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<br />F 03(;80 <br /> <br />2:45 p.m. back in regular session <br /> <br />The public work committee met and reviewed the bids for the box culverts, and Dan <br />Hostler recommended accepting the low bid of Starostka Group in the amount of <br />$51,453.45. <br /> <br />Eriksen made a motion and Rye seconded to accept the low bid from Starostka Group in <br />the amount of $51 ,453.45. Arnold, Eriksen, Humiston, Jeffries, Lancaster and Rye all <br />voted yes and none voted no with Hartman absent. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Jeffries stated that the building and grounds committee met concerning the HA V AC bids <br />and they need more information and requested to table these until the next meeting. <br />Jeffries stated that the board could either accept or reject the bids they received. <br /> <br />17 TROY CHANDLER JUVENILE DIVERSION UPDATE - Juvenile Diversion Director <br />Troy Chandler and Todd Usury were present. The juvenile diversion committee met and <br />the committee was impressed with the information that they received and asked Mr. <br />Chandler to share this information with the county board. <br /> <br />Mr. Chandler stated that they attended a meeting October 17 at Mahoney State Park <br />with the Nebraska Crime Commission and several other county juvenile diversion <br />departments. LB 243 proposes to standardize the juvenile programs throughout the <br />State of Nebraska. Hall County's programs is one of the top four programs in the state. <br />Mr. Chandler stated that is was an honor to be at the table with the other larger counties. <br />Douglas, Hall, Lancaster and Sarpy Counties are the top four. They are basing criteria <br />for other programs on the Hall County program. The Hall County Program was started <br />in 1997. Chandler stated that he services the same number of juveniles in Hall County <br />with one full time and two part-time employees. Sarpy County serves the same number <br />of juveniles with 12 officers, one administrator and two clerical staff. Mr. Chandler stated <br />that the collection of data for this new project would have an impact on his program. <br /> <br />Lancaster stated that she wants the public to understand that the kids would have to go <br />through the legal system when violations occur but the juvenile program gives them a <br />second chance. The County Attorney makes the determination if the juvenile can go <br />through the juvenile diversion program. This is a good benefit for the kids and a benefit <br />for Hall County. <br /> <br />Jeffries stated that he would have been disappointed if Hall County was not in the top <br />four. He stated that they are doing a good job. <br /> <br />Todd Usury stated that he is a state employee and also serves as a juvenile intake <br />officer. Some of the grant funding that Hall County has received allows them to start <br />more programs. He stated that it is a privilege to be part of the program. <br /> <br />BOARD ASSISTANT'S REPORT - Board Assistant Stacy Ruzicka was present and <br />reminded the board members of the computer committee meeting at 8:00 tomorrow and <br />reminded Bob Humiston of the Economic Development meeting and the GIS committee <br />meeting. She stated that the auditors have been using the committee meeting room and <br />are close to being done so the room will be open for future meetings. <br /> <br />5 <br />