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<br />.:� renewals, e�t�ensions, m�di�lcation�, refxreancings, future advances,
<br /> �.-. �;�? and substitu�ions fo� thc Notes.
<br /> �I �: Trustc,z�s covenan+t th.�t Trustors ax-e lawfully �eized of such
<br /> �"�"s' Property and th� Pro@ox�ty is free from encumbrances but subject to
<br />=��:��:.��; patent resex-vutians, oxis�:i.ng roads, any outstanding oil and gas or
<br />_t�� o�her mine�:al. loas��, a�.�f to �xis�?ng easements of use or of
<br /> record; that TTII^at03'S h�v� 1�gaZ �o��er and lawful au�hority to
<br /> `'�` e x e c u t e t h i.�s T r u s t D o o d; ��r,d Trustors warrant and will defend title
<br />'`-°� to the Prog��rty� againr,t tt�:2 lawful claims of all persons.
<br /> ;��.-.�
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<br />`v'��� Trustars and H:c�n.e�ici.ary rovenant and agree as follows:
<br />:=;�:X� _.
<br /> = l. Pa�m�nti of No�o. Trustors and/or m�tzers shall promptly
<br /> _��,� pay when dua ttne p�ir�ci�a�l of and interest on t�� debt evidenced by
<br />_�Y-� the Trust Doed and h'otv �l�ove referenced, t�gether with all sums
<br /> _�— advanced h� BQnofica.ary t.o protect the Property, with interest
<br />_;,,�„�, thereon at the dQfa�lt rat.e provided in the Note.
<br />- _= 2. Fzs�u�o Ad���►re�: ��"iis Trus� Deed is given to secure
<br /> payment of �h� indo�,toci�aecss and performance of all obligations of -
<br /> -_— • 1rusLOr uuinjoi iva;t6ia ina,,4E�a Lhs P:�t�, fn�312t1in; f�.2t„ra a�lqanr_c?s
<br /> �T= made purr•ru�nt to said I3��te, provided however, that the total
<br /> principal irxdctatodnoa� outstanding and securecl hereby at an�r one
<br /> ---� time shall rxot excooci tl�� sum of $1,000, 000, exclusive of interest
<br /> and protee�3.ve advaatco� aa►thorized herein; provided �urther, that
<br /> ---' ; this paragr.aph shall �.�t r:onstitute a commitment to m�Z�e future or
<br /> - -- additionall advancQS in �n�� amount, a� any time, whethe� ar not thQ
<br /> ' total prancipal indob�odi2�ss above ha� been advanced.
<br /> ' 3. ��sces & Ass��snta�nts: Trustcrs wxll pay al1 real estate
<br /> � taxes levied orxthe Frop�rty, including any tax levied on the debt
<br /> ; secureci h�reby, whon tluey become dt�e and before they become
<br /> delinquen�.
<br /> 4. En�v.ironm�nt�l C��mpliance: Trustors shall comply wfth all
<br /> -- federal, s�ate and lo��..l environmental laws, ordinaxaces, rules,
<br /> ,,,,,�� � requirem�nts, requla�:.i�or.�s and publications as now existing or
<br /> ------ hereafter existing, amroncied, supplemented or supplanted relating to
<br /> the preservz�ntion of tho c�nvironment or the rec�ulation or control of
<br /> toxic or h�zardou� s��tances or materials. Trustors hereby
<br /> __ warrant and ropresorat to Beneficiary that there are no toxic or
<br /> — hazardous �ubstanco� or. materials an o•r under the Property.
<br /> Trustors do h�reby indc�mnify and hold Beneficiary harm�ess and any
<br /> successors to ]eeneficiaxy's interest from ancl against any and a1Z
<br />_ — claims, dar�ago�, lo�sE� and liabi].ities, inc.luding attorney fees,
<br />-__:_:�;��.;�j'.. arisi:ng in ��nn�ction wi.a:h the presence, use, disposal or transport
<br /> __ ;;r•�;;, of any sub�tance tho suL ject oi any e�vironmental law, segula�ion
<br /> -����� or cpg�trol ��f toxic or h.aizardous subsfi.�nces or materials on, under,
<br /> •���=�.m from or aS.,you� the P�x�operty. ;h3s indemnity sha�1 survive
<br /> "-� reconveyanc� p� thc Pro�er�y s�cured by this �'rust Deed.
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