i -- ..�....
<br /> � ..�.., � • . �
<br /> „ .,
<br /> . ..,,,.,. � . . . . :. .. . -_.._... . ..
<br /> , __ . . w ,
<br /> I ^ h-��` _
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<br /> � ^ , ��� �t����� ,.
<br /> � I,. Noro�idinturtdl»6 any of dte lan�uage wntnlnr.d in d�iF De;r,d af Trust to the contrnry, the terms of thie sectian shNl `
<br /> survlve any fomclom�re or entisfaction af dtis Deed of Truet re�ardless of��y passage of title to [ieneficinry or any �-
<br /> disposltlon by Beneficiary of nny or nll of tho Pr�perty.Any clnims nnd defeases to tlte contrFUy are hertby wnlved. ,. ,
<br /> ' 20.COND£MNA'I'dATN. Trucror will glve Beneficinry pmm(�t notice of any action, real or threatened, by pdvate or public
<br /> • eneities to pwcli�e or talce any or all of dte Property, includina any c�sementn, through wndemnatiar�, eminent domain, ,
<br /> ' or any odier menaa.Tn�.owr tUrther agrees ta notify nencficiury uf n��y pi�oux:dlu�rs Insdtuterl for thc eslilblishment of nny
<br /> � sewer, water, concerv�tion, ditch, drnlnage, or oti�cr district relntinB to or bindxng upun the Property or any part of it. , _
<br /> Trustor autltorizes BPaeficiary to intervene ln Tri�etor's unme In [�iy of thc ubave�iescdbed aetions ar cla�ms and to callect „
<br /> and receive all sums resulting from the action or clnim. Ttvstor ussi�ns to Benefi�:iary the procceds of any uward or claim . ,_
<br /> for damaQes connected with u condemnation or other tnldng of all or nny purt of the Propeny. Such proceeds sh�ll be ••
<br /> conaidered pny�cents and will be applied as pmvldad ln diis Deed of Trust. Tiiiu assignmeat of pmceeds is subject to the • _ _
<br /> � term9 of an,�prior Recurity agreement. . . _
<br /> 21.A�I.�URA�N�I;�•Truc�wr agrees to mnlntain insurancc�s followe: � -
<br /> A. Tnu�tor sUall keep the Properry lnsured a��inst loss by fire,theft and od�u:r hazards and dsks reasonably associated ,. ...�.
<br /> witt?.t�e I'ro�rcy due to its type and locsttioa.Other unzards nnd rusks rnsy include, for eaample,coverage against .. :'�:,;,�;:;�x
<br /> ' luan dae to floodo or flooding. Thle insurance shull Ue maintained a•n the amaunts and for the periods that ••,R....:�.��
<br /> Beueficiary requ�res. 'Ihe insurance c.�rrier providing the insurance sh�ll be chosen by Trustor subject to • ` . :�:�.___
<br /> &ueficiaey's approval, wl�icb shall not �e unreasonably withheld. �� Tnutor fails to maintain the coverage �',�'�,,;,;==-
<br /> descrli�ecl abave, Lenefici.uy may, at Acne�ciary's option, obtain coverage to protect Beneficiary's rights In the ,„_ _�
<br /> � Progerty according to the terms of thls Deed of Trust.
<br /> j '.�i'-�'�,_
<br /> All insivaacc policies and renewals ahNl be accept�ble to Beneficia.y and shall include a standard "mortgage ' �,�,�-`'��-"_'�
<br /> clause" and, where applicable, "beneficiary loss payee clause." T���s:or shall immediately notify Beneficiary of �_.,'
<br /> ' cancellation or ectmination of the ineurance. Aeneficlary shall huve tl:r right to hold the policies and renc-uvals. If --
<br /> Beneficiary requires, Trustor shall immediately give to Heneficiary nll receipts of paid premiums and nuewal • ���-�
<br /> ' notices. Upon loss,Trustor shall givo immediate notice to the in�urs�,ce cmrrier and Beneficiary. Beneficiary may
<br /> mntce proof of loss if not madE immedietely by Trustor. ;-• ' _
<br /> '�, � _.�'!'�
<br /> Uiile.9a Beueficiary and Trustor othenvlse a�mee in writing, insurazvx proceeds ehall be applied to restoradon or ,... -
<br /> ; _;,� repute of dte Propercy damaged if the m.stoi�ation or repair ia economi�:ally feasib.le and Beneficiary's security Is not �:.: �
<br /> ° le�iaened. If the restoradon or repair IF not economically feasible or Beneficlary's security would be lessened. the �.:;,'�
<br /> .. -- -- r innuranee proceeds shall be applied to the aecured Lcbc, wncwc�oi u�.th�;,d���'a3ih an,e�^w s g3iL�i!�'i1i��tnr.
<br /> ��` If Tniotor abnndans the Property, or dues not ans�ver witl�in 30 da;�s a notice frorn Beneficiary that the insurance �,�s , '`
<br /> .�j� carrier han offered to settle a claim,tben Beneficiary may collect tIr.e insueance proc�eds. Beneficiary may use 4ha ,
<br /> r proceeda co repuir or restore the Property or to pay the Sflcured De�:�t whethet or noi then due. The 30-day period ; � ,
<br />� wiii begin when the notice is given.
<br /> . :�t
<br /> � Unless T3eaeficiary and Trustor othenvise agree i�i writing,any ap��itr,ation of proceeds to principal shall nat extend
<br /> '' ar poat{ooae the due date of scheduled payments or change the a�normt of the payments. If the Properry is acquired r ' �
<br /> ;:�;s?;� by Heaeficiary,Trustor's ri�hht to any insurance policies and proca�is resultin�from damage to the Pmperty before e �
<br /> +� : t he acquieiaon s u a l l p a s s t o B e n e fi c i a ry t o t h e e x t e n t o f t h e S e c:u r r�l D e b t i m m e d i a t e l y be f o r e t h e a c q u isition. _ . �
<br /> �•� B. Tntotor aQrees to n�nintain comprchenaive�eneral liability insura�u;,e nzming Beneficiary as an udditional insured in
<br /> �i an amounc aceeptable to Beneficiary, insunng against clau�u arininQ from any accident or occurreuce ia or on the �.,�„
<br /> g FimpertY• �� =--�
<br /> C. TnwWr a�tn mv3ntain renUil loss ot business interruptioa innivance, as requirod by Beneficiary,in an amovnt ��__=---"���
<br /> �S';; —
<br /> �° equal to at leaet coverage of one year's debt service,antl requlrai escrow account deposits(if agreed to separately �=�=- _
<br /> r% in wtitiuB),under a form of poficy aaceptable to Bene�ciary. �'�`_��
<br /> 2;.1V0 ES�fltOW FOR TAXES AND INSURA2VCE• Unless otheraise�rovidcd in a separate agreement, Trustor will not ',,.:;!_° _ _
<br /> a to 9cnefici funds for taxes and insurance in escraw. �!'�`
<br /> , ��. be req�w:�l to P Y �3' _
<br /> Z3,FINANG:gpL REPORTS AND ADDITIOTVA,L DOCUINGNL'S. Teustor will pmvide to Beneficisry upon request, any � �ri;,."'''�
<br /> :�`, �_—.,
<br /> � t'�auncini stat,erYC�nt or infomnation Beneficiary may deem necessary. Trust�r wananta th�t nIl finaaclal statemcnts and -.,.:_.
<br /> utformutiou Tivstor provides to Beneficiury w�e, or will Ue, accutate, correci, and complete. Trustor a�rces to sign, ��,'-iy���:.��.
<br /> .�t 'i._-- .,.�,�
<br /> deliver, and file aa Beneficiary may reasonuUly m.c{uest any additional documents or certifccations that Beneficiary may �.�...._
<br />- ':�' coueidcr nex;esaary to perfect,continue,and pras�rve Truswr's ol�ligations under this nced of Trust and Beneficiary's lien �, ��M1�.,,;�,f x.w�:
<br /> B ary r[AaSr si �.__i6:.�,-
<br /> statu�on thc Property. If Trustor ftrils to do so, enefici gn,deliver, und file such documents or certificatQS in _�;�v;rn�_:4.;�';G�.
<br /> , Tmstor's mm�e and Trusmr hemby inevoc��Uly appoints Bene4�iinry or Beneficiary's ngent as attorney in fact W do the .-:.�tir;;>t.^.•:�;�;';< „
<br /> things necessary to comply with tl�is secuon. .., _.__.' .: .�'
<br /> ;.�
<br /> 24.JOi1VT�61eiD IIV�IVIDUAL LIABII.I'1'Y;CO-SIGNEItS; �+'GJCCF.SSOYtS A,ND ASSIGNS BOUND. All duties under ';�;�., � . ,.
<br /> ���,`._; thie Dc�c!of Tcust are joint End individual. If Trustor siQns at►is Dced of Tnist but does not sign thc Evidence of Debt, .. ;
<br /> Trustor dues so only to mortgage Ttustor's interest in the I�operty to secure payment o�the Secured I7ebt and Trustor ..
<br /> does not agrce to be personally liable on thc 5ecurcd Debt.Ti rustor agrees that Beaeficiar�and any party to this Deed of . •,�;;i.,,,;,:
<br /> Tn�st may extend, rnodify or make any cl�anae in tlie tem�s of this Dced of Ttust or the Hvidence of Debt without .,�.��:�.
<br /> Trustor's c�anent. Such a change will not relaass Trustor fmm the term4 of this Deed of Trust. 'Ihe duties and benef ts of �.�,S;. •
<br /> - tl�ia Deed Qt Trust shall bind and benefit the successors and a�signs of Trustor and Beneficiary. �,;7,;'• •.�;; '
<br /> �'::"';:
<br /> If this Deed of Truat secures a guaranty between Beneficiary and Trustor and does not dir�ectly secure the obligation whicb ' •�.� �
<br /> .,•
<br /> :a Q..or�nrs,�i �rn�r.mr aerees to waive anv richts that mav vrevent Beneficiary from bdnging any action or claun agai�st " ��'�
<br /> , _ _ _ __- . .
<br /> __ __ _..
<br /> Trustor or any purry indebted under the obligatiou includliig,but not limited to,antt-deficiency or one-action iaws. � _ - `
<br /> Z3. APFLICABH.� LA�'V; SEVEMBILITY; W'I'�Itl'RLTATION. 'Ihis Deed of Trust is governed by the laws of the
<br />__ jurisdiction i.0 which Beneficiary is located, except to the extent otherwise required by the laws of the jurisdiction where .
<br />- the Property is located. Tliis Deal of Tnist is complete and fulty integrated. This Deed of Trust may not be amended or
<br />_ modified by or�l a�reement. Any section or clause in this Deed of Trust, attachments, or any a�reemPnt rela.ted to the
<br /> - Securat Debt diac conflicts with applicable 1�w will not bc effective, unless that law expn:ssly or impliedly pemuts the
<br /> variations by written a�r�ment. If any section or clnuse of this Deed of Trust cnnnot be enforced according to its terms,
<br /> that section or clause will be severed and �vill not atfect the enforceability of the remainder of thts Deed of Trust.
<br /> - I Whenevcr u�ed,thc singular shall include thc plural end d�c plural the singulaz.The captions and hcadings of the sections
<br /> 1 of this�eed of Tnist are for ccmvenience only and are not to be used to interpret or define the tcrm9�of•this�r�of Tntst.
<br /> Time is uf thc essence in this Dcxd of Trust. Pa�o s o�e „
<br /> O 1993 OO�kero Svttomt.Inc.SL C�wtl.tdN It�D00�97•23611 �Um AU/CO�DT•NE 9/1�l90 -
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