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<br />P03?42 <br /> <br />Tim DeBuce was present and stated that a representative from the Nebraska Crime <br />Commission and Nebraska Jail Standards were present at the meeting to assist Hall <br />County with the pre-design phase. They reviewed the projections from the jail study and <br />asked jail standards for statistics from the last eight years. They will gather data for <br />December 15th meeting, and review the number of beds that were suggested in the <br />original study. They reviewed floor plans from other projects. They are looking a facility <br />with concrete block walls and cement floors and it will be a low maintenance building. <br /> <br />Arnold stated that they are looking at the standards from the American Correctional Jail <br />Standards and the Nebraska Jail Standards. It was suggested to the committee that if <br />the facility is used for federal housing it is better to use the higher minimum standards. <br />The recommended size of the cells varies from the two standards. <br /> <br />Jeffries stated that the layout of the jail will be carefully considered so they will be able to <br />operate with the lowest number of employees. <br /> <br />Hartman questioned if the rest of the board members will be able to see the plans and <br />he was assured that as more tangible information is developed the other members will <br />be able to see it. Hartman stated that when the county goes forward with the jail project <br />it needs to be a unanimous decision. It will be vital to have the entire board agree. <br />Hartman stated that he contacted Joe Toczek to be part of the committee. Lancaster <br />stated that there are written minutes of the meeting and all members will have a copy. <br /> <br />Arnold also stated that it will be important for the county board to communicate and to be <br />in agreement in order to proceed with this project. <br /> <br />PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - Chairman Lancaster called for public participation and non <br />one responded. <br /> <br />PUBLIC WORK COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION - DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT <br />FOR VILLAGE OF DONIPHN - Jeffries stated that no further information on this item <br />was received. Jeffries made a motion and Hartman seconded to table this item. Arnold, <br />Eriksen, Hartman, Humiston, Jeffries, Lancaster and rye all voted yes and none voted <br />no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />9 DISCUSS HIRING OF REPLACEMENT POSITIONS - Lancaster stated that with the <br />upcoming budget year and the pending union negotiations the board is starting to <br />discuss these items. With the projected insurance rate increases of 15% the county <br />needs to look at everything. She stated that the current policy states that the county <br />board must approve any new hires and she would like to also address the hiring of <br />replacement staff and have the county board approve them. This would encourage <br />officials to look at their staffing requirements and assess if a replacement is necessary, <br />this would be better than having to cut staff. <br /> <br />Hartman suggested that the county could enforce a 0% increase for next year. He <br />would hate to see the county have to cut staff. <br /> <br />Jeffries stated that this was discussed in the personnel committee meeting and a freeze <br />on personnel may not work but the increase in insurance rates needs to be considered. <br />Discussion was held on freezing the purchase of equipment but the county may have to <br /> <br />3 <br />