinstate. If Bomower meets certain conditions, Barrower shall hava �he right w have ,� y;���`_ �
<br /> ,,.�..__—
<br /> � � enfo�emeat of this Securiry Instmment d�scontinued at eny tima prior ����li�y�waer o sa e aontained in this�un'ty •-:_ �
<br /> � applicable Inw may specify far rcinstatement)before sale of tha Property p �;��.ez""�°`.. .
<br /> ' ' E Instrument;or(b)entry o f a}udgment enforciag t h i s 5ecuri ty Insuumen�'I1�o�e conditions are that Bom�wer:(a)pays Lender all ,_�,_,_.�_�=-:
<br /> i�� sums which then would ba due un�er this Security Instrument and the Not�e ag if no ecceleradon had occurred; (b)cures anY ,.:•:-
<br /> ' __
<br /> def�ull uQ'any ath�r covenants or eigr�ments;(c)PaYs ell expenses incurred in enforcing Q►is Security Insaument,including.bnt ..:�,•,
<br /> -�1 not limited to,reasonnble attom�ys' fees;and(d)takes such ecuon as Lender ma reasonably recluue to assure that the lien of this ,:...� -.�
<br /> i 5�c�uity Instrumcttt, Lendes's nght� in the Property and Borrowet's o��aSecuritypinstrue��+�tmand�e blig�ti ns sec�rei! � _ _
<br /> e c� -.-- ••-
<br /> Instrument shall continue uncHanged. Upon reinsmtzrt►ent by Borrower� 1 �the case of ' =- '�� -
<br /> � ttereby shall temain fully cffextive as if no acccleradon hsd occurreel•Howevcr,this right w rcinstate shall not app y
<br /> ��,•---—
<br /> c acceleration under pareSraPh 17. � -j:' ��•�
<br /> '�?�h ��or m`�'Y�%:`=
<br /> � � ` Il9.Sak of Note;Ch�nge of Loan Servicer. 'Ihe Not� or a partlel int�rest in the Plote (toBether with �hi� Security `?' . � d.,�,.:.,,.-
<br /> +• Instrument)may be sold one or more dmes without prior nobce co Homower•A sale rmaY result in a change in ihe enuty(known : ��✓.•;�,
<br /> +��:;:a:.
<br /> ��ri�.
<br /> a�the°�►es of t�cie�Loan S�rv cer unreleted to aesale of the NoteeIf there is a cb�`e of thc Loar►Servicer,Borrower will be , r�`
<br /> �•. more chang '`�.
<br /> � 'ven written notice of the change in accordance with paragreph 14 above and plicable law.The no6ce wiU state the name and " .�����,��.t5
<br /> 8 •
<br /> � ' address of the new Loa�Servicer and the address ro which payments sAould macle,'I1�e nodce wxU aLso contain eny other ,1�*
<br /> �. infom�ation required by applicable law. �'
<br /> ___.�_ �n,uo�..��cuh�mnces. Borrower shall not cause or peimit the presence. use. disposal, storaBe, or n.3ease of any _
<br /> -� a Bomowec sha►i not do.nor alluw a�,y�ns��.ic do.°.n;��o��hnv�he Property �-
<br /> Hezardous Sub..tances on or in the Property.
<br /> •,• that is in violation of anY Hnvironmentat Luw.'Ihe precedin8 tw'o sentcnces shall not�plY to m�P�Lo normal residendal usese � '�' , -
<br /> ,� ` property of sma114uanudes of Hazardoas Substences that are gerteially recognlzed be aPP P _�
<br /> . a' and W maintr,nance Of the Propeity. ==
<br /> ,� gorrow�r shall prompdy glve Lender written notice of any uivestigation, claim,demand, lawsuit or othei acdon by any . ' �,T,
<br /> '!: , go vymmenGal or r egulucnry ng�nc y or privatc partY involv�g ahe Propercy euid any�I-Ia�ardoental ur c�ce or Bn llvira�nm�n��Law 4;�tit ^,.
<br /> ,,,�,A,,; �
<br /> . . 1 of•Hhich Aocro�ver has acwallm.owledge.If Borrower leams,or is notifiecl by anY�g n�.Borcow��hrya11 prumptCy take alll .
<br /> "':{,:•, removal or othar remodiadon of any H a z ar dous Su bs t a n c e a f f e c d n g t h a�'r a p e ri Y -
<br /> odia
<br /> ooccssazy romediN ecdons in sccotdance with Environmental Law. ,F�
<br /> pa u� � � paragraph Z0. "Hazardous Sut�stances" are those substances defi�ed as toaic or hazecdous substences by
<br /> Fnvironmental Lnw and the fallowing substances: 8asoline, kerosene. other flammabla or toxic petmlewn �coducts. wxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,voltitita solvents,materials contair►in8 asbestos or f'rmaldehyde,and radioacdve m�����
<br /> ��p�raph Zp�"Environmental Iaw"means federal laws and laws of the urisdlcdon where the Property' ��_-
<br />- w health� ety ar environmental pmtaction.
<br /> i~ • � NON-UNIFORM GUVENAIV'IS•gorracver end Lender further covenant and t�gree as follows: —�
<br /> -, � ; 21.Acakr+ttion;Remed�es.d..ender ahall give notice to Borrowu prbr to araxkratbn folto�ving Borrowerh's 17� __
<br /> . ony covenant or agreement in thf� Security Instrum�nt (but not prior to �aelerntinn under par�Lrap ��,,;.;
<br />� applkabk law providss oWerwise).TQ�e notice s6all speclly: (a)tht detaulh, (b)the�ctbn requb�ed to c�ere t6e dtfaulh(c)
<br /> ' c� p date,not kss than 30 dr�ys tMom the date the notia d given to Borrower,by ahk6 t6e defAUlt must be cared;and(d) ___
<br /> th�at failure to eure the default on or betore We date spectf'ied in t6e not3ce m�y resu[t In accekrAtbn of the sums secured
<br /> � .'. by tdig Secur[ty Instrument and sale o!th!Property.The nottce s6a1�further intorm Borrower of the righ4 ta refcstate
<br /> � � atter�ceekration and the right to Isr[ng a court action to assert the non-existsece ot a default or any othcr defense of — -
<br /> ' +� Borrower to�ccekratlon oed sak.If the detAUlt�not curs�f on or before t6e date specified[n the noti�,g.ender,at its ___—
<br /> "' •� � nptba,may aet�uire immediate paymeat in futl of pll sums secured by thts Securlty Instrument withont ft�rther demand ���.�
<br /> � �'�;`'i';�� and may invofc�e the power of sak an�f uny other remedies permftted by applka6k law.LendEr shYU be entitled to rntlect ���;���:,;
<br /> ���'�''' �ll expenses incurred in pursuieg the resnedies provided in th[s par�gn►ph 21,Iecluding,b»t uot limited to,reasonabk �k _,�:
<br /> , .�;.��
<br /> ,.•..---�'L,,:::;-.:�:•--
<br /> '`"�.;r : �: 1. a4torneys'tets and costs ot Htle ev&lence. .�.,�:,,._.,_.,_
<br /> ��'���'. � :�;;�,;•, If the power ot sak is navoked, Ti ustce shall record a notice at dxfault �n each rnunty in whk6 any part ot the ..,;�- ^ j:<<
<br /> w-. 5Y.:�;.i,.
<br /> � `` prop�rty is 7oceted and s6all mail rnpies of such notice in the m�nner�rescribc�!by applicabk lc�w to Borrower s�nd to t6e • ::,r,;•i���;::
<br /> :;::�:.,i
<br /> �, ' �"`�t:� Qwtr pe�ns preserFlxd by applkAble ia�v.Atter the dme rcquiared by applksbk law,'[5rusieP shall give publk notice ot ,.;^.},�f:,
<br /> � . sa9e to thc peraons and in the manmer p�rxsrribod by applicabie law.Trustee,without demand mn Borrower,shell se11 the
<br /> • : Piroperty at publk aucNon Qm Che highest bidder at t�e tiQae and place s►nd uuder the terms dssignated in t�e notice ot sak
<br /> ,.
<br /> , ,
<br /> . . Form S02e 9J9a
<br /> � __ .._._ Innlalt: � '•4+"``�
<br /> — ..il_
<br /> ..-._._ _._ --_.._.__ ..""''�
<br /> (�-eR(NE)�o2�zl.o, �•"•°"." y.�.
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