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. �� <br /> .,.�..� ' �� �;'�:..._ <br /> ,;, . <br /> . •, <br /> .. .. , . , . ��. :. <br /> .. . .. . „ �,: ;z.�:: <br /> ' � . •.�J�%l1T . <br /> ,�� . <br /> ';�Y <br /> , + r <br /> , � �;r.. � <br /> � . . :r: „ , <br /> ., �7� �t�2��l� ��'� <br /> ,,�. <br /> ,,. <br /> L. Notwithstandio�any of che languagc wntnincd iu this pce.d of Tn�si to the contrary. ►1►e tenns of ti�ie section sheJl �� �_ <br /> � 6urvive nny forPClosure oe eati�faction'�of�hfe Pro�rtY rAny ctutms nnd defenses to lt�contlrary a�re h r,eby waiv� '�� � <br /> disposition by�cncCiclary of nny or al i� ,.�` . , . <br /> Z0.�L�Vp�%�A'Q'�pN, 'Q'rustor will give[3eneQ�lnry prompt noticc nf ony action. rea]ar threatcned,by private or public .,/, __ <br /> eniftles to purchnse or takc nny or all o!tiic 1'eopzrty. inz1udln�o ny e�se�`n�tsinB��SS��uteQ tor the�stnbl sti«ent of�y - <br /> or ony other mean9.Truator Nrthcr ogn�cs to notify Beneficiary f any p ; <br /> sewer, water, conservation. ditch, dra�unge, or other dfstrtct relating to or binding u n the ProPeny or nny pari of it. ;;, <br /> � stor aut�iorfus Hcneficiary ta imervene in Trustor's namc in eny of the�A fjc`s�s�e ncti�o`�naR ot�nymAwaM or cla m `��' '� <br /> Tru <br /> ` und reccivic ell sumg rrsulting from the action or claim.Trustor asslgns to � of�the Pra rt Such rocecds shall be � ��: ,. <br /> for damages connected with a c�ndemnation or other tukiag of nll or uny p Ae Y• P. <br /> camgidered paymente nnd will be appl[ed as provided in thie Decd of'Crust. '[his essignment of pmceE.�1s�e subject to the ;;�' <br /> tenns af eny prior sxudry ngreement. ''''' . <br /> ,., <br /> ���''� .,�,=-:� , <br /> 21.�1S[JRAN+CE.Trustar agrces to mainwin insurancK as follows: , '`,;,_._---_� <br /> A. Trustor shall kcep the Property lasuced nguinst loss by fire,theft And mher hazarda nnd risks reasonably nssociated . � �_�'��� <br /> ' W�th ttte prope�ty duc ro ite type und location.Other hazatds aad ruska may iztclude. for eaam�lc,coveraBc uSainsc � ,;..,,#,�_ ��� <br /> `.�.�.;�'�.�� <br /> loss due to flaods or flaodlug. 'll►is insurunce shall be cnflinteined in t�� nm°�n�e �d for the pceiods thut �, ,�--:.— <br /> Beneficiary�re3u�Qv��whic�hu�rhan�cle�ocirri�r Pu��na ly wi�thhe d ifSTntstor fa�lr�t�myninuun�the cov�era8e '•;r--- _ ` <br /> ° � BeueFciary s pP nt Beaeficis�ry'a option, obtain coverage to pratcct E:aef cinry's ri�hu in the ' '��____ <br /> desceiberl above,i3�neficiary may. , ,i,ti ,_—�_ <br /> :'1 X s= <br /> propertp accon�ing co the temns of this Deed of Tnu[. ,,,...Q- <br /> , ; ;.:;;;,�_ <br /> licies and renewals s6a11 be a�ceptable to Beneftciary and shull include n stAndard "nwrtBaS� ,a�=_.=: <br /> All insurance Po� :�.r.::+,-. <br /> clause" and, where applicable, "beneficiary loss payee clause•" Ttustor shal! immediutely nottfy Beneficiary of ,' -__ <br /> e , cancellatiov or terminauon�f the insurance• Benefciary shell have th�l��j�of pnid piren�iuma and ren wal • <br /> ' Beneficiacy requires.Tiustor shall iminedietely give to Heaeficiary P r `.�,I�.�� <br /> y aotices. Upan lass.Tnistar shail �ive immiediate notice ro t6e incurance carrier and Beneftciary. Beneficiary►riay k ,,,�ry'� <br /> � �•• make proof af los�if aot unacle immediately by Tn�stor. � '': � '��� <br /> 1 - :.��. <br /> l.�r:�::}:: j <br /> � in writing, insurance proceed.s shull be aPPlia1 to mstoration or ,., ,f <br /> Unless Beneficinry and'['mstor atherwise ugree . .,., �.�.. <br /> � L repair of the Frop�rty d�unaEed if the restoratioa or repair is economically feasiblu and�ewould,br.lesseneds ti�e ����� <br /> --- -- tessenod. It cne rescoraaon oi r��,ai:!s ar.s��''a�ly feasible or Beneficiary's security _ `, ;_ <br /> � �U�proc�ds shall be applied to the Secured Aebt.whether or not then due,witlz nny exccss paid iv 1:u��.."r. �;', .,-.; <br /> � If Tnistor abandons the Property�or dces Ao�a�s�'er within 30 days n no�ce from Benefi�arylthat thc�y ui�►st�� j <br /> " carrier has offered to settle a claun,then Beneficiary may collect the ws�-'�ace pr�c�d�' a�7' se <br /> " 4 proceeds to�epair or restore the Pcoperty or to pay the Secured Debt whether or not then due.The 30-dny period � -� <br /> vvi)1 b e gin w hen t he n o t ice is giveu. +j <br /> I1n(ess HeneFiciary and Tnutor otheraise abme:in writ�n8.anY gPPlicatioa of proaaeds to pitu�ipal shall not extend , � <br /> or postpone the due date of sckeduled puynnents or change We amount of the payments. Zf th�e Fs+��at3'is acclui�d � ' <br /> by Bene fic lary�'Tn�s tor's d g ht to an y insurance policies and prooeeds resulting from damaBe to t2�t 3P�acertY before <br /> the xquisidon shall pASS to Bene�isiary to the extent of the Secured Debt�diatoly befom e he acquisi t io a. _ <br /> B� an amount accept ta�blie to Bsn fi iury�insuring agaiast clalms a��g fromII uny�aoc'dent m occudrrence inlor o�n the � -- ,�. . <br /> .s��'" <br /> _ �.',""..s�' ProPert3+ <br /> C, 'Trustor agrees to maintai�n rental loss or busin�ss inteiruPtion insurance,as te4nini:d by Beaeficiary, i.�an amoun� _ <br />' ' '���,����'� equal to at least coverage of one year's debt service. and required escsow accaunt depe�sits(if agreed¢o separaielY __�.... <br /> � . � Ia wdting),wider a form of nolicy ao¢eptable to Beneficiary. ___--. <br /> p.E.NO ESCR043'FOR TAXES AND IN3�JI��E.U��s otherwise providecl in a sePurdte ageeement, Tcustor will not =- <br /> - �e required to pay to Beucfiaiary funds for taaes and insurance in escrow. ��.;;._� <br /> .,,�... <br /> 23.F'II�IANCIAL REFORTS AND ADD�TIONAL D(3�JM�NTS. Tcustor will provida to Bencficiery up�m requcst� anY �,�:�„��;:•; - <br /> - financial statea,cat or infotumdon Beneficiuy may deem necessary. �or W�� �at all finencial statemente and 'p�•,+;,t�,�;t�'.__ <br /> �, H��.�.___ <br />-- � informatioa Trustor provldes to Bene�nc�iuy are, or will be, accurate. cor�. �d ��Plete. Trustor a to sign, ��, <br /> �.�.: <br /> deliver, and fi�e as BBZ�efiaiarY maY e�sonably mquest amy edditionnl documents or ceitificutions that Beaeficiary m3y c.rr;.-__---�;- <br /> . � � e`,r.l}�Ai�i14�i lQ7Rl'�". <br /> fi! consider necessary to p��t�c�,continue.aad presetvE�'�ustor's obli ations under Wis Deed of 7Yust and Beneficiary's lieu w,�r:1�w.__� <br /> •� .r status on the PropertY. 3f'Prustor fails to do so. E�.n$�aeinry mny sign,deliver�and file such documenta or cc._ficates in ',.j;��+�.}�`��� .,. ,: <br /> ' ' Tcustor s name aad Tru.stor hereby irrevocably ap�aiees Beneficiary or Beneficiary's agent as attomey in .`act to do the ),',:,y���, „��o ��, <br /> � <��',,i;u��_��c�-:,�°°'.. <br /> ,, thin�s necessary[o coniply with this section. 5 ,- -• _;�,_:: <br /> �. :.i`:.:';..:,:': .::_. . <br /> * SLJCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS BOiIND.All duties ua��• :�•�'::��::�r:;�,'..:. <br /> ' � ?.4.dUINP AND INQIVI��IAI+p.�ABQ+ITYi C�'.SR1'sNI'`,RS; �•..� ... : . <br /> „ ,,., . . <br /> ; �s Deed of Tmst are joiae snd individual. If Tru��� signs this Deed of Trust but does not sign the Evidence of Debt, ��l��j,,,, . <br /> Trustor does so only Eo mortgage Trustor's inter,�2 ise�he Property to secure payment of We 5ecured Defsa an� Tn�stor . .�,.,.._• <br /> that B�efici�y and nny paccy to this �eod of `'!'��•r`.::: �: <br /> rE' <br /> does not agree to be persoaally liuble on the Secur-� Debt.Trustor agroes •��:.'"'�:' <br /> ..c t�,;-;: <br /> Trust may extend. modity or m�e any change in the teims of this Deed of 7'rust or the Bvidence of Debt without `� ;;,,, <br /> Tzustor's consent. Sl►ch a change will uot release Tnistor from the tern�s of Wis Deed of Tr��c.'Ihe duties and benefits of i . <br /> ��.. � <br /> this Deed of Tmst sha�l bind and benefit the su�ois and assigns of Trustor and Beneficiary. ;:,�,;:;, <br /> � betwcen Bec�ficiary and Trustor and does not dinectiy secure the obF,ig�e�on which �'' "• <br /> tf chis Dc�ed of Tn��t secures a�aranty �� � <br /> ' ' .. �.���:�...�.....t..:nninn�nV MIl[llt O!C1311Y1 ALa1111SL _'� ____ .•___ <br /> , -- _._ jg�.1T'dIItIC(�. Tnistor agrees to waive any ngn[s mac may p�c�►�oaw���am� .............o�.o.—� - - ��— <br /> Trustor or any parcy indebted under the obligation including,but not limited to,anti�deficiency or one-action laws. ('i <br /> ! <br /> 25.APPLICABLE LAW; SEVERABII.TTY; INI'ERFRETA'1'ION. 'I1»s Dced of Ttust is govented by the laws of the ` ;' <br /> jurisdicuon in which Beneficiary is located, except to the extent othenvise requim.�f by the laws of the jurisdicrion wl�ere <br /> the Properry is located. 'ihis Deed uf Trust is cou�p!ete and fully integrated.'[Lis Doed of Trust may not be amendod or I ; ". <br /> modified by oral agreement. Any section or clause in this Deed of Tcust. attachments, or any agmement related to the 4 <br /> gecured Debt that conflicts with applicable law �vill not be effective, unless d�at law eaptessly or�mpliodly pern»ts the �.. ., <br /> •� variations by written agreement. If any section or clause of this Deed of Taust cannot be enforced nccordinE to ►ts terms. <br /> thnt section or clause will be severed and will not affect the enfoneability of the remainder of this Dced of Trust. <br /> Whenever used,ehe singular shall include the plural and the plural the siugulaz. 'ii►e captions nnd headings of the sections • <br /> of this Deed of Trust are for convenicnce only and are not to be used to int.rpret or define the te�w of d��s D�od of Trust. , <br /> Timc is o�the essence in this Deed of Trust. papa G o/6 <br /> . �t99J Bcntc�e Sv»em+.�^c.S� Cbud.MN It 80P397 27411 Fo�m AG�CO�DT�hE 9�iJ•96 1` <br /> 1, . <br /> � � _ L <br /> � - — - — <br />