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<br /> 17.Trcu�sfer at the Property or�'"��neiic6ul Intcr�t in Borr�osucr. 16��II ur un���,'t uf ch�Propertp�+r uiiy intcecst in i� _.
<br /> �'• is sold or trunsfcrrcd(or if a benefictal intcrest ln �orro�ver is sold ar te�nsf�:rrcd.ind[3orro���r.r is nat u nnturnl persun)witiiaut
<br /> l.endcr's prior wretten consent. Lender mny, at its c�pti�m, rcquir� imm�:�liutk payi»c�it i�t fiill i�f :►II si�n�s sccurcd by� this
<br /> � Security Instrument. Huwcver,this option shall not bc excrciscd t►y I..rn�l�ir if exertis�iy pruhit�itul by r�a��i i�s���as of the datc �
<br /> �T� of this Security Instrum�nt.
<br /> .-��� If l.ender exercises tiiis option, L.ender shsll give Anrrower narnr.e uf'uccel�:ra[iun. The nutice shc�ll pm�'ide u periuJ ot'uot _
<br /> � Icss than 30 days fmm the date the notice is dclivered or mnile�f within wliich Bormwer mu�t puy all sumt� scrural by this —
<br />_'!�"'� Security lnstrument.lf Honower fails to pay these sums prior tu�hr.e�cpirateon of this periud, l.endcr may invukc any remcdics !
<br /> F permitted by this Security Instntment withaut fuethcr notice or demnnd on 6orrower. _�
<br /> � i8. Borro�cer's Right to Reinstate. If Barrower meet,� ceraain cond"etions, Borrm��cr shull have th�. right to have
<br /> enforcement of this 3ecurity Instiument discontinued at uny tim►:priur tu Uie earlier of: (al S days (or such other period as _
<br /> applicable Inw muy specify for reinstatement) before sale of tha P'rropcny pu�suAnt tc� any pnwer of sale contoined in this
<br /> •• Security Inst�umem;or(b)ensry af a judgment enforei�ig this Sc;curity IEist�umcnt.Those conditions are th�t I3r,rr�wer. (a)pays
<br /> • Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security 4t�twment i�nd the Note nc iF nn nccelemtion had occurred; (b�
<br /> `t cures any default of any othe�covenants or agreements; (c) p�iys aH� expenses incurrcd in enfnrcing this Sec:u�iry Instrument,
<br /> 1-j:_,� ineluding, hut not limi►ed►o, rcasonable attomeys'fees;and(�tJ talces such action �s Lender muy reu:.onnbly requ►re to assure
<br /> "`�� y that the lien of this Securiiy Insttument, Lender's rights in th«�ropeny And Borrower's obligntion tu puy the :sums sccurec!by
<br /> this Securiry ir�strument shall continue unchanged. Upon r:inau�tement by Borra�ver, this Securrty Inst+vment and the �
<br /> `• " obligutions sesared hereby shall rem�in fully effective as if n�accelcration had occurred. Howcver, this rig{►t +.0 reinstate shaU
<br /> "'-`f;r,;,: ; rtot apply in the case of uccelerntion under paragraph 17.
<br /> �• � ; l9. Sale oP Note; Change of Loun Servicer. The Pl�at�_ er a pattiul interest in the Note (together with this Security s
<br /> •;:;�,,�.,�•' Instrument)may be sold one�r more times without prior nouwe tu fic3rnower. A sale may result in a change iu U��c:,►iity (4«.,w��
<br />.::�:�r• . � as the "Loan Servicer")that callec:ts monthly payments duc ui►dcr the Nute and this Security [nstrumcnt. Ther�also may be ane
<br /> � or mote changrs of the LoAn Servicer unrelated to a salc of tlia D7�ste. I�'there is a chung�of tttr.Loan Servicer, 13orrower�viU be
<br />-;�z�'."...�+ � given wrinen natice of the change in accordance with puragr,3ph 14 above and applicable la�v. Ttte notice will st3te the name and
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer�nd the address to which paymcnts should bc mude. Thc noticc will also c•ontuin uny�i'hcr
<br />_ �'� information reqa:red by applicable law. --
<br /> "��'��� i 20. Hazerdous Substanoes. Bonower shal! not cau�r. or permit the presence, use, dtsposal, stornge, c,r release of any
<br /> "'•`��+�' Hazardaus Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shaQ not dn, nor allo�v anyone el!;e to do, an thing affecting the •-
<br />:,v:.{ �.
<br />_w;�._�„ Property that is in viotation af any Environmental Law. '4'hr.pn:cedinII two sentences shall nat npply to t ie presence, use,or
<br /> - �s.,,�aP�n thP Pmperty of smaU quantities of Ha•tnrdous Sulr.�tunces thut are Fenerally rec:nFniaed to be uppn�priate to normal
<br /> * `�``��"��` residential uses and to maintenance of the Pmperty.
<br /> ��%`���
<br /> �. �L Borrower shall promptly give Lender written nntice of any invcsti�ation, claim, demnnd, Inwsuit or o�l�er action y any _
<br />-":�.f��f�` � governmentul or regulatary agency or private party invoh�ing ttie Property und any Hazarciaus Substance or[srvironmental I.ativ -
<br />:�z:_„r� , of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrotver Icnrns, or in nc►tificd by nny govemm�ntul or regulfltary autho�tiry, that _
<br /> z;: �3'�;�',• any removal ar other remediatton of any Haznrdous 5ubstance uffeciing tlie Pmperty is necessnry.Borrower shnil promptly take _
<br />=��.�;;'��;�,, all neccsstuy remedial actions in accordt�nce�vith�nvironmentul L,aw. -
<br /> - -�� As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" ar�e those sub_,tances defined c�� toxic or hazarcious substances by
<br /> — Environmental Law and the following substances; gnEalone, kerosene, other fls+mmable or toxic petrolc:um products, toxic _
<br />--_--- ' pesticides and herbicides,volutile solvents,materials canluining asbestos or formaldchyde,�nd mdioACtive mnterials.As used in -
<br /> -"�= this paragraph 20. "Environmental Law" means fedeiul luws and Inws of the jurisdiction where thc Am��crty is located that ��
<br /> ----- relate¢o health,safety or environmantal protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Barrower and Lcnd�tr fuither covenant and�grce ns fnllows:
<br /> --—' • 21.AccelernUon;RemedIes. I.ei►der shall�ive nai�6ee t�Borrower prior to nccelers�tlatt followlu�Iiorrower's breach
<br /> -= of any covenant or egreement in this Securlty Instru►nent (but not prlor to accele�:�tion under psu�ngrnph 1 7 un less
<br /> �`��"" appltcuble Iaw provldes otherwise). The aotfce shaU s2teci6`y: (�)tfie default; (b)the urtlon requiretl to cure thc defuult;
<br /> — (c)a date,nat less than 30 duys from the dute the no�ice iu given to Borrower, by whlch tl�e dQfnult must be cured; snd
<br /> -�--- (d) that faflure to cure the defnult on or before tne deiEw specf�iecD in the n�tice mny ��sult In nccelc:r�4ion oP the sums
<br /> securod by tl�9s Securlty Insti-ument nnd eule ot the Fro�erty. The notice sha0 further Inform i3ar+►wer of the rlght to
<br /> �— reinstate s�flEer ucseleratlon and the ri�ht to bring u eauiK AMtnn to a�sert the nomext�tencc ol'e �lePuult or uny mther
<br /> - -'°"::�� defense of Burrower to tteceteraNan and sale. IP the dufnu{¢ ia �mt cured on or beforc+tl�e dete spr.cified in the natice,
<br /> Ixnder, et its aption, may requt►�immediute puyment•i�i ivll af all sums secured by thie Securliy dnstrument wtthnut _
<br /> �� further demand and may jnvake the po�ver of sale und ung otster remedics permltteci by n�pllcablr�kew. Lender shall be
<br /> entitled to co11eM nll expenses incurred in pursuing the r�lneat�.v provtded in th�is p�ra�rnpt�21,Incltrding,but not Ilmlted
<br /> ��-:;� to,reasonable sttorneys'fees and costs of tltle evideisce.
<br /> _—____— If the power of sale is invoked, Trustee shall recard a natice of defnult fn cuch county In whiclt uny p�rt of tl�e
<br /> ,��� Property is located und shull mail copies of such nottce iEi tSte mttmter prescrit�ed by applicable I���v to Borrower and to
<br /> -- the other p4rso��s pr�srlbed by applicable law.After t[io t6me rc�quircd by appltcable law,Trustee sltall give public nottce
<br />-f-°���� of sale to tl�e persons nnd in the manner prescribed by:►��tltcnble luw. Trustee,��iu��t►c a�m���a o,�s�r�o�.'cr, shnll scll
<br /> ��. the Property at publlc nucnon to the highest btdder nc.t&�u tfime nnd pluce nnd under tho terms desl�{nated in ttie notfce of
<br /> ��'`'"a���' sale in o�P�r morc parccls Qnd in any order Trustc� dut¢rmbies. Trustee may postpnnn snlc of ull or uny puncel oi tl�e
<br /> _:�-�M�•
<br /> �:r.::,� Properey by public announorment at the timc nnd pl�icc ut'Hny �►reviously schcduled sc�e. Lendcr or [�g desfgncc mny
<br /> c;�•b=a�er,n
<br /> - ,.,,, purchase the Property at any sale.
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