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<br /> � p�ymcnts may no longcs hc scquisrd,at thc option of 1,cndcr,if mortgmoc insuranCC covCragc;(itt'Ufc umount und for tho periaci , �� ' -
<br /> that I�nder requtres)provided by an insurer npproved by Lender agaui becomes available ancl is obteined.Barrower shall pay the �
<br /> pretniums reyuiced ta nlaint�in mortIIage insurance in effect, or to pmvide a)oss msorve,until the requirement!or mortgage
<br /> � � � inr,�uance ends in accordancc with any wriuen agreemerit between Borro�vcr and Lendtr or t�ppltutble law. •
<br /> - '`� 9.Inspectioa. Lender or i�g ugent may make rcasonable entrics upon and inspecdons of the Property.I.endcr shell give � � °
<br /> , � Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonabk cuuso far tha inspection. � •
<br /> ••5 10.Coas�emnettion. The proceeds of any aivard or claim far dam$es,direct or consequential, in connecdon with any •
<br /> � candemnarion or other takin of an art of the Pro or for conve ance in lieu of condemnetion,are hcreb t�ssi ned end . �l 'f':.:.:�• �
<br /> 8 Y P P�7�� Y Y t ss g ... _,.�. �v• -
<br /> �E shnll be paid to Lender. ' • y i*�i�i��=
<br /> In the event of a total ta3cin of the Pro �� '� i���°�`�'°°�
<br /> � g pesry,the proceeds shaEl be appl'vad to th�sums securecb by this Securiry Inswment, � .
<br /> • � � whr,ther or not then due,with any excess paid to Borrower,in ihe event af a p2rasl taking of the Prc�perty in which the fair murket • .. �+�s���°<-_�-T
<br /> valuc of the Properry immediately before th�e taking is equal to or g�ea.�r:r th�n the a�nonnt of the sums secused by thi�Security ��'�
<br /> , � 3�ti�v�vnent immcdiatel befose Uie takin , unless Borrower and Lendea�otherwise m wriun , the sums sccured b this ° ��'�"--""
<br /> Socur.i�y Innuument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the�fo lowing fracrion: (a)the totsl emount of " �� - - �_
<br /> . . ._j , tha sumfl socured immedi�,ely befare the ta6cii►g,divided by (b) the fair market value of the Property irnmediately before the � ___:'.:,_-- -
<br /> taki��.AA}�I}�3L3IIC�3I1�I bC�Jfl1tI�O BOIlOWCP. In the event of a paroial t�king of the Pmperty in which the fair market value of the ��=`- '` `
<br /> P.a;Any imr�eee�iiat,�„ly before the taking is less than the emoant of t4se sums secum,ci immedlately before the iaking, unless �—=- -
<br /> �. . B�viar and Ir�n,dcr othenvise agree in waei�ng or unless applicable lax•dherwise pmvides,the procceds shall be applicd to the '°'�'�:�-- _
<br /> S : si�mn sccured by this Security dnstrument wnet�er or not flt�e sums are then du�. � ;�;��,,
<br />_.. • '•� dt'the Property is abantl�roned by Borrower,or if,af¢ea notice by Lender to Borrowcr that thc condemnor offers to make un "�'���
<br /> � aW�1 or seule a cDaim for d�znqges,Bossowar fails to mspond w Lender within 30 days after the date the nodce is given,Lender �k���
<br /> `•';.�9� is Ruthurized to collect and apply tha prc�oe8tls.at its optiun,either to mstoraUion or ecpair of the Property or to the sums securad ;�=��
<br /> -`-'-- �_,;k� by tloi�Securlty Instrument,whether or not ihen due. . f.
<br /> � UNoss Lender ond Borrower otherwise agree in writing,�ny epplication of procee�ls to princip9l shsill not�xte�d or postpone
<br /> ; `
<br /> Liltl Uptl tki�C Ul{1IG lIWdlllly fldyIllGIIIJ LGCEJIt7{i lW UI�:1TFI�I'a111J F tl11(1 L Ui�IOl1�$C I1lG ii1lWWll Ul JUGU[kIYtRG►IIJ.
<br /> ,� Il.�it�rrro�er Not Reka.sed;Forbearance By I.ender Not a Walver. Eatension of the time for payment or modifieaflon ��
<br /> ^^ , ':'•.,��:'. o!'amarti�a�inn of the sums sexured by this Soc�rity Instrument granud by I.ender to airy successor In interest of Borcower sha4j �'"'
<br /> .� , � not aparata to rclease the llability of the odgLtal Borrower or Borrow�r's successors iri intemst Lender shall noi be requlred to .; �.' 2.
<br /> ' cnmrnanca pmccedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend d�e for payment or otherwise modify Amorti�Son of �,;;� =,;'
<br /> ���sums secured by this Security Instrwnent by reason of Any demand made by a'�original IIorrower or Hortower's successors '����', � �.
<br /> ' . i�animest Any forbearancc by I,ender in eac�+cising any rlght or remcdy shull not O�e u waivcr of or prcxlude the exercise of any ��'�r`� �
<br /> � , �ght or rett3e�y. f •.
<br /> . ;.;;;� �'� 12.Successons ynd Aasigac Baund;�mint and Several Liability;Co�signer,s. 'll�e covenants and agree�nc,�►ts of this �� --
<br /> ��'r�u ":,t Sacurity Inslnlment shall bind and ben�t the successors and assigns ot L.endrr and Bocmwer, subject to the provisions of ��°'•- ��
<br /> ' ' `;:i�;._
<br />_ .�;.;•y., ' :,: ptu�raph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and sevcral. My Bocrower who co-signs this SOCUrity ::��.;
<br /> �•,`Gs;.-'��'� lnswme�it but doe;s nat eae�ute the Nou: (a) is co-si this Securi [nstrument onl tn rao "�?����`
<br />- , .,'f;:,.•.. , 8�8 �9 Y nSaSt•P,�t and comey that
<br /> � ,.,}r:.+R• • Sorrowu's i�terest ln the Property under ii�e temis of this Security Instawnen�(b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums -
<br />_. : . � socured by Qhis Security InsnYUnent;and(c)agrees that L,ender and any c�ther Borrower may egree w extend,modify,forbear or =
<br /> ..' make eny eccommodations w��regard to the tem�s of this Securlry Inswunent or the Nate without that Bumower's consent -
<br /> 13.Loan ChArges. If mht loan secuced by this Sa;�uity Instnunent is subjoct w a law which sets ma�imum toan charges,
<br />- end that law is Cinally inte�preted so that the int�erest or other loan charges collectod or to be collected in connectian with the loan
<br /> � e�ccced Ihe peimitted Wnits,then:(a)any s�:�.h loan cherge shall be redutxd by Ihe amowt necessary to r�educe th�charge to the ``
<br /> '. . pecmitted W�ix and(b)any sums almady collected from Bomnwer which �ccceded pe�miued Itmits will be refunded to Boarnwer. - -
<br /> � � ' I.Znder may choose w make this refund by reducing thc principnl owed us�der the Noo�or by making a direct payment to -
<br />� °'��`` '' Borrower. If a re€und reduc�s rmci al,the reduction vvill be treated as a ar6a1 re a ment without an arg �'
<br /> P � P P P F Y Y P�PflY+nent ch e • �-�:.-
<br /> _ ' ' . tmder the Note. -_=——=— .
<br /> ._, „ 14.NotieeA. Any nobee to Borrower provided for in this Security Insrcument sha(1 be given by clelivering it or by mailing it '�`�"'�""`
<br />- by fust class mail unkss�pplicable law mquires use of another method. 'Ihe noace shall be dlrected to the Property Address or '��? �m��'=-���=-
<br />_ � any other oddress Botrower designates by notice w Lender..4ny ncs�ce to Lender shall be given by first class matl to L,ender's -;:�:ri. ,"`,':`�a�*•���•
<br /> �e7dress smted herein or nny other addmss Lender designates by notice to Borrowar. Any notice pmvided for an this Security ��'��"�-'-,±'':
<br /> '"'.�;�::�`�=;'��:.�.::.;
<br /> . Instiument sl�all be dee.med to I�avc been given W Boxrower or Lender when given as pravided in this paragrnph. '�•
<br /> .•'�i;�� .' x::`���'.,. ..
<br /> 15.Govtrnit��La�v;Severabiiity. 'If�is Security Instrument shal�l be govesned by federal law and the law of the • , ,
<br /> �• , jurisdiction ue wh��:l►the Property Ls located. In the ev�ent thut any provasion or clause nf this Security Instrument or the Nots ;•�_�::'���
<br /> ' conflicts with applccobte law, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this 5ecurity Insviu►�snt or the Note which can be ,:;;;„ � � .
<br /> given effect wlthout the confiicdng provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and Ihe Note are declared to ;,,,;,;��, • ' �.. ,.
<br /> be severable. i�.;��;e,'r . '
<br />_ , Form 302a �/DO �
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