.;,, . :.. :r. --�
<br /> ...y� . � ' .. . ,'1:
<br /> ' �.. 1�►. ' , ...�� . i p�r:.
<br /> . •yw � . ' � .• - . .r�A`fIR4�l�'!. .� . ..,SN`Q!�/�.
<br /> ;i'
<br /> � �•'s�.�;,,_. • . . . . .. . . ..,i:y!�.4� ��. .,.,.xst,w;,�,�.
<br /> 4 ' - i� .. .. . ' .
<br /> - . .. .ril•�4.. :.�.�.1 ._.. � . . . .. .. . .. . . „1� ____ _-
<br /> �._`_.__._:.. �' �
<br /> . . .. _ 97- 102�18 :.. ...=y=���:
<br /> .,:. .y
<br /> w,:�,�.. .
<br /> 7: ProteaUon oi lender's Rl�h� in the P��perty. ir eoROw.r �a�e co ponorm lhn oovennnte •nd �ornrnsnu � „
<br /> • ..,�.:;
<br /> � cemahed h thla 3eourity indtrument,or there Is�bW�P���hfl thtt moy sfpnifiCanty aNeot Londt�e rwhto fn lho PrapMty(sua�i eo � {
<br /> u proCCtsd4lp In bAnkiuptoy,probate,{or condemnatton or forfnNuro or to en(or�c�I�wa or repulatb Landttr�u ooUun�r nyanc�tl�nn ylty� ° _-
<br /> whele��r le necessary to protect the value o} th� Propwty Qnd Lw�da's rlphte h tho Property.
<br /> . any aums eecur�d by t Ibn whbh has prbrity ovv,r thls Sicurkyr IneW�nant, a¢pparinp In aourt,poy�0 roannnnbVi ettomey'e�eoa ond �.
<br /> entahp on ths Property to mak�nptire. Akhouph I.�nMr may lak�Iwtbn urvd�r thia puapr�ph 7, I.and�K doaa not hpvs to do sa. -
<br /> � My �mount� dhburaW bY ��� undsr thl� pu�praph 7 �h�ll W000rr� tddRbnel d�01 01 Bortmvat doow�d by thN FAOUriry
<br /> Instrom�nG UnMss BonawK �nd Londu �Ora to othK tams of p�ym�nl, th�so �unounte eh�u neor k�tore�t Nom tho date of
<br /> i d{sbura�t at lhs Nota rato md dh�ll be payabM,wllh ht�n11, upon nolb�hom LsndM to Bortower rnqu�tinp piyma�t•
<br /> 8. Mortyt�e Insurar+ee. u �dor r;,quvcd mae4p=p� tn�urcnco ne e oondRbhaurinCO�MO���If, (o�anydre�on,ttr�n . .
<br /> " � Socurky In�trummt, BorrowK �h�ll pty th� prxniums nqukrd to mNnUh Ih� mortp�p� I , „
<br /> moApape Inaurtnce covsnpe requtrsd by Londar bpsea or ceites to W h �fqol, Bortowr�shaG poY Nio promfume requlred to �l�teh
<br /> ' COVer�pe 6ub8Gntfal!y 6quN8knt to lhe moRpepa heuranco prevbu8ry In etNct, at a cost Substnntlai�p OqlllV816f1t t0 th9 QOSt l0
<br /> � Bortowrsr ot ths moApap� heurance prevbuay In eKrct, hom an aR�mtte mortpape incurer op�rnvnd by Lsndar. If substnnth►'�
<br /> equ4afent mortpaQe hau►uice coverape t5 not availtbM, Bortower ehaH p4y to I-ende►e+ch month n sum ec{uol tn one�tweMlh o1 Uin _
<br /> yeary mpAgage hsurance premlum behp paid by Borcower when ths insunu�cv cownga kpsed or ooannd to bo In offeot• Londar w�� ;.4^w
<br /> accept, use and ►etih these ptyments as 4 bs� ros� „ � ot moAgapa heurance. Loss me�mm RaYmants me�y no bn�r iu� �
<br /> � requirod,at the optbn of Ler►dor, ff mortyap0 Insunnce covanpe (h ths unount ond for tha p�bd tNat Lende+' requYae)provkbd by ., , .�,�� };
<br /> �f���t�_-:.-
<br /> an Insurer approved by I.ondar apnin becortws nvafltbM and l� obtainad• BoROw�r shtN p�y tho p+�am�uma roqulred to m�htah �,.,t,,it m"——
<br /> � modQt�e hsurencs h efloct. or to prov{da a bss reserw, untlf th�reqvlramant tor mortp�� Insumnoo ondm Y► accordenco wieh any .F_�
<br /> ;.,�' wrkten appement bohvaen Bortower end Lender or appNcabfe law. Lender shnH }n ' ; '��`�1�''.'..
<br /> �'':�;�' 9. In�pectlon. lsneser or ks apant meY rn�ke rexsonabie entrles upon and hspeatbns of tho Property. 0 � ��4�a-__
<br /> � W: �8ortower notke n4 the tirne af or prbr to en inspactbn spe�M9h0 re4sonabl9 atuse for the InspYatiUn. �;,:�„ �
<br /> ,f�"�
<br /> � !�'� 10.Condemn�t�on. 7h8 proceeds ot any award or Cksim tor dsrrNaes, dlrect or conr.nqu�ntist. 1� cor���atbn wkh nny _
<br /> •'�.'�;r� �. - -
<br /> condenuintbn or other tekinB of any part ot the Properly,or for conv8yance in I'�eu ol condannatk�n, am hEttoby asat�nad Rnd chfl11 bn r '. ..
<br /> ' ;-:,:.'�� pgb t0 LB1�O1F�r. , ..a.',_�
<br /> �. '�I � In the eva�t of a totn! 49khg of the Property, the procaeds ahaY be apPlied to tho sums nc�curnA by thls SeaurRy Instn�ment, ,_�
<br /> ed
<br /> whether or not thert dae,w�th any excoss Wa to Borro:ver- �n th� w�nt o}�partki takhp of tflo Pmperty In wh6a�tha ftY marko! ::..�.,,,__
<br /> �. �r:_Y
<br /> ' vabe of the Property �mn�i�tey bltore ths tplch0 la equal to or gro�tK th�n the amou�t of tho oumo eacu7od by thb Socurlty .'. �-��•-
<br /> 1naWment km»diatey betoro ths Ukhp, unbst Barovwr and L.a�dar othwwlsa aproe h +u►kh�, tho ouma securnt� by thl3 SocurNy I,;., ,.�
<br /> ' InaUUment sh�t be reduce�! by th� tmount o} t h� proc�w d s m u k l p N e d b y tl» folbwh p traotN�n: (aJ the total emount of pw sums , r ;i�..�,
<br /> ��� aeeured Ynrnsdl�tnly betan th�taktnp� dNld�d bY (bI th�fat nwlck valus of tM PropKty Ywn�cfittary boloro the tak6np.My baiUnas ;;;�'� :� _
<br /> � shal bo pafd to Borrower. In th� ewnt of a partkl taklnp ot th�Propaty !n whfch ttw ttfr murtcot vaiuo of ttio Prop�rty imn�cilal�y ,
<br /> � bafOr� the takhp 1s qs!�han th� �rwunt of th� tums tacund Ymiadi�tay bWore tho tAkinp,unl�on Dotrower and Lond�r oth9nv}8a ,_ ;�V
<br /> „ a,pns in writhp or untess applicabN 1aw oth�twfs� provid�e, tha proce�ds shall be appWad ta tlia aums securefl by ti�is Seour7iy �,�� f:
<br /> , ,rr�:
<br /> - _'-r..ti':�°- IntWmM�t wttMi�er or nai ini oii���:io i!'.:t �L..�i°. - �;'
<br /> , If ih�Prop�rty is abu�don�d by Bortarr�r,or M,ahar notia by Lender to Borrower thtt thn oondamner ollers to mako nn�waru or ;�� i.T..
<br /> ��^" e seflq a cl�im tor d�mapes� Borrower faNs to tespond to Lend�r wUhira 90 days after the dtte Ihe noidce ts pMen,Le�ider Is autha:Y�rd t�. •1: �i:;'�:
<br />' � t9 coliect ond�ppty the proce�ds, �t Rs opt{on,eRher to �storatbn or ropair of thv Propert��or ta the xums securAd by thb Securi3y � .�N`�;:
<br />'��� * InsWment,wh�thar or�ol th�n du�. ( -
<br /> •R::
<br /> r, UnMSS L1ndK and BortowYr othwwis�aq�h wrkhfi� NY�WP�►� ot Proc»ds to W��k�+��ehail nat extmd or postpcino tt►v �_�
<br /> z dw dat�of tM mOnthlp payments rNN»d to h Wf�p►�Aha 1�'td 2 or ch�►►p�th��mount oi eueh p8yml�ta• .,
<br /> 11.B�xrowep Not R�les�ed:Forbeannce By Lender Not�W�ive�. Fafonnbn of the t� ra ic►�yrr+�►� os �:;
<br /> modMic.�tbn af�matfutbn ot th�wm�a���by thh S�curNy Instrummt prvit�d by L�►d�tu any suaaotaor in hterat ol Dorrow�
<br />" atul not op�nts to reN�s�c►N M�bflkY of tM oriphal Boirow�r or Borrovrwe cucc�ssaro h hturoct. LenA�sh�1 not be nquked t0
<br /> cprtr�ce prpowdMys �pahst�ny succ�tsor In Int�rKt or nlua to�at�nd tinw fa p�yrt�ac�l or otliorwke madfy amorttutb.� 01 tfia
<br />;, • , • htlr�s4�My d blo�MranC by UndK M uurCbinq anY�ipht ot nrtMdY dha�N not be �watrer a1 o�ProcF�d�t e�eocerots�ot�iu�y�rbfit or �iT
<br /> _� . . �«n�dY. - '
<br />�:.�•r.• � 72.Suscea�ora and Asslpns Bound; Jeint end Severet Ltabtilry; Co-r�l�r�Qra. Tne covenu�a �r►� _
<br /> 7. � e8r�n�Ma ot this S�cur�ty Instrumo+►t ehtM bad �nd b�nMk tha succ�ssors and assipnn o} Lendxr and Bortt+rxet,tubJlCt to tt►� ` —
<br /> - ' provislonb of par�yraph i7. Borrovv�s covs�t�.its md�prMrt�t�dhiN b�loht�nd sawral.MY HoROwor wPio CD s'pnf thb 3�Ct►ti6y =-
<br /> InswrnMit but das �ot exxut� th� Notr. (a) b co-slpninp thb S�curlly InsUummt onlf tu mortape, Orant� �nd oomreY it►at _
<br />- Barowws InU�st In th�Prop�ty under tt►�tKms of this SocurkY Insirum�t;(b) M not pKCOnnnj cbl�j�t�d to p�y th�aums �ocurod `
<br />�'I. bY tbM Sacudl► Instrumon� u►d (o) �pn�s that Und�r �nd�ny other BeROwor mny �'sa tn �xtend. modiy.tnrbNr or mako nny
<br />�-,'�- �ccomrtwdatbns wNh rep�M to bnns ot this S�curity Mstrum�nt or tho Neb wRhout that Boirmvo�s conROnt. __
<br /> y' "• .' . 13.LO�11 Chff�Oi. if tM loon socurod by this S�cu�tY Instrum�nt b subl�to e Idw whbh sete msx�m tom C1►t�rpis, ��
<br />- , " �nd that Iaw fs tirudy int�x��d �o that tM ht�st a oth�► ban chup�colloetsd or to uo 0o l l�o t o d h conn�ction wRh ttrr i�an �---��___�-
<br /> ,i,��:.. ���hn �� qmks,th�n; (�) eny auch lou� cAVpM sht0 W rodue�d by 1M �unl nacassary to reduc� the clwpm to tt►a �_'��°a;��__
<br /> ^ i t•i y� ';,��' .
<br /> � . pMmittsd i�k�k and(b) mY sums airoadY coN�ctod iroen Borrower which eoac�etNd P�kbd Iim��w�be roNndod to Borrow�r. Lonrinr � � �=
<br /> ; . ,F, rt n y choose to make thls retund by reduahy the princ�a�owad und�tho Note or by rtW:d�p a dlnat Foym,ent to Bortoner. U e w,�_.� W ..
<br /> � e n t o h a r u n d a r t'I�W N a.e. ;..y�,.�-°-_�__a. ,
<br /> reNnd reduas Prinoipa4 ths rMuctbn wHl ba Veatsd as a p t rt i e l PrapaYman t w f t A o u t�n Y P�P� 7 e �-...+...9:�.; �.
<br /> . �'•.s:
<br /> ' ��. ��" 74. Q�10uCC�. My notic� to Bartowar provkl�lor h this Socurity Instrurtwnt shtY bs B►ron by deWerinO R or by rteYin�Il by _"?:"" ��, c:S '
<br />- . ,�;` ,:�'+ .�' r A�T• 1✓.��
<br /> .....��;
<br /> frst ci�ss mUi unlass opplicebb inw roquirbs use of mothlr tnethod. The not1C�shil b9 dl»ctod to the Property Adtkoss ot cu�y � N 1,,; ,�„r-�`
<br /> i ,•;•:�.,
<br /> ,,b".:, ' • �,. `M ,
<br /> other addeess Borrower deslauDa�by natice to Lendu. My notfee to LondK s1uN be plven b� tl^at ekns rtuN to Lond�fs adt�oss .� ,`�.�s.,,r.,: .,
<br /> . ' � stated hereln or any otMr addnss Lender deslpnates by notic�to Bortower. Any notiCe provi:Red tor In thb Security InSWmmr►t shnl .-.. Y
<br />� • . i bi c7eMtwd to h�M be�n 9F»r►to BOrtow�t ot Lendu whal pMa�as ProvidW h t�b Ptt�praDh. �•
<br /> � � 16. Gove�ntnp�aw; �YQr�bllity. 'This S�CU�IY In�tn►mM�t shtY M �mr�r/Nd by fod�nl f�w md tNe �w ot tbe �
<br /> ,:,:�;<`, '� ' Jurlsdictbn in which the Propwty b bcat�d. In th�rwnt thtt �nY Provisbn or cieus�of thb S�curity Inctrumw►t or th�Not� Con1'fate
<br />-" ��,;}•,;:r�7 wRh apppqpl9 law, 6uCh conflict eha�not aM�ct oth�r provlsbes of thb S�CUrity Insttum�nt or tho Mato whbh can be OMon OfF�o1 ,
<br /> '`»• vislon. To Mis ond th�provbbns ot thb Securxy InsUurtw►t md th��tatp am docfu�ed to be aww�b.
<br /> ` without lho Contfictinp pro _.__...Y���Y V Kr�� .,,,...,,.,m..�,.�r.mv et th�Not� �nd of this Sicurity In3trum�nt.
<br /> _-_- _ _ .. .�-- -
<br /> _ , 16. taorrvwer-�a.vpjr•
<br /> td ao��v..w o.....,��..�.. �._ __..._....-- --•• � - _ _
<br /> 17. TI'�Iti1E� O}t11Q PrOpCM�I Ol'e �EItE�ICI�I IQItQfESL(il BOROWOt'. It lA' or Nny pdrt ol lP►9 Propatty Ot Eit'7 _
<br /> hterest h R fs sokt or Vanslerted(or M a benellc�a� interost in Dorrowor is sold or ttanstertecl end Bortower 1s not �natveal �ap�) _
<br /> �rRhout Lender'S prior mRten consMt,Lendor maY.Qt Rs optbn,roqulro Ynmodint�paymKtt In+un ot�D sums seCUrod by th1� SeCtvRY
<br /> � Instrurtient-Howaver,thk optbn shaN not be ezercisad by La�der M exer�lse b prohbRad by k�taal Ww ea of the date o1 thk� S�u�iy ,
<br /> - InSWme�t.
<br /> ' • �(Lender exerclses thfs optbn,La�der shaN qke Borrowe�n�tice ot aCCNentbn.llw notl�shNl provfde s perbd of not Inss tfitn
<br /> - 9p dayy irom the date the notfce ts deNv��f or rr�iiad Wkh„ wh�h th� Borrower must pay au sums secured by th'u SeCUt6y
<br /> Instrument.II Bortower lafis to pay these sums prbr to tAe e�taUon of thb pariod,Lend�r rtr�'h�pko eny rorMdf�s perm!ItDC�b'f thS�
<br /> $9CUr�l InsWment without turther notiCe or demand on Bo�rower. Fo��+ ao��e,vo �
<br /> P�p��ol 6
<br />_ - � Fto20.LM0(7/Ya) 4 . � .
<br /> i I`
<br /> _ ; { I,
<br /> � ,
<br /> - ae, I
<br /> , � I _
<br /> - I _
<br />