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<br />(20020020 <br /> <br />5a. ACCEPT COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION FOR PURCHASE OF <br />MOWERlTRACTOR - Jeffries stated that the public works committee met regarding the <br />bid opening from December 18 and discussed the purchase. Jeffries made a motion <br />and Hartman seconded to purchase the John Deer mower tractor from Greenline for <br />$28,800.00. Eriksen questioned why they did not accept the low bid on the International <br />and Jeffries stated that they have had problems with the transmissions and the John <br />Deer stand up better. Arnold, Eriksen, Hartman, Humiston, Jeffries, Lancaster and <br />Logan all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />BOARD ASSISTANT'S REPORT - Board assistant Stacey Ruzicka included the <br />progress report in the packets. She reminded them that the computer committee will be <br />meeting and the county board workshop will be held February 6 through February 8. <br />She stated she received a memo on the resolution for the piping plover critical habitat <br />and Eriksen said he would review this and come back at the next meeting. <br /> <br />BOARD MEMBER'S REPORTS - Logan - no report <br /> <br />Jeffries - He stated he attended the luncheon at the public works department and had a <br />building and grounds committee meeting. <br /> <br />Arnold - no report <br /> <br />Humiston - no report <br /> <br />Eriksen - He had a health board meeting and they are working the figures for the <br />remodeling costs for the county attorney buildings and will be bringing more information <br />to the county board. <br /> <br />Lancaster - She requested that the board members turn in their committee preferences <br />by the end of the week so they could be approved at the next meeting. She stated that if <br />the county wants to move forward with the jail issue they need to work on it and <br />decisions will need to be made on going forward with a bond issue or privatization. The <br />board may need to schedule work-study sessions to address this. <br /> <br />Hartman asked Eriksen how much the health department wants to spend on the <br />remodeling. Eriksen stated that they are looking at all the options on the renovation <br />costs and are still working on a plan that will fit the needs of the department but still be <br />under budget. <br /> <br />Hartman questioned Arnold if he attended the meeting at Stuhr Museum yesterday and <br />Arnold stated he was not aware of the meeting. He said he does attend the meetings, <br />but if they are executive session for personnel he cannot attend. Hartman expressed his <br />concern that if the museum receives tax dollars the county board should have a voting <br />member. The board should have a voice on the appointments. Lancaster stated that <br />this has come up before and the county board needs to look at the appointments to <br />various boards. Logan stated that he thinks there is a lack of communication with Stuhr <br />Museum. The county authorizes a large amount of funding. Arnold stated that it hard <br />for the county to tell them how to run their board. Lancaster stated that the county <br />needs to have a stronger voice and let the Stuhr board knows about our concerns. <br />Logan said the county cannot micro manage the museum but we need better <br />communication. <br />