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<br /> , At the optlm� of pcneflciary, nll or any part of tt�e nBn:ed f�:�s nnA chnrges, accrued interest nnd pr.incipnl al�nll i�ccome �,,
<br /> immedintely due and paynble,nfter Eiving notice if required by lnw,upon the occurrence of a defatilt nr enytimc tberenftc;r. `
<br /> � In uddidon, BencRcinry eltall he endtled to nll tlie remedics pr�vided by lnw,the Evidence of Debt, nthcr evldencea of debt,
<br /> ' this Deed of 7'rust tuid any related documents includinB�vithm�t limitrition, :he power to seU the Propr.rty. �
<br /> � If[here is a default,Trustee shall, in adclitian to any other permicted remedy,at thc request of die Acne�cisry,RC�VCI'I13E Ail(I -
<br /> sell the Property as a whole or in separate parcele at pu6lic auctian to the hishest bidder far cash and convey nbaolua:title "
<br /> � free and clesr of all right,title and interest of Trustor at sucli tnt�m and place as Tn�stce desiAnates. Tn�titee shall �ive notice '
<br /> " of sale Inr.luding the time,terms end place of sale and fl dr.scrlption of die property to be sold ae requirrd Uy the applicable ,, -
<br /> law in effect at the time of the praposed sale. _
<br /> Upon salc of the property and to the extent not prolilUtted by luw,Ttustee shall mt�kc and dclivcr�dr.ccl to the Property sold _
<br /> which conveys absolute title to the purchaser, and after first pnyinB all fces, charges and costa,nhall pny tn lieneficiary all .
<br /> rnoneys advanced for repairs, ts�ces, insur.wce, liens, as�rr.ssmenu� and prior encumbrances and intamst themon, n�d the ..
<br /> principal end interest on the Secwed Debt,paying the sui�Olun, ff any,ro Trustor. Beneficiary may pu�haoc the Property. �;,�,,,...��:.�--
<br /> ' The recltals in any dced of conveyance shell be prima facia evtdence of the facts set fonh therein. " : ' � ���'�`.-
<br /> All remedies are distinct, cumulative and not exclusivc, and tl�e BeneficiAry is entitled to all rcmedica provided at law ar • •���`�`=-°-=�
<br /> equity,whether expressly set forth or not.The acceptanr.e Uy Beneficlary of any sum in payment ar par�ial payment on the i�� °.. ' ��=�
<br /> s;.v� .. `r.i.. . ,,_
<br /> Secured Debt after the balance is due or is accelerated a�after foreclosure proceedings are fil.•d s'�all no���nadtute a���aiver :�,,l,. �'�:-<,T�
<br /> + .', •�,. �:. •,-;,':-
<br /> '. of Beneficiary's right to requlm full and wmplete cure crf nny existing default. By not exercisin� any j�cmr.dy on'i rus�ar s . �.,�;�,�-
<br /> default,Beneficiary does not wuve Beneficiary's right tm lurer consider the eveat a defuuit if it cantinues or happens ngain. " •.'�.;",�-:""'
<br /> ,�• ,rt.����.;;--
<br /> 18.EXPENSF,.S;ADVANC�S ON CO'i�ENANTS;ATTUI:SN1�3tS'I'EIES;COLLEC'i'ION COSCS.Erc�.pt wlirn prohlbited '.�`t� 1 r``�"�ti'�_"=
<br /> � by law,Trustor agrees to pay nll of Beneftcisiry's expc�uses if Tcustor breaches any covenant in this Dc�cd of Tntat.Trustor `�:�`�.,
<br /> � ' �vill also pey on demand all of Beneticlary's expenses:jieuiYed in collecting, insuring,prescrvin�or protccting thc Prnperty -s,'
<br /> � i or in any inventories, audits,inspections or other exa�nination by Beneficiary in respect to the Propecty.Truetor agrces to
<br /> I pay all wsts end exgenses incurred by Heneficiury in�nforcing or protecting BeneficiAry's rlQhte ond remc:d3es under this
<br /> +:• 1 Dced of TYust,including,but not limited to, attomeys'fees,court costs,and other lega!expenses. Once the Secur+:d Debt is � � .
<br /> .,
<br /> fully and finally pnid. Beneficiary agrees to mlease thio Deed of Trust and'lYustor agrces to pay for any recordation costs. �:r�;f „
<br /> .i•. _._! �o�����sw w.i��A n��fP.nen.i o�nr1�yill lwa�int�rngt fmm the time of the advanCC 8t llle hlcllle9i r8[e I11 CffeC[.f[011l '';%_� _ '
<br /> +�' S .t-
<br /> ;�"`'y time to Wne.as provided in the Evidence of Debt and a►�pernutted by law. ,:�.,,
<br /> : ,
<br /> ;:'?i;�• 19.FNVII�ONIVIENTAL LAWS AN� BAZARDOUS b'BJIIBSI'ANCTS. As usecl in tius section, (1) "�nviromneutal Law" ����" '� �
<br /> metuas, withouc limitauon, the Comprehensive Envinanment�l Response, Compensation and LiaUiUiy Act (CL�RCLA� 42 "f�r�4. `'".���� .
<br /> �` U.S.C.9601 et seq.), all other federal,state and loca[l�iws,rcgularions,ordinances,coiut ardere. atwz�ey general opinions ' ���.� ;;' ,,
<br /> ,•�:�'��� or interpretive letters conceming the public health, snfety, welfare, environment or a hazardous aubatanc,�; and L2) y }r
<br /> ��r�����i� "Hazasdous S�bstence" means any toaic, radloactivrr ar hazardous mnterial, waste, pollutant or coutaroii�aut wh�ch has , �
<br /> . characteristica which render the substance dangeroua or potentially dougerous to the pubflc henldi, safery, welfare or � ,
<br /> . environtnent. The term includes. wiWout limitation, uiy substances defined as "hezardous mnterial," 'toxic sui�stances," ���
<br /> � "hazardoue waste" or "hazardous substance" under au� Envir�nmental La�v. Trustor represents, �vnrrau�s and aames that, :��
<br /> `,, except as previously disclosed and acknowled�ed in wriNuB: f: �y.�-
<br /> ,;;,;t• A. No Hazardous S�bstance has bcen,is,or will Ue lacnted,tranaported,manufacttued, treutecl,refined,or hantUed by � _�-_
<br /> !;:,:� y pe p rty, ehce ary course of business and In strict ca� liance wI•.h �,"
<br /> � an rson oa, under or about the Pro e pt i�the orclin np '
<br /> �'.�?�:�j [�.;,�,i��._
<br /> .,;•,:, a11 applicable Environmental Law. ,,;�;�.,.1,�.
<br /> B. 'frustor has aot and wUl not cause,contributc w,or permIt the release of any Huznrdous Substance on the Property. ______ _
<br /> :�;`.�. G. Tnuwr will ltnmodiately notify Beneficlary if(1)a releASe or threatcnned mlease of Hezaninue 3ubstance occure on, ,���~=
<br /> fi under or about the Property or migrates or thm,�tena to mi�rate from neurby property;or(2)C2�ete is n v9olation of ,_r._�_
<br /> ;�';t;.
<br /> . � any Environmental Law cancerning the Property.I�i such an event,Trustor will take all neceaeary remecli:il netion in�
<br /> . �.�:'%�';'� accordance with Euvimnmeuuil La�v. ��_
<br /> � • •}�';�! D. Trustor has no Imov�ledge of or reason to belteve tuere is any pending or threatened investiAatlou, claim, or " `�"
<br /> _..�,.,....
<br /> ''�'`""' proceeding of any kind relating to(1)any Haza►ddua Substance located on,under or about the Property; or(2)uny =�---
<br /> '�� ,•. vlolation by Trustor or any tenant of any Enviru�unental Law. Trustor will immediately natify Beneiici�uy in writing � ;���: ,w—�-
<br /> ' " " � -�'!�.�� as soan as Trustor has reaaon to believe there io any such pending or threateaexl investiQatlon,claim,or proceeding. r-
<br /> ' �'�';'-�� In such an event,BeneRciary has the right,but uut Wc obligation,to participate in any such proceedin�including the � , ,'���
<br /> '"'�`-� ' right to recelve wpies of any documenta relatlnn t�sucli proceedin�s. � � "�
<br /> :c��
<br /> � �. Trustor and every tenant have been,are and shnll�mniu in fWl wmpllunce with pny appliattble Luvirom�nentel Law.
<br /> F. There are no underground storage tunk.s,privntc dumps or open wella located on or under�lie f;�ropeity and nu such -
<br /> ' tanlc,dump or well will he addai unless Beneficiu�y fii�t covsents in writiug.
<br /> ''��' G. Trustor will regulurly inspect the Property, mmutor the activities and operations on the�'roperty, a��d contirm that '� �
<br /> all pennits,licenses or npprovals req�red by any applicaUl�Environmental Law are obtained nnd complie�with.
<br /> , ;:�' I�. Trustor will permit, or cause any tenant to permit. Beneficiary or Beneficiary's agent to enter aud inspect the
<br /> � Propeny and reviev�all rcxords at any masonuUl�time to deternune (1) the existencc, locatfr�n and naturc of any �;, '
<br /> Hazardous Substance on, under or about the Pnspeny; (2) the existence, location, nnture, aind mAgnieude of any '
<br />• Haz3rdous S�bstance thac has been releaseci on,widcr or about We Property; or(3) whether or not Tivstor and any ' '
<br /> ' tenant are in compliance with applicable Euviramnental Law,
<br />�. � I. Upon Beneficiary's mqucst nnd at any time, Tcuator a�eees, at Trustor's expense, to enBa�c a yualified ,
<br /> .,,o...et o....s..o,,.....,.p.,o.ti+sn anvimnmantol oudi�nf rhn Prnnrrtv and tn auhmit thr.m_culta of surh audit tn
<br /> :... _ _ r:::�:.......... �.. ........ ...
<br />- - e r._r�_�__."-._.___'---_•' -- -- ---r--., .... •_=—_—
<br /> :� Beneficiary. The choice of the environmentel en�int�er who will perform such audit is subjat to Beneficinry's
<br /> APProval.
<br /> J. Beneficiary h.zs the ri�ht, but not the obligattori, to pecform any of Trustor's obli�ations under this sectian at
<br />� Trustor's expense. , �
<br /> K. As a wnsequence of any breach of any re:presentc+tion, warra��ry or promise mede in this section, (1) Trustor wil► .
<br />_ indemnify and hold Beneficiary and Benef�ciary's succe.�ssors or assigns hamiless from and againat ali lo�ses, clnicns, �.
<br /> demands, liabilities, dtunages, cleanup, msponse and c�mediution costs, penalties and expenses, incluc�ing without �
<br /> , ' limitation all costs of Iitigatlon and attomeys' fee:s,whicit Be�teficiary and BeneGcivy's sua;e.ssors or assigns may ;
<br />_ • sustain; and (2)at 8eneficiary's discmtion, Benefnciury may release this Deed of'Tnut and in retum Trustor will I
<br />' pmvide Beneficiary with collatcral of at least equul valuc to thc Property securcci by this Ue:cd of Trust without ! ,
<br /> _.. . prejudice to any of Beneficiary's rights under this Deui of Trust.
<br />- . ��� i P�yO 4 0l G
<br /> m 1993 Oonko�e Svnums,inc.St Goud.MN It�800 997�2Je�1 tam n6•'CO-0T NE 9��3�00 _,
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