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, ::.z. <br /> q.1 � ' . . <br /> -..,� •. .� ' <br /> . , ' ., � - ,;- <br /> , _.,.,.,�„w ., ..�- <br /> � . :��- .. _ . � . _- <br /> . .. -,��xx;_ <br /> I , ,. <br /> � .. , . �7� ���s4s� ` <br /> i • <br /> �i At the option of[icneficitiry, all or any �aet of the ngreed and charges, accrued interest and princlpnl shall ticcome f_ <br /> � immedtntely due and payable, after givinB notice if required by la�w,u�wn ihe accurrence of u default or anytime thereaRer. � <br /> � In nddltlon,8eneficinry shull be entided to all tNr, remedics provicicA b1 law,the Evldence of Debt,othcr cvidcnces�f debt, � <br /> i tbie Deec1 of Truat and any relnted documents in�ludln�wltl�ain lianitr�tcon.the power to sell the I'roperty. , <br /> j If there is a default.Trustee shull,in rsddi�ion�o aiey otlic:r pe:��nitu:d r;medy,at thc rcqucst of t!►c Bcnefici,�ry,adveriisc r.nd � <br /> � sell the Property fls a wliole or in sep�te par•�cls at pubtic m�cti�n ta.thc highest bidder for cash cuid wnvey ubsolute tidc <br /> free and clear of all right,title end interest of Tiustor at such timr as'Trustee designates.Trustee sh�Jl give notice ,. <br /> " of sule including the time, tem�s and place of snle and a dcs�riptiqn oY the property to be sold as required by the applicable - <br /> ' Iaw!n effect at the time of the propostd sale. <br /> ". Upon ss�le of the property and to the extent no�prahibited by Inw, Tn�tttee shall make and deliver a deed to the Property s�ld •� _ <br /> s <br /> � which conveys absolute title to the puschaser,and afu:r first pnyina�A fecs,^hazges and costs,shall pay to Beneficiary all <br /> • moneys advanced for mpalts, taxes, insuran�x, tiens, assessmrntu ar,.d prior encumbrances and interest thereon, and the ���.' . � <br /> prIncipal and interest on the Secured Debt, payinE the surplus, if.any,to Trustor. Beneficiary may purchase the Property. �. _s�,}-,:.;;;:m+� <br /> • 'Ihe recitala in any deoit of conveyance shall tx:prima faaie evidene�c��'the facts set fonh therein. .x�`��+:,•••;�- <br /> . • .. *�"�:_ <br /> .. � ,`...r y,.._..�.- . <br /> All remedies are distinct, cumulative und not exc3usive. and d�a Bcz.eficiary is entitlal to all remedies provided at law or �;,�;,�-�� <br /> equity, whether expressly set forth or not.'llie ac�Pptance bl B�e-nefr,�iary of any sum in payment or partial payment on the �v� <br /> � Secured Debt agter the balaace is duE ar is acc�.lerate�or eftc:r fqscel��sure proceedings are filed shall not cbnstitute a wauvzr • .�;L <br /> of Beneficiary's dght to require full 1nd cAmplete cure of any exims;ng default.By not exerc'ssing any mmedy on Trust�a's `� <br /> • default,Beneficiary does not waive Beneficiary's r�ght to later connidrr the event a default if it continues or happ�ns again. mrv�=� <br /> ��i�:•.. <br /> . �;�• <br /> ' 18.EXPENSES;ADVANCES ON COVENAN1r;ATTORN�Y�' Fl"r.ES; COLLECfION COSTS.Eacept when proltib3ted � _ - <br /> • �I by law.Tzuscor agrees to pay all of Benpficiary's expenses if Truru�r breaches any covenant in this Deed of Trust. Tnts3or � , '-;�,- <br /> will also�ay on deipnnd all of Beneficiary's ea�x�nses incurmcd in coilecting,insuring,preserviag or protecting We Pro{►�ty <br /> , � �� or in any inventories, audlta, inspecuons or caa�er examinntian b�F.leneficiary ia mspect to the Property.Trustor a� to �'�� ' <br /> •: I pay all costs and expenses incurred by Bene€�ciary in cafo�ina ar protecting Beneficiary's rights and rem�dies under this • '`" <br /> Decd of Trust,including,but not limited to,vtomeys' fecs, COUI'L CDSi.9, and othPr legal expenses. Once the Secured DeSt is ,..�:,t;�.�� " <br />- -K I fuUy and finally paid, Benef cinry agrces to�elease tivs Deed af Tiust and Tr+.istor agrees to pay for any rzcordation costs. ;;- � <br /> '� ?� All suc'h amounts are due on demand and wi�l bear inttmst firom u�e time of the a�dvance at the highest rate in effect,f��om :;,��� <br /> time to Yi�ne,as provided In the Evidencc of Uebt anu as percnitu:d ny Iaw. � , <br /> I ' 19.ENVIItONIV�ENTAL LAWS AND HAZA1iIb�1US S[JB�TMTCFS. As usr;cl in this section, (1) "Environmental Law" '" <br /> • means, without limitation, the Comprehensive Bnvironmentnl IF.�tsponse, Cam�ensation and Liabillty Acc (CERCLA, 42 `'' �. <br /> � ° ' U.S.C. 9b01 et seq.),all other fedesal,state and local laws, n:guli�d�ne, ordinances,court general opinions t�; �` - <br /> - • ' or interpretive letters concec�ing thE pubE�s healUi, safi:ty, wclfare, eavironmeni or � Uazardous substancc; and (2) �';;�;`'• <br /> ° ; "Hazardous Substance" means any toaic, rsdioactive or ha7�ir+3aas matedal, waste, pollutnnt or contamivant which has ��"" � <br /> " charactedsttcs which render the substance dangsrous or potenti�.�ly dangerous to the publlc heal[h, safery, welfare or <br /> ' � environcnent. 'Il�e term includes, without licaltation, any satbats�nces definecl as "hazardous material." 'toaic substance.v," <br /> �'• "hazardat�s waste" or "hazardous substance" uAdar any Environmental Law. Trustor represents. warrants and agroea that, _ --_ <br /> exoept as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writiup: <br /> A. Na Hazardous Substance has been, iu,or wlll be lncated, cran�^ported,manufactured,treated,refined.or haadled by �-?�' <br /> . � `=' '�, any person on, under or about the Rropem�r,eaaept in tl�c:ordinary course of buslness and in strict compli9aa with _._- e_ <br />='� all applicsble Environmental Law. �.:---- <br /> .:,:�� a. .:.- <br />-t.:.;, B. Tiustor has not and will not cuuse,convibute to.or pem�it the relcase of any Hazardous Substance on the Propetty. ,� <br /> . �,�. C. Ttustor will immediutcly notify Benaficiary if(1)a mlen�c or threatened release of Hazardous S�bstance occurs on, �',-;:" <br />_, � under or about the Property or migrates or threaten�to r�lBratc from nearby property;or(2) there is a violabon of _.'�= — <br />�.;:��.• any Environmental Law concerning rhe si�ch an event,Trustor will take all necessary remedial acd�n in `� <br /> ,'' ',- ;;...-.- <br /> accordance witlh Environmental Law. �,'::.°��� <br />_,;;,j�.� � D. Trustor 6as no knowledge of or reason to believ�e tht:re is any pending or thteatened investigation, claim, or F�'`��'- � <br />�:,.i � proceeding of any kind reluting to p}any Hnzsudoue Sui�stance located on,under or about the Property;or (2) any �-�_- <br />- � violation by Tcustor or any teoant off any Environmentnl Trusror will immediately notify Beneficiary in writing �,��=_- � <br /> ns soon as Trustor has mason to bcli�:vc them is any such pendiaII or ttueutened investigation, claim,or proc�ec�ing. �-�`�-- <br /> ;n�.�.-,�-�_.--- - <br />- � In such an event,Beneficiary has the ri�it. but noc tl.te participate in any such procEeding induding the ':�x���";'��.��;�, <br /> ;,�,,; <br />':.,. •� right to receive wpies of any documants relnting to sach proceedings. �"`c�i'�'��':•'.<''`�''--��. <br />��•:�:;� E. Trustor and every tenunt have boen,xue�r]shall remaiu dn full cotnpliance with tiny applicable Environmental Law. . `';' ���='*�`�: <br /> -�� .'..4..w:-.... <br /> F. T'here ure no underground storage tanks,private dun�ps ur open wells located on or under tlie Property and no such : �-:r�ft i�� <br /> tank,dump or well will bc added untass Beneficituy fust coasents in writing. •�• =`�,:�,,�,;�:;,.,.�.� <br /> - � G. Trustor will regulurly inspect the Pr�perty, monitor die activities and operadans Qn the Property, and confirm that •;.. :�:�?i�<i�;,. <br /> � all perraits.licenses or approvals roqu_red by any nppliceble Environmental Law are obtained and complied with. ?�•>,:�� ��,� .:' ;'.f+3f�'�,.' <br /> -•'��� .. <br />- , H. Trustor will permit, or cnuse any ten�t to pemnt, f�eneficiary or Beneficiary's agent to enter and inspect the .:,:•�; .. . <br />- . property and review all mcords at aay re�sonaUle time to deie►min� (1) the existence, location<wd nature of any � � <br /> Hazardous S�bstance on. under or ahout the Fropem.,+; (2) the existence, location, nature, and ma�nitud�e of any <br /> Hazardous Substance that has been mlcased on, unde:r cr about the Property;or(3)wliether or not Ttusror and any , . <br /> tenant are in compliance with applicabte EuvironmenUd Law. <br />- r � I. Upan Beneficiury's mquest and at 1ny time, T`nistor agrees, at Trustor's ezpense, to engage a qualified ! <br />-' � environmentai engineer to prepare an envsronmentt�i audit of die Property and to submit the ms�ilts of such audit ro <br /> _ _ _ _ __ ' <br /> --- �- -'I Benefic3ary. 'Ihe choice of the environmentul cn�iucer who wili perform sucu audit is suDject to tsenendary s -� �� <br />� i approval. � , <br /> J. 13eneficiary has the right, but not the obligution, to perform any of'frnstor's abligatioas under this secdon at <br />_ � Trustor's expense. . . <br /> - • K. P.s a consequence of any brcach of.��y mpresentation, wamanty or promise made in tttis sec:poa, (1) Trustor will <br /> ' indemnify and hold Beneficiary and 19ene�civy's s�cassors or assigns harmless from and against all, � „ " <br /> _ ; demands, liabilities, damnges, cleanuN, response:,nd remaliation costs, penalties and eapenses, including without <br />-" ' limitntion all costs of litigation and atcorneys' fees. which&:neficiary and Beneficiary's successors or assigns may <br /> � sustain; and (2) at Beneficiary's disc�tion, BeneRciary mny rele.�se diis Ueed of Trust and in return Trustor will , <br /> i pnovidc Beneficiary �vith collatcral of at lcast equ�l valuc to thc Property sorumd by this Deed of Trust without � <br /> � prejudicx to miy of Benefici:try's rig6ts under this D�rd of Trust. <br /> — ? e• •r� � • . <br /> ,� '� � • ,a�9e a o�6 <br /> � �q 199�BenEa�Srscemf,inc.5� C�aM.MH 17�800 391•]J411�crm AG•'CU Di�NE 3.�Y9G - <br />