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<br /> paymc»ts muy no I�mgcn c�rcquircd, ut thc�,ptian�,f lw'ndcr. ii'�ni�ngugc insunincc cuvcragc(in thc i►m�uuit nnd !iv t Otc periixi —
<br /> �Q."�`• that I.cndcr rcyuires)providcd by nn insurcr iippravcd by l.cndcr nguin hc�ui�tes nviiiliiblc nnd is obtaincd. Horn��vcr tihnit pay —
<br /> thc premiums rcyuired to maintain murtgnge insurimce in c(fect.ur to providc u lass reservc, until thc rcquircmcnt fnr mongnge _
<br /> insurcmcc ends in nccardunce with uny wriuen ugPermcnt bctwccn Hc�rru�vcr nnd L.e�id�r ur+ipplicablc ta�:�. �
<br /> �-�� 9. Inspectton. l.ender ur its ugent may ma.kc rcus�mable entries up�m nnd inspections of the Property. L.endcr shnll give �'
<br />,.� �.
<br /> Bottowcr iwticc at tl►c tintc uf or prior to un inspcition spccifying rcas��nablc causc for the inspection. � ,
<br /> -- - �� 10. Q'onilemnatlon. The pmceeds of uuy uward or cllim for dumages, direct or conseyu�ntial, in c��nnc�tinn witQ� ;my _:
<br /> � i;1
<br /> rondemnation or ather taking of any pan of the Property, or for conveyunce in lieu of condemm+tiun, are hcreby assi�ned and �;.:
<br /> .�� sh�ll hc paid ta I.ender. -
<br /> M� In tac cv���t of a tntal taking of ttie Property,the procecds shall be applied to the sums secureci by thi:.Sccur'sty Insuurnent. __
<br /> ,'�F-, whether or not the.n due, with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of n partial taking of the Property in �vhich the fair _*
<br /> .' .. market value of the Pruperty inimediutefy before the takin� is cquul u�ar grcatcr than thc amuunt�f the sums sccured by this _
<br />-� .� q. 1 �i.
<br />: . , Securiry lnstrument immediately before the taking.unless Borrower and I.ender otherwisc agree in writinII,the sums secured by N,
<br /> '�'`� '' this Sccuriry lnstrum�nt shall be re�uced by the nm�unt of the proceeds multiplied by the follo�ving fraction:(s) ��e totul !�_
<br /> '�-���"�"� umount of the sums sccured immediately befare the taking, divided by(b)thc fair market vnlue of the Hmperey immcdiately __
<br /> "y���'a bcfu�c tiie tal:ing. Any balance shnll be paid to Anrrower. In the cvent of a panial tnking of the Ar�perty in which the fair
<br />_.'�,'�,�-� _
<br /> markct value of tlic Propc:ny immediutely before thc taking is less than the umount of the sums secured immed►utcly be�ure tl�e
<br />'�E�?i��`'� taking, unless Borrowcr and l.endcr ath�rwise asree in writing or unless applicable law othenvisc provides,die proccrds shaU
<br /> -_�;.��.�.��� be applied to the sums securul by this Securiry Instmment whcther or not thc sums are then due. .,•
<br /> :�;,-L If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condamnor ofticrs tu make an --
<br />'-?_�c.� awurd or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Ixnder within 30 days after the dute the natice is given, -
<br />--_;r��-�,y�� Lender is authoiized to collcct and apply the procceds, at its aption,either to restoration or repair of tho Propcny or to ih�sums
<br /> ___�,�� secured by this Securiry instrument, whether or nat then due. -
<br /> -- Unless Lencier und I3orrower otherwise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to principll shnll not extend or
<br /> -.�� pusepon�the due date of the monthly payments refened to in paragraphs i and 2 or change the nmount of such payments.
<br /> _=� Dl.Borrower Not Rcles�sed;Forl�earance By Lender Not a Waiver.Extension of the«mc for p�yment or madifica�ion
<br /> of ar�ariiza:i�n af tl:a ssm���lr!'d hy thi�Security Instrument�;ranted by Lendcr to any successor in interest of Borrowev shall
<br /> -'--_- not operate to release the liabiliry of the original Borrower ar Borrower's successors in intorest. I.endar snctil no=oc rcy�+�niv t�
<br /> ------ contmence proceedings against any successor in inrerest or refuse to extend time for pay►nent or othetwise modi fy nrnortiration
<br /> - of the sums sccured by this Security Instrument by rea�on of any demand made by the originnl 8orrower or Borrower's
<br /> ---. surcessors in inter�st. Any forbeamnr�by Lcnder in exercising uny right or remedy sh�ll not be n waiver of ar pralude the
<br /> exercisc of any right or remedy.
<br /> -�_= 12. Successore and Assigns Dound; Joint and Several Liflbiltty: Co-signers. The covonants and agreements a+f this
<br /> -- • Security Instrum:nt sh�ll bind und benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subjcct to the provisa�ns of
<br /> _=-_=--- paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower wha co-signs this Security
<br /> i°��� Instrument but da:s not execute the Note: (a) 8s co-signing this Security [nstrument only to martgage, grnnt and convey that
<br /> '����.
<br /> ".-.`� Borrowcr's interest in the Property undcr thc terms of this Security Instrument; (h) is not pet�onally obligatcd to pay t�e sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrum^nt; and(c)ugrees that Lender and any other Borrower may�gree to extend,modify,fo�t�ear or _
<br /> make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Ynstrument or the Note without that florrowei s cansent.
<br /> 1�.Loan Charges. If the loan secured by this 5ecurity Instrument is subject to u law which scts mn:�imuni loan charges,
<br /> and that la�v is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan chnrges collected or to be collected i�con�ation with the
<br /> loan exceed the permitted limits,thrn: (a)any such loan charge sb.all be reduced by the amount necessary ro r�duce Ihe charge
<br /> to the pera�itted limit;and(b):u�y sams already collected from Borrower which exceedaf permitted limits will be xefil�racled to
<br />----- Borrower. Lender may choose to make this e-efund by reducing the principal uwed under the Nc�te or by rnakimg� diroct
<br /> payment to Bomower. If a refund reduces principal, the reductian will be treated as a partiul prepnyment wi�liout any
<br /> prepayment cfi�rge undcr the Notc.
<br /> 14.Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrum�nt shall be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> � it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.The noticc shall be dircctcd to the Property Address
<br /> or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice ta Lender shnll be given by first class r+.ail to
<br /> Lendcr's address statcd hercin or any other address L.ender designates by notic:c tu Borrower. Any natice provided for in this
<br /> --==-
<br />