C .,�.. , •�„ „�,; '! •�. -
<br /> v . . ,W*.
<br /> (J
<br /> � i V�w ����v . .. .� �
<br /> � �8. Borrower'o Rlpht to �9�IIi1Dte. 11 Bortawar meete CKtYh oondkbns, F10RA1VDf nnnn �inve 1110 flQlll ID hilVB
<br /> � entorc�nenl ot thK &�aurky Inatrument dlsoontfnu�d at�ny tEnp prlar to tho eulfsr of: (n)G dayo (nr nunh otl►or �alod nn nppibnbl�
<br /> low mey npeoHy lor rolnetatement)bofore aale ot the Prope+tV purauant to nny powur o1 on�a oontninncl 4� 11i1p 3nourNy Inotnimant; nr .�
<br /> (b) entry ol e �udgmw►t �torolnp thla FACUrIty Inotrumont. 7Ancv oonAltlona cro th�l [�orro�v�r. (n) pnyo l.onrlsr no aumn whloh �lia►
<br /> wouW be dw und�r thi3 S�awky Inelrumont and the Mntn no N no aacwMUtF�n hQd aoounod; (U) ourno any Aefeull �f nny otNw I . �;�
<br /> cpv�n�nt or Apnemu�te; (a)p�y��u �xpantoo Inourc�d M ontRrnlnO lhis SsourNy Inftnirrwnt, Ysofrdl��, btd nol Ilrntlnd In, r�nn�naulo i �o
<br /> � eltom�ya'Iws; �nd(d)t�ka woh�otbn ��l,�ndM mtY rANO0np6b r4qutn fo usun that Ihe Ilrn M Ihle 11t3o+irNy Innln�monl,l.nndw'e „
<br /> rfphb h th� property�nd Borrowlra oblipitbn to p�y fN1�u�ma snoun d py l h l� &curk y In�inim9nl n1�n11 onntlnue un�hnnpaA, Upnn
<br /> rohetetsmmt by Boreow�r, Ihl� EGaurlry Inatrument and tlio ub14��lb�n t�ound hsrWy ah�N remol� hilly MIno1Me na II no naonlpratlon �
<br /> had oeourr�d. No�::v�r,tha rt�hi to rcnst^.t;�ohnH nrn npP7 Mi If�o oesp of accoqretWn undpr p�trnprnph 1i. �. �
<br /> � 19. Sal� of Nota; Chanps ot �om S�rv1RA�. Tha Not� or � paRMl I�tKest 1� thn Mntn (lnpothor�vtth thia ;3�w+ulty _
<br /> , Imtrum�t)m�y b�noW om or more tYn�s wRhout prfar natl0o to Bortow�r. A saw n�y resut�in n ot►nn�n In tlm on►Iry (kna�vn na U�o
<br /> 'Loan S�rv��r') thtt oolbot� monthy p�ymMrte dwi unAur tlin Notq and tAls 5ocuridy Inotn�mnnt, Tl�nrn nioo may bo ono or morn
<br /> ohanpoa o1 th�Lotn SMVFcK unroliUd to a a�N ot tho Mato. II tNere fo� ohm�a of tho Lonn 3orvl,or, Elnttowar �vin !fn pNnn�vtHton , - `:
<br /> not�e of tha ohanpe �n accordtnce wkh p4repreph tA flbova and eppl{aebte Ww. Tl�o notbo wiA ntatn tf�n nnme snri nddmoo oi tl�e ;
<br /> naw Loan Sarvicar 4nd the�ddresa to whbh paymw�iu shnulcl bo mAde. rne notico wf'J akao aonta�� nny othnr Inf�rmntion mqulrod by
<br /> ,.
<br /> � o,pPllcabb kw. •, . � �
<br /> Z0. Hezardoue Subatenaea. Borrower ehnll nat cauno or parmN ths prosonco, uao, dteponnl, otom{�o,or mienno af nny
<br /> Hezardous Subsunces on or In the Property Borrmvnr ehnll not do,nor albw anyone elso to do,nnylli4�a nlioctinp tho Pro�orty tlmt
<br /> • Is h vblatbn o! any Envirunmw�tnl l.�w. The qr�codinp hvo sentonces shQll oot aipPN to tho �rc�nonao, uno, or nrore,no on tho � �.,�ri6•t
<br /> , Propaty ot sm411 quantkfes of H�rdous Substnnaon thnt ero ponoro�N reco9�la�d to be apAroprioto ta nnrmal inaidenUnl uaoo �nd to e.,
<br /> maintenance of the Prap�ty. F
<br /> Borrower BhaN prompty piw Landet wtflten �otiCe of Bny hveetlp�tion, okYn. danznd, kwauil or othnt aollon I�y any{�nvomm9�tn� .��+�"=
<br /> � or requintory eQency or privits partY lnvo!linp thn Prnpatv e�d �Y Hezardaus SLbsttnce or Env�omm�ntnl l.av�oi wh{aN Dorro�ver has _.�
<br /> actual knowkdpa. If Borcower f�ms, or is nat'n"nd by�ny�ati�mmrntcl ct re;.e�story euthprily, thnt ftny romoval or othor romsdltddn i�rs:ieR.::,.= �_ -
<br /> of eny Hazudous Substance atFeatlnp the P►opmty ts necosaary. Bortowa shaN prompty tn{:o all noaoaeary romediai actt�nn 1n , J � �,;,,�
<br /> , � ��'.�,'�:.'_
<br /> accordsnco wfth Environmental Law. ,
<br /> As used In thb par�praph 20, `Hazardau�► &ub�tnnces" are those substances dafi�sd as tox�: or No�nrdoua oubstnncea by , t���"
<br /> EnvYOnmental Lav+end the folbwhp �ubstsncos: 9aoolho,korosone,other fiemmabi9 or toxlC palrol9um produoto, toxic pers3lctdes aid ,,"`.�..,,,.,�;:I:.'r; �.��7�.-
<br /> h 2Q. ;..�. .,, °!
<br /> herbwides, vo{atlle solvents,m4terlals contalnhp ashestoo or farmakfehydo, and redbaott�o mntotint8. h0 UIIOd In thlD pAitfgmj7 ;•,. . ;�. -I
<br /> � "Environmenttl Law' moans fede�al laws ancl W�vn of tho Jurisd{ction whero thr, Propaty is loantod that roletu to I�oallh, oufety or � �,;.';;>`;. `,;.
<br /> envlronmental protectbn. ` '��r'r•�";�
<br /> NON•UNIFOF�N COVENAtJTB. Bortower snd Londer lurthor aovenant end n�roi ae 1olbwa: ,
<br /> 2�. Aaceterstlon; Rem�dies. l.ertdar shall �tve notice tv Borrower prIOP 4A RCC81QP8U011 l'OU�WI11{� ,,:=,,,: _ ��";
<br /> ,'�r�.= 5 Borrower'a breach of eny cavennnB a� aflreement In thls Securfty Ja�QUrument (F�ut rtot �rtor to I r•s:,:.:�• ,,
<br /> 't;:.`� .����_._*�., ���d r e�r,�ara�h 17 �Rl�a�epAllcabte law providos otherwloe). Tt�e notico c��aEl ap�oity: ::ti},:;;r ' � %';,�
<br /> _ , ,. .- _ ..�_.. _.2_R � -
<br /> • �`,•;"��'`� . (e) tF�e detault; (m) the mction req�itred to cure the defwlt; (c)a date� noE tas�ii�u� a� �sys °ram tlte ` `r�,
<br /> , ,_
<br /> • date the notice la �i�en to Borr�rurQr. by wlitch the deteult mvtt be cureai; as�d (c�� 23�at falluro to oura�
<br /> '' the detault on or betore tfte dutQ a�rsclRed in the notice m�y res�l4 �n aaasle�raUon v4 tl�o ouma
<br /> '��,��„� secu�ed by this Security Inst�mrs�et and ate m� the Property. 7t�e noUao sh�il tuPthcsr InPorm .,, :,,.
<br /> Borrower of the right to reinstnic� efter ecceleratlon end the ripht to bring a aaurt er.Uon to e�ert the ..�
<br /> � non-existanoe of s detault or env otitar dsfe�ae of Borrower to acooloretion dnd sa�o• If 4He dofault iu f.�`
<br /> � not cured on or botore the d��tc� e�raaltled In the raoUce. I.ender at its opUon mery roqulro i�mnedixtu
<br /> , p�yment In tull ot dl wms AQaur�ed by thia Secur�ty Innrument wlthout 1'ui�tl�er dome��d en� mey . � '
<br /> Invoke the power ot sale enr� enu othor remadles pe�mitted by appliaattle law. I.e��dor eltail f�e � � �
<br /> enUtled to ^oliect dt expenr�o titaurr�d In purwing tt�e r�medl�� provlded In U�ta Neragrapl� �7+ �.,�_
<br /> � ��! Includin�, but not Iimlted to,r�asortatrle�tt�orn�ya' tees�nd co� of tltlo ovldonae. �
<br /> " ;. if the power ot ssle Is Inua�ced, Truaee N►�II record � notice oi do4nule In sach county In v�hlah :,:�,
<br /> �'� eny pert of the Property la laaat�d and �i�al! m�il coples oi auel� noUoo In the mennor pre�eibed by -�;
<br /> � AftoP th� tl►ne --
<br /> eppilcable law to Bor�ower artd to th� other peraone preseribed by ap��licrabio law. "_,���-:
<br /> .' ' requtred by appllasbl� law� Teaiatoe aM�ll �Iv� pub9tc noUcs of sale W 41io pQVeone and U� U�o menner �%r:,.
<br /> l. .iT��ux��"_.
<br /> �: presaribed by spp[Icable Iniv. T�uutae�wiUwut demand on Borro�var, lti1911 88U fJt� PYON@Yly (!t��UbII4 _t�„i•,_�
<br /> ,� sueUon W the hlpheat biddee at ttte tim� and plsce and under tha to�ms dQagnatad In tl�e no4lao of --
<br /> - sale In one or more p�rcelu and In any order Truatee dotermines. 7ruatso mey pos�one ede of �I ='.�—� �
<br /> '� or any p�r�el ot ths Rrap�riy tsy qublla �nnoun�ement at U�e Umo and plaaa of eny prevloueiy ::�
<br />- ' ;; soheduled ale. Lender or ito dQOlQnoe mey purcf�ase the Property nt any Balcs• '-:�sa�v��°�-
<br /> ''��,"`� ;. Upon reoalpt of peyment of th� prtoe bld. Truatee aiwll doliver 4v �i�e purahecer Truet�e's doed �,•�;.`=w_�� �
<br /> �� conveying the property. Ti�e r�almle In the Truatee's deed ahtll be prime Yealo ovldonaQ o4 Sf�e truth ;;.t�; ..tyY .,_
<br /> � ' � of the strtementa m�de therroln. 7'�uetee shall �pply ths proceede of U�e aale U� 4he follo�vU�g ordQr: � �. �•� "�
<br /> " (�� to alt coate end sxpenses a4 exera l�fn� t h e power ot sel�e, snd U�o eulo, includinfl U�e ��aymont of �.,_: ': �
<br /> the Tru�tee's tees �ctu�tly inaur�ed� rtot to exceed 3 96 of t��e ��rinalpsl amount ot U�e note �.�..• �
<br /> �,�•�,t
<br /> :�::,.�;; at tf�e Ume of the dealaret�on at' dQt'ault, �nd reaaonsble ettorne�'s fQer� u� hermittod by la�ti; (I�) to all •,,;:;,;!,.
<br /> _. �;�;;,:;� sums seeured by thta SeourECy Itiatrumont; a�� (c) any exceas Qm ¢Bta �oroon o�� pctremeie iepelly .
<br /> � ' entiUed to I� •
<br />= 22. Reconv�yencc. Upon ppyment of�H suma secund by thb Secur3ry�nsWmant,Londsr shnli roquest'(Yuatoe to roaonvey f
<br /> ' tha Proporty and shaN surrend�tAi�3ecurfty Ine4ryment nnd�N notes evidQno�O debt so�urc►d bY lhla SeCUrity Inatn�ment to Trubtee.
<br /> Trusiee shaN reconvey tlw Proparty wLhout wnrrnnry and wkhoul oharge to the person or parFm�a Wyaly ontlA�d to it. S1ich paoon or
<br /> ,;.,^i ,..,.
<br /> parsons shaq pay nny rocordatbn ousto. `:�:�;'
<br /> , . \l
<br /> 23. Subat(tute Truet@e. �snder, at ka optFOn, may from tim� to tYne removo 7ruatoe and opnuint a suacossor huatee to
<br /> eny Trustee appolntod hKeiundu by un hctrument roaorded h tho Counly fn wN�eh thiD 30DUrry Insbumont Is roaorded. WRhout
<br /> ' -.
<br /> coa�wvanc¢ ot tM Prope�tY. 6uCCessur trurtoo sh9Y auCCeed to nY the tkle,powor and duli3s ooni0rrod upon TmBtoe haroh and by ,�..,
<br /> _ .. _ �
<br /> �pp:icaDb bw. ,�:;r,_'-_—_ _ -
<br />, Z4. Requoat for HoUces. Burcowor roquesto that copbs of the notfcos of cFafauti�nd cale 0a sent to E3oao�va'a nddre�ss ^��•.;
<br /> whbh IS tM PropeRy Address. �����
<br /> 26. Rttlar� to thls SecuNry Inntr�manc� If one or more rider's eru exaCUtaf by Bottow�� und teCUrdad 1o001h9r wfth . `,,;,
<br /> thts SeCUrily InsUu�t,th� coven�nts and ngroements of each such �Idor shaN be IncorpOmted Into and ahefl amsnd nnd suppl9rt►ent ,.;,!';
<br /> tho cove�ants and ayroenx�n4s o} thb Security Inatrument aa M tho rWer(s) wero a part ot ttiis SBOUrrty InsNUmant. .
<br /> i ��
<br /> I
<br /> ' r•orm aoze u/oo �
<br /> I
<br />' � F1020.LM�I7/96) Pap��01 S � �
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> — 401
<br /> _
<br /> I
<br /> �r I . _. . ._ . � _ _ __.. _ . .
<br />